Antlia (唧筒座) Apus (天燕座) Aquarius (寶瓶座) Aquila (天鷹座) Ara (天壇座) Aries (白羊座) Auriga (御夫座) Boötes (牧夫座) Caelum (雕具座) Camelopardalis (鹿豹座) Cancer (巨蟹座) Canes...
26 KB (1,681 words) - 17:51, 21 August 2024
Fāng Qīng Lóng). The name of the western constellation in modern Chinese is 天壇座 (tiān tán zuò), meaning "the heaven altar constellation". The map of Chinese...
3 KB (126 words) - 09:56, 7 October 2021