• Thumbnail for File:Provence FA.png
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    before^ and h, as: Peng-adu-an, a complaint; Png-iring, a suite; Png-usong, a litter; Png-hulu, a chief; Png-gali, a spade. When the radical begins with...
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    tbis foole fljall b?png bepng not perciali 3nD pet be lye falfe anD a folpft) e fcnaue to £»o tbat tt benot to mud? a Do Co b?png a Date to bete anD fpcfcc...
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    ( 1 1 I ) .^w^ (;) Tom. ( 3 ) Il CCCLXIV. fag. ÌA) P^£- LI V. png, 1 1 op. 2 5 7- II 5. 350. II »M 11 I II —» . , -~—ny.» ...
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    ei, fara],P soft, la.‘gobe ai| dispindiA fnüs dei puars. I5. (ge ad. om png.KE) lis. Provineiis; masse pass anog: di; 1 Hsls.Cori. éct; ccle. Be oh;...
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    ^onne, tpon a tpme fl[je Sl^oone alfo, a0 faptlj began to Detracte $ png fpabe Diffame tlje to tlje i9l^oone $ fapD »>onne, ^tjp : b tlje...
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    population. nonnhrion Ini which which our our voices voices used used to to ring png 710,000 livelihood ? aye bread for their iamilies ? ore merrily than birds...
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