A bijection, bijective function, or one-to-one correspondence between two mathematical sets is a function such that each element of the second set (the...
19 KB (2,508 words) - 03:16, 17 November 2024
In mathematics, injections, surjections, and bijections are classes of functions distinguished by the manner in which arguments (input expressions from...
15 KB (2,207 words) - 15:52, 23 October 2024
uncountable. Also, by using a method of construction devised by Cantor, a bijection will be constructed between T and R. Therefore, T and R have the same...
27 KB (2,822 words) - 21:18, 20 February 2025
In graph theory, an isomorphism of graphs G and H is a bijection between the vertex sets of G and H f : V ( G ) → V ( H ) {\displaystyle f\colon V(G)\to...
13 KB (1,638 words) - 02:40, 28 January 2025
(surjection, not a bijection) An injective surjective function (bijection) An injective non-surjective function (injection, not a bijection) A non-injective...
18 KB (2,184 words) - 14:00, 10 January 2025
when referring to cardinality: one which compares sets directly using bijections and injections, and another which uses cardinal numbers. The cardinality...
23 KB (3,142 words) - 14:59, 4 March 2025
Two sets are shown to have the same number of members by exhibiting a bijection, i.e. a one-to-one correspondence, between them. The term "combinatorial...
10 KB (1,583 words) - 14:42, 23 May 2023
In projective geometry, a collineation is a one-to-one and onto map (a bijection) from one projective space to another, or from a projective space to itself...
14 KB (1,751 words) - 12:47, 30 March 2024
is that no bijection can exist between {1, 2, ..., n} and {1, 2, ..., m} unless n = m; this fact (together with the fact that two bijections can be composed...
15 KB (2,127 words) - 17:07, 14 February 2025
set is Dedekind-finite if it is not Dedekind-infinite (i.e., no such bijection exists). Proposed by Dedekind in 1888, Dedekind-infiniteness was the first...
12 KB (1,751 words) - 15:44, 10 December 2024
(injection, not a bijection) An injective surjective function (bijection) A non-injective surjective function (surjection, not a bijection) A non-injective...
16 KB (2,558 words) - 22:33, 20 January 2025
pattern 231; they are counted by the Catalan numbers, and may be placed in bijection with many other combinatorial objects with the same counting function...
12 KB (1,477 words) - 23:52, 7 November 2023
states that continuous bijections of smooth manifolds preserve dimension. That is, there does not exist a continuous bijection between two smooth manifolds...
5 KB (578 words) - 17:51, 18 November 2024
the Einstein field equations. Specifically, they are a transcendental bijection of the spacetime continuum, an asymptotic projection of the Calabi–Yau...
56 KB (6,963 words) - 05:25, 27 February 2025
a group isomorphism is a function between two groups that sets up a bijection between the elements of the groups in a way that respects the given group...
12 KB (2,043 words) - 06:23, 21 December 2024
of the vector spaces from which the projective spaces derive. It is a bijection that maps lines to lines, and thus a collineation. In general, some collineations...
30 KB (3,641 words) - 01:24, 25 February 2024
other sets that are easier to count. Additionally, the nature of the bijection itself often provides powerful insights into each or both of the sets...
4 KB (400 words) - 06:03, 27 December 2024
and B are equinumerous if there exists a one-to-one correspondence (or bijection) between them, that is, if there exists a function from A to B such that...
14 KB (1,822 words) - 04:54, 1 December 2024
{\displaystyle f} is a bijection between its elements in A and its elements in B. For a B-stopper, the function g {\displaystyle g} is a bijection between its elements...
20 KB (2,374 words) - 02:16, 12 January 2025
actions Function composition; transformation group Comparing Enumeration Bijection; cardinal number; order Timing Before & After Linear order Counting Successor...
6 KB (350 words) - 15:18, 21 January 2023
This bijection then expands to the bijection X = A + B + A + B + ⋯ + Z. Substituting the right hand side for X in Y = B + X gives the bijection Y = B...
9 KB (1,099 words) - 05:20, 23 January 2022
In mathematics, a geometric transformation is any bijection of a set to itself (or to another such set) with some salient geometrical underpinning, such...
8 KB (1,067 words) - 18:36, 6 March 2025
same cardinality if, and only if, there is a one-to-one correspondence (bijection) between the elements of the two sets. In the case of finite sets, this...
26 KB (3,821 words) - 15:38, 5 January 2025
same order type if they are order isomorphic, that is, if there exists a bijection (each element pairs with exactly one in the other set) f : X → Y {\displaystyle...
5 KB (695 words) - 12:50, 4 September 2024
mathematical analysis, an isomorphism between two Hilbert spaces is a bijection preserving addition, scalar multiplication, and inner product. In early...
19 KB (2,695 words) - 00:34, 27 February 2025
union is the coproduct of the category of sets, and thus defined up to a bijection. In this context, the notation ∐ i ∈ I A i {\textstyle \coprod _{i\in...
7 KB (1,212 words) - 15:52, 2 May 2024
simply a strictly increasing bijection. This result implies, for example, that there exists a strictly increasing bijection between the set of all rational...
6 KB (688 words) - 11:16, 24 January 2025
Bijection between 3-subsets of a 7-set (left) and 3-multisets with elements from a 5-set (right) So this illustrates that ( 7 3 ) = ( ( 5 3 ) ) . {\textstyle...
35 KB (4,955 words) - 02:28, 1 March 2025
the integers and the even integers into a one-to-one correspondence (or bijection), which is a function that maps between two sets such that each element...
28 KB (4,374 words) - 11:14, 9 February 2025
a given set S of n elements in some fixed order, which establishes a bijection from an interval of ( n k ) {\displaystyle {\tbinom {n}{k}}} integers...
28 KB (3,806 words) - 23:48, 11 January 2025