Rotation or rotational motion is the circular movement of an object around a central line, known as an axis of rotation. A plane figure can rotate in...
29 KB (4,089 words) - 02:39, 28 February 2025
rotational symmetry, or discrete rotational symmetry of the nth order, with respect to a particular point (in 2D) or axis (in 3D) means that rotation...
15 KB (1,590 words) - 18:41, 6 March 2025
characteristic rotational temperature (θR or θrot) is commonly used in statistical thermodynamics to simplify the expression of the rotational partition function...
2 KB (287 words) - 11:16, 17 July 2023
thermoplastics) in an unheated mould, but shares slow rotational speeds in common with rotational molding. This kind of rotocasting should not be confused...
31 KB (4,258 words) - 09:36, 15 February 2025
the object's moment of inertia is observed: E rotational = 1 2 I ω 2 {\displaystyle E_{\text{rotational}}={\tfrac {1}{2}}I\omega ^{2}} where ω {\displaystyle...
3 KB (416 words) - 13:40, 20 November 2024
Rotational diffusion is the rotational movement which acts upon any object such as particles, molecules, atoms when present in a fluid, by random changes...
24 KB (3,967 words) - 07:03, 1 March 2025
Healing native rangeland may require a combination of burning and rotational grazing. Rotational grazing can be used with ruminants such as cattle, sheep or...
26 KB (2,930 words) - 19:13, 30 September 2024
collection of all rotation matrices of a fixed dimension (here mostly 3) in mathematics and particularly in physics where rotational symmetry is a requirement...
100 KB (15,209 words) - 20:06, 1 March 2025
Rotational frequency, also known as rotational speed or rate of rotation (symbols ν, lowercase Greek nu, and also n), is the frequency of rotation of an...
8 KB (960 words) - 16:05, 19 January 2025
the sport of Eventing", 18 of these fatalities resulted from rotational falls. A rotational fall is defined as when the "horse forward somersaults in the...
25 KB (2,895 words) - 09:17, 17 December 2024
Rotational spectroscopy is concerned with the measurement of the energies of transitions between quantized rotational states of molecules in the gas phase...
51 KB (7,154 words) - 07:00, 22 November 2024
Torque (redirect from Rotational force)
In physics and mechanics, torque is the rotational analogue of linear force. It is also referred to as the moment of force (also abbreviated to moment)...
32 KB (4,458 words) - 08:48, 2 March 2025
correspond to different rotational energy states. When a particle loses angular momentum, it is said to have transitioned to a lower rotational energy state. Likewise...
11 KB (1,654 words) - 12:32, 18 July 2024
rotational spectroscopy gives the rotational quantum numbers, energy levels, and selection rules. In linear and spherical top molecules, rotational lines...
49 KB (6,786 words) - 17:46, 28 June 2024
inner product space is said to have rotational invariance if its value does not change when arbitrary rotations are applied to its argument. For example...
4 KB (659 words) - 10:18, 21 February 2025
determined by the rotational viscosity coefficient.: p.304 Rotational viscosity has traditionally been thought to require rotational degrees of freedom...
5 KB (881 words) - 10:38, 29 November 2024
Revolutions per minute (redirect from Orders of magnitude (rotational speed))
(abbreviated rpm, RPM, rev/min, r/min, or r⋅min−1) is a unit of rotational speed (or rotational frequency) for rotating machines. One revolution per minute...
13 KB (1,629 words) - 23:31, 6 February 2025
In chemistry, the rotational partition function relates the rotational degrees of freedom to the rotational part of the energy. The total canonical partition...
10 KB (1,797 words) - 15:06, 23 September 2024
Rotational correlation times may be measured by rotational (microwave), dielectric, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Rotational correlation...
2 KB (226 words) - 03:35, 25 December 2024
A yaw rotation is a movement around the yaw axis of a rigid body that changes the direction it is pointing, to the left or right of its direction of motion...
5 KB (799 words) - 12:41, 26 July 2023
List of moments of inertia (redirect from List of rotational inertia)
measures the extent to which an object resists rotational acceleration about a particular axis; it is the rotational analogue to mass (which determines an object's...
22 KB (567 words) - 21:38, 14 February 2025
A rotational mouse is a type of computer mouse which attempts to expand traditional mouse functionality. The objective of rotational mice is to facilitate...
9 KB (1,099 words) - 01:24, 8 October 2024
Moment of inertia (redirect from Rotational inertia)
angular/rotational mass, second moment of mass, or most accurately, rotational inertia, of a rigid body is defined relative to a rotational axis. It...
91 KB (17,282 words) - 01:27, 7 February 2025
Angular momentum (redirect from Angular rotational momentum)
Angular momentum (sometimes called moment of momentum or rotational momentum) is the rotational analog of linear momentum. It is an important physical quantity...
93 KB (13,465 words) - 22:50, 17 February 2025
Rotation around a fixed axis or axial rotation is a special case of rotational motion around an axis of rotation fixed, stationary, or static in three-dimensional...
19 KB (3,177 words) - 20:58, 20 November 2024
In broadcasting, rotation is the repeated airing of a limited playlist of songs on a radio station or satellite radio channel, or music videos on a TV...
6 KB (716 words) - 00:36, 20 August 2024
The Gibbs rotational ensemble represents the possible states of a mechanical system in thermal and rotational equilibrium at temperature T {\displaystyle...
10 KB (1,831 words) - 22:38, 11 July 2023
Rotational Brownian motion was first discussed by Peter Debye, who applied Albert Einstein's theory of translational Brownian motion to the rotation of...
3 KB (324 words) - 05:46, 13 March 2024
Tidal locking (redirect from Synchronous rotation)
loses rotational angular momentum, its orbital angular momentum is boosted by a similar amount (there are also some smaller effects on A's rotation). This...
47 KB (5,091 words) - 12:33, 17 February 2025
the earthquake rotational loading of structures, such as propagation of body wave, surface wave, special rotational wave, block rotation, topographic effect...
6 KB (715 words) - 06:20, 9 January 2023