Dogenpalast 1730 Royal Collection, Windsor Castle, England The Grand Canal from the Salute towards the Carità 1730 Royal Collection, RU Dogenpalast 1730...
103 KB (45 words) - 00:33, 15 September 2024
Italian-Romanesque"shapes, which is why the part of the building was quickly nicknamed "Dogenpalast". In the following twenty years, there were protests again that prevented...
93 KB (11,882 words) - 03:19, 10 August 2024
Venedig, 1907 Venedig (Die Portal della Carta zwischen San Marco und dem Dogenpalast), 1907 Venezianischer Palazzo Friedrich Noack: Das Deutschtum in Rom...
6 KB (628 words) - 01:31, 1 February 2024