Tokes), was one of the most prominent Dominiquais calypsonians. He was the first solo artist to release a Dominiquais-produced record, won the island's Calypso...
4 KB (427 words) - 22:00, 6 November 2023
Dominican Americans, also known as Dominiquais Americans, are Americans who have full or partial ancestry from the island of Dominica. Several members...
3 KB (170 words) - 11:57, 26 June 2024
Marie-Galante (category Articles containing Guadeloupean Creole French-language text)
Guadeloupe" and Marie-Galante saw the arrival of a mass exodus from Dominica, Dominiquais coming to take refuge on neighboring islands of their own, destroyed...
39 KB (5,060 words) - 18:27, 22 October 2024
toujours à trouver le bon terme et il faut alors puiser dans les langues sueurs que sont les créoles martiniquais, guyanais, dominiquais ou saint-lucien....
3 KB (215 words) - 10:52, 20 October 2024