Dietrich 1958 Wilhelm Kegel 1959 Ernst Kraus 1960 Ehrhard Voigt 1961 Rolf B. Behrmann 1962 Hans-Joachim Martini 1963 Carl Wilhelm Correns 1964 Karl Krejci-Graf...
4 KB (350 words) - 17:59, 10 November 2023
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24 KB (3,120 words) - 19:45, 9 November 2023
aged 75". The Guardian. Retrieved 3 February 2023. Burgmayer, Andreas; Behrmann, Annabell (30 January 2023). "Gero Storjohann stirbt mit 64 Jahren nach...
98 KB (9,866 words) - 16:00, 18 December 2024