• Thumbnail for Toghon Temür
    Toghon Temür (redirect from 惠宗)
    of Yuan (Chinese: 惠宗) bestowed by the Northern Yuan dynasty and by his posthumous name as the Emperor Shun of Yuan (Chinese: ) bestowed by the Ming...
    21 KB (2,331 words) - 22:04, 9 June 2024
  •  2669. ISBN 9787532622740. Retrieved 1 August 2007. 脫古思帖木兒(1342-1388)明代蒙古可汗。妥懂帖睦爾之子。洪武二年(1379)即汗位,號烏薩哈爾汗,年號天元。明太祖致書勸降,不從。次年,被明將沐英擊敗於和林(今蒙古國烏蘭巴托西南)。十四...
    8 KB (805 words) - 22:04, 9 June 2024
  • of Yusoordar.” Nizam ad-Din Shami. ظفرنامه (Book of Victory). Zhang Tingyu. History of Ming. 永樂六年春,以書諭本雅失里 曰:『自運既訖後愛猷復理達臘至坤帖木兒,凡六傳,瞬息之間,未聞一人善終者。』...
    3 KB (232 words) - 01:10, 28 January 2024
  • Arigabag), also known by his era name as the Tianshun Emperor of Yuan (Chinese: ), was a son of Yesün Temür (Taiding Emperor) who was briefly installed to...
    8 KB (698 words) - 22:10, 9 June 2024
  • Thumbnail for Zhizheng
    Wikisource. 至正年春正月己酉朔,改元,詔曰:『朕惟帝王之道,德莫大於克孝,治莫大於得賢。朕早歷多難,入紹大統,仰思祖宗付託之重,戰兢惕勵,于茲八年。慨念皇考,久勞于外,甫即大命,四海觖望,夙夜追慕,不忘于懷。乃以至六年十月初四日,奉玉冊、玉寶,追上皇考曰...
    5 KB (659 words) - 16:03, 24 June 2024
  • (高陽王睦字子友,譙王遜之弟也。 ... 薨於位,世子蔚早卒, ...) Jin Shu vol. 37. (任城景王陵字子山,宣弟魏司隸從事安城亭侯通之子也。 ... 咸寧五年薨,子濟立。 ... 有二弟:、斌。字子思, ... 西河繆王斌字子政, ... 咸寧四年薨,子隱立。) Jin Shu vol. 37. Chen...
    35 KB (2,883 words) - 06:58, 9 July 2023
  • Thumbnail for List of Ming dynasty era names
    36 KB (3,209 words) - 15:16, 28 October 2023
  • Thumbnail for Guo Wei
    Julian calendar. ([顯德年春正月]壬辰.....是日巳時,崩於滋德殿,聖壽五十一。) Wudai Shi, ch. 113. (周太祖少賤,黥其頸上為飛雀,世謂之郭雀兒。) Wudai Shiji, ch. 70. (居無何,皇考為燕軍所陷,殁於王事。未及齠齔,章德太后蚤世,姨母楚國夫人韓氏提携鞠养。)...
    15 KB (1,767 words) - 09:10, 9 March 2024
  • Thumbnail for Emperor Taizong of Song
    in 984 Princess Chunmei (純美帝姬; d. 983), third daughter Princess Yishun (懿姬; d. 1004), fifth daughter Married Wang Yiyong (王貽永; 986–1056) in 1003 Chinese...
    26 KB (3,166 words) - 20:42, 2 June 2024
  • Thumbnail for Later Zhou
    with the inscription Guangshun Yuanbao (simplified Chinese: 广顺宝; traditional Chinese: 廣元寶; pinyin: guǎng shùn yuánbǎo) during his Guangshun period title...
    10 KB (823 words) - 17:22, 22 June 2024
  • Empress Yuan (皇后, personal name unknown) was an empress of the Chinese Northern Qi dynasty. known at times semi-formally as Empress Shuncheng (成皇后) (due...
    5 KB (847 words) - 14:56, 6 June 2024
  • Academia Sinica: 1-40. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2023-02-04. 12.宗皇(後)〔〕,忌日,普慶寺,正官,五月初八日。 Mongolia Society Bulletin. University of Virginia: Mongolia...
    5 KB (510 words) - 08:31, 9 March 2024
  • Thumbnail for Liu Bei
    (三年春二月,丞相亮自成都到永安。三月,黃進兵攻臨邛縣。遣將軍陳曶討軍敗,流下江,為其親兵所縛,生致成都,斬之。) Sanguozhi vol. 32. (三年春二月,丞相亮自成都到永安。三月,黃進兵攻臨邛縣。遣將軍陳曶討軍敗,流下江,為其親兵所縛,生致成都,斬之。先主病篤...
    145 KB (24,813 words) - 23:35, 6 June 2024
  • Thumbnail for Emperor Huizong of Song
    1110–1132), 15th son Princess Shenfu (申福姬), 27th daughter Able Consort, of the Yang clan (賢妃 楊氏; d. 1115) Princess Shunshu (姬), third daughter Zhao Shi, Prince...
    34 KB (4,021 words) - 14:23, 2 June 2024
  • Thumbnail for List of monarchs of Korea
    Gyeongmyeong 경명왕 景明王 (917–924) King Gyeongae 경애왕 景哀王 (924–927) King Gyeongsun 경순왕 敬王 (927–935) The Gaya confederacy (42–562) consisted of several small statelets...
    50 KB (2,244 words) - 06:37, 9 April 2024
  • The generation poem used by the Song dynasty House of Zhao was "若夫,德允克、令德宜崇、師古希孟、時光宗、良友彥士、登汝必公、不惟世子、與善之從、伯仲叔季、承嗣由同。" The 42 characters were split into...
    12 KB (1,171 words) - 17:03, 23 June 2024
  • Thumbnail for Empress Ma (Hongwu)
    Chengtian Yusheng Zhide Gao (孝慈貞化哲仁徽成天育聖至德高皇后; from 1398) Empress Xiaoci Zhaoxian Zhiren Wende Chengtian Shunsheng Gao (孝慈昭憲至仁文德承天聖高皇后), by the Jiangwen Emperor...
    27 KB (3,865 words) - 06:22, 28 April 2024
  • "After the death [of Fu Chen], his son Wuji succeeded." Hou Hanshu, vol 26: "時,為侍中屯騎校尉" "During the time of Emperor Shun, he was made palace attendant commandant...
    10 KB (1,370 words) - 23:20, 23 June 2024
  • Thumbnail for Emperor Renzong of Song
    Princess Zhuangshun (莊姬; 1040–1042), third daughter Princess Zhuangqi (莊齊姬; 1042–1043), fourth daughter Princess Zhuangshen (莊慎姬; 1044–1045), eighth...
    18 KB (1,782 words) - 20:50, 2 June 2024
  • Thumbnail for List of emperors of the Yuan dynasty
    Northern Yuan monarchs "太祖本纪 [Chronicle of Taizu]". 史 [History of Yuan] (in Literary Chinese). 元年丙寅,大会诸王群臣,建九斿白旗,即皇帝位于斡难河之源,诸王群臣共上尊号曰成吉思皇帝["Genghis Huangdi"]。...
    12 KB (174 words) - 22:04, 9 June 2024
  • Thumbnail for Battle of Jianwei
    所守。前年耀師,馘斬王雙;今歲爰征,郭淮遁走;降集氐、羌,興復二郡,威鎮凶暴,功勳顯然。方今天下騷擾,惡未梟,君受大任,幹國之重,而乆自挹損,非所以光揚洪烈矣。今復君丞相,君其勿辭。」) Sanguozhi vol. 35. (真當發西討,親臨送。) Sanguozhi...
    5 KB (621 words) - 07:07, 26 July 2023
  • Thumbnail for Lü Bu
    為豫州牧。將至沛收散卒,給其軍糧,益與兵使東擊布。布遣高攻之,曹公遣夏侯惇往,不能救,為所敗,復虜先主妻子送布。曹公自出東征,) Sanguozhi vol. 32. (建安三年,布復叛為術,遣高攻劉備於沛,破之。太祖遣夏侯惇救備,為所敗。太祖自征布,至其城下,遺布書,為陳禍福。布欲降,陳宮等自以負罪深,沮其計。)...
    81 KB (13,906 words) - 22:09, 25 April 2024
  • Thumbnail for Vietnamese cash
    the Viết chéo (曰湥 / 曰袑, top-bottom-right-left) style or the Viết thuận (曰, clockwise, top-right-bottom-left) style. The French term for cash coins,...
    161 KB (14,992 words) - 03:01, 8 June 2024
  • Thumbnail for Emperor Zhenzong
    Zhichong (志衝), second daughter Lady of Conducive Appearance of the Dai clan (容戴氏) Beauty of the Xu clan (美人徐氏) Talented Lady of the Chen clan (才人陳氏) Unknown...
    11 KB (919 words) - 16:49, 21 March 2024
  • Emperor Xiaowu's nephew Yuan Zan (贊) the Prince of Guangping the new emperor. However, under suggestion of Yuan Shun () the Prince of Puyang, who argued...
    16 KB (2,337 words) - 05:13, 9 June 2024
  • 4 February 2021. "25". Book of Jin. 远游冠,傅玄云秦冠也。似通天而前无山述,有展筒横于冠前。皇太子及王者后、之兄弟、之子封郡王者服之。诸王加官者自服其官之冠服,惟太子及王者后常冠焉。太子则以翠羽为緌,缀以白珠,其馀但青丝而已。 "48". Yiwen Leiju...
    46 KB (2,783 words) - 17:00, 21 June 2024
  • (後秦涼覆沒,疇咨將帥,上党李憙曰:「陛下誠能發匈奴五部之眾,假海一將軍之號,鼓行而西,可指期而定。」孔恂曰:「李公之言,未盡殄患之理也。」憙勃然曰:「以匈奴之勁悍,海之曉兵,奉宣聖威,何不盡之有!」恂曰:「海若能平涼州,斬樹機能,恐涼州方有難耳。蛟龍得雲雨,非復池中物也。」乃止。) Jin...
    22 KB (3,709 words) - 22:19, 18 December 2023
  • Qianlong's late mother and Jiaqing's late grandmother KK Cheung as Qianlong (乾隆), the Retired Emperor (太上皇), Jiaqing's father who favors Heshen Episode 4:...
    15 KB (1,535 words) - 06:12, 5 January 2024
  • Thumbnail for Zhang Daoling
    ,立治庭。而後太上授傳「三清眾經九百三十六卷,符錄丹霞秘訣七十二卷,並製頂冠道服等物賜之,。至桓永壽年間,屢賜此經並五斗真經。至永泰二年丙申九月九日,居間州雲臺山,忽太上遣使授此經玉册賜之三天扶教輔大法天師正一靜應顯祐真君之號。 "8th July, 2020: 張道陵 Zhang Dao Ling...
    8 KB (1,066 words) - 21:15, 12 June 2024
  • Thumbnail for Zhuge Liang
    Chen and Pei 429, 3.95 n. 4. Xi, Han–Jin Chunqiu: "是歲,孫權稱尊號,其羣臣以並尊二來告。議者咸以為交之无益,而名體弗,宜顯明正義,絕其盟好。" Cited in Chen and Pei 429, 35.924 n. 1. Xi, Han–Jin...
    170 KB (24,353 words) - 09:13, 14 May 2024