pillars inside the temple she is shown offering flowers to the goddess Anuqet. Bentanath became Great Royal Wife around the 25th year of her father's...
8 KB (833 words) - 04:28, 4 February 2024
Nebnufer are shown with relatives before Khnum, Anuqet and Satis in one scene, while they appear before Anuqet and the Horus falcon in another. List of Theban...
3 KB (337 words) - 16:03, 25 April 2023
The Viceroy adores the royal Cartouche. The King offers to the Khnum and Anuqet. Sehel Graffito (LH 28) The Viceroy appears before the seated King. Sehel...
2 KB (262 words) - 19:16, 27 February 2018