"The Church of God" On St. Josaphat Kuntsevych 12 November 1923 5. Maximam gravissimamque "The Greatest and Gravest" On French Diocesan Association 18 January...
4 KB (66 words) - 01:30, 16 August 2023
rapprochement, but it was not achieved until the reign of Pope Pius XI. In Maximam gravissimamque (1924), many areas of dispute were tacitly settled and a bearable...
99 KB (11,794 words) - 15:21, 23 December 2024
until the reign of Pope Pius XI (1922–39). In the papal encyclical Maximam Gravissimamque (1924), many areas of dispute were tacitly settled and a bearable...
161 KB (20,548 words) - 15:03, 8 January 2025