Divisions This article incorporates material from Japanese Wikipedia page 第53師団 (日本軍), accessed 3 June 2016 List of Japanese Infantry Divisions IJN KYUEI MARU:...
5 KB (440 words) - 20:49, 31 December 2021
Government Printing Office (1954) LOC 53-61979 This article incorporates material from the Japanese Wikipedia page 第16師団 (日本軍), accessed 3 March 2016...
9 KB (945 words) - 03:48, 4 April 2023
(飛行集団, Hikō Shudan). In 1942, the Air Corps were renamed Air Divisions (飛行師団, Hikō Shidan), to mirror the terminology for infantry divisions, but the structure...
9 KB (772 words) - 22:54, 21 November 2023