• Manjusri (文殊菩薩) Samantabhadra (普賢菩薩) Ksitigarbha (地藏王菩薩) Lingji Bodhisattva (吉菩薩), might be based on Mahasthamaprapta Pilanpo Bodhisattva (毗藍婆菩薩), might...
    62 KB (9,629 words) - 06:08, 6 September 2024
  • of the He clan (思皇后 何氏; d. 189) Liu Bian, Prince Huai of Hongnong (弘農懷王 劉辯; 176–190), first son Empress Linghuai, of the Wang clan (懷皇后 王氏; d. 181),...
    28 KB (3,851 words) - 07:18, 8 June 2024
  • Thumbnail for Yellow Turban Rebellion
    會發於鄴。元義數往來京師,以中常侍封諝、徐奉等為內應,約以三月五日內外俱起。未及作亂,而張角弟子濟南唐周上書告之,於是裂元義於洛陽。) Houhanshu vol. 71. (帝以周章下三公、司隸,使鉤盾令周斌將三府掾屬,案驗宮省直衛及百姓有事角道者,誅殺千餘人,推考冀州,逐捕角等。) Houhanshu...
    55 KB (7,748 words) - 14:05, 26 August 2024
  • successfully and they are engaged. Their daughter was born on March 19, 2016. 新城電台: 舍八卦 香港電台: 瘋show快活人 有線電視: 玄機解碼 怪談 無綫電視: 香港玄案 新春開運王 我愛香港 香港第一凶宅 豪情 飾 Mike 行運秘笈...
    5 KB (436 words) - 02:59, 26 October 2023
  • Thumbnail for Lü Bu
    Zizhi Tongjian vol. 60. (布屯沛城西南,遣鈴下請等,等亦請布,布往就之,與備共飲食。) Zizhi Tongjian vol. 62. (布於沛西南一里安屯,遣鈴下請等,等亦請布共飲食。布謂等曰:「玄德,布弟也。弟為諸君所困,故來救之。布性不喜合鬬,但喜解鬬耳。」...
    81 KB (13,934 words) - 03:01, 11 August 2024
  • and eventually adopted Ying Shao's. Lists of people of the Three Kingdoms (帝末,黃巾起,州郡各舉義兵,先主率其屬從校尉鄒靖討黃巾賊有功, ...) Sanguozhi vol. 32....
    4 KB (484 words) - 08:04, 10 June 2022
  • histories record that she openly engaged in group sex with Duke Ling of Chen (陳公, r. 613-599 BCE) and two of his court officials. Xia Zhengshu (夏徵舒), the...
    44 KB (6,398 words) - 16:18, 25 August 2024
  • Thumbnail for Sammo Hung filmography
    The Final Test 最後一戰 Producer Sworn Brothers 肝膽相照 Producer Mr. Vampire III 幻先生 Hung Cameo producer Action director The Happy Bigamist 一屋兩妻 Producer 1988...
    31 KB (109 words) - 00:11, 7 September 2024
  • (何進字遂高,南陽宛人也。異母女弟選入掖庭為貴人,有寵於帝,...) Houhanshu vol. 69. (《英雄记》云:苗,太后之同母兄,...)Yingxiong Ji annotation in Sanguozhi vol.06 (張讓子婦,太后之妹也。) Houhanshu vol. 69. (思何皇后諱某,南陽宛人。家本屠者,以選入掖庭。)...
    21 KB (3,519 words) - 14:47, 8 July 2024
  • Young Master (師弟出馬) Murder Most Foul (慌失失) The Sword (名劍) The Happenings (夜) From Riches to Rags (錢作怪) Gallery of Fools (哥門的糗事) The Phantom Killer (粉骷髏)...
    25 KB (3,008 words) - 08:06, 27 June 2024
  • Thumbnail for Cao Cao
    無後者,求其親戚以後之,授上田,官給耕牛,置學師以教之。爲存者立廟,使祀其先人,魂而有,吾百年之後何恨哉!」" Chen and Pei 429, 1.23: "紹自軍破後,發病歐血,夏五月死。小子尚代,譚自號騎將軍,屯黎陽。秋九月,公征之,連戰。譚、尚數敗退,固守。...
    187 KB (28,112 words) - 12:21, 6 September 2024
  • 霪 霫 霬 霭 霮 霯 U+973x 霰 霱 露 霳 霴 霵 霶 霷 霸 霹 霺 霻 霼 霽 霾 霿 U+974x 靀 靁 靂 靃 靄 靅 靆 靇 靉 靊 靋 靌 靍 靎 靏 U+975x 靐 靑 青 靓 靔 靕 靖 靗 靘 静 靚 靛 靜 靝 非 靟 U+976x 靠 靡 面 靣 靤 靥 靦...
    54 KB (160 words) - 02:26, 26 July 2024
  • Thumbnail for Guan Yu
    于艰难,赞主洪业,侔迹韩、耿,齐声双德。交待无礼,并致奸 慝,悼惟轻虑,陨身匡国。)Sanguozhi vol. 45. (先主據下邳。等還,先主乃殺徐州刺史冑,留關羽守下邳,而身還小沛。) Sanguozhi vol. 32. (五年,曹公東征先主,先主敗績。曹公盡收其衆,虜先主妻子,并禽關羽以歸。)...
    79 KB (11,259 words) - 07:57, 9 August 2024
  • Kingdoms (長七尺一寸。生皇子辯,養於史道人家,號曰史侯。) Houhanshu vol. 10 (Part 2). (道人謂道術之人也。獻帝春秋曰:「帝數失子,不敢正名,養道人史子眇家,號曰史侯。」) Annotation in Houhanshu vol. 10 (Part 2). (光和三年,立為皇后。)...
    16 KB (2,335 words) - 08:46, 1 September 2024
  • received no further promotions. However, Gai's successor Fumeng Lingcha (夫蒙詧) was impressed by him, and repeatedly recommended him to his superiors. By...
    13 KB (1,782 words) - 02:46, 15 June 2024
  • Thumbnail for Ma Teng
    給。騰為人長八尺餘,身體洪大,面鼻雄異,而性賢厚,人多敬之。) Dianlue annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 36. (帝末,涼州刺史耿鄙任信奸吏,民王國等及氐、羌反叛。州郡募發民中有勇力者,欲討之,騰在募中。) Dianlue annotation in Sanguozhi...
    14 KB (2,078 words) - 01:46, 23 May 2024
  • Thumbnail for Liu Bei
    (先主未出時,獻帝舅騎將軍董承辭受帝衣帶中密詔,當誅曹公。先主未發。是時曹公從容謂先主曰:「今天下英雄,唯使君與操耳。本初之徒,不足數也。」先主方食,失匕箸。) Sanguozhi vol. 32. (袁術欲經徐州北就袁紹,曹公遣先主督朱、路招要擊術。未至,術病死。先主據下邳。等還,先主乃殺徐州刺史冑,留關羽守下邳,而身還小沛。)...
    145 KB (24,743 words) - 21:30, 21 August 2024
  • Thumbnail for Gillian Chung
    ATV 2007 The Spirit of the Sword 浣花洗劍錄 Zhu'er ATV 2011 The Holy Pearl 女媧傳說之珠 Baixi Xianyue / Ding Yao ZJSTV 2011 Da Tang Nü Xun An 大唐女巡按 Xie Yaohuan Dragon...
    26 KB (1,699 words) - 14:38, 27 August 2024
  • Thumbnail for List of gods in the Investiture of the Gods
    Di Zuoxing (地佐星): Huang Bingqing Di Youxing (地祐星): Zhang Qi Di Lingxing (地星): Guo Si Di Shouxing (地獸星): Jin Nandao Di Weixing (地微星): Chen Yuan Di Huixing...
    32 KB (4,758 words) - 14:50, 19 April 2024
  • Thumbnail for Billy Lau
    1986 The Strange Bedfellow 兩公婆八條心 Sgt Sing AKA: 變形人. 1987 Mr. Vampire Part 3 幻先生 Captain Chiang (AKA: Qiang) AKA: Mr. Vampire III/ Mr. Vampire 3. 1987 Eastern...
    12 KB (225 words) - 00:12, 7 September 2024
  • ancient Red Di (狄翟), and recorded various names like Dili (狄历), Gaoche (高) or Chile (敕勒). Several modern scholars, including Peter B. Golden, now believe...
    30 KB (3,995 words) - 21:51, 7 August 2024
  • Year English title Chinese title Role Notes 1986 Parking Service 代客泊 Reunion 我們都是這樣長大的 1985 Even the Sun Is Sobbing 太陽也哭泣 智勇三寶 1983 That Day, on the...
    14 KB (946 words) - 19:02, 29 March 2024
  • eldest son, Liu You (劉祐), to block Sima Yue's army at the Ling Ramparts (壁) in Xiao County. The Prince of Dongping, Sima Mao (司馬楙), another member of...
    14 KB (2,365 words) - 13:39, 2 October 2023
  • シャ、うつ-す、うつ-る sha, utsu-su, utsu-ru 842 社 社  示 7 2 company シャ、やしろ sha, yashiro 843 7 1 car シャ、くるま sha, kuruma 844 舎 舍 舌 8 5 cottage シャ sha 845 者 者  老 8 3 someone...
    375 KB (688 words) - 11:25, 22 August 2024
  • Thumbnail for Ma Chao
    influential people. ([章武]二年卒,時年四十七。) Sanguozhi vol. 36. (馬超字孟起,右扶風茂陵人也。父騰,帝末與邊章、韓遂等俱起事於西州。初平三年,遂、騰率衆詣長安。漢朝以遂為鎮西將軍,遣還金城,騰為征西將軍,遣屯郿。後騰襲長安,敗走,退還涼州。) Sanguozhi...
    46 KB (7,518 words) - 05:31, 29 July 2024
  • Thumbnail for List of acupuncture points
    Daying Large Receptacle (Facial Artery) dà yíng dae yeong 대영 Đại nghênh ST-6 頰 Jiache Jaw Bone jiá chē hyeop geo 협거 Giáp xa ST-7 下關 Xiaguan Below the Arch...
    62 KB (1,163 words) - 20:09, 30 April 2024
  • Thumbnail for Ariel Lin
    2006 The Little Fairy 天外飛仙 - 天亮以後 (Hu Ge - 胡歌) 2006 The Little Fairy 天外飛仙 - 古精怪 (吳艾倫 & 林靜) 2006 The Little Fairy 天外飛仙 - 月光 (Hu Ge - 胡歌) 2006 The Little...
    31 KB (2,810 words) - 00:41, 6 June 2024
  • Thumbnail for Richard Ng
    Shanghai Express) (1986) - Han The Wrong Couples (不是冤家不聚頭) (1987) Mr. Vampire 3 (幻先生) (1987) - Mao Ming Mr. Handsome (美男子) (1987) - Dr. Richard Chow My Cousin...
    21 KB (2,379 words) - 00:11, 7 September 2024
  • Peninsula Chi Lin Nunnery (志蓮淨苑), Diamond Hill, Kowloon Ling To Monastery (渡寺), Ha Tsuen, Yuen Long District Miu Fat Buddhist Monastery (妙法寺), Lam Tei...
    13 KB (1,218 words) - 00:11, 20 September 2023
  • 78. (少皆給事省中,桓帝時為小黃門。忠以與誅梁兾功封都鄉侯。延熹八年,黜為關內侯,食本縣租千斛。) Houhanshu vol. 78. (帝時,讓、忠並遷中常侍,封列侯,與曹節、王甫等相為表裏。節死後,忠領大長秋。) Houhanshu vol. 78. Beck, B.J. Mansvelt...
    26 KB (4,587 words) - 15:29, 7 May 2024