The sole species in the genus Rhoptropella is Rhoptropella ocellata, although its generic allocation is debated. R. ocellata is known commonly as the Namaqua...
4 KB (311 words) - 07:07, 8 February 2022
Philippine flying gecko (Ptychozoon intermedium) Namaqua day gecko (Rhoptropella ocellata) Uroplatus alluaudi Uroplatus finiavana Bedriaga's fringe-fingered...
24 KB (1,634 words) - 13:37, 20 March 2022
Phelsuma ocellata (Boulenger, 1885) Namaqua day gecko, syn. Rhoptropus ocellatus Boulenger, 1885, Phelsuma ocellata Schmidt, 1933, Rhoptropella ocellata Hewitt...
144 KB (15,107 words) - 22:47, 6 December 2023