Isidoro di siviglia, etimologie,. Bruxelles, Bibliothèque Royale Albert I...
57 KB (7,153 words) - 08:05, 15 January 2025
(2004). "Nota bibliografica". In Valastro Canale, Angelo (ed.). Isidoro di Siviglia. Etimologie o Origini (in Italian). Vol. 1: Libri I-XI. Turin, IT:...
452 KB (24,617 words) - 10:03, 30 December 2024
demands to know who Isidoro is and why he is there (Quartet: Alma rea! Perché t'involi? - "Wicked man! Why are you running away?"). Isidoro tries to curry...
16 KB (2,033 words) - 20:14, 14 December 2023