Scouts en Gidsen Vlaanderen (Scouts and Guides of Flanders) is a coeducational, Flemish Scout and Guide organisation in Belgium and is a member of the...
5 KB (507 words) - 13:32, 10 December 2022
58,000 members Scouts en Gidsen Vlaanderen (SGV, Scouts and Guides of Flanders; until 2006: Vlaams Verbond van Katholieke Scouts en Meisjesgidsen (Flemish...
6 KB (680 words) - 14:52, 19 November 2024
Scouts en Gidsen Vlaanderen (Scouts and Guides of Flanders; until 2006: Vlaams Verbond van Katholieke Scouts en Meisjesgidsen (Flemish Catholic Scout...
5 KB (435 words) - 12:34, 3 December 2023
Chiro, Scouts en Gidsen Vlaanderen, Katholieke Studenten Actie (KSA), FOS Open Scouting, Katholieke Landelijke Jeugd, and Jeugdbond voor Natuur en Milieu...
2 KB (195 words) - 06:29, 7 November 2024
members: Belgium: Scouts en Gidsen Vlaanderen, component association of the Guidisme et Scoutisme en Belgique Czech Republic: Junák France: Scouts et Guides de...
24 KB (2,151 words) - 17:54, 20 March 2024
Scouts en Gidsen Vlaanderen, "AKABE", Anders KAn BEst (Different is all-right); in Polish Scouts[which?], "Nieprzetarty Szlak [pl]"; in Kenya Scouts Association...
3 KB (261 words) - 09:46, 13 November 2024
only a single section for all members of the Scouting (Scouts) and Guiding (Girl Guides and Girl Scouts) Movements. Typically, these were for 11–17 year...
93 KB (1,388 words) - 06:58, 9 February 2025
Scout associations, including the German Deutsche Pfadfinderschaft Sankt Georg, the Belgian Scouts en Gidsen Vlaanderen, the Association des Scouts du...
3 KB (303 words) - 12:01, 3 December 2023
Cub (film) (category Scouting in popular culture)
criticism for giving the movie an "all ages" rating. The Scouts en Gidsen Vlaanderen, the Flemish Boy Scouts organization, issued a statement where they condemned...
7 KB (650 words) - 04:48, 7 June 2024
et Scoutisme en Belgique/Gidsen- en Scoutsbeweging in België (GSB, Guides and Scouts Movement of Belgium). FOS is a federation of 58 Scout Groups. The...
5 KB (439 words) - 16:30, 5 July 2023
Jo Deman (category World Scout Committee members)
Scout Conference in Baku, Azerbaijan in 2017. As a member of Scouts en Gidsen Vlaanderen, Deman had been East Brabant County Commissioner, later fulfilling...
5 KB (342 words) - 21:29, 10 June 2023