Some utilize only one tone. Finals are grouped into subsets а (a), и (i), у (u) and юй (ü). Syllables with final о have multiple counterparts in different...
10 KB (134 words) - 02:45, 10 October 2023
1994) = Дао дэ цзин / Пер. с кит. Валерия Перелешина. — М.: Фирма «КОНЁК», 1994 Lao Zi, Tao Te Ching (Moscow, 2000) = Лао-цзы. Дао дэ цзин: Поэма / Пер...
12 KB (1,257 words) - 04:48, 24 September 2024
no initial, w is transcribed as в in all cases except wu, transcribed as у. For example, the names of the cities of Wuwei (both Wuwei, Anhui and Wuwei...
82 KB (1,107 words) - 19:34, 14 January 2025