585 191 Degernbach (Bogen) 1.035 98 Elisabethszell (Haibach) 774 227 Gossersdorf (Konzell) 620 270 Haunkenzell (Rattiszell) 688 130 Oberalteich (Bogen)...
5 KB (275 words) - 04:35, 23 March 2024
First World War and in the 1950s and 1960s, including the breweries in Gossersdorf and Konzell (Straubing-Bogen district) and a brewery in Lam (Cham (district))...
10 KB (900 words) - 19:46, 11 July 2021
metres. To Konzell belong the urban districts Auggenbach, Denkzell, Gossersdorf and Kasparzell. Rectory Primary school fountain near school and church...
2 KB (137 words) - 15:17, 21 July 2021