BeschreibungRecovery concept of Minamisanriku Town.jpg | English: Source: International Recovery Platform, Yasuo Tanaka, Yoshimitsu Shiozaki, Akihiko Hokugo, Sofia Bettencourt: "Reconstruction Policy and Planning", in: Federica Ranghieri, Mikio Ishiwatari (editors): Learning from Megadisasters - Lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake, World Bank Publications, Washington, DC, 2014, ISBN (paper): 978-1-4648-0153-2, ISBN (electronic): 978-1-4648-0154-9, DOI: 10.1596/978-1-4648-0153-2, Chapter 21, pp. 181-192, here: p. 185, "Figure 21.4 Recovery concept of Minamisanriku Town - Source: Minamisanriku Town."). License: Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0 IGO. Context in the source as cited above: "Municipalities used land-use planning as a tool to reach consensus on the strategy for reconstruction. This was based on a tsunami simulation conducted by the prefectural governments. The simulation assumed two diff erent levels of a tsunami (map 21.1): a maximum-level tsunami such as the GEJE (a 1,000-year event) and a frequently occurring tsunami (a 100-year event). The height of the coastal seawall is usually planned to protect from a frequently occurring tsunami. If a maximum-level tsunami hit the area, water may overtop the seawall and inundate the town. However, because of land-use planning— such as relocation of residential areas, land elevation, and multifaceted protection using forests and/or roads— the water level is projected to be less than 2 meters high in residential areas (making it unlikely for houses to be washed away). Low-lying areas would be reserved for parks, commerce, and industry (figure 21.4)." |
Quelle | International Recovery Platform, Yasuo Tanaka, Yoshimitsu Shiozaki, Akihiko Hokugo, Sofia Bettencourt: "Reconstruction Policy and Planning", in: Federica Ranghieri, Mikio Ishiwatari (editors): Learning from Megadisasters - Lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake, World Bank Publications, Washington, DC, 2014, ISBN (paper): 978-1-4648-0153-2, ISBN (electronic): 978-1-4648-0154-9, DOI: 10.1596/978-1-4648-0153-2, Chapter 21, pp. 181-192, here: p. 185, "Figure 21.4 Recovery concept of Minamisanriku Town - Source: Minamisanriku Town."). License: Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0 IGO. |
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