English: «Car barns — Mandalay Electric Co.» (original caption)
Identifier: streetrailwayrev14amer (find matches)
Title: The street railway review
Year: 1891 (1890s)
Authors: American Street Railway Association Street Railway Accountants' Association of America American Railway, Mechanical, and Electrical Association
Subjects: Street-railroads
Publisher: Chicago : Street Railway Review Pub. Co
Contributing Library: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Digitizing Sponsor: Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation
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lectric Co. was incorporated in London in Octo-ber, 1902, with a capital of fjoo,ooo. .Actual work was commencedin December, 1902, by Dick, Kerr & Co., Ltd., and the first car wasmoved by electrical power on June 17th, 1904. The center of thetramway system has been placed at the new Zegyo bazaar, fromwhich the tramway radiates in three branches, one leading to tlieshore, where steamers embark their pa^seiisers, the second running feeders consist of solid soft drawn copper wire, carried on specialhigh resistance toggles clamp insulators, which are in tvirn boltedto substantial malleable iron brackets attached to the poles. At sev-eral points along the route these feeders are tapped by insulatedcables which are connected to the main feeder switches in switchpillars fi.xcd on the sidewalk. The rolling stock consists of z^ electric motor cars of the singledeck, open, cross-bench type, built by the Electric Railway &Tranuva\ CarriaE;o Wl^rk-;. l.tii, Preston. The car bodies are .^5
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-MANIl.M.AV EI.ECTRlr CO. to the Arakan Pagoda, and the third leading to the Court House.The tramways have a length of 7 miles, double track throughout.The rails arc 6 in. deep with a IA in. groove, laid to a gage of 3 ft.6 in., in 45-ft. lengths. The rails are double spiked to hard woodsleepers, which are laid at 2 ft. 9 in. centers, the wMioIe being laidon a ballasted bed. The joints are of the plain type, secured with
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