Liste der US-Navy-Akronyme – Wikipedia

Die United States Navy, wie jede Organisation, produziert ihre eigenen Akronyme und Abkürzungen, die oft über ihre bloßen Erweiterungen hinaus Bedeutung haben. Diese als „NAVSpeak“ bezeichneten Begriffe gehen auf die Anfänge der Seefahrt und der Seekriegsführung zurück, als Seeleute ihr eigenes Vokabular entwickelten, um Informationen effizient zu übermitteln und die Disziplin an Bord von Schiffen aufrechtzuerhalten. Im Laufe der Zeit wurde diese Sprache weiterentwickelt und an den technischen Fortschritt, die betrieblichen Anforderungen und die besonderen Bedürfnisse des Marinepersonals angepasst.

Offizielle Akronyme

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  • AA
    • – Anti Aircraft – Flugabwehr
    • – Absolute Altitude – Absolute Höhe
    • – Airmen Apprentice – Gefreiter
  • AAM – Air to Air Missile – Luft-Luft Rakete
  • AAR – Aircraft Accident Report – Flugunfallbericht
  • AAV
    • – Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle
    • – Aircraft Assault Vehicle
  • AAWAnti-Air Warfare
  • AB – Aviation Boatswain’s Mate
  • AC – Air Traffic Controlman – Flugverkehrsleiter
  • ACR – Armored cruiser – Gepanzerter Kreuzer
  • AD – Aviation Machinist’s Mate
  • ADCONAdministrative control
  • ADNS – Automated Digital Network System – Automatisiertes digitales Netzwerksystem
  • ADSW – Active Duty Special Work
  • ADT – Active Duty Training
  • AE – Aviation Electrician’s Mate
  • AF – Aviation Photographer’s Mate
  • AFC – Aviation Fire Control
  • AFCM – Master Chief Aircraft Maintenanceman
  • AFSB – Afloat Forward Staging Base – Vorlaufstützpunkt
  • AG – Aerographer’s Mate
  • AIMD – Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department – Wartungsabteilung für Flugzeuge
  • ALNAV – All Navy
  • ALPO – Assistant Lead Petty Officer
  • AM – Aviation Structural Mechanic
  • AME – Aviation Structural Mechanic – Environmental
  • AMH – Aviation Structural Mechanic – Hydraulics
  • AMMRL – Aviation Maintenance Material Readiness List
  • AMO – Assistant Maintenance Officer
  • AMS – Aviation Structural Mechanic – Structures
  • AN – Airman
  • AO – Aviation Ordnanceman
  • AOW – Auxilliaryman of the Watch
  • AR – Airman Recruit – Flieger-Rekrut
  • ARRS – Afloat Readiness Reporting System
  • AS – Aviation Support Equipment Technician
  • ASAU – Air Search and Attack Unit
  • ASCM – Anti Ship Cruise Missile – Antischiffs-Marschflugkörper
  • ASUWAnti-Surface Warfare
  • ASVAB – Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
  • ASW – Auxiliary Seawater system
  • ASWAnti-Submarine Warfare
  • ASWO – Anti-Submarine Warfare Officer
  • AT – Annual Training
  • AT – Aviation Electronics Technician
  • AUTECAtlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center
  • AUXO – Auxiliaries Officer
  • AVCM – Master Chief Avionics Technician
  • AVGAS – Aviation Gasoline
  • AWCS – Assistant Work Center Supervisor
  • AZ – Aviation Maintenance Administrationman
  • CMDCM – Command Master Chief
  • CMDCS – Command Senior Chief
  • CMS-ID – Career Management System-Interactive Detailing
  • CN – Constructionman
  • CNATRA – Chief of Naval Air Training
  • CNAVRES – Chief of Navy Reserve
  • CNET – Command Naval Education and Training
  • CNOChief of Naval Operations
  • COCommanding Officer
  • COBChief of the Boat
  • COD – Carrier Onboard Delivery
  • COMCVW – Commander, Carrier Air Wing
  • COMDESGRU – Commander, Destroyer Group
  • COMDESRON – Commander, Destroyer Squadron
  • COMEX – Commence Exercise
  • COMLANTFLT – Commander, U.S. Atlantic Fleet
  • COMMO – Communications Officer
  • COMNAVAIRES – Commander, Naval Air Force, Reserve
  • COMNAVAIRFOR (also CNAF) – Commander, Naval Air Forces
  • COMNAVAIRLANT (also CNAL) – Commander, Naval Air Force Atlantic
  • COMNAVAIRPACCommander, Naval Air Force Pacific
  • COMNAVRESFOR – Commander, Navy Reserve Forces
  • COMNAVSEASYSCOM – Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command
  • COMNAVSECGRU – Commander, Naval Security Group
  • COMPACFLT – Commander, Pacific Fleet
  • COMPATRECONGRU – Commander, Patrol and Reconnaissance Group
  • COMPATRECONWING – Commander, Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing
  • COMPTUEX – Composite Training Unit Exercise
  • COMSECCommunications Security
  • COMSUBFORCommander, Submarine Forces
  • COMSUBLANTCommander, Submarine Force Atlantic
  • COMSUBPACCommander, Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet
  • COMTACGRU – Commander, Tactical Air Control Group
  • COMTRAWING – Commander, Training Air Wing
  • CORTRAMID – Career Orientation and Training for Midshipmen
  • COS – Flag Officer’s Chief of Staff
  • CPO – Chief Petty Officer
  • CPOM – Chief Petty Officer’s Mess
  • CR – Construction Recruit
  • CRG – Coastal Riverine Group
  • CS – Culinary Specialist
  • CSADD – Coalition of Sailors Against Destructive Decisions
  • CSC – Combat Systems Coordinator
  • CSC – Command Senior Chief
  • CSC – Culinary Specialist Chief
  • CSEC – Computerized Self Evaluation Checklist
  • CSMC – Combat Systems Maintenance Center
  • CSOOW – Combat Systems Officer of the Watch
  • CSOSS – Combat Systems Operational Sequencing Systems
  • CT – Cryptologic Technician
  • CTI – Cryptologic Technician Interpretive
  • CTM – Cryptologic Technician Maintenance
  • CTN – Cryptologic Technician Networks
  • CTR – Cryptologic Technician Collection
  • CTT – Cryptologic Technician Technical
  • CVN – Nuclear-powered Aircraft Carrier
  • CVW – Carrier Air Wing
  • CWO – Chief Warrant Officer
  • DAPA – Drug and Alcohol Programs Advisor
  • DC – Damage Controlman
  • DC – Dental Corps
  • DCA – Damage Control Assistant
  • DCAG – Deputy Air Wing Commander
  • DCC – Damage Control Central
  • DCO
    • Damage Control Officer
  • DCPO – Damage Control Petty Officer
  • DD – Destroyer
  • DDG – Guided Missile Destroyer
  • DDR – Radar Picket Destroyer
  • DE – Destroyer Escort
  • DESDIV – Destroyer Division
  • DESRONDestroyer Squadron
  • DEVGRUNaval Special Warfare Development Group
  • DFM – Diesel Fuel Marine
  • DIRNSADirector of the National Security Agency
  • DL – Destroyer Leader
  • DLG – Guided Missile Destroyer Leader
  • DLGN – Nuclear-powered Guided Missile Destroyer Leader
  • DM – Destroyer Minelayer
  • DM – Illustrator Draftsman
  • DMHRSi – Defense Medical Human Resources System – internet
  • DODDepartment of Defense
  • DoNDepartment of the Navy
  • DRB – Discipline Review Board
  • DRRS-N – Defense Readiness Reporting System – Navy
  • DSG – Defense Strategic Guidance
  • EAOS – End of Active Obligated Service
  • EAWS – Enlisted Aviation Warfare Specialist
  • ECRC – Expeditionary Combat Readiness Center
  • EDMC – Engineering Department Master Chief
  • EDO – Engineering Duty Officer
  • EEBD – Emergency Escape Breathing Device
  • EIDWSEnlisted Information Dominance Warfare Specialist
  • EM – Electrician’s Mate
  • EM – Emergency Management
  • EMCON – Emissions Control
  • EMI – Extra Military Instruction
  • EMO – Electronics Materiel Officer
  • EN – Engineman
  • ENS – Ensign
  • EO – Equipment Operator
  • EOD – Explosive Ordnance Disposal
  • EOOW – Engineering Officer of the Watch
  • EOS – Enclosed Operating Space
  • EOSS – Engineering Operational Sequencing Systems
  • ERS – Engineroom Supervisor
  • ESWS – Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist
  • ETElectronics Technician
  • EWElectronic Warfare
  • EWS – Engineering Watch Supervisor
  • EXW – Expeditionary Warfare
  • F/MC – Fleet Master Chief
  • FA – Fireman Apprentice
  • FACForward Air Controller
  • FAC/A – Forward Air Controller/Airborne
  • FC – Fire Controlman
  • FCDSSA - Fleet Combat Direction Systems Support Activity
  • FCF – Functional Check Flight
  • FCPCP – Fleet Computer Programming Center of the Pacific
  • FCPOM – First Class Petty Officer’s Mess
  • FDO – Flight Deck Officer
  • FFG – Frigate, Guided Missile
  • FICEURLANT – Fleet Intelligence Center Europe & Atlantic
  • FIS – Fire Inhibit Switch
  • FLEACT – Fleet Activity
  • FMF – Fleet Marine Force
  • FMSS – Field Medical Service School
  • FN – Fireman
  • FODForeign Object Damage
  • FR – Fireman Recruit
  • FRC – Fleet Readiness Center
  • FRSFleet Replacement Squadron
  • FSA – Food Service Attendant
  • FSO – Food Service Officer
  • FTFire control technician
  • FTS – Full-time Support
  • GCCS-M – Global Command and Control System-Maritime
  • GM – Gunner’s Mate
  • GQGeneral Quarters
  • GSAGeneral Services Administration
  • GSE- Gas Turbine Systems Technician – Electrical
  • GSM- Gas Turbine Systems Technician – Mechanic
  • HA – Hospital Apprentice
  • HEDSUPPACTLANT – Headquarters, Support Activity Atlantic
  • HELO – Helicopter
  • HMHospital Corpsman
  • HMFIC – Head Mother Fucker In Charge
  • HNHospitalman
  • HR – Hospital Recruit
  • HS – Helicopter Squadron, Anti-Submarine Warfare
  • HT – Hull Maintenance Technician
  • IAMM – Individual Augmentation Manpower Management
  • IAP – In Assignment Processing
  • IAW – In Accordance With
  • IC – Interior Communications Electrician
  • ICO – In Case Of
  • IHO – Industrial Hygiene Officer
  • IMF – Intermediate Maintenance Facility
  • IMRL – Individual Material Readiness List
  • IRT – In Reference To
  • IT – Information System Technician
  • ITS – Information Technology Submarines
  • MAAMaster-at-Arms
  • MALS – Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron
  • MCMass Communication Specialist
  • MCO – Material Control Officer
  • MCPOMaster Chief Petty Officer
  • MCPONMaster Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
  • MIDNMidshipman
  • MIDRATS – Midnight Rations
  • MLCPO – Machinery Division Leading Chief Petty Officer
  • MM – Machinist’s Mate
  • MMCO – Maintenance/Material Control Officer
  • MMCPO – Maintenance Master Chief Petty Officer
  • MO – Maintenance Officer
  • MOA – Memorandum of Agreement
  • MOU – Memorandum of Understanding
  • MPA – Main Propulsion Assistant
  • MPA – Military Patrol Craft
  • MRDB – Material Readiness Database
  • MSG – Message
  • MSW – Main Seawater System
  • MT – Missile Technician
  • MTS – Master Training Specialist
  • PACOMPacific Command
  • PAX – Passengers
  • PCO – Prospective Commanding Officer
  • PCS – Permanent Change of Station
  • PDHA – Post-Deployment Health Assessment
  • PDHRA – Post-Deployment Health Re-Assessment
  • PFA – Physical Fitness Assessment
  • PHA – Physical Health Assessment
  • PHRA – Physical Health Re-Assessment
  • PIR – Pass in Review
  • PO(3/2/1) – Petty Officer (Third/Second/First Class)
  • POC – Point of Contact
  • POD – Plan of the Day
  • POM – Plan of the Month
  • POOW – Petty Officer of the Watch
  • POTUS – President of the United States
  • POW – Plan of the Week
  • POW – Prisoner of War
  • PRD – Projected Rotation Date
  • PRIFLY – Primary Flight Control
  • PRT – Physical Readiness Test
  • PSNS and IMFPuget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility
  • PT – Physical Training
  • PTS – Perform to Serve
  • PWD – Public Works Department
  • PXO – Prospective Executive Officer
  • QAWTD/QAWTH – Quick Acting Water Tight Door/Quick Acting Water Tight Hatch
  • QM – Quartermaster
  • QMOW – Quartermaster of the Watch
  • SSES – Ships Signals Exploitation Space.
  • SSGN – Submersible Ship Guided Missile Nuclear – U-Boot mit Marschflugkörpern
  • SSN – Submersible Ship Nuclear – Atomgetriebenes Jagd-U-Boot
  • TAD – Temporary Additional Duty
  • TADCEN – Training and Distribution Center
  • TAO – Tactical Action Officer
  • TAR – Training and Administration of the Reserve
  • TE – Task Element
  • TFTask Force
  • TFO – Temporary Flight Orders.
  • TFOA – Things Falling Off Aircraft
  • TG – Task Group
  • TM – Torpedoman’s Mate
  • TOPGUNUnited States Navy Fighter Weapons School
  • TSP – Troubled Systems Process
  • TU – Task Unit
  • TYCOMType Commanders
  • VA/VAM – Fixed Wing Attack/Fixed Wing Medium Attack
  • VAQ – Fixed Wing Electronic-Attack Squadron
  • VAW – Fixed Wing Airborne Early Warning Squadron
  • VBSSVisit, Board, Search, and Seizure
  • VCNOVice Chief of Naval Operations
  • VDS – Variable Depth Sonar
  • VERTREPVertical Replenishment
  • VF – Fixed Wing Fighter
  • VFA – Fixed Wing Strike Fighter Squadron
  • VLS – Vertical Launching System
  • VP – Fixed Wing Patrol Squadron
  • VRC – Fleet Logistics Support Squadron
  • VTU – Volunteer Training Unit
  • VX – Air Test & Evaluation Squadron
  • YN – Yeoman
  • Deborah W.Cutler: Dictionary of naval abbreviations. Naval Institute Press, Annapolis 2005, ISBN 1-59114-152-4 (englisch).
  • Bruce W. Watson, Susan M. Watson (Hrsg.): The United States Navy : A Dictionary. Garland, New York 1991, ISBN 978-0-8240-5538-7 (englisch).
Wiktionary: Liste der US-Navy-Akronyme – Bedeutungserklärungen, Wortherkunft, Synonyme, Übersetzungen (englisch)