Académie Belgo-Espagnole d'Histoire

The Académie Belgo-Espagnole d'Histoire (Academia Belgo Española de Historia) is a cultural society founded in Brussels in 1953. The Academy was formed by the noted historian and academic scholar Fortune Koller. Koller is known for his work in the fields of heraldry, genealogy and chivalric & dynastic orders. The purpose of the Academy is to research and publish works on various historical periods of Hispanic culture. The society has also held numerous historical exhibitions.



The society is composed of renowned Belgium and Spanish historians as well as other internationally known scholars. Since its founding, the Academy has held its meetings at the headquarters of the Archives Generales du Royaume de Belgique, and occasionally at the residence of the President.



Membership requires the nomination of three academicians and consent of the nomination board. There are three classes of membership. Membership is limited in all three categories.

  • Señores Academicos de Honor (10 members)
  • Señores Academicos de Numero (60 members)
  • Señores Academicos Correspondientes (39 members)

Noted Academicians



  • Fortune Koller (1953-1979)
  • Robert Wellens (1979)
  • Pierre Houart (1979-1991)
  • Excmo. Senor Don Manuel Fraga Iribarne (1991)
  • Excmo. Senor Don Luis Cervera Vera (1991-1999)



During the years of the presidency of its founder, general sessions were held and 175 publications were printed on diverse historical topics. Some publications include:

  • Les archives de Simancas
  • Les Belges admis dans les divers Ordres étranger
  • Les Archers du Roy d' Espagne
  • Le Belges envoyes au Yucatán
  • La "domination espagnole"
  • Siècles d' or et de lumiere
  • Les Espagnols dans les Conseils collatéraux entre 1579 et 1609
  • Les sépultures des Princes des Pays d' En-Bas
  • Het Gulden Vlies en zijn deelname in de kollaterale raden van 1579 tot 1609
  • Les officiers de la Toison d' Or
  • La politique europeenne de Philippe Ier le Beau



Spanish Heraldry