Aliaksei Aleksin

Aliaksei Ivanavich Aleksin (Belarusian: Аляксей Іванавіч Алексін; Aleksey Ivanovich Oleksin, Russian: Алексей Иванович Олексин) is a Belarusian businessman (petrochemical wholesaler and tobacco tycoon), who is closely associated with Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko.[1][2][3][4][5]

International sanctions


In summer 2021, the European Union, USA, Canada and Switzerland imposed sanctions on Aleksin as a "wallet" of Lukashenko.[6][7][8][9][10][11]

In 2022, Aleksin,[12] Bremino Group[13] and NNK[14] were added to the sanctions lists of Ukraine and Japan, while Inter-Tobacco, Inna Aleksina and Vitaly Aleksin (Aliaksei Aleksin's wife and son, respectively) were blacklisted by Canada,[15] whereas Vitaly and his brother Dzmitry Aleksin were sanctioned by the European Union and Switzerland.[16][17]

In August 2023, the United States added Inna, Vital and Dzmitry Aleksin to the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List.[18]

Early life and education


The early life of Aleksin is almost unknown. He graduated from the Lomonosov aerial technical military academy as a helicopter technician, then he graduated from Novosibirsk State Academy of Water Transport.[19][20]



Aleksin worked in the Belvneshtorginvest company, which is owned by the Presidential administration of Belarus. His first steps in business are unknown. It was speculated that in Belvneshtorginvest Aleksin oversaw petrochemicals exports carried by Yury Chyzh. After Chyzh was included in EU's travel ban list, Aleksin became the nominal owner of his petrochemical wholesale companies (Energo Oil, Belneftegaz, Neonafta).[21][20][19][3]

After Yury Chyzh fell into disgrace, Aleksin was reported to become an associate of senator and businessman Alexander Shakutin.[19]

Assets and controversies


According to a 2021 journalistic investigation, Oleksin and Aliaksandr Zaitsau [ru] received residence permits in Lithuania in 2012 and opened several companies there. Although these companies operated without significant business activity and without staff, more than 46 million euros were processed through their accounts.[22][23] According to the same investigators, citing data from the Cyber Partisans, a few months after receiving tobacco preferences in 2018, Oleksin donated nine cars and motorcycles worth a total of $1.7 million to the Presidential Security Service.[24]

In 2019, Ezhednevnik magazine put Aleksin on 4th place in its top-200 of Belarusian wealthy and influential businessmen.[25] His main assets are SZAO Energo Oil and ODO Belneftegaz.[26] As of 2015, he owned 60% of these companies directly, and 40% was owned by his wife Inna.[27][28] In 2021, Aleksin has transferred his share to his sons, junior Vitaly and senior Dzmitry.[29]

In 2015, Aleksin bought 98.97% of Cyprus-based parent company of Belarusian bank MTB (MTBank) from two American and Belarusian investment companies.[26] As of 1 October 2020, MTBank's assets were Br 1,497,800,000 (US$590 million).[30] In 2021, Aleksin sold MTBank's parent company to Dubai-based Stoneva Limited allegedly owned by Lebanese-born Romeo Abdo,[31] but European banks suspected this deal to be a fictitious sale and asked the new owner to clarify it.[32]

In 2020, it was speculated that Aleksin has left petrochemicals wholesale business and set focus on tobacco market.[33]

According to Euroradio, Aleksin's family owned [when?] nearly quarter of Synesis Group, an IT company which is under EU sanctions because of close collaboration with Lukashenko's regime.[34]

According to the journalistic investigation of the Buro, some assets of the Oleksin family were transferred to Victoria Gubanova, the wife of his son Dmitry, after the latter was included in the EU sanctions list.[35]



As of 2019 Aleksin owned nearly one third of Bremino Group (with Mikalai Varabei and Aliaksandr Zaitsau), which operated several logistics complexes and a special economic zone in Orsha district, created by Lukashenko's decree. Belarusian economist Jaroslav Romanchuk called Bremino projects a business of elites, establishment and siloviki. Romanchuk also suggested that these businessmen will turn into business oligarchs.[36][37]


"Tabakerka" cigarettes stand on a bus stop in Minsk
Inter-Tobacco cigarettes factory near Minsk

In 2017–2018, Aleksin's Energo Oil company entered Belarusian tobacco market with help of Lukashenko (later Aleksin created Inter-Tobacco company to manage these projects). He got a special permission of Lukashenko to import cigarettes, while previously only one state-owned company had such permission. Later his companies became the exclusive wholesale and retail operators of the state-owned Grodno tobacco factory; they also got a special permission to import tobacco blends to make cigarettes. Aleksin also started to build new tobacco factory in Minsk.[38][39][40][41]

Mass installation of new cigarettes stands "Tabakerka" (Tobacco box) by Aleksin's companies became a major public controversy[when?].[42][43] In different Belarusian cities people signed a number of petitions to remove these stands or at least install them far from hospitals, schools and other public facilities.[42] The association of entrepreneurs "Perspective" called on authorities to treat small businesses equally as Aleksin's company: they claimed that local authorities in Minsk previously removed private stands from streets, while Aleksin did not face a similar problem.[44]

In 2020, Russian journalist Tina Kandelaki called to stop cigarettes smuggling to Russia, claiming Aleksin to be one of the main figures of the "Belarusian tobacco mafia".[45]

On 16 February 2021, Alexander Lukashenko granted monopoly on imports of IQOS (heated tobacco product) to Aleksin's Energo Oil.[46]

In 2021 Foreign Policy magazine claimed that Aleksin is one of the main alleged organizers of cigarette smuggling to the European Union.[47]

Other assets


In 2014, Aleksin bought a meat processing plant in Maladzyechna from Yury Chyzh.[19]

Aleksin's ODO Belneftegaz owns 74.95% of IT-company OOO Synesis Stigma,[48] which was reported to be affiliated with Synesis Group.[49] On 17 December 2020, the Council of the European Union imposed sanctions on Synesis Group.[50]

Aleksin and his family also have some assets in Latvia (Latgales Alus D brewery, and Mamas D company).[25][19]

Suisse Secrets


Aleksin was mentioned in the Suisse Secrets data leak in February 2022. According to the investigation made by OCCRP and journalists, Aleksin had a large corporate bank account (CHF 36 million) in the Swiss-based Credit Suisse.[11] a 40% share in parent companies Energo Oil and Belneftegaz.[19][27]

In 2012, his son Dmitry became an owner of 40% of at least 2 former companies of Chyzh in Latvia (Mamas D and Latgales Alus D).[51]

Dubai leaks


In June 2022, Belarusian Investigative Center revealed that Aliaksei Aleksin has an apartment on the man-made island of Palm Jumeirah in the UAE, and his son Dzmitry has a villa there.[52]


  1. ^ The Enablers: Bat'ka, Bucks and Bando
  2. ^ Окружение Лукашенко отмывает деньги через Литву? Расследование
  3. ^ a b "Кошельки Лукашенко". Как выживает крупный бизнес в Беларуси
  4. ^ Белорусский «бизнес» в Литве: литовские курильщики отдают белорусскому режиму миллионы
  5. ^ Знакомьтесь: олигархия и "Семья" Лукашенко
  6. ^ Treasury Holds the Belarusian Regime to Account on Anniversary of Fraudulent Election
  7. ^ Targeted: The Lukashenka Allies And Kin Hit With Western Sanctions
  8. ^ "Consolidated Canadian Autonomous Sanctions List". Global Affairs Canada. 2015-10-19. Retrieved 2021-06-29.
  9. ^ Shields, Michael; Liffey, Kevin (2021-07-07). Liffey Kevin (ed.). "Swiss widen sanctions list against Belarus". Reuters. Archived from the original on 2021-07-07. Retrieved 2021-07-10.
  10. ^ "Sanctions program: Belarus: Verordnung vom 11. Dezember 2020 über Massnahmen gegenüber Belarus (SR 946.231.116.9), Anhang 1 Origin: EU Sanctions: Art. 2 Abs. 1 (Finanzsanktionen) und Art. 3 Abs. 1 (Ein- und Durchreiseverbot)" (PDF). Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft. 2021-07-07. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2021-07-07. Retrieved 2021-07-10.
  11. ^ a b "Aliaksei Aleksin". OCCRP, Suisse Secrets. Retrieved 2022-02-22.
  12. ^ "OLEKSIN Aleksei Ivanovich". National Agency for Prevention of Corruption.
  13. ^ "Bremino Group LLC". National Agency for Prevention of Corruption.
  14. ^ "CJSC Novaya Neftenaya Kompaniya (New Oil Company)". National Agency for Prevention of Corruption.
  15. ^ "Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Belarus) Regulations: SOR/2022-49". Canada Gazette. 2022-03-30. Retrieved 2023-04-12.
  16. ^ "Official Journal L 153/2022". EUR-Lex. Retrieved 2023-01-08.
  17. ^ "Searching for subjects of sanctions". Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft.
  18. ^ "U.S. Expands Sanctions on the Belarusian Regime, Marking the Three-Year Anniversary of the Fraudulent August 2020 Presidential Election". United States Department of the Treasury. August 9, 2023.
  19. ^ a b c d e f 6 фактов о непубличном бизнесмене, которому Лукашенко доверил торговлю сигаретами
  20. ^ a b "Путевки в правительство: кто из белорусских богачей перекочевал из бизнеса в госсектор". Archived from the original on 2019-04-21. Retrieved 2020-12-16.
  21. ^ Олексин займется табачным производством в Шабанах. Для этого меняют границы Минска
  22. ^ Sarunas Cerniauskas; Stas Ivashkevich (March 10, 2021). "Unseen and Unsanctioned, Belarusian Tycoons Slipped into the EU via Lithuanian Investments". OCCRP.
  23. ^ Расследователи из OCCRP рассказали о литовских компаниях Олексина и Зайцева. (in Russian). 2021-03-11.
  24. ^ Ales Yarashevich; Aliaksei Karpeka; Olga Ratmirova; Šarūnas Černiauskas (November 29, 2021). "Soon After Taking Over Belarus' Tobacco Industry, Oligarch Donated Luxury Cars to Lukashenko Regime". OCCRP.
  25. ^ a b Алексей Олексин
  26. ^ a b Нефтетрейдер Олексин покупает МТБанк
  27. ^ a b Анкета банка
  28. ^ Бизнесмен Олексин купил «МТБанк»
  29. ^ Lukashenka's henchman uses clever trick to evade sanctions
  30. ^ ЗАО "МТБанк". Бухгалтерский баланс и отчет о прибылях и убытках на 1 октября 2020 года
  31. ^ "Days Before EU Sanctions, Belarusian Oligarch's Family Sells its Firm and Bank". Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project.
  32. ^ Европейские банки заподозрили попавшего под санкции олигарха Олексина в фиктивной сделке
  33. ^ Нефтяной бизнес олигарха Николая Воробья
  34. ^ Synesis, попавший под санкции ЕС, связан с Олексиным и Управделами президента
  35. ^ "«Бюро Медиа»: Алексей Олексин обходит санкции, переоформляя активы на тайных родственников". Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (in Russian).
  36. ^ Александр Ярошевич (2019-01-16). "Оршанский офшор. Кто окажется в шоколаде". [ru] (in Russian). Archived from the original on 2020-08-13.
  37. ^ Владельцы «Бремино Групп» нашли подрядчика на строительство логистического центра в Болбасово
  38. ^ Александр Ярошевич (2018-10-03). "В Беларуси строят табачную сеть за 35 миллионов долларов". [ru] (in Russian). Archived from the original on 2020-09-29.
  39. ^ Лукашенко изменил границы Минска для развития табачного производства Олексина
  40. ^ О пользе курения. Ищем оправдания тихому нашествию «Табакерок»
  41. ^ Лукашенко наделил компанию Олексина статусом специмпортера табачного сырья
  42. ^ a b «Табакерки» на улицах. Как страна встречает киоски с сигаретами, которые скоро заполонят Беларусь
  43. ^ Накурить Минск. Что горожане думают о внедрении «Табакерок»
  44. ^ «Олигархам можно, а нам нельзя!» ИП написали президенту, просят вернуть им киоски в Минске
  45. ^ «Дым отечества им сладок и приятен»
  46. ^ Монополию на ввоз нагреваемого табака получил бизнесмен Олексин
  47. ^ To Get at Lukashenko, Punish His 'Moneybags'
  48. ^ Руководство банка — Информация о банковском холдинге
  49. ^ Мозговой штурм с Востока: Топ-10 инвесторов из РФ в нашу IT-отрасль
  50. ^ Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/2129 of 17 December 2020 implementing Article 8a(1) of Regulation (EC) No 765/2006 concerning restrictive measures in respect of Belarus
  51. ^ У предприятия Mamas D сменились владельцы
  52. ^ Matthew Kupfer (June 28, 2022). "New Investigation: Dubai Properties of Belarusians Close to Lukashenko". OCCRP.