Ameen Rihani bibliography

The following is a list of works by Ameen Rihani



Philosophical, literary, social,
and political essays and letters

  • 1910 – The Rihani Essays (Ar-Rihaniyyaat) الريحانيات
  • 1956 (posthumous) – Nationalisms (Al-Qawmiyat) القوميات
  • 1957 (posthumous) – Eastern and Western Figures (Wujuh Sharkiya Gharbiya) وجوه شرقية غربية
  • 1957 (posthumous) – Literature and Art (Adab wa Fan) أدب وفن
  • 1959 (posthumous) – The Arabic Letters of Ameen Rihani (Rasa’el Ameen Ar-Rihani Al-‘Arabiya) رسائل أمين الريحاني العربية
  • 1961 (posthumous) – Seeds for Planters (Budhur Liz-Zari’een) بذور للزارعين
  • 1980 (posthumous) – Writings of Early Days (Shadharat Min ‘Ahd-is Siba) شذرات من عهد الصبا
  • 1982 (posthumous) – My Will (Wasiyati) وصيّتي

Historical and political analysis

  • 1902 – Treatise of the French Revolution (Nubdha fi ath-Thawra al-Faransiya) نبذة في الثورة الفرنسية
  • 1924 – Kings of the Arabs (Muluk al-Arab) ملوك العرب
  • 1928 – Disasters (An-Nakabat) النكبات
  • 1928 – Extremism and Reform (At-Tatarrof wa'l-Islah) التطرّف والإصلاح
  • 1928 – The Modern History of Najd (Tareekh Najd al-hadith) تاريخ نجد الحديث
  • 1934 – Faysal the First (Faysal al-awwal) فيصل الأوّل
  • 1935 – The Heart of Iraq (Qalb al-‘Iraq) قلب العراق


  • 1903 – The Trilateral Treaty in the Animal Kingdom (Al-Muhalafa ath-thulatiya fi'l-mamlaka al-hayawaniya) المحالفة الثلاثية في المملكة الحيوانية

Short story

  • 1904 – The Muleteer and the Monk (Al-Makari wa'l-kahen) المكاري والكاهن


  • 1914 – The Lily of Al-Ghore (Zanbakat al-Ghawr) زنبقة الغَور

Literary criticism

  • 1933 – You the Poets (Antum ash-shu’ara’) أنتم الشعراء
  • 1980 (posthumous) – My Story with May (Qissati ma’a May) قصتي مع مي

Plays and short stories

  • 1934 – Faithful Time (Wafa’ az-zaman) وفاء الزمان
  • 1951 (posthumous) – The Register of Repent (Sijil at-tawba) سجل التوبة


  • 1947 (posthumous) – The Heart of Lebanon (Qalb Lubnan) قلب لبنان
  • 1952 (posthumous) – The Far Morocco (Al-Magreb al-Aqsa) المغرب الأقصى
  • 1952 (posthumous) – The Illumination of Andalusia (Nur al-Andalus) نور الأندلس


  • 1955 (posthumous) – Hymn of the Valleys (Hutaf al-awdiya) هتاف الأودية (free verse in Arabic).
  • Hymns of the Valleys. Trans. Naji Oueijan. New Jersey: Gorgias Press, 2002.



Novels, short stories, and plays

  • 1911 – The Book of Khalid
  • 2001 (posthumous) – Wajdah
  • 1911–1921 (manuscript) – The Green Flag
  • 1914 (manuscript) – The Lily of al-Ghore
  • 1917 (posthumous) – Jahan
  • 1918 (manuscript) – Doctor Della Valle

Political and cultural
essays and letters

  • 1921 – The Path of Vision
  • 2001 (posthumous) – Letters to Uncle Sam
  • 2002 (posthumous) – The White Way and the Desert
  • 2008 (posthumous) – The Pan Arab Movement
  • 1897–1940 (manuscript) – The English Letters of Ameen Rihani



Travel writings

  • 1930 – Around the Coasts of Arabia
  • 1930 – Arabian Peak and Desert
  • 1918–1919 (manuscript) – In the Lands of the Mayas
  • 1932 (manuscript) – Kurdistan

Historical and political analysis



  • 1999 (posthumous) – Critiques in Art

Literary studies

  • 2002 (posthumous) – The Lore of the Arabian Nights
  • 2008 (posthumous) – Arabia’s Contribution to Civilization