
Cockentrice is a dish consisting of a suckling pig's upper body sewn onto the bottom half of a capon or turkey.[1] Alternately, the front end (head and torso) of the poultry is sewn to the rump of the piglet to not waste the other half.[2] Other animal combinations were also used.[3] The cockentrice was basted with a mixture of egg yolk and saffron during the roasting or covered with gold foil; it was also filled with a similar mixture to have a gilded inside. The dish originates from the Middle Ages[2] and at least one source attributes the Tudor dynasty of the Kingdom of England as its originator.[4]



Cockentrice, at times also spelled cockentryce, is only one version of the dish's name. The original name was cokagrys or cotagres, a portmanteau of "cock" and grys, a suckling pig. Other spellings from the period include koketris, cocagres and cokyntryche.[2]

See also



  1. ^ Madrigal, Alexis C. (26 November 2013). "Perhaps the Strangest Photo You'll Ever See and How It's Related to Turduckens". The Atlantic. Retrieved 29 November 2013.
  2. ^ a b c Matterer, James L. "The History of the Cockentrice". Retrieved 29 November 2013.
  3. ^ "Making a medieval cockentrice feast". Retrieved 10 February 2022.
  4. ^ "From Tudors to Turducken: An Engastration Tale". Archived from the original on 22 September 2015. Retrieved 29 November 2013.