Dwayne Carey-Hill

Dwayne Carey-Hill is an American animation director who is currently Supervising Director of the Netflix series, Disenchantment. Prior to Disenchantment, he was a director on Futurama, Comedy Central series Drawn Together, Trumpy's Rhapsody, Tarantula, Clash-O-Rama!, and Coffin Dodgers. He also worked for Sit Down, Shut Up, an animated remake of the 2003 Australian show of the same name. He was director on the animated TV series of Napoleon Dynamite. Additionally, he directed Futurama: Bender's Big Score and Futurama: Bender's Game.

Directing credits


Supervising Director










Coffin Dodgers


Full English

  • "Edgar, Interrupted"
  • "Britain's Got Bloodmonkey"



Drawn Together


Napoleon Dynamite


Sit Down, Shut Up
