
Original file (3,600 × 2,700 pixels, file size: 278 KB, MIME type: image/png)


Deutsch: Numerisch berechnete Intensitätsverteilung hinter einem Mehrfachspalt dargestellt als Hitzefeld. Nicht berücksichtigt wurde die Freiraumdämpfung. Deutlich zu erkennen die Hauptmaximas und dazu schwach die Nebenmaximas. Hier wurde zur weiteren Veranschaulichung kein endliches Gitter sondern eine Wellenfront mit begrenzter Weite eingezeichnet. In der Nähe des Gitter treten Alias-Effekte auf, die wegen der begrenzten Auflösung entstehen.
Source Own work
Author Miessen
PNG development
This diagram was created with MATLAB.
 config.ini  ; ; Some nice values ;  dim_x = 4000 dim_y = 2700 free_space_loss = 0 ; gap width as factor to grating_distance gap_width = 0.2 grating_count = 10 ; grating_distance approx 2000 nm ; scaling_meter_per_px * 3/gap_width grating_distance = 2250.e-9 offset_x = 600 ; igonre...; 30 px per wave = 700.e-9 / 30px ; calculate near field / far field scaling_meter_per_px = 150e-9 slit_width = 0 slit_iterations = 0 ; 700 nm wave_length = 700.e-9 
Source code

diffraction_grating.m code

#!/usr/bin/octave -qf % \usr\bin\octave  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Miessen 2014 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %  getParameters % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  function setParameters(config)   global parameters;    %  parameters.grating_distance = getConfigValue(config, "grating_width");   parameters.dim_x = int32(getConfigValue(config, "dim_x"));   parameters.dim_y = int32(getConfigValue(config, "dim_y"));   parameters.free_space_loss = getConfigValue(config, "free_space_loss");   parameters.gap_width = getConfigValue(config, "gap_width");   parameters.grating_count = int32(getConfigValue(config, "grating_count"));   parameters.grating_distance = getConfigValue(config, "grating_distance");   parameters.offset_x = int32(getConfigValue(config, "offset_x"));   parameters.scaling_meter_per_px = getConfigValue(config, "scaling_meter_per_px");   parameters.wave_length = getConfigValue(config, "wave_length"); endfunction  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %  findGapPositions % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  function gaps = findGapPositions(grating_distance, grating_count)   if (grating_count < 2)     error("grating_count too small");   endif      width = grating_distance * (double(grating_count)-1);   gaps = [];   for i = 0:(grating_count-1)     gaps = [gaps (i*grating_distance-width/2)];   endfor endfunction  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %  gratingSignalStrength % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  function amplitude = gratingSignalStrength(x, y, gaps, wave_length, free_space_loss) % grating {gaps, sub_steps, gap_width } % free_space_loss not implemented    % calculate distances   distances = [];   for gap_pos = gaps     distances = [ distances sqrt((y-gap_pos)^2 + x^2) ];   endfor      % calculate amplitudes   c_amps = [];   base_distance = sqrt(x^2 + y^2);      for d = distances %    delay = d - base_distance; %    phase = 2. * pi * delay/wave_length;      % amplitude phasor = c_amp     residual = rem(d, wave_length);     phase = 2. * pi * residual/wave_length;     c_amp = complex(cos(phase), sin(phase));     c_amp = c_amp / d; % free_space_loss ?? check - Integrate a slit!      c_amps = [c_amps c_amp];   endfor      % calculate amplitude   amplitude = abs(sum(c_amps))/length(gaps);    % eliminate free_space_loss   max_sum = sum(abs(c_amps))/length(gaps);   amplitude = amplitude/max_sum;    endfunction  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %  slitSignalStrength % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  function amplitude = slitSignalStrength(x, y, sub_steps, gap_width, wave_length, free_space_loss)  endfunction  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %  calculateDiffraction % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  function amplitudes = calculateDiffraction(gaps )   printf("Calculate Diffraction\n");     global parameters;      % Read globals   dim_y = parameters.dim_y;   dim_x = parameters.dim_x;   scaling_meter_per_px = parameters.scaling_meter_per_px;   offset_x = parameters.offset_x;   wave_length = parameters.wave_length;   free_space_loss = parameters.free_space_loss;    % Calculate dimensions   x_max = double(dim_x - offset_x - 1) * scaling_meter_per_px;   y_width = double(dim_y - 1) * scaling_meter_per_px;   y_max = y_width / 2.;   y_min = -1. * y_max;      % Initialize   amplitudes = zeros(dim_y, dim_x - offset_x);         for amp_pos_x = int32(1:(dim_x - offset_x))     printf("%3d%%", 100 * amp_pos_x/(dim_x - offset_x));     for amp_pos_y = int32(1:1:dim_y)       x = double(amp_pos_x) * scaling_meter_per_px;       y = y_min + double(amp_pos_y) * scaling_meter_per_px;              amp = gratingSignalStrength(x, y, gaps, wave_length, free_space_loss );       amplitudes(amp_pos_y, amp_pos_x) = amp; % row = y / column = x     endfor     printf("\b\b\b\b");   endfor   printf("Finished calculateDiffraction\n");        endfunction  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %  generateGrating % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  function rgb = generateGrating(rgb)   printf("Generate Grating\n");   global parameters;      dim_y = parameters.dim_y;   grating_count = parameters.grating_count;   grating_distance = parameters.grating_distance;   gap_width = parameters.gap_width;   offset_x = parameters.offset_x;   scaling_meter_per_px = parameters.scaling_meter_per_px;  %//  gray = zeros(dim_y, offset_x);    y_width = double(dim_y - 1) * scaling_meter_per_px;   y_max = y_width / 2.;      % even or odd    if ( round(rem(grating_count, 2)) != 1. )     even_factor = 0.5; % grating_distance/2.;   else     even_factor = 0.;   endif         for y_px = int32(1:dim_y)     y = double(y_px) * scaling_meter_per_px;     stepper = y / grating_distance; % normalize     sub_stepper = stepper + even_factor - round(stepper);     % sub_stepper = rem(stepper,1);     % stepper     % odd: -0.5..+0.5     % even: 0.0..1.0     % Nachkommazahlen      % sub_stepper +/- 0.5 * grating_distance around gap     for x_px = offset_x-int32(double(offset_x)/40.):offset_x       if(abs(sub_stepper) <= gap_width)         rgb(y_px, x_px, :) = [0., 0., 0.];       else         rgb(y_px, x_px, :) = [0.8, 0.8, 0.8];       endif     endfor   endfor     endfunction   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %  generateLaser % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  function amplitudes = generateLaser()   printf("Generate Laser\n");   global parameters;    dim_y = parameters.dim_y;   grating_count = parameters.grating_count;   grating_distance = parameters.grating_distance;   offset_x = parameters.offset_x;   scaling_meter_per_px = parameters.scaling_meter_per_px;      y_width = double(dim_y - 1) * scaling_meter_per_px;   y_min = -1. * y_width / 2.;       laser_width = grating_distance * double(grating_count)      amplitudes = [];     for y_px = int32(1:dim_y)     y = y_min + double(y_px) * scaling_meter_per_px;          if (abs(y) <= laser_width / 2.)        amplitudes = [amplitudes; ones(1,offset_x)];     else       amplitudes = [amplitudes; zeros(1,offset_x)];     endif   endfor    endfunction  %%%%%%%%%%%%% %           % %  M A I N  % %           % %%%%%%%%%%%%%  global parameters  begin_cputime = cputime();   printf("Including CSV library\n"); echo_csv_lib = 0; source ("./lib/csv_lib.m"); printf("Including config library\n"); global echo_config_lib = 0; source ("./lib/load_config_lib.m");  printf("Starting\n");   arg_list = argv ();  if (rows(arg_list) != 2);   printf("wrong parameters, config file and output file needed.\n");   exit(); endif  config_filename = arg_list{1}; output_filename = arg_list{2};  config = loadConfig(config_filename);  % config  setParameters(config);  gaps = findGapPositions(parameters.grating_distance, parameters.grating_count);  gaps  % dim % step % wavelength %  printf("Dimensions:\n");  % Debug %x_width = parameters.scaling_meter_per_px * double(parameters.dim_x) %y_width = parameters.scaling_meter_per_px * double(parameters.dim_y) %amp = gratingSignalStrength(x_width, 0, gaps, parameters.wave_length, parameters.free_space_loss ); %amp  diffractionMap = calculateDiffraction(gaps); max(max(diffractionMap)) diffractionPowerMap = diffractionMap.^2;  laserMap = generateLaser(); laserPowerMap = laserMap.^2;   map = jet();  diffractionInd = gray2ind(diffractionPowerMap); diffractionRgb = ind2rgb (diffractionInd, map);  laserInd = gray2ind(laserPowerMap); laserRgb = ind2rgb (laserInd, map);    offsetRgb = generateGrating(laserRgb);  finalRgb = [offsetRgb diffractionRgb]; %finalRgb = [offsetRgb]; % debug    imwrite(finalRgb, output_filename, "png");   printf("Total cpu time: %f seconds\n", cputime()-begin_cputime); printf("Finished\n"); 

Lib/csv_lib.m code

% % GNU Octave library to write results to a csv file %  1; % not a function file   % % Add header to CSV file %  function csvFile = addCsvFileHeader(csvFile, header)   if (isfield(csvFile, "headerList") == true)     csvFile.headerList = [csvFile.headerList; header];   else     csvFile.headerList = [header];   endif endfunction  % % Add record to a structure CsvLine based on existing header %  function csvLine = addCsvLineRecord(csvLine, header, value)    csvLine.(header) = value;   endfunction  % % Close CSV file %  function csvFile = closeCsvFile(csvFile)    fclose(csvFile.fid);    csvFile.isOpened = false; endfunction  % % Create a CSV line for this file %  function csvLine = createCsvFileLine(csvFile)    csvLine.headerList = csvFile.headerList;   for header = csvLine.headerList'     csvLine.(strtrim(header')) = "";   endfor  endfunction  % % Output values of a csv line %  function csvLine = printCsvLine(csvLine)    csvLine  endfunction  % % Open CSV file %  function csvFile = openCsvFile(filename)   csvFile.filename = filename;      % test if already exists      csvFile.fid = fopen(csvFile.filename, "w");    csvFile.isOpened = true;  endfunction  % % %  function csvLine = writeCsvFileHeader(csvFile)   line = "";   for header = csvFile.headerList'     line = [line, strtrim(header')];     line = [line, ","];   endfor    line = substr(line, 1, length(line)-1);   fprintf(csvFile.fid, "%s\r\n", line);  endfunction  % % %  function csvLine = writeCsvLine(csvFile, csvLine)   line = "";   for header = csvLine.headerList'     line = [line, csvLine.(strtrim(header'))];     line = [line, ","];     endfor   line = substr(line, 1, length(line)-1); % remove last comma   fprintf(csvFile.fid, "%s\r\n", line); endfunction 

Lib/load_config_lib.m code

% % GNU Octave library to load values from a config file %  if(exist("echo_config_lib", "var") == 0)   global echo_config_lib = 1; endif    % % %  function value = getConfigValue(config, var_name)   if (isfield(config, var_name) == false)     printf("Error: \"%s\" missing in config file\n", var_name);      exit();   endif   [value, success] = str2num(config.(var_name));   if(success != true)     printf("Error: Converting \"%s\" failed!\n", var_name);      exit();   endif endfunction   % % %  function value = getConfigInt32(config, var_name)   if (isfield(config, var_name) == false)     printf("Error: \"%s\" missing in config file\n", var_name);      exit();   endif   [value, success] = str2double(config.(var_name));   if(success != true)     printf("Error: Converting \"%s\" failed!\n", var_name);      exit();   endif endfunction   % % %  function value = getConfigString(config, var_name)   if (isfield(config, var_name) == false)     printf("Error: \"%s\" missing in config file\n", var_name);      exit();   endif   value = config.(var_name); endfunction   % % %  function arrayKeyValuePair = loadConfig(filename)   % open file   % while has next line   % skip if blank   % skip if comment   % add key value pair to array      global echo_config_lib;      file = fopen (filename, "r");   line = fgetl(file);   lineNum = 1;   while (ischar(line));     if (echo_config_lib != 0)       printf("Line %i: %s\n",lineNum, line);     endif     if (strcmp(line, "") == 0);       if (strcmp(substr(line,1,1), ";") == 0);         if(length(findstr(line, "="))== 0)           printf("Error: Invalid line!\n");           exit();         endif         key = substr(line, 1, findstr(line, "=")(1)-1);         key = strtrim(key);         value = substr(line             , findstr(line, "=")(1)+1             , length(line)-findstr(line, "=")(1) );         value = strtrim(value);         printf("key = %s\n", key);         printf("value = %s\n", value);         if(strcmp(key, "") != 0)           printf("Error: Invalid key!\n");           exit();         endif         if(isfield("arrayKeyValuePair", "key") != 0)           printf("Error: Duplicate key!\n");           exit();         endif       arrayKeyValuePair.(key) = value;       else         if (echo_config_lib != 0);           printf("Comment\n");         endif       endif           else       if (echo_config_lib != 0);         printf("Blank line\n");       endif     endif     line = fgetl(file);     lineNum += 1;   endwhile    fclose(file); endfunction    % INI format % no white space at the beginning of a line % empty lines allowed % comment lines start with a semicolon % key an value are seperated by a "=" % ascending white spaces are trimed from key % prepending and ascending white spaces are trimed from values % in case of duplicate values the first is valid % crlf prefered, see RFC % 


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15 March 2014

File history

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current19:45, 26 September 2016Thumbnail for version as of 19:45, 26 September 20163,600 × 2,700 (278 KB)CmdrjamesonCompressed with pngout. Reduced by 100kB (26% decrease).
09:36, 19 April 2014Thumbnail for version as of 09:36, 19 April 20143,600 × 2,700 (378 KB)Miessenfound a bug
14:58, 13 April 2014Thumbnail for version as of 14:58, 13 April 20144,000 × 2,700 (393 KB)Miessensuper fine resolution to avoid aliasing
09:27, 28 March 2014Thumbnail for version as of 09:27, 28 March 20141,100 × 900 (64 KB)Miessenfinal version
17:03, 15 March 2014Thumbnail for version as of 17:03, 15 March 2014450 × 450 (22 KB)MiessenUser created page with UploadWizard

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