import sys from random import seed, randrange # ========================================================================== # Recursive quadtree data structure # ========================================================================== def quadtree(points,topleft,botright): if len(points) > 1: # print >>sys.stderr,"splitting",len(points),topleft,botright mid = [(topleft[i]+botright[i])*0.5 for i in range(2)] svgLine((mid[0],topleft[1]),(mid[0],botright[1])) svgLine((topleft[0],mid[1]),(botright[0],mid[1])) quadtree([p for p in points if p[0]<mid[0] and p[1]<mid[1]], topleft,mid) quadtree([p for p in points if p[0]<mid[0] and p[1]>=mid[1]], (topleft[0],mid[1]),(mid[0],botright[1])) quadtree([p for p in points if p[0]>=mid[0] and p[1]<mid[1]], (mid[0],topleft[1]),(botright[0],mid[1])) quadtree([p for p in points if p[0]>=mid[0] and p[1]>=mid[1]], mid,botright) # ========================================================================== # SVG output utility routines # ========================================================================== nestingLevel = None def svgTag(s, deltaIndentation = 0): """Send a single XML tag to the SVG file. First argument is the tag with all its attributes appended. Second arg is +1, -1, or 0 if tag is open, close, or both respectively. """ global nestingLevel if deltaIndentation < 0: nestingLevel -= 1 if nestingLevel: sys.stdout.write('\t' * nestingLevel) sys.stdout.write('<') if deltaIndentation < 0: sys.stdout.write('/') sys.stdout.write(s) if not deltaIndentation: sys.stdout.write(' /') sys.stdout.write('>\n') if deltaIndentation > 0: nestingLevel += 1 def svgHeader(maxX, maxY): """Start producing an SVG object. The output bounding box runs from (0,0) to (maxX,maxY). Must be followed by svg content and a call to svgTrailer(). """ global nestingLevel if nestingLevel is None: sys.stdout.write('''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" ""> ''') nestingLevel = 0 svgTag('svg xmlns="" version="1.1" ' 'width="%dpt" height="%dpt" viewBox="0 0 %d %d"' % (maxX, maxY, maxX, maxY), 1) def svgTrailer(): """End of SVG object.""" svgTag('svg', -1) def svgStyle(style): """Start a group of svg items with the given style. Argument is a string in the form of a list of svg item attributes. Must be followed by svg content and a call to svgEndStyle(). """ svgTag('g ' + style, 1) def svgEdgeStyle(index): """Look up edge style and call svgStyle with it.""" svgStyle(globals()['edgeStyle' + str(index)]) def svgEndStyle(): """Finish group of styled svg items.""" svgTag('g', -1) def svgLine(start, end): """Output line segment from start to end coordinates. Must be called within an svgStyle()/svgEndStyle() call pair. """ svgTag('line x1="%d" y1="%d" x2="%d" y2="%d"' % (start+end) ) def svgCircle(center, radius): """Output circle with given center and radius coordinates. Must be called within an svgStyle()/svgEndStyle() call pair. """ svgTag('circle cx="%d" cy="%d" r="%s"' % (center+(radius,)) ) # ========================================================================== # Test code driver # ========================================================================== seed(27) svgRadius = 2 svgBound = 400 margin = 4 def clusteredCoordinate(clusteringExponent,fractalExponent): x = long(randrange(1000)**clusteringExponent) y = 0 p = 1 while x: if x & 1: y += p p *= fractalExponent x >>= 1 return y def clusteredPoint(): return clusteredCoordinate(2,2.5),clusteredCoordinate(1.5,3.2) points = [clusteredPoint() for i in range(250)] maxX = max(x for x,y in points) maxY = max(y for x,y in points) scaleX = 1.0*(svgBound-2*margin)/maxX scaleY = 1.0*(svgBound-2*margin)/maxY points = [(x*scaleX+margin,y*scaleY+margin) for x,y in points] svgHeader(svgBound,svgBound) svgStyle('fill="none" stroke="blue"') svgLine((1,1),(1,svgBound-1)) svgLine((1,svgBound-1),(svgBound-1,svgBound-1)) svgLine((svgBound-1,svgBound-1),(svgBound-1,1)) svgLine((svgBound-1,1),(1,1)) quadtree(points,(1,1),(svgBound-1,svgBound-1)) svgEndStyle() svgStyle('fill="white" stroke="black"') for p in points: svgCircle(p,svgRadius) svgEndStyle() svgTrailer()