Bahasa Indonesia: BENGKALIS – Sebagai salah satu kegiatan Peringatan Hari Jadi ke-507 Bengkalis, ribuan masyarakat Bengkalis memadati Tabligh Akbar bersama Ustadz Solmed, di Lapangan Tugu Bengkalis, Jumat (19/7/2019) malam.
Tabligh Akbar yang di hadiri Bupati Bengkalis Amril Mukminin diwakili Sekretaris Daerah (Sekda) H Bustami HY, dimulai pukul 21.00 WIB dan berakhir sekitar pukul 22.30 WIB.
Didalam tausiahnya, ustadz bernama lengkap Sholeh Mahmoed Nasution ini mengingatkan seluruh masyarkat Bengkalis untuk selalu bersyukur atas segala karunia Allah SWT., yang diberikan kepada seluruh masyarakat dan daerah.
Hal itupun juga menjadi pengingat bagi dirinya, karena bertepatan pada 19 Juli 2019 ini, ustadz yang kala itu memakai baju koko berwarna biru perpaduan batik di lengan dan leher ini genap berusia 36 tahun.
English: BENGKALIS - As one of the activities of the 507th Anniversary of Bengkalis, thousands of Bengkalis people thronged the Tabligh Akbar together with Ustadz Solmed, at Bengkalis Monument, Friday (7/19/2019) night.
Tabligh Akbar attended by Bengkalis Regent Amril Mukminin was represented by Regional Secretary (Sekda) H Bustami HY, starting at 21:00 WIB and ending around 22:30 WIB.
In his tausiah, the cleric whose full name is Sholeh Mahmoed Nasution reminded all Bengkalis people to always be grateful for all the gifts of Allah SWT, which were given to all people and regions.
That was also a reminder for him, because it coincided on July 19, 2019, the cleric who was wearing a blue koko shirt in a blend of batik on his arms and neck was even 36 years old.
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