Forente Artister

Forente Artister (English: United Artists) was a group of Norwegian artists that went together in 1985 to record the song Sammen for livet (English: Together for Life) in order to raise money for the victims of hunger in Africa. The lyrics were written by Halvdan Sivertsen and the melody by Åge Aleksandersen. This project was inspired by Band Aid and Forente Artister was thus part of a large humanitarian initiative. The project resulted in an album which in addition to Sammen for livet also consisted of several newly recorded songs by some of the participators. The song and the project received a special award in the Spellemannsprisen 1985 (The Norwegian equivalent to Grammy awards).

Artists participating on «Sammen for livet»


Venn ( Friend ) (2005)


In January 2005, after the earthquake and tsunami in the Indian Ocean 2004, a collection of Norwegian artist came together to record the song "Friend" which was written by Espen Lind and Lene Marlin. The initiative was taken by The Spellemann Award who gathered a total of 70 Norwegian artists to volunteer for flood victims in Southeast Asia. The song was released on the double album Friend and a number of artists donated their songs for this album project. The song "Friend" was produced by Bjorn Nessjø and Stargate. The money from the sale of this album was earmarked for Red Cross work in the hard-hit Aceh province in Indonesia.

Participating artists on "Venn" ( "Friend" )
