Galleazzo Appiani

Galleazzo Appiani was an Italian architect who worked in Poland. Amongst his designs are the Carmelite Church in Przemyśl and the Krasicki Palace, built between 1592 and 1618 for the Krasicki family in Krasiczyn.


  1. Torbus, Tomasz. Poland. Germany: Nelles Verlag, 2001.
  2. Łoziński, Jerzy Z.., Miłobędzki, Adam. Guide to Architecture in Poland. Poland: Polonia Publishing House, 1967.
  3. Rostworowski, Emanuel., Cękalska, Krystyna., Gieysztor, Aleksander., Kieniewicz, Stefan. History of Poland. Poland: PWN, Polish Scientific Publishers, 1979.