Glossary of military modeling and simulation

The US DoD Modeling and Simulation Glossary (formally known as DoD 5000.59-M), was originally created in 1998. As of October 2010 the glossary was being updated, without changing its main objective of providing a uniform language for use by the M&S community. This article contains a list of terms and acronyms, based on the original DoD 5000.59-M[1] and information related to the update.



The original DoD Modeling and Simulation glossary: DoD 5000.59 was created in 1998, in hopes to promote a uniform set of terms across the Department of Defense. The glossary consisted of three sections: sources, acronyms and terms. The first section was a set of sources from where the information for the glossary was accessed from. Second, a list of M&S related acronyms, and lastly a set of M&S terms with definitions.[2]



Since 1998, the world of Modeling and Simulation has expanded. With the rise of new technology including augmented reality, mixed reality, virtual worlds, SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model), and agent based simulation, it has become apparent that as the industry of Modeling and Simulation continues to change and grow, so should its language. Thus, a team of authors (University of Central Florida's (UCF) Institute for Simulation and Training (IST), contracted by the Joint Training Integration and Evaluation Center (JTIEC)) have set to revise and update the Modeling and Simulation Glossary to include new terminology, and to exclude out of date information.[2]


The main objective of this effort was not to completely change the original 1998 M&S glossary, but rather to update and upgrade it.

The authors decided to err on the side of keeping the glossary inclusive of information rather than exclusive when it came to the addition of new terms and acronyms, while still maintaining a sense of readability. To that end the authors reached out to the research and academic communities for references and materials used in their M&S pursuits. The result was a comprehensive bibliography and description of terms at a general level, with the aim that for those interested, more detailed information could be found in the reference. At the current state of the glossary, it includes the addition of 35 references, 180 acronyms, and 500 definitions (includes multiple definitions). The glossary was to be fully completed by late 2010.[2]

The glossary includes contribution from many US military organizations.[2]


Acronym/Term Expansion Definition Authoritative source Links Notes
3CE Cross Command Collaborative Effort PM FCS [1] Archived 2011-07-22 at the Wayback Machine
3DViz Three Dimensional Visualization CERDEC [2][permanent dead link]
6DoF Six degrees of freedom Degrees of freedom (mechanics)


Acronym/Term Expansion Definition Authoritative source Links Notes
A/NM Administrative/Network Management NDIA [4]
A2C2S Army Airborne Command and Control Systems PEO C3T [5]
AAEF Air Assault Expeditionary Force TRADOC [6]
AAR After Action Review DoA [7]
ABCS Army Battle Command System PM BC [8] Archived 2007-12-26 at the Wayback Machine
AC2DP Army Concept & Capability Developments Plan ARCIC [9] Archived 2007-12-26 at the Wayback Machine
ACA Army Contracting Agency ASA(ALT) [10]
ACAT Acquisition Category DAU [11]
ACR Advanced Concepts and Requirements MSCO [12]
ACTD Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration DARPA [13]
AD Airspace Deconfliction DoD [14]
AEC Army Evaluation Center ATEC [15]
AEWE Army Expeditionary Warrior Experiment Maneuver Battle Laboratory (MBL) [16] Formerly Air Assault Expeditionary Force (AAEF)
AFATDS Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System PM BC
Aggregation The ability to group entities while preserving the effects of entity behavior and interaction while grouped. PM BC [17]
AGM Attack Guidance Matrix FM 6-20-10
AIDE Agile Integration Demonstration and Experimentation RDECOM [18]
AKO Army Knowledge Online PM AKO/DKO [19]
AKSS AT&L Knowledge Sharing System USD(AT&L) [20]
AMC United States Army Materiel Command HQDA [21]
AMP Army Modernization Plan RDECOM [22]


AMRDEC United States Army Aviation and Missile Research, Development, and Engineering Center RDECOM [24]
AMSAA United States Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity RDECOM [25]
AMSEC Army Model and Simulation Executive Council AR 5-11 [26]
AMSO Army Modeling & Simulation Office DCS G-8 [27] Archived 2013-05-13 at the Wayback Machine
APL Applied Physics Laboratory Johns Hopkins University [28]
APM Assistant Project Manager PM CATT [29]
APM CCTT Assistant Project Manager Close Combat Tactical Trainer PM CATT [30]
APS Active Protection System DoD [31]
AR Army Regulation DoA [32]
Architecture The structure of components, their relationships, and the principles and guidelines governing their design and evolution over time. IEEE Std 610.12-1990 [33]


ARCIC U.S. Army Capabilities Integration Center TRADOC [35]
ARDEC United States Army Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center RDECOM [36]
ARL Army Research Laboratory RDECOM [37]
ARO Army Research Office ARL [38]
ASA(ALT) United States Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology HQDA [39]
ASD(NCBDP) Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Nuclear & Chemical & Biological Defense Programs USD(AT&L) [40]
ASTAG Army Science and Technology Advisory Group SAAL-ZT [41]
ASM Sensor Acoustic, Seismic, and Magnetic Sensor Geophysical MASINT
ASTMP Army Science and Technology Master Plan SAAL-ZT [42]
AT&L Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology HQDA [43]
ATAM Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method SEI [44]
ATD Advanced Technology Demonstration ASTMP [45]
ATEC United States Army Test and Evaluation Command HQDA [46] Archived 2006-07-28 at the Wayback Machine
ATO Army Technology Objectives ASTMP [47]
ATO-D Army Technology Objectives-Demonstration ASTMP [48]
AUTL Army Universal Task List FM 7-15 [49]
AV All View DoDAF set of views that contains the AV-1 and AV-2. DoDAF [50]


AV-1 All View-1 DoDAF view for scope, purpose, intended users, environment depicted, and analytical findings. DoDAF [53]
AV-2 All View-2 DoDAF view for architecture data repository with definitions of all acronyms/terms used in all products. AV-2 is also known as the Integrated Dictionary. DoDAF [54]
AVCATT Aviation Combined Arms Tactical Trainer - Aviation Reconfigurable Manned Simulator PM ACTT [55]
AW Asymmetric Warfare DoD


Acronym/Term Expansion Definition Authoritative source Links Notes
B-Kit Add-on configurable armor used on compatible vehicle chassis such as the HMMWV. PEO GCS [56]
BC Battle Command DoA
BCS3 Battlefield Command Sustainment Support System PM BCS3 [57]
BCT Brigade Combat Team PM FCS [58]
BDA Battle damage assessment The estimate of damage resulting from the application of lethal or nonlethal military force. Battle damage assessment is composed of physical damage assessment, functional damage assessment, and target system assessment. JP 3-0 [59]
BICC Battlefield Information Coordination Center FM 101-5-1 [60]
BLCSE Battle Laboratory Collaborative Simulation Environment ARCIC [61]
BML Battle management language SISO
BPDM Business Process Definition Metamodel OMG
BPEL Business Process Execution Language OMG
BPMN Business Process Modeling Notation OMG


Acronym/Term Expansion Definition Authoritative source Links Notes
C2IEDM Command and Control Information Exchange Data Model Multilateral Interoperability Programme
C4 Command, Control, Communications, Computers DoD
C4ISR Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance DoD C4ISTAR
CAA Center for Army Analysis HQDA [62] Archived 2009-05-31 at the Wayback Machine
CAB Combined Arms Battalion DoD
CAC Combined Arms Center TRADOC [63]
CASSI Concept, Analysis, System Simulation & Integration TARDEC [64]
CDRT Capabilities Development for Rapid Transition DoA [65]
CERDEC United States Army Communications-Electronics Research Development and Engineering Center RDECOM [66]
CMU Carnegie Mellon University [67]
CNA Capability Needs Analysis ARCIC [68]
COP Common Operational Picture DoD
CREW Counter Radio Controlled IED Electronics Warfare Naval Surface Warfare Center Crane Division
CRM Conceptual Reference Model [69][permanent dead link]
CS Capability Set OASA(ALT) [70][permanent dead link]
CSM Capability Set Management OASA(ALT) [71][permanent dead link]
CSMB Capability Set Management Board OASA(ALT) [72]
CSMP Capability Set Management Process OASA(ALT) [73][permanent dead link]
CTSF Central Technical Support Facility PEO C3T

[74][permanent dead link]
Cultural Factors DoD [75][permanent dead link]
Cultural Features DoD [76][permanent dead link]


Acronym/Term Expansion Definition Authoritative source Links Notes
DAU Defense Acquisition University USD(AT&L) [77] Archived 2009-04-23 at the Wayback Machine
DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DoD [78]
DIS Distributed Interactive Simulation IEEE
DCS G-8 Deputy Chief of Staff G-8 of the United States Army VCSA [79] Archived 2009-04-18 at the Wayback Machine
DDRE Director of Defense Research and Engineering USD(AT&L) [80] Archived 2009-04-18 at the Wayback Machine
DoA Department of the Army DoD [81]
DoD Department of Defense United States Federal Government [82]
DoDAF Department of Defense Architecture Framework DoD [83]
DPP Director of Plans & Programs DDRE [84] Archived 2009-08-25 at the Wayback Machine
DVL Distributed Virtual Laboratory MATREX [85]
Dynamic Terrain PM FCS [86][permanent dead link]
Dynamic Weather PM FCS [87][permanent dead link]


Acronym/Term Expansion Definition Authoritative source Links Notes
EA Executable Architecture
ECBC United States Army Edgewood Chemical and Biological Center RDECOM
EMDS United States Army Enterprise Management Decision Support RDECOM


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FCS (BCT) Future Combat Systems (Brigade Combat Team) SAAL-ZB [88]


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Acronym/Term Expansion Definition Authoritative source Links Notes
HITL Human-in-the-Loop DoD 5000.59-M
HQDA Headquarters, Department of the Army DoA [89]
HMMWV High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle PEO GCS [90]


Acronym/Term Expansion Definition Authoritative source Links Notes
I/ITSEC Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference I/ITSEC [91]
IW Irregular warfare DoD [92] Archived 2008-09-03 at the Wayback Machine


Acronym/Term Expansion Definition Authoritative source Links Notes
JCA Joint Capability Area CJCS [93][permanent dead link]
JCIDS Joint Capabilities Integration Development System CJCS
JPD Joint Planning Document CJCS
JUONS Joint Urgent Operational Needs CJCS [94]


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Acronym/Term Expansion Definition Authoritative source Links Notes
LCIM Levels of Conceptual Interoperability Model SISO Conceptual interoperability
LOP Local Operational Picture DoD
LVC Live, Virtual, and Constructive DoD 5000.59-M [95]
LWN LandWarNet United States Department of the Army Chief Information Officer/G-6 [96]



Acronym/Term Expansion Definition Authoritative source Links Notes
M&S Modeling and simulation DoD [98]
MATREX Modeling Architecture for Technology, Research, and EXperimentation STTC [99]


MBL Maneuver Battle Lab TRADOC [101][permanent dead link]
MORS Military Operations Research Society MORS [102]
MOOTW Military operations other than war DoD [103]
MSRR Modeling and Simulation Resource Repository MSCO [104]
MSCO Modeling and Simulation Coordination Office DPP [105]
MTM Model-Test-Model DPP [106]


Acronym/Term Expansion Definition Authoritative source Links Notes
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO [107]
Network Science DoD
NCS National Center for Simulation NCS [108]
NDIA National Defense Industrial Association NDIA [109]
NICEL Navy Infrared Countermeasures Effectiveness Laboratory Naval Surface Warfare Center Crane Division
NMSG NATO Modeling and Simulation Group NATO [110]
NSRDEC Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center RDECOM [111]


Acronym/Term Expansion Definition Authoritative source Links Notes
OASA(ALT) United States Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology HQDA [112]
ONS Operational Needs Statement AR 71–9 [113]
OSD Office of the Secretary of Defense DoD [114]
OTM On The Move PM C4ISR OTM [115]


Acronym/Term Expansion Definition Authoritative source Links Notes
PA&E Program Analysis and Evaluation OSD [116] Archived 2007-10-09 at the Wayback Machine
PDM Program Decision Memorandum OSD [117][permanent dead link]
PEO C3T Program Executive Office Command, Control, Communications Tactical SAAL-ZB [118] Archived 2008-12-30 at the Wayback Machine
PEO EIS Program Executive Office Enterprise Information Systems SAAL-ZB [119]
PEO GCS Program Executive Office Ground Combat Systems SAAL-ZB [120]
PEO STRI Program Executive Office Simulation, Training, and Instrumentation SAAL-ZB [121]
PM ACTT Product Manager Air and Command Tactical Trainers PEO CATT [122]
PM AKO/DKO Project Manager Army Knowledge Online/Defense Knowledge Online PEO EIS [123] Archived 2007-12-26 at the Wayback Machine
PM BC Project Manager Battle Command PEO C3T [124] Archived 2007-12-26 at the Wayback Machine
PM BCS3 Product Manager Battle Command Sustainment Support System PM BC [125][permanent dead link]
PM CATT Project Manager Combined Arms Tactical Trainers PEO STRI [126] Archived 2008-12-24 at the Wayback Machine
PM ConSim Project Manager Constructive Simulation PEO STRI [127] Archived 2009-04-25 at the Wayback Machine
PM FCS Program Management Future Combat Systems SAAL-ZB [128]
PM ITTS Project Manager Instrumentation Targets and Threat Simulators PEO STRI [129] Archived 2008-12-31 at the Wayback Machine
PoR Program of Record DAU [130]


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QRC Quick Reaction Capability DAU [131]



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RDECOM Research, Development and Engineering Command AMC [133]


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SAAL-ZB Principal Military Deputy OASA(ALT) [134]
SAAL-ZT Deputy Assistant Secretary for Research & Technology OASA(ALT) [135]
SASO Stability And Support Operations DoD [136] Currently known as Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW)
SBA Simulation Based Acquisition DoD
SE Synthetic environment Internetted simulations that represent activities at a high level of realism from simulations of theaters of war to factories and manufacturing processes. These environments may be created within a single computer or a vast distributed network connected by local and wide area networks and augmented by super-realistic special effects and accurate behavioral models. They allow visualization of and immersion into the environment being simulated. DoD 5000.59-P

CJCSI 8510.01



SEDRIS Synthetic Environment Data Representation and Interchange Specification SISO
SEI Software Engineering Institute CMU [139]
Sensor fusion DoD
SHME Synthetic human-made environment Synthetic human-made environment
SIMPLE The Standard Interface for Multiple Platform Link Evaluation The aim of this agreement is to provide specifications for a common standard to interconnect ground rigs of all types (e.g. simulation, integration facilities etc.) for the purpose of Tactical Data Link (TDL) Interoperability (IO) testing. NATO STANAG 5602 Enables transmission of J-Series (TADIL-J) messages over IP-based protocols
SISO Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization SISO [140]
SIW Simulation Interoperability Workshop SISO [141]
SID System Integration Domain RDECOM [142][permanent dead link]
SMART Simulation & Modeling for Acquisition, Requirements, and Training DoA
SNE Synthetic natural environment DARPA [143][permanent dead link]
SPE Synthetic psychological environment
Static Terrain] PM FCS
Static Weather PM FCS
STOW Synthetic Theater of War DARPA [144]
STTC United States Army Simulation and Training Technology Center RDECOM
Systems architecture The fundamental organization of a system, embodied in its components, their relationships to each other and the environment, and the principles governing its design and evolution. IEEE Std 1471-2000 [145]
SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats SWOT analysis


Acronym/Term Expansion Definition Authoritative source Links Notes
TARDEC Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center RDECOM [146]
TFT Technology Focus Teams RDECOM [147][permanent dead link]
TRADOC Training and Doctrine Command HQDA


Acronym/Term Expansion Definition Authoritative source Links Notes
Urban Terrain DoD [148]
USAASC United States Army Acquisition Support Center ASA(ALT) [149]
USD(AT&L) Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics DoD [150]


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Acronym/Term Expansion Definition Authoritative source Links Notes
WSR Weapon Systems Review The WSR is the forum for Program Managers to present their life-cycle weapon system and equipment funding requirements for Program Evaluation Groups (PEG) integration. All PEGs and planning, programming, budget and execution (PPBE) integrators are invited to participate and it involves more than 15 Army Staff and Secretariat stakeholders. United States Army Acquisition Support Center [151]


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See also



  1. ^ "Department of Defense Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Glossary", DoD 5000.59-M, Department of Defense, 1998 "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2007-07-10. Retrieved 2009-04-22.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  2. ^ a b c d Goldiez, Brian; Palmer, Nicole; Lowe, Van; Dumanoir, Paul (12 September 2010). Update of the DoD M&S Glossary. Simulation Interoperability Workshop. Institute for Simulation & Training at the University of Central Florida. 10F-SIW-061.
  • Defense Acquisition University - Glossary of Defense Acquisition Acronyms & Terms [152]
  • DoD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms JP 1-02 [153]
  • Computer Aided Control System Design (CACSD) Multidisciplinary System Simulation Glossary [154]
  • IEEE Std 610.3-1989 IEEE Standard Glossary of Modeling and Simulation Terminology [155]
  • [156] Archived 2009-04-21 at the Wayback Machine
  • NDIA Glossary [157]