Gutenberg Prize of the City of Leipzig

The Gutenberg Prize of the City of Leipzig (German: Gutenberg-Preis der Stadt Leipzig)  is an award in memory of Johannes Gutenberg. Since 1959, the prize honor personalities or institutions that make outstanding contributions to the promotion of the art of books. Awarded people and Institutions have set standards with their artistic, technical, or scientific achievements, especially in the areas of typography, book illustration, book publishing, and book production.[1]

The award is in the Leipzig tradition as a historic center for print quality and care for book art.

Since 1993, the Gutenberg Prize has been alternated with the Gutenberg Prize of the City of Mainz and the Gutenberg International Society annually. The prize is endowed with 10,000 euros.[1]





  1. ^ a b c "Gutenberg Prize". Retrieved 2020-04-06.
  2. ^ International Center for the Typographic Arts. (1966). Typomundus 20. Reinhold Publishing Corporation. OCLC 951386210.
  3. ^ "Elizabeth Shaw". Retrieved 2020-08-11.
  4. ^ Lommen, Mathieu (1994). "Typography in the Netherlands 1993". Quaerendo. 24 (2): 149–160. doi:10.1163/157006994x00252. ISSN 0014-9527.
  5. ^ Pritchard, Tony (2017). "Jost Hochuli: Awarded an Honorary FISTD". Typographic. 70: 26–27.
  6. ^ "Rene Wanner's Poster Page / News". Retrieved 2020-08-11.