Hannes Walter

Hannes Walter in 1989

Hannes Walter (3 December 1952 Tallinn – 26 November 2004) was an Estonian war historian.[1]

In 1978 he graduated from Tartu University with a degree in history. In 2000, he received his PhD in cultural history from Tallinn University.[1]

He was head of the Estonian History Museum's Maarjamäe branch. From 1997 to 2001 he worked as a ministerial advisor at the Estonian Defence Ministry. He became head of the Estonian War Museum in 2001, and held this position until his death in 2004.[1]


  • Ausalt ja avameelselt Landeswehri sõjast, Võnnu lahingust, Riia operatsioonist (1989)
  • Ausalt & avameelselt Eesti suurmeestest (1990) [1]
  • Estonian Orders and Decorations (1998)[2]
  • They followed the orders. Faith of the Estonian officers (1999) [3]
  • General Johan laidoner. 115 years since born (1999) [4]
  • Leaders of the 2 World Wars, Part I (2000) co-author [5]
  • Leaders of the 2 World Wars, Part II (2000) co-author [6]
  • Leaders of the 2 World Wars, Part III (2000) co-author [7]
  • Vabadussõja kõrgemate juhtide memoriaali avamine Tallinna Kaitseväe kalmistul 28. novembril 2000. a. (2000) [8]
  • They gave everything. The officers who fell in the War of Liberation (2002) [9]
  • Hundred years of War (2002) [10]
  • Naval battles on the Baltic Sea 1918–1919. The British and Estonian Navy in the War of Liberation (2003) [11]
  • The Estonian State decorations (2003) [12]
  • Jüriööst teisiti (2004) [13]


  • Detsembrimäss oli Eesti huvides: 75 aasta tagune detsembrimäss Eestis oli Nõukogude Liidu globaalse agressiooni tüüpiline episood (1999) article
  • Salaluure Eesti Vabariigi sündimise ajal. Luuramisi. (1999) article
  • Husaar (2001) article
  • About "The Holocaust Industry" (2002) [14]
  • 28. juulil 1914 algas 20. sajand (2004)

Walters legacy

  • Tagasi Euroopasse (1989) film script
  • Kaks rahvast-üks meri (1990) film script


  1. ^ a b c "Suri sõjaajaloolane Hannes Walter PM". Estonian World Review (in Estonian). Retrieved 23 May 2021.