Iva (given name)

Iva is a given name.

Feminine name


Iva is a feminine given name found mostly in Slavic countries (Cyrillic: Ива), but also occasionally in English-speaking countries and elsewhere. The name Iva comes from the Old Slavic name Ivana, which is the feminine form of the name Ivan. The root of the name Ivan is in the Hebrew name Yochanan, which means God is merciful or God's grace.[1][2]

Notable people with the name include:

Masculine name


Iva is also a masculine name, found in Australia and New Zealand, as well as in Georgia. Notable people with the name include:

See also



  1. ^ "Predivna imena za djecu koja znače čudo". www.index.hr (in Croatian). Retrieved 2024-12-25.
  2. ^ Čilaš Šimpraga, Ivšić Majić and Vidović. Rječnik 500 najčešćih suvremenih hrvatskih osobnih imena (in Croatian). Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje. p. 29.