Just-in-time learning

Just-in-time learning is an approach to individual or organizational learning and development that promotes need-related training be readily available exactly when and how it is needed by the learner.



Just-in-time learning is different from structured training or scheduled professional development, both of which are generally available at set dates and times.[1] What makes just-in-time learning unique is a strategy focused on meeting the learner's need when it arises, rather than pre-scheduled education sessions that occur regardless of the immediacy or scope of need.[2] Therefore, planning for just-in-time learning requires anticipating what is needed by the various learners, when and where they may be when they experience the need, and the creation of content oriented toward meeting those needs in ways that are focused and accessible.[3]

The learning that is provided in a just-in-time format is often by short online videos, targeted elearning, printed and accessible job aids, or related real-world information. It is timed and packaged to meet one explicit need and nothing else, so as not to overwhelm the learner with anything that does not meet the immediate need.[4][5] Information can be provided through traditional paper, online, or through mobile devices depending upon need and availability.[6] It is essential that the information is findable and understandable by the person who needs it; otherwise the person will become distracted or lose focus and defeats the benefits of just-in-time learning. Meeting only the immediate need helps with knowledge retention and promotes feelings of empowerment. Therefore, one of the criteria used to assess learning is the speed of connecting the person who needs something with the learning that helps get it done.[2]

Success criteria


That just-in-time learning is often conflated with reusable learning objects implies that similar success criteria may be applied to them.[7] Evidence of successful use of just-in-time learning includes higher learner satisfaction, decreased costs, and even increased patient-centered outcomes when implemented within health settings.[1][8][9]

See also



  1. ^ a b Riel, Margaret (May 24–26, 1998). "Education in the 21st Century: Just-in-Time Learning or Learning Communities". Presented at Challenges of the Next Millennium: Education & Development of Human Resources. The Fourth Annual Conference of the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research.
  2. ^ a b Brandenburg, Dale C.; Ellinger, Andrea D. (August 2003). "The Future: Just-in-Time Learning Expectations and Potential Implications for Human Resource Development". Advances in Developing Human Resources. 5 (3): 308–320. doi:10.1177/1523422303254629. ISSN 1523-4223. S2CID 144814994.
  3. ^ Govindasamy, Thavamalar (2001-01-01). "Successful implementation of e-Learning: Pedagogical considerations". The Internet and Higher Education. SOLE 2001: Exploring the Evolution of E-Learning. 4 (3): 287–299. doi:10.1016/S1096-7516(01)00071-9. ISSN 1096-7516.
  4. ^ O’Donnell, Riia (October 17, 2017). "When it comes to training, timing is everything". HR Dive. Archived from the original on 2019-07-08. Retrieved 2019-07-08.
  5. ^ Lynch, Maggie McVay. (2004). Learning online : a guide to success in the virtual classroom. New York: RoutledgeFalmer. ISBN 0203353455. OCLC 57241944.
  6. ^ Traxler, John (2007). "Defining, Discussing and Evaluating Mobile Learning: The moving finger writes and having writ . . ". The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. 8 (2). doi:10.19173/irrodl.v8i2.346.
  7. ^ Mason, Robin; Pegler, Chris; Weller, Martin (2019-03-19). "A Learning Object Success Story". Online Learning. 9 (1). doi:10.24059/olj.v9i1.1805. ISSN 2472-5730.
  8. ^ Kessler, D.; Pusic, M.; Chang, T. P.; Fein, D. M.; Grossman, D.; Mehta, R.; White, M.; Jang, J.; Whitfill, T. (2015-05-01). "Impact of Just-in-Time and Just-in-Place Simulation on Intern Success With Infant Lumbar Puncture". Pediatrics. 135 (5): e1237–e1246. doi:10.1542/peds.2014-1911. ISSN 0031-4005. PMID 25869377. S2CID 41976635.
  9. ^ Bolton, Michele Kremen (June 1999). "The Role Of Coaching in Student Teams: A "Just-in-Time" Approach To Learning". Journal of Management Education. 23 (3): 233–250. doi:10.1177/105256299902300302. ISSN 1052-5629. S2CID 143845591.