Kalinov Most

Kalinov Most (Калинов Мост)
Background information
OriginUSSR, Russia
GenresRock, Folk rock, Blues-rock, Shamanic rock, Art rock, Christian rock (later)
Years active1984–present
MembersDmitry Revyakin (vocals, guitar)
Victor Chapligin (drums)
Aleksand Vladikin (piano, keyboards)
Konstantin Kovachev (guitar)
Dmitriy Grudaenko (bass guitar)

Kalinov Most (Калинов мост, "guelder-rose bridge") is a Russian folk rock band. The band was formed in 1984 by vocalist and songwriter Dmitry Revyakin in Novosibirsk, Siberia, USSR.[1]

History of the group

( 1986-1999 )

The history of this original Siberian team dates back to the mid-eighties, when Dima Revyakin, a student of the Novosibirsk Electrotechnical Institute who was fond of poetry and rock music, decided to join forces with a prominent guitarist of the Novosibirsk rock underground, Dmitry Selivanov, and create his own group. Soon other students of the same institute joined the guys: Viktor Chaplygin - drums and Andrey Shchennikov - bass. The name "Kalinov Most" for the group was invented by Revyakin's then girlfriend Olga, who would soon become his wife and Muse, the love for whom he would carry over many years. In Soviet times, the group “Kalinov Most” was called Russian rock, and Dmitry Revyakin was called the Russian Jim Morrison . In terms of music, “Kalinov Most” was pounding out classic rhythm and blues with a touch of Siberian psychedelia. For now, these are hippie songs about Siberian life with some folklore and a hint of protest - of course, that was the case, the time was already like that, it was 1986 and Gorbachev was calling on Soviet society to reconstruction from TV screens in every possible way. Guitarist Vasily Smolentsev joins the guys. And Selivanov (guitar, trumpet, saxophone) leaves the group and hangs himself in 1989 within the walls of the electromagnetic institute. At the end of the eighties, the band decided to move to Moscow in full force and establish themselves here. Fortunately, the ground for this was looking good. Stas Namin offered the Novosibirsk band to work at his SNC studio. Revyakin understands that this is a real chance to break through to a wider audience. However, it does not work out. Friction and a search for someone to blame begin in the band. Vasily Smolentsev leaves for some time . During this forced retreat, Revyakin spends time with his parents in the Transbaikal Territory. At this time, he writes fundamentally new lyrics both in their semantic content and in melody; Revyakin's passion for Velemir Khlebnikov and his word-creation is evident; pagan and epic motifs float into Revyakin's lyrics. Soon the musicians return to Moscow and record their first three studio albums in a row at Namin's studio: "Vyvoroten", "Uzaren", "Darza". With the support of Stas Namin, the group organizes its first tours around Russia. The album “Poyas Ulchi”, the style of which Revyakin began to try on in the albums “Uzaren” and “Darza”, reached its apogee on Poyas Ulchi. At this stage, bass guitarist Andrey Shchennikov splits off. Bassist Oleg Tatarenko joins the group, who will be a member of the team for quite a long time. In addition, Revyakin begins to have problems with his vocal cords. The album “Poyas Ulchi” was recorded, with little or no money. According to Revyakin, the many session musicians on the recording were a rather forced measure. Times were hard for the team, there was practically no money, and the group as such, too. At some point, Revyakin and Smolentsev were left alone and working on the material. After some time, the group gathers with a renewed line-up (Oleg Tatarenko - bass and Alexander Vladykin - keys, accordion), prepares the album "Traven", but then the group again begins to have problems with the line-up, as a result of which "Traven", originally planned as a full-fledged commercial album, was recorded from a television broadcast, and the group's further work on new material slowed down. In 1997-1998, the band prepared the album "Weapon". Andrey Shchennikov finally left the band, and Oleg Tatarenko recorded the bass parts for the album. In 1998, the album was released. Many critics recognized it as a landmark in Russian rock. Around the same time, archival recordings of "Kalinov Most" were released on the Moroz Records label. Thanks to the release of "Weapon" and archival recordings, the band significantly improved its financial situation, and it acquired a noticeable number of regular fans in St. Petersburg and Moscow. From 1998 to 2003, bassist Evgeny Baryshev, whom Revyakin met in Chita, appeared in the band.[<ref name=dzen.ru>https://dzen.ru/a/ZDfdV4rh9igb5azR]


In 2001, the band released the album "Ruda", and there was a five-year break in releasing records. During this time, the band repeatedly changed its lineup, performed in different cities of the country, recorded material for a new album (the recording lasted more than two years). During this period, Anaxagor Vladykin and Oleg Tatarenko left the lineup, and then rejoined it. Guitarist Konstantin Kovachev, who replaced Vasily Smolentsev, also joined the lineup. In 2006, the album SWA was released, which emphasized lyrics. The album is dedicated to the memory of Dmitry's wife Olga, who died of a heart attack in December 2005. In 2007, the album "Ice Campaign" was released, which was radically different from the previous one in terms of the ideology of the lyrics. The album is almost entirely dedicated to the theme of war, heroism, and there is a clear sympathy for the White movement. Orthodoxy, which Revyakin accepted in 2000, had a great influence. Dmitry Revyakin himself considers the album to be the main one in the work of "Kalinov Most", and even says that "the mission of "Kalinov Most" is fulfilled" . Before recording the album, there are changes in the line-up again - bassist Andrey Baslyk joins the group. In 2009, Kalinov Most's next album, "Heart", was released. The theme of the lyrics is quite consistent with the title - most of the lyrics are about love. Like SWA, the album is dedicated to the memory of Olga. Before working on the album, Alexander Vladykin left the band, as a result of which the band's live sound was greatly simplified, but in the album "Heart" this is compensated by the complexity of the guitar arrangements, recorded with multiple studio overdubs.

In July 2009, the band became the headliner of a number of festivals: "Invasion", "Heart of Parmy" (Perm Krai) and "Rock-ethno-stan" (Sverdlovsk Oblast).

2010 s

In 2010, an unusual DVD, Kalinov Most: Zhatva Catharsis Quest, was released, which is Dmitry Revyakin's solo album, Zhatva, in a new concert performance by the Kalinov Most group, accompanied by a specially created conceptual video sequence - essentially, a sequence of video clips united by a single concept.

At the end of the same year, Kalinov Most's new studio album, Eschato, was released (Dmitry Revyakin derives the name from the word "eschatology", the teaching about the end times). The release presentation took place on November 12 at the B-2 club. Two songs from the album, Angels of Paradise and Mother Europe, achieved unprecedented success for the group - 1st place in the Chartova Dyuzhina hit parade on "Nashe Radio" for six weeks in a row each.

In the same year (2010), the band recorded a tribute album to the memory of Alexander Bashlachev - "Silver and Tears", released in 2014. The author of the idea and almost all the arrangements of the album is Dmitry Revyakin and the group Kalinov Most, they also recorded most of the accompaniment . Many famous rock musicians from Russia and the post-Soviet space took part in the project, most of whom personally knew Alexander.

In March 2012, the album Zolotoe tolokno was released. The presentation of the record was planned for April, but, in the end, took place on September 20 at the Moscow Variety Theater . The release entered the 20 best-selling albums in Russia at 20th place .

In 2013, the album Contra was released. The presentation of the record took place in the Moscow club "TeatrЪ" on November 22 . The album was described by Dmitry Revyakin as "tough, urban". In it, the band's leader expressed a protest "against modern world trends", which, from his point of view, are destructive.

At the end of October 2015, the album "Cyclone" was released, dedicated to the Kamchatka Peninsula . The release was presented on November 6 at the Moscow club "RED". Several videos from the concert were posted on the band's official YouTube channel. On November 21, 2015, the premiere of the video "On the Edge of the Earth" took place. On December 1, the band published a video for the song "Horizons". It is noteworthy that it became the second version of the video for this composition. The first was released in early October 2015.

In 2016, the band released the album "Season of Sheep". That same year, the band celebrated its 30th anniversary. In honor of this event, the documentary film "Kalinov Most: A Play for 30 Years" was released.

In 2019, the album "Dauria" was released, dedicated to Transbaikalia, the small homeland of Dmitry Revyakin. The idea to create such a record matured in the band's leader 4 years ago, and the album was recorded since the beginning of 2018.[<ref name=https://posts24.ru/Калинов_мост_(группа)

In the fall of 2019, guitarist Konstantin Kovachev and bass player Andrey Baslyk left the band. The guitarist's place was taken by Alexey Lebedev. Baslyk later returned to the band [<ref name=reproduktor.net>https://reproduktor.net/2019/10/v-gruppu-kalinov-most-vernulsya-bas-gitarist/?ysclid=m5tjc4yeqw204679613].



Studio albums

  • 1986 — Калинов мост (Kalinov most/Kalinov Bridge)
  • 1990 — Выворотень (Vivoroten’/Eversion)
  • 1991 — Узарень (Uzaren’)
  • 1991 — Дарза (Darza)
  • 1993 — Пояс Ульчи (Poyas Ul'chi/Ulchi Belt)
  • 1998 — Оружие (Oruzhiye/The Weapon)
  • 2001 — Руда (Ruda/Ore)
  • 2006 — SWA
  • 2007 — Ледяной поход (Ledyanoy pohod/Ice Campaign)
  • 2009 — Сердце (Serdce/Heart)
  • 2010 — Эсхато (Eshato/Eschato)
  • 2012 — Золотое толокно (Zolotoye tolokno/Golden flour)
  • 2013 - Contra
  • 2015 - Циклон (Tsiclon/Cylcone)
  • 2016 - Трибьют Калинов Мост (Dan' Uvazheniya Kalinovu Mostu/Tribute to the Kalinov Bridge)
  • 2017 - Сезон овец (Sezon Ovets/The Sheep Season)
  • 2018 - Трибьют Калинов Мост 2 (Dan' Uvazheniya Kalinovu Mostu 2/Tribute to Kalinov Bridge 2)
  • 2019 - Даурия (Dauriya/Dauria)
  • 2022 - Холсты (Kholst/Canvas)

Live albums

  • 1987 — Надо было (Live)(Nado bylo / It Was Necessary)
  • 1988 — Вольница (Live)(Vol'nitsa / Free Rein)
  • 1991 — Мелодии голых ветвей (Live) (Melodii golyh vetvey / Melodies of Naked Branches)
  • 1993 — Никак 406 (Live)(Nikak 406 / nowise)
  • 1994 — Покориться весне (Live)(Pokoritsya vesnye / To Obey Spring)
  • 1997 — Живая коллекция (Live)(Zhivaya kollektsiya / Alive Collection)
  • 1999 — Катунь (Live)(Katun' / Katun)

Other releases

  • 1988 — Всякие разные песни (D.Revyakin solo)(Vsyakiye raznye pesni / Any Different Songs)
  • 1988 — Обломилась доска (D.Revyakin solo)(Oblomilas' doska / The Board Has Broken Off)
  • 1988 — Охта (Д. Ревякин соло) (Ohta / Okhta)
  • 1992 — Ливень (Liven' / Downpour)
  • 1994 — Быль (Byl' / True Story)
  • 1995 — Травень (Traven' / May)
  • 1996 — Всё поле в цветах (D.Revyakin solo)(Vsyo pole v tsvetah / All Field in Flowers)
  • 1998 — Обряд (D.Revyakin solo)(Obryad / Ceremony)
  • 1999 — Улетай (Uletay / Fly Away)
  • 2000 — Иерусалим (макси-сингл)(Ierusalim / Jerusalem)
  • 2022 - Четыре стороны (Chetyre Storony/Four Sides)


  1. ^ "KALINOV MOST (RUSSIA) - The International Music Festival "Voice of Nomads"". 2017.en.voiceofnomads.ru. Retrieved 2023-12-20.