
Królewicz (f. królewna; plural forms królewicze and królewny) was the title given to the sons and daughters of the king of Poland (and Grand Duke of Lithuania at the same time), later the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. It was similar in its distinctiveness to the Spanish and Portuguese title of infante, also reserved to the children of the monarch. Though, it was used only to denote one's status as a King's child. Królewicz and królewna has no direct equivalent in other languages and was translated to the English prince and German Prinz, like dynasts of a royal house. Królewicze since the 16th century could not also be regarded as and equivalent to the princes of the blood, because the Polish monarchy was not hereditary since 1573, when after the death of the last Jagiellon king, future Henry III of France was elected. In official Latin titulature children of Polish kings were often styled as Poloniae princeps or princeps Poloniae, meaning Prince/ss of Poland or Polish prince/ss.[1][2][3] In more official way, the full style of sons of monarchs was Dei Gratia regius princeps Poloniae et Lithuaniae[4] for the sons.

Polish królewicze and królewny


Polish monarchs with legitimate children and their offspring (since the House of Jagiellon):

See also



  2. ^ Baliński, Micha·l (1843). Pisma historyczne: 4. Sennewald. p. 75. Maria Anna princeps Poloniae.
  3. ^ "Carolus Ferdinandus princeps Poloniae & Sueciae [...]".
  4. ^ "Polona".
  5. ^ Władysław IV had also an extra-marital son, Władysław Konstanty Vasa
  6. ^ D. Żołądź-Strzelczyk, Dziecko w dawnej Polsce, p. 35, ref. 31.
  7. ^ A. Skrzypietz, Rozkwit i upadek rodu Sobieskich, pp. 69–72, 75–76, 88, 93–97.
  8. ^ August II had also numerous extra-marital children, who could not bear any styles and titles.
  9. ^ J. Feldman: Stanisław Leszczyński, Wrocław 1948; przedr. fotooffsetowy Warszawa 1959.
  10. ^ Jacek Staszewski, August III Sas, Wrocław 2010