Ros Serey Sothear becomes a popular artist for movie soundtracks among film directors, taking Huoy Mea's old position. Of the 18 films listed, 4 films are in existence, 6 have been remade, and 8 have not yet been remade.
Title Director Cast Genre Notes 1966 Apsara Norodom Sihanouk Norodom Buppha Devi , Nhiek Tioulong , Saksi Sbong, Norodom Narindrapong Present Existence Aso Propun Pong Sun Bun Ly Liv Heub , Pka Rozeth Legendary Not yet remade Chanameung Ly You Sreang Chea Yuthon , Pka Rozeth Legendary Not yet remade Kathrauy Moha Sronoss Kong Som Eun , Dy Saveth Not yet remade Kaék Pruot Bongkong Kong Som Eun , Dy Saveth Legendary Remade in 2006 Kun Chang Kun Paen Ly Va Kong Som Eun , Pka Rozeth Legendary Remade in 2007 Lin Toung Koma Yi Ki Len , Mjass Satrey Reaksmey Legendary Remade in 1997 Mapuyungkeo Chea Yuthon , Kim Nova Legendary Remade in 2002 Moranak Meada Kong Som Eun , Dy Saveth Remade in 2004 Neang Vimean Chan Dy Saveth Kong Som Eun , Dy Saveth Legendary Present Existence (Not yet on DVD) Neang Sok Kraop Biv Chai Leang Vann Vannak , Saom Vansodany Legendary Not yet remade Preah Ream Jole Kout Bunchout Neang Seda Yi Ki Len , Keo Montha Legendary Remade in 2005 as Reamke Saóp Nass Srolanh Nass Dy Saveth Kong Som Eun , Dy Saveth Romance Not yet remade Sromoul Akara Biv Chai Leang Kong Som Eun , Pich Komnanh Roth Fantasy Not yet remade Tomnuonh Sek Meas Kong Som Eun , Pka Rozeth Not yet remade The Little Prince Norodom Sihanouk Norodom Sihamoni Present Existence Tuk Pnek Neang Ko Kong Som Eun , Keo Montha Drama Present Existence Vil Vinh Na Bong Tea Lim Kun Nop Nem , Dy Saveth Drama Present Existence