List of cities in Japan

  Cities designated by government ordinance
  Core cities
  Special cities
  Special wards

This is a list of cities in Japan sorted by prefecture and within prefecture by founding date. The list is also sortable by population, area, density and foundation date. Most large cities in Japan are cities designated by government ordinance. Some regionally important cities are designated as core cities. Tokyo is not included on this list, as the City of Tokyo ceased to exist on July 1, 1943. Tokyo now exists as a special metropolis prefecture (都 to), with 23 special wards (with the same status of city) making up the former boundaries of the former city in the eastern half of the prefecture.


Type Japanese term Quantity
    City designated by government ordinance 政令指定都市 20
    Core city 中核市 62
    Former special city (category abolished 2015) 特例市 23
    City 687
    Tokyo 特別区 23