The Lord Mayor of Dublin is the head of Dublin City Council and first citizen of Dublin . The title was created in 1229 as Mayor of Dublin . It was elevated to Lord Mayor in 1665. The date of the election is the end of June, and the term of office is one year.
Year Name 1229–1230 Richard Muton 1230–1231 Henry de Exeter 1231–1232 Thomas de la Corner 1232–1233 Robert Pollard 1233–1234 Gilbert de Lyvet 1234–1235 Robert Owain 1235–1237 Gilbert de Lyvet 1237–1238 Elias Burel 1238–1240 Robert Pollard 1240–1241 Henry de Exeter 1241–1242 William Flamstede 1242–1243 John Le Warre 1243–1244 Philip de Dureham 1244–1245 John Le Warre 1245–1246 Roger Owen 1246–1249 John Le Warre 1249–1250 Roger Oeyn 1250–1252 Elias Burel 1252–1256 John Le Warre 1256–1257 Richard Olaf 1257–1258 Sir John Le Warre 1258–1259 Peter Abraham 1259–1260 Elias Burel 1260–1261 Thomas de Winchester 1261–1263 Roger de Asshebourne 1263–1264 Thomas de Winchester 1264–1265 Vincent Taverner 1265–1267 Thomas de Winchester 1267–1268 Vincent Taverner 1268–1269 Roger Asshebourne 1269–1270 Vincent Taverner 1270–1271 Thomas de Winchester 1271–1272 William de Bristol 1272–1275 John Garget 1275–1276 City in King's Hands 1276–1277 Walter Unred 1277–1279 David de Callan 1279–1280 Henry Le Mareschall 1280–1283 David de Callan 1283–1286 Walter Unred 1286–1288 Thomas de Coventry 1288–1292 William de Bristol 1292–1294 Robert de Bray 1294–1295 John Le Seriaunt 1295–1296 Robert de Wyleby 1296–1299 Thomas Coyls 1299–1301 John Le Seriaunt
Year Name 1301–1302 City in King's Hands 1302–1302 John Le Decer 1303–1303 Geoffrey de Morton 1304–1304 John Le Seriaunt 1305–1305 John Le Decer 1306–1306 John Le Seriaunt 1307–1309 John Le Decer 1309–1310 Robert de Nottingham 1310–1311 John Seriaunt 1311–1314 Richard Lawles 1314–1315 Robert de Nottingham 1315–1316 Richard Lawles 1316–1319 Robert de Nottingham 1319–1320 Robert de Meones 1320–1322 Robert de Nottingham 1322–1324 William Douce 1324–1326 John Le Decer 1326–1327 Robert Le Tanner 1327–1328 William Le Mareschal 1328–1329 Robert Tanner 1329–1330 Philip Cradok 1330–1331 William Douce 1331–1332 John de Meones 1332–1333 William Beydyn, or Boydiff 1333–1334 Geoffrey Cromp 1334–1335 William Beyden, or Boydiff 1335–1336 John de Meones 1336–1337 Philip Cradok 1337–1338 John de Meones 1338–1339 Robert Le Tanner 1339–1341 Kenewrek Scherman 1341–1347 John Le Seriaunt 1347–1348 Geoffrey Crompe 1348–1349 Kenewrek Scherman 1349–1350 Geoffrey Crompe 1349–1350 John Seriaunt 1350–1351 John Bathe 1351–1352 Robert de Moenes 1352–1353 Adam Louestoc 1353–1356 John Seriaunt 1356–1357 Robert Burnell 1357–1358 Peter Barfot 1358–1359 John Taylor 1359–1361 Peter Berfot 1361–1362 Richard Heygrewe 1362–1364 John Beke 1364–1365 David Tyrrell 1365–1366 Richard Heygrewe 1366–1367 David Tyrrell 1367–1368 Peter Woder 1368–1369 John Wydon 1369–1371 John Passavaunt 1371–1374 John Wydon 1374–1375 Nicholas Seriaunt 1375–1376 Edmund Berle 1376–1378 Nicholas Serivaunt 1378–1379 Robert Stakebold 1379–1380 John Wydon 1380–1382 John Hull 1382–1383 Edmund Berle 1383–1384 Robert Burnell 1384–1385 Roger Bekeford 1385–1386 Edmund Berle 1386–1387 Robert Stackebold 1387–1388 John Bermingham 1388–1389 John Passavaunt 1389–1390 Thomas Mareward 1390–1391 Thomas Cusacke 1391–1392 Richard Chamberlain 1392–1393 John Mareward 1393–1396 Thomas Cusacke 1396–1397 Geoffrey Gallane 1397–1398 Thomas Cusake 1398–1399 Nicholas Fynglas 1399–1400 Ralph Ebbe 1400–1401 Thomas Cusacke
Year Name 1401–1403 John Drake 1403–1404 Thomas Cusacke 1404–1406 John Drake 1406–1407 Thomas Cusacke 1407–1408 William Wade 1408–1410 Thomas Cusacke 1410–1411 Robert Gallane 1411–1412 John Drake 1412–1413 Thomas Cusake 1413–1414 Luke Dowdall 1414–1416 Thomas Cusacke 1416–1417 Walter Tyrrell 1417–1419 Thomas Cusacke 1419–1420 Walter Tyrrell 1420-1421 Thomas Shorthalls 1421–1422 John Burnell 1422–1423 Thomas Cusacke 1423–1424 John White 1424–1425 Thomas Cusacke 1425–1426 Sir Walter Tyrrell 1426–1427 John Walshe 1427–1429 Thomas Shortall 1429–1430 Thomas Cusacke 1430–1432 John White 1432–1433 John Hadsor 1433–1434 Nicholas Woder 1434–1435 Ralph Pembroke 1435–1436 John Kylbery 1436–1437 Robert Chambre 1437–1438 Thomas Newberry 1438–1439 Nicholas Woder 1439–1440 John FitzRobert 1440–1441 Nicholas Woder 1441–1442 Ralph Pembroke 1442–1447 Nicholas Woder 1447–1448 Thomas Newbery 1448–1449 No entry 1449–1451 Sir Robert Burnell 1451–1453 Thomas Newbery 1453–1454 Sir Nicholas Woder 1454–1455 Sir Robert Burnell 1455–1456 Philip Bellewe 1456–1457 John Bennet 1457–1458 Thomas Newbery 1458–1459 Robert Burnell 1459–1460 Thomas Walshe 1460–1461 Thomas Newbery 1461–1462 Sir Robert Burnell 1462–1463 No entry 1463–1465 Sir Thomas Newbery 1465–1466 Simon FitzRery 1466–1467 William Crampe 1467–1469 Thomas Newbery 1469–1470 Arland Ussher 1470–1471 Thomas Walton 1471–1472 Simon FitzRery 1472–1473 John Fyan 1473–1474 John Bellewe 1474–1475 Nicholas Burke 1475–1477 Thomas FitzSimon 1477–1478 Patrick FitzLeones 1478–1479 John Weste 1479–1480 John Fyan 1480–1481 Willian Donewyth 1481–1482 Thomas Mulghan 1482–1483 Patrick FitzLeones 1483–1485 John West 1485–1486 John Serjaunt 1486–1487 Janico Markis 1487–1488 Thomas Meiler 1488–1489 William Tyve, or Tue 1489–1490 Richard Stanyhurst 1490–1491 John Serjaunt 1491–1492 Thomas Bennet 1492–1493 John Serjaunt 1493 Richard Arlon 1493–1494 John Savage 1494–1495 Patrick FitzLeones 1495–1496 Thomas Birmingham 1496–1497 John Geydon 1497–1498 Thomas Collier 1498–1499 Reginald Talbot 1499–1500 James Barby 1500–1501 Robert Forster
Year Name 1501–1502 Hugh Talbot 1502–1503 Richard Tyrrell 1503–1504 John Blake 1504–1505 Thomas Newman 1505–1506 Nicholas Hertbard 1506–1507 William English 1507–1508 William Canterell 1508–1509 Thomas Philip 1509–1510 William Blank 1510–1511 Nicholas Roch 1511–1512 Thomas Bermingham 1512–1516 No entry 1516–1517 Christopher Ussher 1517–1523 No entry 1523–1524 Nicholas Queytrot 1524–1525 No entry 1525–1526 Richard Talbot 1526–1527 Walter Ewstas 1527–1530 No entry 1530–1531 Thomas Barbe 1531–1532 John Sarsewell 1532–1533 Nicholas Gaydon 1533–1534 Walter FitzSimon 1534–1535 Robert Shilyngford 1535–1536 Thomas Stephens 1536–1537 John Shilton 1537–1538 John Scuyr 1538–1539 James FitzSymond 1539–1540 Nicholas Bennet 1540–1541 Walter Tyrrell 1541–1542 Nicholas Umfre 1542–1543 Nicholas Stanihurst 1543–1546 No entry 1546–1547 Henry Plunket 1547–1548 Thady Duff 1548–1549 James Hancoke 1549–1550 Richard Fyane 1550–1551 John Money 1551–1552 Michael Penteny 1552–1553 Robert Cusake 1553–1554 Bartholomew Ball 1554–1555 Patrick Sarsfield 1555–1556 Thomas Rogers 1556–1557 John Challoner 1557–1558 John Spenefelde 1558–1559 Robert Golding 1559–1560 Christopher Sedgrave 1560–1561 Thomas FitzSimon 1561–1562 Robert Ussher 1562–1563 Thomas Fininge 1563–1564 Robert Cusake 1564–1565 Richard Fiand 1565–1566 Nicholas FitzSimon 1566–1567 Sir William Sarsfield 1567–1568 John FitzSimon 1568–1569 Michael Bea 1569–1570 Walter Cusake 1570–1571 Henry Brown 1571–1572 Patrick Dowdall 1572–1573 James Bellewe 1573–1574 Christopher Fagan 1574–1575 John Ussher 1575–1576 Patrick Goghe 1576–1577 John Goghe 1577–1578 Giles Allen 1578–1579 Richard Rownswell 1579–1580 Nicholas Duffe 1580–1581 Walter Ball 1581–1582 John Gaydon 1582–1583 Nicholas Ball 1583–1584 John Lennan 1584–1585 Thomas Cosgrave 1585–1586 William Piccott 1586–1587 Richard Rownswell 1587–1588 Richard Fagan 1588–1589 Walter Sedgrave 1589–1590 John Forster 1590–1591 Edmond Devnish 1591–1592 Thomas Smith 1592–1593 Philip Conran 1593–1594 James Janes 1594–1595 Thomas Gerrald 1595–1596 Francis Taylor 1596–1597 Michael Chamberlain 1597–1598 Nicholas Weston 1598–1599 James Bellewe 1599–1600 Gerald Yonge 1600–1601 Nicholas Barran
Year Name 1601–1602 Matthew Hancocke 1602–1603 John Terrell 1603–1604 William Goughe 1604–1605 John Elliott 1605–1606 John Bryce, or Brice 1606–1607 John Arthore 1607–1608 Nicholas Barran 1608–1609 John Cusacke 1609–1610 Robert Ball 1610–1611 Richard Barrye 1611–1612 Thomas Bushopp 1612–1613 Sir James Carroll 1613–1614 Richard Forster 1614–1616 Sir Richard Browne 1616–1617 John Bennes 1617–1618 Sir James Carroll 1618–1619 John Lany 1619–1620 Richard Forster 1620–1621 Sir Richard Browne 1621–1622 Edward Ball 1622–1623 Richard Wiggett 1623–1624 Thadee Duff 1624–1625 William Bushopp 1625–1626 Sir James Carroll 1626–1627 Thomas Evans 1627–1628 Edward Jans 1628–1629 Ronert Bennett 1629–1630 Christopher Forster 1630–1631 Thomas Evans 1631–1632 George Jones 1632–1633 Robert Bennett 1633–1634 Robert Dixon 1634–1635 Sir James Carroll 1635–1637 Sir Christopher Forster 1637–1638 James Watson 1638–1639 Sir Christopher Forster 1639–1640 Charles Forster 1640–1642 Thomas Wakefield 1642–1647 William Smith 1647–1648 William Bladen 1648–1649 John Pue 1649–1650 Thomas Pemberton 1650 Sankey Sullyard 1650–1651 Raphael Hunt 1651–1652 Richard Tighe 1652–1653 Daniel Hutchinson 1653–1654 John Preston 1654–1655 Thomas Hooke 1655–1656 Richard Tighe 1656–1657 Ridgley Hatfield 1657–1658 Thomas Waterhouse 1658–1659 Peter Wybrants 1659–1660 Robert Deey 1660–1661 Hubert Adryan Verneer 1661–1662 George Gilbert 1662–1663 John Cranwell 1663–1665 William Smyth
Lords Mayor of Dublin [ edit ] In 1665 Sir Daniel Bellingham became the first Lord Mayor of Dublin .
Year Name 1701–1702 Samuel Walton 1702–1703 Thomas Bell 1703–1704 John Page 1704–1705 Sir Francis Stoyte 1705–1706 William Gibbons 1706–1707 Benjamin Burton 1707–1708 John Pearson 1708–1709 Sir William Fownes 1709–1710 Charles Forrest 1710–1711 Sir John Eccles 1711–1712 Ralph Gore 1712–1714 Sir Samuel Cooke 1714–1715 Sir James Barlow 1715–1716 John Stoyte 1716–1717 Thomas Bolton 1717–1718 Anthony Barkey 1718–1719 William Quaill 1719–1720 Thomas Wilkinson 1720–1721 George Forbes 1721–1722 Thomas Curtis 1722–1723 William Dickson 1723–1724 John Porter 1724–1725 John Reyson 1725–1726 Joseph Kane 1726–1727 William Empson 1727–1728 Sir Nathaniel Whitwell 1728–1729 Henry Burrowes 1729 John Page 1729–1730 Sir Peter Verdoen 1730–1731 Nathaniel Pearson 1731–1732 Joseph Nuttall 1732–1733 Humphrey French 1733–1734 Thomas How 1734–1735 Nathaniel Kane 1735–1736 Sir Richard Grattan 1736 George Forbes 1736–1737 Sir James Somerville 1737–1738 William Walker 1738–1739 John Macarroll 1739–1740 Daniel Falkiner 1740–1741 Sir Samuel Cooke 1741–1742 William Aldrich 1742–1743 Gilbert King 1743–1744 David Tew 1744–1745 John Walker 1745–1746 Daniel Cooke 1746–1747 Richard White 1747 William Walker 1747–1748 Sir George Ribton 1748–1749 Robert Ross 1749–1750 John Adamson 1750–1751 Thomas Taylor 1751–1752 John Cooke 1752–1753 Sir Charles Burton 1753–1754 Andrew Murray 1754–1755 Hans Bailie 1755–1756 Percival Hunt 1756–1757 John Forbes 1757–1758 Thomas Meade 1758–1759 Philip Crampton 1759–1760 John Tew 1760–1761 Sir Patrick Hamilton 1761–1762 Sir Timothy Allen 1762–1763 Charles Rossell 1763–1764 William Forbes 1764–1765 Benjamin Geale 1765–1766 Sir James Taylor 1766–1767 Edward Sankey 1767–1768 Francis Fetherston 1768–1769 Benjamin Barton 1769–1770 Sir Thomas Blackhall 1770–1771 George Reynolds 1771–1772 Francis Booker 1772 William Forbes 1772–1773 Richard French 1773–1774 Willoughby Lightburne 1774–1775 Henry Hart 1775–1776 Thomas Emerson 1776–1777 Henry Bevan 1777–1778 William Dunne 1778–1779 Sir Anthony King 1779–1780 James Hamilton 1780–1781 Kilner Swettenham 1781–1782 John Darragh 1782–1783 Nathaniel Warren 1783–1784 Thomas Green 1784–1785 James Horan 1785–1786 James Sheil 1786–1787 George Alcock 1787–1788 William Alexander 1788–1789 John Rose 1789–1790 John Exshaw 1790–1791 Henry Howison 1791–1792 Henry Gore Sankey 1792–1793 John Carleton 1793–1794 William James 1794–1795 Richard Moncrieff 1795–1796 Sir William Worthington 1796–1797 Samuel Reed 1797–1798 Thomas Fleming 1798–1799 Thomas Andrews 1799–1800 John Sutton 1800 John Exshaw 1800–1801 Charles Thorp
Year Name 1801–1802 Richard Manders 1802–1803 Jacob Poole 1803–1804 Henry Hutton 1804–1805 Meredith Jenkins 1805–1806 James Vance 1806–1807 Joseph Pemberton 1807–1808 Hugh Trevor 1808–1809 Frederick Darley 1809–1810 Sir William Stamer 1810–1811 Nathaniel Hone 1811–1812 William Henry Archer 1812–1813 Abraham Bradley King 1813–1814 John Cash 1814–1815 John Claudius Beresford 1815–1816 Robert Shaw 1816–1817 Mark Bloxham 1817–1818 John Alley 1818–1819 Sir Thomas McKenny 1819–1820 Sir William Stamer 1820–1821 Sir Abraham Bradley King 1821–1822 Sir John Kingston James 1822–1823 John Smith Fleming 1823–1824 Richard Smyth 1824–1825 Drury Jones 1825–1826 Thomas Abbott 1826–1827 Samuel Wilkinson Tyndall 1827–1828 Sir Edmond Nugent 1828–1829 Alexander Montgomery 1829–1830 Jacob West 1830–1831 Sir Robert Harty 1831 Richard Smyth 1831–1832 Sir Thomas Whelan 1832–1833 Charles Palmer Archer 1833–1834 Sir George Whiteford 1834–1835 Arthur Perrin 1835–1836 Arthur Morrison 1836–1837 William Hodges 1837–1838 Samuel Warren 1838–1839 George Hoyte 1839–1840 Sir Nicholas William Brady 1840–1841 Sir John Kingston James
The Municipal Corporations (Ireland) Act 1840 comes into force. Under this Act, all ratepayers with a yearly valuation of £10 could vote in civic elections and sit on the council. Dublin Corporation (now Dublin City Council) becomes the new municipal authority for the city of Dublin. Daniel O'Connell was elected to the new Dublin Corporation and took office as Lord Mayor of Dublin, the first Roman Catholic to be Lord Mayor since 1690.
1.^ For a period there was an agreement to alternate the mayor's chair between Tory (Conservative) and Whigs (Liberals, Repealers). 2.^ Thomas Kelly was unanimously elected as Lord Mayor while being held as a political prisoner in Wormwood Scrubs prison in England. ^ Wormser Harris was elected but died before taking office.
Northern Ireland
Ireland (pre-1922)