List of wars involving Spain

This list details Spain's involvement in wars and armed conflicts, including those fought by its predecessor states or within its territory.


Conflict Combatant 1 Combatant 2 Results
Barcid conquest of Hispania

(237–218 BC)

Location: Iberian Peninsula



Carthaginian Empire Carthaginian Victory
  • Expansion of Carthaginian Iberia
Roman conquest of Hispania (220–17 BC)

Location: Iberian Peninsula, Western Europe, Italian Peninsula, North Africa and Mediterranean Sea

Pre-Roman Iberia

Roman popularis exiles

Roman Republic

Celtic tribes vassal to Rome

Roman Victory
Siege of Saguntum

(219 BC)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Saguntines Carthaginian Empire Carthaginian Victory
Second Punic War

(218–201 BC)

Location: Iberian Peninsula, North Africa and Mediterranean Sea

Carthaginian Empire


Roman Republic


Roman Victory
Indibilis and Mandonius Revolt [es]

(206–205 BC)

Location: Iberian Peninsula


Ausetani Sedetani Celtiberians
Roman mutineers

Roman Republic Roman Victory
Iberian revolt

(197–195 BC)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Iberian rebels:

Roman Republic

Roman victory and re-establishment of control over Hispania
First Celtiberian War

(181–179 BC)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Celtiberian tribes

Vaccaei Vettones

Roman Republic Roman Victory
  • Rome conquers certain tribes but allows them to keep their autonomy.
Second Celtiberian War

(154–151 BC)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Celtiberian tribes


Roman Republic Roman Victory
Lusitanian War

(155–139 BC)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Roman Republic

Celtic tribes become vassals of Rome

Lusitanian tribes

Celtic tribes

Roman Victory
Numantine War

(143–133 BC)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Roman Republic Roman Victory
Roman conquest of Gallaecia [es]

(132–19 BC)

Location: Iberian Peninsula



Roman Republic Roman Victory
Roman conquest of Majorca [es]

(123–121 BC)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Balearic slinger Roman Republic Roman Victory
Sertorian War

(80–72 BC)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Roman popularis exiles

Native Iberians

Native Celts

Native Aquitanians

Roman Senate Roman Senate Victory
Caesar's civil war (49–45 BC)

Location: Hispania, Italia, Graecia, Illyria, Aegyptus, Africa



Ptolemaic kingdom




Caesarian victory.
Cantabrian Wars

(29–19 BC)

Location: Iberian Peninsula




Roman Empire Roman Victory
Crisis of the Third Century

(235–285 AD)

Location: Western Europe, Northern Europe, Southern Europe, North Africa, Middle East

Roman Empire Roman usurpers
Sasanian Persia
Germanic tribes
Roman Victory
Invasions in the West of the Empire


Location: Western Europe and Southern Europe

Roman Empire Franks

Alemanni Marcomanni Quadi Iazyges Roxolani

Roman Victory and invasion repelled
Roman Civil War (406–411) [es] and Gothic War (408–416) [es]

Location: Western Europe

Western Roman Empire Constantine III's Britain Usurpation
Gerontius' Hispanic Usurpation
Priscus Attalus' Italian Usurpation
Roman Pirric Victory
Crossing of the Rhine


Location: Western Europe and Southern Europe

Western Roman Empire Sarmatian and Germanic Barbarians

Roman usurpers

  • Start of Barbarian invasions into the Roman Empire
Invasion of Roman Gallaecia by the Germanic Suebi


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Hispania Germanics Defeat
Invasion of Hispania by the Germanic Vandals


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Hispania Germanics

Sarmatian Alans

Invasion of Hispania by the Germanic Visigoths


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Hispania Germanics Defeat
Visigothic Campaign on Hispania


Location: Iberian Peninsula and Southern France

Western Roman Empire

Kingdom of the Suebi Visigoths



Roman-Visigothic Victory
  • Wallia got a Visigothic settlement in Aquitania by the Romans, leaving Hispania.
Suevi-Vandal War (419-420) [es]


Location: Iberian Peninsula



Hasdingi Vandals Roman-Suevi Victory
Vandal War (422) [es]


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Hispania Hasdingi Vandals

Sarmatian Alans

Roman defeat
Vandal pirate incursions on the Mediterranean[2]


Location: Iberian Peninsula, North Africa and Balearic Islands


Mauretania Tingitana

Hasdingi Vandals Vandal success in their piracy activities.
War between the Alans and the Suevi


Location: Iberian Peninsula



Sarmatian Alans Defeat at the Battle of Mérida.
War between the Visigoths and the Vandal–Alanic alliance


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Visigothic Kingdom Vandals

Sarmatian Alans

Visigoth victory
Bagaudae Revolts


Western Roman Empire Bagaudae
  • Peasant rebels

Germanic tribes

Roman victory
Gothic War in Spain (456)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Western Roman Empire

Visigothic Kingdom Burgundians


Suebi Visigothic victory
Gothic War (457–458)

Location: Iberian Peninsula and Gallia

Western Roman Empire Visigothic Kingdom Roman Victory
  • Visigoths had to relinquish their recent conquests in Hispania and return to federal status
Roman reconquest of Hispania


Location: Iberian Peninsula, Mediterranean Sea

Western Roman Empire



Vandal Kingdom

Visigoth invasion of Hispania


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Hispania Visigothic Kingdom Indecisive
Visigoth conquest of Hispania


Location: Iberian Peninsula



Visigothic Kingdom Visigoth victory
  • Roman empire, Julius Nepos recognise the conquests of Euric, Visigoth Lord of Hispania.


Conflict Combatant 1 Combatant 2 Results
First Franco-Visigothic war (496–498) and Franco–Gothic War (507–511)

Location: Southern France

Visigothic Kingdom

Supported by:

Kingdom of the Ostrogoths

Kingdom of the Burgundians (pre-507)


Frankish kingdom

Supported by:


Kingdom of the Burgundians (post-507)

Eastern Roman Empire

Frankish victory
Burdunellus Revolt


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Visigothic Kingdom Hispano-Romans Visigothic victory
Tarraconense Revolt


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Visigothic Kingdom Hispano-Romans Visigothic victory
Conflict over the succession of Alaric II


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Visigothic rebels
Frankish kingdom
Ostrogothic Kingdom Ostrogothic victory
Vandalic War


  • part of Vandalic Wars

Location: North Africa, Balearic Islands, Sardinia, Corsica and Mediterranean Sea

Vandal Kingdom
  • Balearic domains
Byzantine Empire Byzantine victory
Gothic War


Location: Italian Peninsula, Sicily, Dalmatia

Byzantine Empire





Byzantine victory against Ostrogoths, then plans for revenge against Visigoths due to its support to Ildibad and Totila.
Visigothic revolts against Agila I


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Visigothic Kingdom loyal to Agila I Visigoths loyals to Athanagild

Hispano-Romans from Córdoba

Byzantine Empire
Rebels victory and legitimation for a Byzantine intervention on Spain.
Byzantine conquest of Visigothic Baetica

Location: Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands

Visigothic Kingdom Byzantine Empire Byzantine victory
Visigothic conquest of Spania

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Visigothic Kingdom Byzantine Empire Visigothic victory
Visigothic conquest of Córdoba

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Visigothic Kingdom Byzantine Empire Visigothic victory
Visigothic conquest of Sabaria

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Visigothic Kingdom Sappi Visigothic victory
Visigothic conquest of Cantabria

Location: Southern France

Visigothic Kingdom Cantabri Visigothic victory
Second Visigothic–Suevic War

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Visigothic Kingdom Kingdom of the Suebi Visigothic victory
Visigothic–Vasconic War

Location: Iberian Peninsula and Pyrenees

Visigothic Kingdom Vascones Visigothic victory
Third Visigothic–Suevic War

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Visigothic Kingdom Kingdom of the Suebi Visigothic victory
First Muslim invasion of Iberian Peninsula (650s)

Location: Iberian Peninsula and Mediterranean Sea

Visigothic Kingdom


Byzantine Empire

Rashidun Caliphate Stalemate
Byzantine incursion against Visigoth Spain


Location: Southern Iberian Peninsula and Mediterranean Sea

Visigothic Kingdom Byzantine Empire Visigothic victory
  • Theodemir success in the defense of the Visighotic Mediterranean coasts.
Muslim incursions on the Balearic Islands

(8th century–10th century)

Location: Balearic Islands and Western Mediterranean Sea

Byzantine Empire

Carolingian Empire (799-815 [es])

Umayyad Caliphate (until 750)

Emirate of Córdoba (since 759)

Arab victory
Visigothic Civil War


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Achila II forces from northeast Hispania Roderic forces from southwest Hispania Inconclusive due to Arab-Berber Invasion.
Umayyad conquest of Hispania

Location: Iberian Peninsula and Mediterranean Sea

Visigothic Kingdom Umayyad Caliphate Umayyad victory

Start of Spanish Reconquista.

Umayyad invasion of Gaul (719–759)

Location: Southern Gaul (now France)

Frankish kingdom

Lombard Kingdom

Duchy of Gascony


Umayyad Caliphate Frankish victory
Battle of Covadonga

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Asturias Umayyad Caliphate Asturian victory
Berber Revolt


Location: Iberian Peninsula and North Africa

Berber insurgents on North Africa and Hispania
Kingdom of Asturias
Umayyad Caliphate
Yemeni Revolt on the Wali of Al-Andalus (745–756)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

1st phase

Supports of Abu'l-Khattar al-Husam ibn Darar al-Kalbi

2nd phase Supports of Abd al-Rahman

Revolt of Amer bin Amr al-Abdari
Basques of Pamplona
1st phase

Supports of Tuwaba ibn Salama al-Judhami

2nd phase Supports of Yusuf ibn Abd al-Rahman al-Fihri

  • Initial victory of the north Arab faction in the first phase, then of the south Arab faction in the second phase
  • The fugitive Umayyad prince, Abd al-Rahman I, establish an independent Emirate of Córdoba.
  • End of al-Andalus rule by governors sent from Damascus or appointed by the recommendation of the Umayyad regional governors of Ifriqiya.
  • Christian Iberic kingdom conquers territory of the Upper March.
Abbasid attempt to conquer Al Andalus (763)[3][4]

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Emirate of Córdoba Abbasid Caliphate Umayyad victory
Revolts against Emirate of Cordoba (771–774)[5]

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Emirate of Córdoba Syrians rebels under Abd al-Ghaffar
Arab and Berber tribes
Abd al-Rahman's enemies
Revolts suppressed
Battle of Montecubeiro

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Asturias Galician rebels Asturian victory
Yemeni revolt on the Emirate of Cordoba

(777 –781)

Location: Iberian Peninsula and Mediterranean Sea

Arab wāli of Barcelona, Zaragoza and Girona

Supported by:
Abbasid Caliphate

Frankish kingdom (Carolingian Empire)

Emirate of Córdoba Revolt suppressed
Charlemagne's campaign in the Iberian Peninsula (778–816)

Location: Iberian Peninsula, Southern France and Mediterranean Sea

Frankish kingdom (Carolingian Empire)

supported by:

Emirate of Córdoba (Moors)

Basques (Pagan)

supported by:

Battle of the Burbia River

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Asturias Emirate of Córdoba Defeat
Battle of Lutos

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Asturias Emirate of Córdoba Asturian victory
Battle of Las Babias

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Asturias Emirate of Córdoba Defeat
Sack of Lisbon (798)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Asturias Emirate of Córdoba Asturian victory
Andalusian raids on Sardinia[7]


Emirate of Córdoba Byzantine Empire Defeat
Louis the Pious' attempt to control the Hispanic March and Vasconia (814–824)

Location: Iberian Peninsula and Southern France

Basque and Muslim victory
  • Navarre and Aragon became completely independent from the power of the Frankish rulers
Andalusian occupation of Alexandria


Location: Egypt and Mediterranean Sea

Emirate of Alexandria
  • Andalusian corsairs
Abbasid Caliphate


Cordoban Razzias against Carolingian Empire


Location: Spanish March

Frankish kingdom (Carolingian Empire) Emirate of Córdoba Mostly Muslim victories and successful sacks.
Revolt of the Arrabal


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Emirate of Córdoba Citizens of the suburb of Saqunda Emirate victory
Andalusian conquest of Crete


Location: Greek islands and Aegean Sea

Emirate of Crete
  • Andalusian corsairs
Byzantine Empire Andalusian Victory
Aisso Revolt


Location: Spanish March

Catalan counties

Emirate of Córdoba

Carolingian Empire Carolingian Victory
Muslim conquest of Sicily


Location: Mediterranean Sea, Sicily

Abbasid Caliphate

occasional assistance from:

Emirate of Cordoba

Duchy of Naples

Byzantine Empire

occasional assistance from:


Aghlabid conquest of Sicily with Andalusian support.
Carolingian Succession War


Location: Western Europe and Central Europe

Divisionists Forces

Supported by:

Imperialists Forces

Supported by:

Divisionist victory
Viking expedition of 844 [es]

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Asturias

Emirate of Córdoba

Norwegian Vikings of Noirmoutier


Asturian and Córdoban victory
Battle of Albelda (851)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Asturias

Duchy of Gascony West Francia

Emirate of Córdoba Defeat
Battle of Guadalacete

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Asturias
Kingdom of Pamplona
Toledo rebels
Emirate of Córdoba Defeat
¡Swedish raids in the Mediterranean Sea [es] (859)

Location: Iberian Peninsula, Italian Peninsula and Mediterranean Sea

Kingdom of Asturias

Emirate of Córdoba Carolingian Empire

Kingdom of Italy

Swedes and Danes Vikings Defeat
Battle of the Morcuera

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Asturias Emirate of Córdoba Defeat
Umar ibn Hafsun's Rebellion


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Lordship of Bobastro Emirate of Córdoba Defeat
Battle of Polvoraria

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Asturias Emirate of Córdoba Asturian victory
First Battle of Cellorigo

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Asturias Emirate of Córdoba Asturian victory
Second Battle of Cellorigo

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Asturias Emirate of Córdoba Asturian victory
Raid of 897 against Barcelona (897)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of West Francia Emirate of Córdoba Defeat
Day of Zamora

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Asturias Emirate of Córdoba Asturian victory
Muslim conquest of Majorca


Location: Balearic Islands

Byzantine Majorca [es] Emirate of Córdoba Defeat
Battle of San Esteban de Gormaz

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of León Emirate of Córdoba Leonese victory
Pamplona Campaign


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Pamplona Emirate of Córdoba Defeat
Battle of Alhandic

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of León Caliphate of Córdoba Defeat
Battle of Simancas

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of León
County of Castile
Caliphate of Córdoba Leonese victory
Hungarian raid in Spain (942)

Location: Iberian Peninsula and Southern Europe

Caliphate of Córdoba

Catalan Counties

Principality of Hungary Initial Hungarian victory.

Lacking food stores and finding insufficient forage, the Hungarians retired after a few days.

Battle of Aguioncha (966)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Galicia County of Portugal Defeat

Culmination of a Galician–Portuguese civil war in the Kingdom of León

Sack of Santiago de Compostela (968)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Galicia Norwegian Vikings Defeat
Battle of Rueda

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of León
County of Castile
Kingdom of Pamplona
Caliphate of Córdoba Defeat
Sack of Barcelona (985)

Location: [Iberian Peninsula

County of Barcelona Caliphate of Córdoba Defeat
Battle of Cervera

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of León
County of Castile
Kingdom of Pamplona
Caliphate of Córdoba Defeat
Battle of Calatañazor

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of León
County of Castile
Kingdom of Pamplona
Caliphate of Córdoba Christian victory
Battle of Albesa


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Catalan Counties Caliphate of Córdoba Cordoban victory
Razzia of 1003


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Catalan Counties Caliphate of Córdoba Cordoban victory
Mujahid's invasion of Sardinia


Location: Sardinia

Taifa of Dénia Republic of Pisa

Republic of Genoa

Sardinian medieval kingdoms

Fitna of al-Andalus (1009–1031)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Muslim rebels Caliphate of Córdoba The caliphate crumbled in 1031 into a number of independent taifas, including the Taifa of Córdoba, Taifa of Seville and Taifa of Zaragoza.
Normand expedition of 1014

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of León Norwegian Vikings Defeat
Castilian-Leonese War (1034–1037)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

County of Castile

Kingdom of Pamplona

Kingdom of León Castillian victory
Battle of Tafalla

(1035/1043)Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Pamplona County of Aragon

Taifa of Zaragoza

Pamplonese victory
Battle of Atapuerca

(1054)Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of León Kingdom of Pamplona Leonese-Castillian victory
Battle of Graus

Location: Iberian Peninsula

County of Castile
Taifa of Zaragoza
Kingdom of Aragon Castilian–Zaragozan victory
Crusade of Barbastro

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Aragon
County of Urgell
Duchy of Aquitaine
Papal States
Emirate of Lārida Christian victory
Battle of Paterna

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of León Taifa of Valencia Leonese victory
War of the Three Sanchos

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Castile Kingdom of Navarre
Kingdom of Aragon
Castilian victory
  • Castile annexes La Bureba, Montes de Oca and Pancorbo
Castilian-Leonese War of 1068

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Castile Kingdom of León Castilian victory
Battle of Pedroso


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Galicia County of Portugal Victory

García II of Galicia declaring himself King of Portugal.

Castilian-Leonese War of 1072

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Castile Kingdom of León Castilian victory
Battle of Almenar (1082)
  • Part of the Reconquista and Lérida-Zaragoza conflictLocation: Iberian Peninsula
Catalan counties

Muslim Taifa of Lérida

Muslim Zaragoza Defeat
Battle of Piedra Pisada

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Christian Aragon Muslim Zaragoza Defeat
Battle of Morella


  • Part of the Reconquista and Lérida-Zaragoza conflictLocation: Iberian Peninsula
Kingdom of Navarre
Kingdom of Aragon

Muslim Taifa of Lérida

Muslim Zaragoza Victory
Siege of Toledo[8]

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Castile Taifa of Toledo Castilian victory
Battle of Sagrajas

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Castile
Kingdom of León
Kingdom of Aragon
Almoravids Defeat
Siege of Toledo (1090)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Castile Almoravids Castilian victory
Siege of Valencia[8]

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Castile Taifa of Valencia
Castilian victory. El Cid gets the Lordship of Valencia
Battle of Cuarte


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Valencia under Cid's rule Almoravids Castilian victory.
Siege of Huesca


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Aragon Taifa of Zaragoza

Kingdom of Castile

Aragonese victory. Start of Aragonese expansion to the south of the Pyrenees.
First Crusade


Location: Middle East (Levant and Anatolia)

Crusaders Muslims: Victory:
Battle of Alcoraz


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Aragon Taifa of Zaragoza

Kingdom of Castile

Aragonese victory
Battle of Bairén

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Aragon
Valencia under Cid's rule
Kingdom of Castile
Almoravid dynasty Aragonese/Castilian/Valencian victory
Battle of Consuegra

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Castile
Kingdom of León
Almoravid dynasty Defeat
Battle of Mollerussa


Location: Iberian Peninsula

County of Urgell Almoravid dynasty Stalemate

Death of Ermengol V, Count of Urgell and end of Moroccan expansion

Conquest of Balaguer


Location: Iberian Peninsula

County of Barcelona

County of Urgell

Almoravid dynasty Christian victory
Norwegian Crusade


Location: Iberia, Balearic Islands, Palestine

Kingdom of Jerusalem Kingdom of Jerusalem

Norway Norwegian Realm
Republic of Venice Republic of Venice

Fatimid Caliphate

Almoravid Empire

Taifa of Badajoz

Taifa of Majorca

Barbary pirates of Majorca

Crusader victory.
Battle of Uclés

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Castile
Kingdom of León
Almoravid dynasty Defeat
Galician Revolt

(1110–1112)Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Castile and León

Kingdom of Aragon and Navarre

Galician Rebels

County of Portugal

Duchy of Burgundy

  • Galician rebels and Castilian loyals ally against Aragonese influence.
Leonese Civil War


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Supporters of Urraca of León and Castile: Supporters of Alfonso the Battler
Galician Rebels

County of Portugal

Duchy of Burgundy

  • Militar Victory of Alfonso
  • Political Victory of Urraca
1113–1115 Balearic Islands expedition

Location: Mediterranean Sea (Balearic Islands)

Republic of Pisa
Catalan counties
County of Provence
Giudicato of Torres
Papal States
Taifa of Majorca
Christian victory
Battle of Martorell (1114)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Catalan counties Almoravid dynasty Catalan victory
Conquest of Zaragoza (1118)

Location: Zaragoza

Kingdom of Aragon
Kingdom of Navarre
Viscounty of Béarn
Almoravid dynasty Christian victory
Battle of Cutanda

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Aragon
Duchy of Aquitaine
Almoravid dynasty Christian victory
Battle of Lerida


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Aragon Almoravid dynasty

County of Barcelona Duchy of Aquitaine

Almoravid victory
Crusade of Alfonso I of Aragon in Andalusia

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Aragon Almoravid dynasty Christian Tactic Victory
Battle of Corbins


Location: Iberian Peninsula

County of Barcelona

County of Pallars Jussà

Almoravid dynasty Almoravid victory
Battle of São Mamede
  • Part of Kingdom of León Civil War and War of Portuguese Independence

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of León

Kingdom of Galicia

County of Portugal Defeat
Secession of the County of Portugal which becomes a kingdom with Afonso Henriques.
Luso–Leonese War (1130–37)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of León County of Portugal Leonese victory
Aragonese intervention in Aquitaine [fr]


Location: Southern France

Union of Aragon-Navarre

Béarn Viscounty of Béarn County of Bigorre

Foix County of Foix

County of Comminges

Duchy of Aquitaine

County of Toulouse County of Labourd

War of Navarrese-Aragonese succession


Location: Iberian Peninsula

1° phase (1134–1135)

Loyals to García Ramírez of Navarre

Union of Castile-León

2° phase (1135)

Union of Castile-León

3° phase (1135–1136)

Union of Castile-León

4° phase (1136–1140)

Union of Castile-León-Aragon

5° phase (1139–1149)

Union of Castile-León

Union of Aragon-Barcelona

6° phase (1139–1146)

Union of Castile-León

1° phase (1134–1135)

Loyals to Ramiro II of Aragon

2° phase (1135)

Union of Aragon-Navarre

3° phase (1135–1136)

Kingdom of Aragon

4° phase (1136–1140)

Kingdom of Aragon

County of Barcelona

Kingdom of Navarre

County of Portugal (since 1137)

5° phase (1139–40)

Kingdom of Navarre

6° phase (1139–1146)

Union of Aragon-Barcelona

1° Phase: Pact of Vadoluengo: Navarre-Aragon union is maintained, with Navarre loyal to García Ramirez as vassals to Aragon loyal to Ramiro II, joining forces against Castilan invasion (which conquered Kingdom of Zaragoza).

2° Phase: García of Navarre declared himself a vassal of Alfonso VII of Castile and León, so supporting Alfonso's claims to Aragon crown.

3° Phase: Alfonso VII and Ramiro II consolidates an alliance in the Treaty of Alagon (during the short time that all iberian kingdoms were vassals of Castile, Alfonso VII declared himself Imperator totius Hispaniae). However, Garcia of Navarre rebels against Castile, while also in war with Aragon.

4° phase: Aragonese nobility rejects alliance with Castille, so pacts an alliance with Catalan County of Barcelona on the Capitulations of Barbastre, donating Ramiro II his realm to Ramon Berenguer IV of Barcelona. Aragonese-Castilian conflict ends with the Treaty of Carrion (ending the conflict of succession in Aragon). 5° phase: After a failed attempt of partitioning Navarre between Castile and Aragon, Castilian-Navarrese conflict ends with the Peace of Calahorra (ending Conflict of succession in Navarra).

6° phase: The Aragonese–Navarrese conflicts continues until 1146 with the Truce of San Esteban de Gormaz, in which Castile quits of the war.

Siege of Oreja

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Castile
Kingdom of Galicia
Kingdom of León
Kingdom of Toledo (Christians)
Almoravids (Muslims) Christian victory
Battle of Cerneja


  • Part of War of Portuguese independence

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of León County of Portugal Defeat
Battle of Valdevez


  • Part of War of Portuguese independence

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of León County of Portugal Defeat

The Treaty of Zamora (1143) recognized Portuguese independence from the Kingdom of León.

Baussenque Wars (1144–62)

Location: Burgundy, Kingdom of Arles (Modern France)

County of Barcelona
County of Provence,

Viscount of Albi [fr] and Carcassonne

 County of Toulouse

Foix County of Foix

Lords of Baux

Victory for Catalan party.
Revolt against Almoravids

Location: Iberian Peninsula (Sharq Al-Andalus)

Almoravid dynasty

Taifa of Cuenca
Kingdom of Castile

Taifa of Valencia

Taifa of Murcia Taifa of Rueda de Jalón

Second Crusade (1147–50)

Location: Middle East and North Africa (Near East, Anatolia, Levant, Egypt) and Iberian Peninsula| Crusaders

Seljuk Empire
Emirate of Zengids
Abbasid Caliphate
Fatimid Caliphate
Status quo ante bellum
  • Decisive Seljuk Turks victory in Anatolia
  • Decisive Crusader victories in Iberia
Siege of Almería (1147)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Union of Castile-León

Union of Aragon-Barcelona
Kingdom of Navarre

Republic of Genoa

Almoravids (Muslims) Christian victory
Siege of Lisbon (1147)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Taifa of Badajoz Kingdom of Portugal


Christian victory
Navarrese-Aragonese War (1148–1156) Union of Aragon-Barcelona

Union of Castile-León-Galicia (since 1151)

Union of Castile-León-Galicia (until 1150)

Kingdom of Navarre

Conquest of Siurana

(1158–1159)Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Aragon Taifa of Siurana Aragonese victory
Conflict over the regency of Alfonso VIII (1158–1169)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

House of Lara

Kingdom of Castile

House of Castro

Supported by:

  • Victory for House of Castro.
  • Start of Castillian-Leonese War, Castillian-Navarrese War and Castillian-Aragonese war.
Henry II of England campaign on Toulouse[9]


Location: Southern France

Kingdom of England (Angevin)

House of Aragon[10]

Lordship of Montpellier

Kingdom of France Royal Domain of France (Capet)

County of Toulouse

Castilian-Leonese War (1162–1166)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Castile

Kingdom of Portugal

Kingdom of León

Kingdom of Navarre

Castillian Victory
Luso–Leonese War (1162–1165)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of León Kingdom of Portugal Portuguese victory
Luso–Leonese War (1167–1169)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of León

Almohad Caliphate

Kingdom of Portugal Leonese-Almohad Victory
Aragon-Toulouse War over Provence[11]


Location: Southern France

Crown of Aragon

House of Baux

House of Trencavel (until 1171)

Kingdom of England (Angevin) (until 1173)

Republic of Genoa (until 1167)

County of Toulouse

House of Trencavel (since 1771)

Republic of Genoa (since 1168)

Aragonese victory
Almohad wars in the Iberian Peninsula

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Castile

Crown of Aragon

Kingdom of Navarre (until 1195) (1211-1212)
Kingdom of León (until 1195) (1211-1212)
Kingdom of Portugal
Crusaders from Northern Europe

Almohad Caliphate

Kingdom of Navarre (1196-1197)
Kingdom of León (1196-1197)

Spanish Christian victory
Siege of Huete


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Castile Almohad Caliphate Castillian Victory
Conquest of Cuenca


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Castile

Kingdom of León

Kingdom of Aragon

Almohad Caliphate Castillian victory
Castilian-Leonese War (1178–1180)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Castile

Kingdom of Portugal

Kingdom of León Inconclusive
  • Conference of Tordesillas
Aragon-Toulouse War of 1179-1185

Location: Southern France

Crown of Aragon

Viscounty of Narbonne

Republic of Pisa (since 1183)

County of Toulouse

Kingdom of England (Angevin) County of Forcalquier (since 1183)

Republic of Genoa (since 1183) County of Provence (1183-1184)

Aragonese victory
Siege of Moya


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Castile Almohad Caliphate Castillian victory
Siege of Santarém


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Portugal

Kingdom of León

Almohad Caliphate Victory
Castilian-Leonese War of 1188-1194[12]

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Castile League of Huesca [es] Inconclusive
  • Castillian military victory until Papal mediation cease the conflict in a mission to unifiy all Iberian Christian Kingdoms against Almohads.
  • Treaty of Tordehumos [es]: Leonese political victory.
Third Crusade (1189–92)

Location: Middle East (Levant and Anatolia), Mediterranean Europe (Sicily, Iberia, Balkans)

Kingdom of France
Holy Roman Empire

Kingdom of Hungary Republic of Genoa

Kingdom of Portugal

Kingdom of Navarre
Kingdom of León

Republic of Pisa

Kingdom of Denmark
Angevin Empire

Kingdom of Jerusalem

Armenian Cilicia

Sunni Muslim:
Shia Muslim:
Eastern Christian opponents:
Treaty of Jaffa (1192)
Castilian-Aragonese War of 1190-1191[12]

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Castile Borja Alliance

Kingdom of Portugal (since 1191)

Kingdom of León (since 1191)

Battle of Alarcos

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Castile
Order of Santiago
Order of Évora
Almohad Caliphate Defeat
Castilian–Leonese War (1196–1197)

- Part of Almohad wars in the Iberian Peninsula Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Castile

Kingdom of Aragon

Kingdom of León

Kingdom of Navarre
Almohad Caliphate

Luso-Leonese War (1196–1200)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Portugal

Kingdom of Castile (until 1197)

Kingdom of León

Kingdom of Navarre
Almohad Caliphate

Status Quo Ante Bellum
Castillian invasion of Navarre

(1199–1200)Location: Pyrenees

Kingdom of Castile Kingdom of Navarre Victory
Almohad conquest of Balearic islands


Location: Balearic Islands and North Africa

Almoravid dynasty Almohad Caliphate Almohad victory
Castilian-Leonese War of 1204–1206[12]

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Castile Kingdom of León Stalemate
Anglo-Castillian War (1206)[13]

Location: Southern France, Gascony

Kingdom of Castile

Béarn Viscounty of Béarn

County of Armagnac

Vizcounty of Tartas


Kingdom of England (Angevin) English victory
Albigensian Crusade (1209–1229)

Location: Southern France (Languedoc and Occitania)

Cathars Churches


England Kingdom of England


Catholic Church

Kingdom of France Kingdom of France

County of Aurenja

Duchy of Austria

Siege of Al-Dāmūs

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Crown of Aragon
Knights Hospitaller
Knights Templar
Almohad Caliphate Christian victory
Castilian-Leonese War of 1212[12]

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Castile Kingdom of León

Kingdom of Portugal

Truce of Coimbra
Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Castile
Crown of Aragon
Kingdom of Portugal
Kingdom of Navarre
Order of Santiago
Order of Calatrava
Knights Templar
Kingdom of France French volunteers
Leonese volunteers
Almohad Caliphate Christian victory
  • 100,000 Muslims killed[14]
  • 25–30 Christians killed[14]
Battle of Muret

Location: Muret (Modern France)

Crown of Aragon
County of Toulouse
County of Comminges
County of Foix
Viscounty of Carcassonne
Kingdom of France
French-Crusader victory
Castilian-Leonese War of 1217-1218[12]

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Castile Kingdom of León Unnamed truce between Alfonso IX of León, and Fernando III with Queen Berenguela of Castile.
First Nobiliary Revolt against James I of Aragon (1220)

Location:[Iberian Peninsula

Crown of Aragon Lordship of Albarracín

Rodrigo de Liçana forces Pero Ferrández de Açagra forces

Second Nobiliary Revolt against James I of Aragon


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Crown of Aragon Nobiliary leagues

Ferdinand of Aragon forces

Conquest of Valencia


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Crown of Aragon Almohad Caliphate

Taifa of Valencia Taifa of Murcia Emirate of Granada

Crown of Castile
Conquest of Majorca

Location: Mediterranean Sea (Balearic Islands)

Aragonese Flag Crown of Aragon
Republic of Genoa
Knights Templar
Order of Malta
Almohad Caliphate

territory of Majorca

Aragonese victory
Siege of Burriana

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Crown of Aragon
Knights Hospitaller
Knights Templar
Senyoria d'Albarrasí
Taifa of Valencia Aragonese victory
Conquest of Ibiza


Location: Mediterranean Sea (Balearic Islands)

Aragonese Flag Crown of Aragon

Kingdom of Portugal

Almohad Caliphate Aragonese victory
Siege of Córdoba (1236)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Castile Moors Castilian victory
Battle of the Puig

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Crown of Aragon Taifa of Valencia Aragonese victory
  • Conquest of Valencia
Castillian conquest of Murcia[15]


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Crown of Castile

Taifa of Murcia

Muslim Murcians Castillian victory
Anglo-Navarrese Conflicts (1237–1266)[16][13]

Location: Southern France, Gascony

Kingdom of Navarre

Kingdom of France

Kingdom of England (Angevin)

Vizcounty of Tartas

English victory
Great Interregnum[17]


Location: Germany and Italy

Hohenstaufen party Welf party Compromise
Siege of Jaén (1245–1246)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Castile
Order of Santiago
Taifa of Jayyān (جيان)
Emirate of Granada
Castilian victory
Siege of Seville

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Castile
Order of Santiago
Knights Templar
Knights Hospitaller
Order of Calatrava
Almohad Caliphate
Taifa of Niebla
Castilian victory
Seventh Crusade (1248–54)

Location: North Africa (Egypt)

Kingdom of France

Kingdom of Navarre
Kingdom of Jerusalem

Knights Templar
Knights Hospitaller



  • Status quo ante bellum
Portuguese–Castillian war of 1250–1253


Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Castile Kingdom of Portugal Defeat
Anglo-Castillian War of 1253–1256[13]

Location: Southern France, Gascony

Kingdom of Castile

Béarn Viscounty of Béarn

County of Armagnac

County of Comminges

Kingdom of England (Angevin) Status Quo Ante Bellum
Mudéjar revolt (1264–1266)

Location: Iberian Peninsula

Kingdom of Castile

Kingdom of Aragón