Trigram | Entity | Comment |
AFG | Afghanistan | |
ALB | Albania | |
ALG | Algeria | |
AMS | American Samoa | |
ANA | Authorised Neutral Athlete | For Authorised athletes of banned countries - Like Russia at London 2017 |
ANC | ANC – South Africa | African National Congress – South Africa |
AND | Andorra | |
ANG | Angola | |
ANL | Anguilla | |
ANT | Antigua and Barbuda | |
ARG | Argentina | |
ARM | Armenia | |
ARU | Aruba | |
AUL | Australia | |
AUS | Austria | |
AZE | Azerbaijan | |
BAH | Bahrain | |
BAL | Baltic States | Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia |
BAR | Barbados | |
BDI | Burundi | |
BEL | Belgium | |
BEN | Benin | |
BER | Bermuda | |
BGD | Bangladesh | |
BHA | The Bahamas | |
BHU | Bhutan | |
BIH | Bosnia-Herzegovina | |
BKF | Burkina Faso | |
BOL | Bolivia | |
BOT | Botswana | |
BRA | Brazil | Also RIO for "Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)" and SUB for "Brazil (Subin)" |
BRU | Brunei | |
BUL | Bulgaria | |
BUR | Burma | Obsolete 1989; now Myanmar |
BVI | British Virgin Islands | |
BYE | Belarus | |
BZE | Belize | |
CAF | Central African Republic | |
CAM | Central America | |
CAN | Canada | |
CAR | Caribbean | |
CAY | Cayman Islands | |
CHA | Undistributed Other | |
CHD | Chad | |
CHI | Chile | |
CIS | Commonwealth of Independent States | |
CKI | Cook Islands | |
CMB | Cambodia | Formerly Kampuchea (KAM, 1975–1990) and Khmer Republic (KMR, 1970–1975) |
CMR | Cameroon | |
COI | Comoros | |
COL | Colombia | |
COS | Costa Rica | |
CPR | People's Republic of China | |
CRO | Croatia | |
CUB | Cuba | |
CVI | Cape Verde | |
CYP | Cyprus | |
CZE | Czech Republic | Since 1993 |
DAH | Dahomey | Obsolete 1977; now Benin |
DEN | Denmark | |
DJI | Djibouti | |
DMI | Dominica | |
DOM | Dominican Republic | |
DRK | North Korea | |
EAC | East African Community | Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda |
ECU | Ecuador | |
EGY | Egypt | |
ELS | El Salvador | |
EQG | Equatorial Guinea | Also EQL for "Equatorial Guinea (Douala)" |
ERI | Eritrea | |
EST | Estonia | |
ETH | Ethiopia | |
FAN | French Antilles | Probably means just St-Martin |
FGU | French Guiana | |
FIJ | Fiji | |
FIN | Finland | |
FLC | FLCS – Djibouti | Front de Libération de la Côte des Somalis |
FOS | French Overseas Territories | Probably includes Saint-Pierre and Miquelon |
FPL | French Polynesia | |
FRA | France | |
FSM | Federated States of Micronesia | |
GAB | Gabon | |
GAM | The Gambia | |
GBS | Guinea-Bissau | |
GDR | East Germany | Obsolete 1990 |
GEO | Georgia | |
GER | Germany | |
GHA | Ghana | |
GIL | Gilbert Islands | Obsolete 1979; now Kiribati |
GLO | Global | |
GRE | Greece | |
GRN | Grenada | |
GUA | Guatemala | |
GUD | Guadeloupe | |
GUI | Guinea | |
GUY | Guyana | |
HAI | Haiti | |
HLS | Vatican City (Holy See) | |
HOK | Hong Kong | |
HON | Honduras | |
HUN | Hungary | |
ICE | Iceland | |
IND | India | |
INS | Indonesia | |
INT | Inter-Regional | |
IRA | Iran | |
IRE | Ireland | |
IRQ | Iraq | |
ISR | Israel | |
ITA | Italy | |
IVC | Côte d'Ivoire | |
JAM | Jamaica | |
JOR | Jordan | |
JPN | Japan | |
KAZ | Kazakhstan | |
KEN | Kenya | |
KIR | Kiribati | |
KOS | Kosovo | |
KUW | Kuwait | |
KYR | Kyrgyzstan | |
LAO | Laos | |
LAT | Latvia | |
LEB | Lebanon | |
LES | Lesotho | |
LIB | Libya | |
LIE | Liechtenstein | |
LIR | Liberia | |
LIT | Lithuania | |
LMA | ? | Landmine Action UK (?) |
LUX | Luxembourg | |
MAC | Macau | |
MAF | ? | Mission Aviation Fellowship (?) |
MAG | Madagascar | |
MAL | Malaysia | |
MAQ | Martinique | |
MAR | Mauritius | |
MAS | Marshall Islands | |
MAT | Malta | |
MAU | Mauritania | |
MDV | The Maldives | |
MEX | Mexico | |
MIC | Federated States of Micronesia | |
MLD | MLD – Djibouti | Mouvement de Libération de Djibouti |
MLI | Mali | |
MLW | Malawi | |
MNC | Monaco | |
MOL | Republic of Moldova | |
MON | Mongolia | |
MOR | Morocco | |
MOT | Montserrat | |
MOZ | Mozambique | |
MTN | Montenegro | |
MYA | Myanmar | |
NAM | Namibia | |
NAN | Netherlands Antilles | |
NAU | Nauru | |
NCA | New Caledonia | |
NEP | Nepal | |
NER | Niger | |
NET | Netherlands | |
NHE | New Hebrides | Obsolete 1980; now Vanuatu |
NIC | Nicaragua | |
NIR | Nigeria | |
NIU | Niue | |
NLM | National Liberation Movements | |
MCD | North Macedonia | |
NOR | Norway | |
NZE | New Zealand | |
OMA | Oman | |
PAC | PAC – Azania | Pan Africanist Congress of Azania |
PAE | PAE – Zimbabwe | Pacific Architects and Engineers |
PAF | Patriotic Front for the Liberation of Zimbabwe | |
PAK | Pakistan | |
PAL | Occupied Palestinian Territory | |
PAN | Panama | |
PAR | Paraguay | |
PDY | People's Democratic Republic of Yemen | Obsolete 1990 |
PER | Peru | |
PHI | Philippines | |
PMI | Pacific Multi Islands | Pacific Minor Islands? |
PNG | Papua New Guinea | |
PNL | ? | Partidului National Liberal (National Liberal Party of Romania)? |
POL | Poland | |
POR | Portugal | |
POT | Portuguese Territories (UNEPTSA) | United Nations Training Programme for Southern Africa (Angola and Mozambique) |
PRC | Republic of the Congo | Formerly People's Republic of Congo (1970–1992) |
PUE | Puerto Rico | |
QAT | Qatar | |
REU | Réunion | |
ROK | South Korea | |
ROM | Romania | |
RUS | Russia | |
RWA | Rwanda | |
SAF | South Africa | |
SAH | Western Sahara | |
SAM | Samoa | |
SAU | Saudi Arabia | |
SEN | Senegal | |
SEY | Seychelles | |
SIK | Sikkim | Obsolete 1975 |
SIL | Sierra Leone | |
SIN | Singapore | |
SLO | Slovakia | |
SNM | San Marino | |
SOI | Solomon Islands | |
SOM | Somalia | |
SPA | Spain | |
SPF | South Pacific Fund | |
SRH | Southern Rhodesia | Obsolete 1980; now Zimbabwe |
SRL | Sri Lanka | |
SRV | North Vietnam | Former Socialist Republic of Vietnam; obsolete 1977 |
STH | Saint Helena | |
STK | Saint Kitts and Nevis | |
STL | Saint Lucia | |
STA | stateless | |
STP | São Tomé and Príncipe | |
STV | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | |
SUD | Sudan | Also SUC for "Sudan (Suba)" |
SUR | Suriname | |
SVN | Slovenia | |
SWA | Swaziland | |
SWE | Sweden | |
SWI | Switzerland | |
SWP | SWAPO | South West Africa People's Organization (Namibia) |
SYR | Syria | |
TAJ | Tajikistan | |
TCI | Turks and Caicos Islands | |
THA | Thailand | |
TIM | Timor-Leste | |
TOG | Togo | |
TOK | Tokelau | |
TON | Tonga | |
TRI | Trinidad and Tobago | |
TTP | Palau | Formerly the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (1986) |
TUK | Turkmenistan | |
TUN | Tunisia | |
TUR | Turkey | |
TUV | Tuvalu | |
UAE | United Arab Emirates | |
UAF | Undistributed – Africa | |
UAP | Undistributed – Asia and the Pacific | |
UGA | Uganda | |
UKM | United Kingdom | |
UKR | Ukraine | |
ULA | Undistributed – Latin America and the Caribbean | |
ULM | Undistributed – National Liberation Movements | |
UPV | Upper Volta | Obsolete 1984, now Burkina Faso |
URT | Tanzania | For "United Republic of Tanzania" |
URU | Uruguay | |
USA | United States | |
USR | Union of Soviet Socialist Republics | Obsolete 1992 |
UVI | U.S. Virgin Islands | |
UZB | Uzbekistan | |
VAN | Vanuatu | |
VEN | Venezuela | |
VIE | Vietnam | |
WES | Western Samoa | Became Samoa in 1998 |
WFI | Wallis and Futuna Islands | |
WIR | West Irian | Obsolete 1973; now merged into Indonesia (Western New Guinea) |
WPN | ? | Women's Peace Network (?) |
YEM | Yemen | |
YUG | Yugoslavia | Progressively reduced starting in 1993 |
ZAI | Democratic Republic of the Congo | Formerly Zaire (1997) |
ZAM | Zambia | |
ZIM | Zimbabwe | |