List of compositions by Jean Sibelius
The Finnish composer Jean Sibelius (1865–1957) wrote over 550 original works during his eight-decade artistic career.[1] This began around 1875 with a short miniature for violin and cello called Water Droplets (Vattendroppar),[2] and ended a few months before his death at age 91 with the orchestration of two earlier songs, "Kom nu hit, död" ("Come Away, Death") and "Kullervon valitus" ("Kullervo's Lament", excerpted from Movement III of Kullervo).[3]
However, the 1890s to the 1920s represent the key decades of Sibelius's production.[4] After 1926's Tapiola, Sibelius completed no new works of significance, although he infamously labored until the late-1930s or the early-1940s on his Eighth Symphony, which he never completed and probably destroyed c. 1944.[5] This thirty-year creative drought—commonly referred to as the "Silence of Järvenpää",[6] in reference to the sub-region of Helsinki in which the composer and his wife, Aino, resided—occurred at the height of his international and domestic celebrity.[7]
Today, Sibelius is remembered principally as a composer for orchestra: particularly celebrated are his symphonies, tone poems, and lone concerto, although he produced viable works in all major genres of classical music.[8] While his orchestral works meant the most to him, Sibelius refused to dismiss his miniatures (piano pieces, songs, etc.) as insignificant, seeing them instead as "represent[ative of] his innermost self".[9]
Navigating Sibelius's oeuvre
[edit](disaggregated) by category
- Orchestral works[a] (23%)
- Chamber works[b] (10%)
- Solo instrument[c] (34%)
- Songs[d] (25%)
- Choral works[e] (8%)
Works with and without opus
[edit]Sibelius's final opus list dates to 1952[10] and ranges from Opp. 1 to 116, albeit with Op. 107[f] unassigned and Op. 117[g] holding ambiguous status.[11] Among the 115 active numbers, however, are many collections; disaggregating these multi-work numbers reveals that—counting conservatively—about 342 compositions comprise the list:
- 77 orchestral works, spanning 59 opus numbers[a]
- 35 chamber works, spanning 13 opus numbers[b]
- 117 works for solo instrument (115 for piano, two for organ), spanning 20 opus numbers[c]
- 86 songs, spanning 16 opus numbers[d]
- 27 works for choir, spanning seven opus numbers[e]
When ordered numerically, Sibelius's opus list is an imperfect indicator of his stylistic maturation over time. This is because Sibelius curated the collection according to his ever-changing assessment of his oeuvre (highly self-critical, he became especially ambivalent later in life towards his early period),[12] promoting works to or demoting them from the catalogue and filling the resulting vacancies without a strict regard for compositional chronology.[13][h] Among the pieces that at one point held, but later lost, a place on Sibelius's opus list are numerous large-scale works from the 1880s and 1890s, including his only opera, three cantatas, a melodrama, and several multi-movement compositions for chamber ensembles.[17][i] Sibelius also demoted his first two orchestral compositions, the Overture in E major and Ballet Scene, which were originally intended as movements in a symphony before the composer abandoned the project.[21]
For works without opus, the convention since the late-1990s has been to follow the supplemental JS numbering system of the Finnish musicologist Fabian Dahlström , which he finalized in 2003 with the publication of Jean Sibelius: A Thematic Bibliographic Index of His Works.[22] This list runs from JS 1 to 225 and includes not only compositions Sibelius demoted from his opus list but also those that never held an opus number at any point during his career.[23]
Sibelius and his publishers
[edit]Sibelius sold his music to several publishers over the course of his career. As a relatively unknown composer in the 1890s and early 1900s, he worked with domestic firms in Helsinki, including the eponymous operations of Axel E. Lindgren and Karl F. Wasenius , as well as Helsingfors Nya Musikhandel , a joint venture of Konrad G. Fazer and Robert E. Westerlund until the latter withdrew in 1904 to begin his own firm .[24][j] As Sibelius's international reputation grew, the major German firms came calling, and he relished not only the prestige but also the opportunity to free himself from the cumbersome domestic publishing process. He contracted with Berlin's Robert Lienau Musikverlag from 1905 to 1909 and with Leipzig's Breitkopf & Härtel from 1910 to 1918.[25] The arrival of the First World War in 1914, however, disrupted business with Germany, and Sibelius's royalty payments had to be rerouted through neutral Denmark. Ever in debt, Sibelius churned out undistinguished, "bread-and-butter" violin duos and piano pieces for R. E. Westerlund and A. E. Lindgren,[26] each of whom lacked the means to print the works but viewed them as shrewd investments.[27][k]
The end of the war brought little relief, as famine and civil war gripped newly-sovereign Finland and reparations wrecked the German economy. Breitkopf & Härtel wrote to the composer in May 1918 to express its regret that it could not accept the Fifth Symphony due to the post-war circumstances.[28] Into the breach stepped Edition Wilhelm Hansen in Copenhagen, which directly contracted with Sibelius in 1920 and, over the next half decade, emerged as Sibelius's leading publisher.[29][l] In 1926, Breitkopf & Härtel was able to resume its publishing relationship with Sibelius,[29] although it now had to share the composer with Hansen and others. At any rate, Sibelius spent the 1930s battling with the never-realized Eighth Symphony, and by the 1940s he had drifted into quasi retirement. Following his death in 1957, many compositions remained in manuscript, and the process of publishing his works posthumously began. Over the following decades, the Sibelius family agreed to allow several first editions variously by Hansen, Breitkopf & Härtel, and Musiikki-Fazer .[30][m]
Sibelius's manuscripts
[edit]The largest and most comprehensive collection of Sibelius's manuscripts is owned by the National Library of Finland at the University of Helsinki. The institution began in earnest its mission to acquire the composer's literary estate in 1970, with the purchase—from the London auction house Sotheby's—of manuscripts that had once belonged to A. E. Lindgren and, thereafter, R. E. Westerlund.[33] The National Library's holdings ballooned (and the need for a supplemental catalogue became especially acute), however, in 1982, when the Sibelius family donated all papers still in its possession.[33] The gift more than doubled Sibelius's catalogue: among the nearly 2,000 manuscripts were not only drafts, thematic sketches, and page proofs related to known compositions, but also hitherto unknown juvenilia.[34]
In 1991, the Finnish musicologist Kari Kilpeläinen published The Jean Sibelius Musical Manuscripts at Helsinki University Library: A Complete Catalogue, in which each manuscript received a Helsinki University Library (HUL) identifier.[34] The JS and HUL numbering systems, moreover, are compatible; for example, Sibelius's destroyed Eighth Symphony is numbered JS 190 by Dahlström, with the surviving so-called Three Late Fragments that have been tentatively connected to the Eighth Symphony labeled as HUL 1325, HUL 1326/9, and HUL 1327/2 by Kilpeläinen.[35] A third notable acquisition occurred shortly after Kilpeläinen published his book, when in 1997 the National Library obtained manuscripts that had belonged to Edition Wilhelm Hansen.[33] Finally, in 2020, the institution purchased a 1,200-page collection from Robert Lienau Musikverlag.[36] In 2021, the UNESCO National Committee of Finland inducted the National Library's Jean Sibelius Musical Manuscripts into the country's Memory of the World Register, describing it as a "carefully nurtured national cultural treasure ... [that] has crucially expanded and shaped the image of how Sibelius composed and produced his works".[34]
Within Finland, additional manuscripts are held by the Sibelius Museum at Åbo Akademi University in Turku, the Sibelius Academy (the composer's alma mater, formerly the Helsinki Music Institute), the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra (which premiered most of his orchestral works), and the National Archives of Finland.[37] It is not legally possible to export Sibelius's manuscripts from Finland without permission, which in any case the Finnish authorities would probably not give.[38] Outside of Finland, Breitkopf & Härtel possesses the most notable collection of Sibelius manuscripts.[39]
Notable surveys of the oeuvre
[edit]In addition to Dahlström's comprehensive 2003 book, two additional surveys of Sibelius's oeuvre are of note. First, an ongoing collaborative project involving the National Library, Breitkopf & Härtel, and the Sibelius Society of Finland is the publication of the Jean Sibelius Works (JSW) critical edition, the text-critical approach of which utilizes "Sibelius's autograph musical manuscripts, copies made of them, instrumental parts, as well as first editions and their proofs ... the composer's correspondence, his diary, scribes' receipts, publishers' accounts, and newspaper reviews".[40] Began in 1996, the JSW is projected at 52–60 volumes and will cover all of Sibelius's completed compositions (and arrangements), many of which remain in manuscript and, therefore, will receive first editions. The current editor-in-chief is the Finnish musicologist Timo Virtanen.[41][n]
A second important survey is The Sibelius Edition recording project by the Swedish label BIS, for which the Sibelius biographer Andrew Barnett served as project advisor.[43] Released from 2007 to 2011, this 13-volume series, which sought to record every surviving "note [Sibelius] put down to paper", comprises 80+ hours of music over 68 discs and also includes the original versions of works the composer revised.[44][o]
Table of compositions
[edit]The table below is a complete list of works by Jean Sibelius, compiled with reference to two sources: first, Dahlström's 2003 Jean Sibelius: A Thematic Bibliographic Index of His Works; and second, the track listings for all 13 volumes of BIS's The Sibelius Edition. The table contains six sortable parameters: genre, title, year of composition, catalogue number (either Op. or JS), instrumentation, and text author (if applicable). The default ordering is, first, by genre and, second, by year of composition. Finally, to aid visualization, the table is divided into color-coded subsections, as follows:
Genre | Title | Year(s) composed | Catalogue | Instrumentation | Text[p] | Notes |
Orchestral works[edit] | ||||||
Symphony |
| 1891–1892 (withdrawn 1893) | Op. 7 | S, B, mchor., orch. | Kalevala, Runos XXXV–VI | |
| 1898–1899, rev. 1900 | Op. 39 | orch. | – | ||
| 1901–1902 | Op. 43 | ||||
| 1904–1907 | Op. 52 | ||||
| 1909–1911 | Op. 63 | ||||
| 1914–1915, rev. 1916 & 1917–1919 | Op. 82 | ||||
| 1914–1923 | Op. 104 | ||||
Symphony No. 7 in C major, in one movement | 1914–1924 | Op. 105 | ||||
Symphony No. 8 | 1924–c. late 1930s–1945 (abandoned) | JS 190 | orch. (projected) | |||
Concertante |
| 1903–1904, rev. 1905 | Op. 47 | vl., orch. | ||
Serenade No. 1 in D major | 1912 | Op. 69a | ||||
Serenade No. 2 in G minor | 1912–1913 | Op. 69b | ||||
Serious Melody No. 1: Cantique | 1914 (arr. 1916) | Op. 77/1 | vl. (or vc.), orch. | |||
Serious Melody No. 2: Devotion | 1915 (arr. 1916) | Op. 77/2 | ||||
Humoresque No. 1 in D minor | 1917, rev. 1940 | Op. 87/1 | vl., orch. | |||
Humoresque No. 2 in D major | 1917 | Op. 87/2 | ||||
Humoresque No. 3 in G minor | Op. 89a | vl., str. | ||||
Humoresque No. 4 in G minor | Op. 89b | |||||
Humoresque No. 5 in E-flat major | Op. 89c | vl., orch. | ||||
Humoresque No. 6 in G minor | 1918 | Op. 89d | ||||
| 1929 | JS 185[g] | vl., str. | |||
Tone poem | En saga (Satu) | 1890–1892, rev. 1902 | Op. 9 | orch. | ||
Spring Song (Vårsång) | 1894, rev. 1895 | Op. 16 | ||||
The Wood Nymph (Skogsrået) | 1894–1895 | Op. 15 | – (V. Rydberg) | |||
The Swan of Tuonela (Tuonelan joutsen) | 1893–1895, rev. 1897 & 1900 | Op. 22/2 | – (Kalevala) | |||
Lemminkäinen's Return (Lemminkäinen palaa kotitienoille) | 1895, rev. 1897 & 1900 | Op. 22/4 | ||||
Lemminkäinen and the Maidens of the Island (Lemminkäinen ja saaren neidot) | 1895, rev. 1897 & 1939 | Op. 22/1 | ||||
Lemminkäinen in Tuonela (Lemminkäinen Tuonelassa) | Op. 22/3 | |||||
Finlandia, from the Press Celebrations Music | [1899], arr. 1900 | Op. 26 | – | |||
Pohjola's Daughter (Pohjolan tytär) | 1903–1906 | Op. 49 | – (Kalevala) | |||
Nightride and Sunrise (Öinen ratsastus ja auringonnousu) | 1908 | Op. 55 | – | |||
The Dryad (Dryadi) | 1910 | Op. 45/1 | ||||
The Bard (Barden) | 1913, rev. 1913 | Op. 64 | ||||
Luonnotar | 1913 | Op. 70 | S, orch. | Kalevala, Runo I | ||
The Oceanides (Aallottaret) | 1913–1914, rev. 1914 & 1914 | Op. 73 | orch. | – | ||
Kuutar (The Moon Goddess) | 1919–early 1920s (abandoned) | – | orch. (projected) | – (Kalevala) | ||
Tapiola | 1926 | Op. 112 | orch. | |||
Opera | The Building of the Boat (Veneen luominen) | 1893–1894 (abandoned) | – | soloists, chor., orch. (projected) | J. Sibelius & J.H. Erkko ; Kalevala, Runos VIII & XVI | |
The Maiden in the Tower (Jungfrun i tornet), dramatized Finnish ballad in 1 act | 1896 (withdrawn 1896) | JS 101 | S, A, T, B, chor., orch. | R. Hertzberg | ||
Stage | King Christian II (Kuningas Kristian II), play in 5 acts | 1898, rev. 1898 | Op. 27 | B, orch. | A. Paul | |
Death (Kuolema), play in 3 acts | 1903 | JS 113 | Mz, B, str., perc. | A. Järnefelt | ||
Pelléas et Mélisande (Pelléas och Mélisande), play in 5 acts | 1904–1905 | JS 147 | Mz, orch. | M. Maeterlinck – B. Gripenberg, trans. (sv) | ||
Belshazzar's Feast (Belsazars gästabud), play in 4 acts | 1906 | JS 48 | H. Procopé | |||
Canzonetta, added to Death (Kuolema) | 1906, rev. 1911 | Op. 62/1 | str. | – (A. Järnefelt) | ||
Swanwhite (Svanevit), play in 3 acts | 1908 | JS 189 | orch. + organ | – (A. Strindberg) | ||
The Language of the Birds (Die Sprache der Vögel) | 1911 | JS 62 | orch. | – (A. Paul) | ||
Valse romantique, added to Death (Kuolema) | Op. 62/2 | – (A. Järnefelt) | ||||
Scaramouche, ballet-pantomime in 2 acts | 1912–1913 | Op. 71 | orch. + pf. | P. Knudsen | ||
Everyman (Jedermann or Jokamies), play in 1 act | 1916 | Op. 83 | Mz, T, B, chor., orch. + pf., organ | H. von Hofmannsthal – H. Jalkanen , trans. (fi) | ||
The Tempest (Stormen), play in 5 acts | 1925, rev. 1927 | JS 182 | S, Mz, T, T, B, chor., orch. + harmonium | W. Shakespeare – E. Lembcke , trans. (da, 1926) – P. Cajander, trans. (fi, 1927) | ||
Stage (arr.) | King Christian II Suite (Kuningas Kristian II)
| [1898], arr. 1898 | → Op. 27 | orch. | – (A. Paul) | |
The Maiden in the Tower Overture (Jungfrun i tornet) | [1896], arr. 1900 (score markings) | → JS 101 | – (R. Hertzberg) | |||
Valse triste, from Death (Kuolema) | [1903], arr. 1904 | Op. 44/1 | – (A. Järnefelt) | |||
Pelléas et Mélisande Suite (Pelléas och Mélisande)
| [1905], arr. 1905 | Op. 46 | – (M. Maeterlinck) | |||
Scene with Cranes (Kurkikohtaus), from Death (Kuolema) | [1903], arr. 1906 | Op. 44/2 | – (A. Järnefelt) | |||
Belshazzar's Feast Suite (Belsazars gästabud)
| [1906], arr. 1907 | Op. 51 | – (H. Procopé ) | |||
Swanwhite Suite (Svanevit)
| [1908], arr. 1908 | Op. 54 | – (A. Strindberg) | |||
The Tempest Prelude (Stormen) | [1925], arr. 1927 | Op. 109/1 | – (W. Shakespeare) | |||
The Tempest Suite No. 1 (Stormen)
| [1925], arr. 1927, rev. 1929 | Op. 109/2 | ||||
The Tempest Suite No. 2 (Stormen)
| [1925], arr. 1927 | Op. 109/3 | ||||
Oratorio | Marjatta | 1905 (abandoned) | – | soloists, chor., orch. (projected) | J. Finne; Kalevala, Runo L | |
Cantata | Cantata for the University Graduation Ceremonies of 1894 (Kantaatti tohtorinja maisterinvihkijäisissä 1894)
| 1894 (partially survives) | JS 105 | S, B, chor., orch. | K. Leino | |
Cantata for the Coronation of Nicholas II (Kantaatti iloja onnentoivotusjuhlassa 1896)
| 1896 | JS 104 | chor., orch. | P. Cajander | ||
Cantata for the University Graduation Ceremonies of 1897 (Kantaatti tohtorinja maisterinvihkijäisissä 1897)
| 1897 (partially survives) | JS 106 | S, B, chor., orch. | A.V. Koskimies | ||
The Origin of Fire (Tulen synty) | 1902, rev. 1910 | Op. 32 | B, mchor., orch. | Kalevala, Runo XLVII | ||
The Captive Queen (Vapautettu kuningatar) | 1906 (arr. c. 1910) | Op. 48 | chor. (or mchor.), orch. | P. Cajander | ||
My Own Land (Oma maa) | 1918 | Op. 92 | chor., orch. | S.K. Bergh | ||
Song of the Earth (Jordens sång) | 1919 | Op. 93 | J. Hemmer | |||
Hymn of the Earth (Maan virsi) | 1920 | Op. 95 | E. Leino | |||
Väinämöinen's Song (Väinön virsi) | 1926 | Op. 110 | Kalevala, Runo XVIII | |||
Melodrama | The Wood Nymph (Skogsrået) | 1894–1895 | → Op. 15 | Nar., orch. + pf. | V. Rydberg | |
The Breaking of the Ice on the Oulu River (Islossningen i Uleå älv) | 1899 | Op. 30 | Nar., mchor., orch. | Z. Topelius | ||
Snöfrid | 1900 | Op. 29 | Nar., chor., orch. | V. Rydberg | ||
The Countess's Portrait (Grevinnans konterfej) | 1906 | JS 88 | Nar., str. | Z. Topelius | ||
A Lonely Ski-Trail (Ett ensamt skidspår) | [1925], arr. 1948 | JS 77b | Nar., harp, str. | B. Gripenberg | ||
Orch. song | "Serenad" ("Serenade") | 1894–1895 | JS 168 | B, orch. | E.J. Stagnelius | |
"Koskenlaskijan morsiamet" ("The Rapids-Rider's Brides") | 1897 | Op. 33 | B, orch. | A. Oksanen | ||
"Se'n har jag ej frågat mera" ("Since Then I Have Questioned No Further") | [1891–1892], arr. 1903 | → Op. 17/1 | voice, orch. | J.L. Runeberg | ||
"På verandan vid havet" ("On a Balcony by the Sea") | [1903], arr. 1903 | → Op. 38/2 | V. Rydberg | |||
"I natten" ("In the Night") | [1903], arr. 1903 | → Op. 38/3 | ||||
"Höstkväll" ("Autumn Evening") | [1903], arr. 1904 | → Op. 38/1 | voice, orch. (or str.) | |||
"Arioso" | 1911 | → Op. 3 | S, str. | J.L. Runeberg | ||
"Hertig Magnus" ("Duke Magnus") | [1909], arr. 1912 | → Op. 57/6 | voice, orch. | E. Josephson | ||
"Der Rabe" ("The Raven") | 1910 (abandoned) | – | S, orch. (projected) | E. Poe – [Unknown], trans. (de) | ||
"Våren flyktar hastigt" ("Spring Is Flying") | [1891], arr. 1913 | → Op. 13/4 | voice, orch. | J.L. Runeberg | ||
"Soluppgång" ("Sunrise") | [1902], arr. 1913 | → Op. 37/3 | T. Hedberg | |||
"Demanten på marssnön" ("The Diamond on the March Snow") | [1900], arr. 1917 | → Op. 36/6 | J.J. Wecksell | |||
"Autrefois" | 1919, rev. 1920 | Op. 96b | S, S, orch. | H. Procopé | ||
"Kullervon valitus" ("Kullervo's Lament"), from Kullervo | [1892, arr. 1892–1893, 1917–1918], arr. 1957 | → Op. 7 | B, orch. | Kalevala, Runo XXXV | ||
"Kom nu hit, död" ("Come Away, Death") | [1909], arr. 1957 | → Op. 60/1 | B, str. + harp | W. Shakespeare – C.A. Hagberg, trans. (sv) | ||
Misc. (– voice) | Overture in E major | 1891 | JS 145 | orch. | – | |
Ballet Scene (Scène de ballet) | JS 163 | |||||
Fencing Music (Fäktmusik) | 1891 (lost) | JS 80 | orch. (probable) | |||
Circus March (Zirkusmarsch) | JS 223 | |||||
Karelia Overture | [1893], arr. 1893 | Op. 10 | orch. | |||
| Op. 11 | |||||
Presto, from the String Quartet in B-flat major | [1890], arr. 1894 | → Op. 4/3 | str. | |||
Impromptu, from the Six Impromptus | [1893], arr. 1894 | → Op. 5/5–6 | ||||
Menuetto | 1894 | JS 127 | orch. | |||
Coronation March (Kröningsmarsch), from the Cantata for the Coronation of Nicholas II | [1896], arr. 1896 | → JS 104 | ||||
Music for the Press Celebrations Days (Musiikkia Sanomalehdistön päivien juhlanäytäntöön)
| 1899 | JS 137 | ||||
March of the Pori Regiment (Porilaisten marssi), arrangement [II] of the original | arr. 1900 | JS 152 | ||||
Overture in A minor | 1902 | JS 144 | ||||
Cassazione | 1904, rev. 1905 | Op. 6 | ||||
Romance in C major | 1904 | Op. 42 | str. | |||
Musik zu einer Szene (Music to a Scene) | Op. 45/2 | orch. | ||||
Dance Intermezzo (Tanssi-Intermezzo) | [1904, rev./trans. 1904], arr. 1907 | Op. 45/2 | ||||
Cortège | 1905 | JS 54 | ||||
Pan and Echo (Pan och Echo) | 1906 | Op. 53 | ||||
In memoriam | 1909, rev. 1910 | Op. 59 | ||||
Rakastava (The Lover)
| [1894], arr. 1911, rev. 1912 | Op. 14 | str., perc. | – (Kanteletar) | ||
Scènes historiques I, from the Press Celebrations Music
| [1899], arr. 1911 | Op. 25 | orch. | – | ||
| 1912 | Op. 66 | ||||
Valse lyrique | [1914, rev. 1919 & 1919], arr. 1920 | Op. 96a | ||||
Academic March (Promootiomarssi) | 1919 | JS 155 | ||||
Valse chevaleresque | 1921–1922, rev. 1922 | Op. 96c | ||||
| 1921 | Op. 98a | str. + flutes | |||
| 1922 | Op. 98b | str. | |||
| Op. 100 | str. + harp | ||||
Morceau romantique | 1925 | JS 135a | orch. | |||
Andante festivo | [1922], arr. 1938 | JS 34b | str. + timpani | |||
Misc. (+ voice) | Lord, You are a Rock (Herr du bist ein Fels) | 1889–1890, rev. 1889–1890 | HUL 1260 | chor., orch. | [Unknown] | |
Lord, Show Us Your Mercy (Herr erzeige uns deine Gnade) | HUL 1263 | |||||
| 1893 (partially destroyed) | JS 115 | B, 2 male folk singers, orch. | Kalevala, Runo XIV; Svenska fornsånger, Vol. II | ||
Rakastava (The Lover)
| [1894], arr. 1894 | JS 160b | T, mchor., str. | Kanteletar, Book I:173–74, 122 | ||
A Song for Lemminkäinen (Laulu Lemminkäiselle) | [1895–1896], arr. 1896 | Op. 31/1 | mchor., orch. | Y. Weilin | ||
Sandels | 1898, rev. 1915 | Op. 28 | J.L. Runeberg | |||
Song of the Athenians (Athenarnes sång) | 1899 | Op. 31/3 | mchor., bchor., orch. | V. Rydberg | ||
Impromptu | 1902, rev. 1910 | Op. 19 | fchor., orch. | |||
Have You Courage? (Har du mod?) | 1904, rev. 1911, 1912, & 1913–1914 | Op. 31/2 | mchor., orch. | J.J. Wecksell | ||
Jäger March (Jääkärien marssi) | [1917], arr. 1918 | → Op. 91a | H. Nurmio | |||
Scout March (Partiolaisten marssi) | [1918], arr. 1918 | → Op. 91b | chor., orch. | J. Finne | ||
Processional, from the Masonic Ritual Music | [1927], arr. 1938 | → Op. 113/6 | chor., orch. | V. Rydberg – M. Kernochan, trans. (en) | ||
"Koskenlaskijan morsiamet" ("The Rapids-Rider's Brides") | [1897], arr. 1943 | → Op. 33 | mchor., orch. | A. Oksanen | ||
Chamber works[edit] | (↑ to top) | |||||
Stage | Ljunga Wirginia
| 1885 (partially survives) | HUL 0542–46 | pf. (4-hands), vl., vc. | W. von Konow | |
Scherzo in E minor | 1887 (partially survives) | JS 165 | ||||
The Lizard (Ödlan)
| 1909 | Op. 8 | vl. solo, 2 vl., va., vc., db. | – (M. Lybeck) | ||
Melodrama | The Watersprite (Näcken) in A-flat major | 1888 | JS 138 | Nar., S, pf., vl., vc. | G. Wennerberg | |
Nights of Jealousy (Svartsjukans nätter) | 1893 | JS 125 | Nar., S (voc.), pf., vl., vc. | J.L. Runeberg | ||
Brass septet | Overture in F minor | 1889 | JS 146 | torviseitsikko | – | |
Allegro in G minor | JS 25 | torviseitsikko , perc. | ||||
Andantino | 1890 | JS 45 | torviseitsikko | |||
Menuetto | ||||||
Preludium (Förspel) | 1891 | JS 83 | torviseitsikko , perc. | |||
Tiera | 1899 | JS 200 | torviseitsikko , perc. | – (Kalevala) | ||
Song of the Athenians (Athenarnes sång) | → Op. 31/3 | mchor., bchor., torviseitsikko , perc. | V. Rydberg | |||
Quintet | Andante – Allegro | 1888–1889 | JS 31 | pf., 2 vl., va., vc. | – | |
[Vivace] | 1890 | HUL 0517 | ||||
| JS 159 | |||||
Quartet | Piano Quartet in D minor
| 1884 | JS 157 | pf., vl., va., vc. | ||
Molto moderato – Scherzo | 1885 | JS 134 | 2 vl., va., vc. | |||
| JS 184 | |||||
Harmonium Quartet in G minor | 1887 | JS 158 | harmonium, pf., vl., vc. | |||
[Four Themes] | HUL 0796/2 | 2 vl., va., vc. | ||||
Alla marcia in E minor | 1888 | JS 16 | ||||
Presto in F major | JS 154 | |||||
Theme and Variations in G minor | JS 197 | |||||
Allegretto in D major | JS 20 | |||||
Andantino in C major | JS 39 | |||||
Theme and Variations in C-sharp minor | 1888 (partially survives) | JS 195 | 2 vl., va., vc. | |||
[Thirty-three Small Pieces] | 1888–1889 | HUL 0618 | 2 vl., va., vc. | |||
Moderato – Allegro appassionato in C-sharp minor | JS 131 | |||||
Andante molto sostenuto in B minor | JS 37 (fragment) | |||||
Andante – Allegro molto in D major | JS 32 | |||||
[Allegro] in G minor | HUL 0620 | |||||
Allegro in E minor | JS 28 | |||||
Adagio in F minor | JS 14 | |||||
Allegretto in A major | JS 17 | |||||
Più lento in F major | JS 149 | |||||
Fugue for Martin W. (Fuga för Martin W.) | 1889 | JS 85 | ||||
| JS 183 | |||||
Allegretto in B-flat major | HUL 0621 | |||||
| 1889–1890 | Op. 4 | ||||
Adagio in D minor | 1890 | JS 12 | ||||
Piano Quartet in C minor | 1891 (partially survives) | JS 156 | pf., vl., va., vc. | |||
| 1908–1909 | Op. 56 | 2 vl., va., vc. | |||
Andante festivo | 1922 | JS 34a | ||||
Trio | [Menuetto] in D minor | c. 1882–1885 | HUL 0538 | pf., vl., vc. | ||
Trio in 'G major'
| 1883 | JS 205 | pf., 2 vl. | |||
Menuetto in F major | JS 126 | |||||
[Andante] – Adagio – Allegro maestoso | c. 1883–1885 | HUL 0539 | pf., vl., vc. | |||
Piano Trio in A minor
| 1884 | JS 206 | ||||
Allegro in D major | 1886 | JS 27 | ||||
| JS 207 | |||||
Serenata in D minor | 1887 | JS 169 | 2 vl., vc. | |||
Minuet and Allegro | JS 128 | |||||
| JS 209 | pf., vl., vc. | ||||
Andantino in G minor | JS 43 | |||||
[Allegretto] in A-flat major | c. 1887–1888 | HUL 0547 | ||||
| 1888 | JS 208 | ||||
Suite in A major
| 1889 (partially survives) | JS 186 | ||||
Andantino in A major | 1889 | JS 38 | ||||
La pompeuse Marche d'Asis | 1891 (other arrangements lost) | JS 116 | ||||
Duo | Water Droplets (Vattendroppar) | c. 1875–1881 | JS 216 | vl., vc. (pizz.) | ||
Castles in the Air (Luftslott) | c. 1881 | JS 65 | 2 vl. | |||
Violin Sonata in A minor
| 1884 | JS 177 | vl., pf. | |||
Andantino in C major | JS 40 | vc., pf. | ||||
Andante grazioso in D major | 1884–1885 | JS 35 | vl., pf. | |||
[Moderato] – Presto – Tempo I in A minor | 1886 | JS 7 | ||||
[Andantino] in A minor | 1886–1887 | JS 8 | ||||
[Tempo di valse] in B minor | JS 89 (fragment) | |||||
[Mazurka] in A major | JS 4 | |||||
[Andante molto] in C major | JS 49 | |||||
[Aubade] in A major | JS 3 | |||||
[Menuetto] in E minor | JS 67 | |||||
[Scherzino] in F major | JS 78 | |||||
[Allegretto] in G major | 1886–1887, rev. 1886–1887 | JS 86 | ||||
[Duo] in E minor | 1887 | JS 68 | vl., vc. | |||
Andante cantabile in E-flat major | JS 30b | harmonium, pf. | ||||
Andante cantabile in G major | JS 33 | vl., pf. | ||||
Andante molto in F minor | JS 36 | vc., pf. | ||||
Tempo di valse in G minor | 1887 (partially survives) | JS 193 | ||||
[Sonata Allegro Exposition] in B minor | 1887 | JS 90 | vl., pf. | |||
Suite in D minor
| 1887–1888 | JS 187 | ||||
[Lento] in E-flat minor | JS 76 | vl. (or vc.), pf. | ||||
Moderato – Maestoso in E-flat major | JS 132 | vl., pf. | ||||
Allegretto in C major | 1888 | JS 19 | ||||
Allegretto in E-flat major | JS 22 | |||||
Suite in E major
| JS 188 | |||||
[Andante] in B minor | JS 91 (fragment) | vc., pf. | ||||
[Andantino] in B minor | 1888–1889 | JS 92 (fragment) | vc., pf. | |||
Allegro [Sonata Exposition] in A minor | JS 26 | vl., pf. | ||||
Canon in G minor | 1889 | JS 50 | vl., vc. | |||
Violin Sonata in F major
| JS 178 | vl., pf. | ||||
Adagio in F-sharp minor | JS 15 | vc., pf. | ||||
Tempo di valse (Lulu Waltz) in F-sharp minor | JS 194 | |||||
| 1889 (partially survives) | JS 79 | ||||
Romance in B minor | 1890, rev. 1911 | Op. 2/1 | vl., pf. | |||
Epilog (Epilogue) | 1891, rev. 1911 | Op. 2/2 | ||||
Duo in C major | 1891–1892 | JS 66 | vl., va. | |||
Rondo in D minor | 1893 | JS 162 | va., pf. | |||
Lullaby (Kehtolaulu) | 1899 | JS 222 | kantele, vl. | |||
Malinconia (Melancholy) | 1900 | Op. 20 | vc., pf. | |||
| 1915 | Op. 80 | vl., pf. | |||
Mazurka in D minor | Op. 81/1 | |||||
Souvenir in D major | Op. 79/1 | |||||
Tempo di Minuetto | Op. 79/2 | |||||
Impromptu in A minor | Op. 78/1 | vl. (or vc.), pf. | ||||
Rigaudon in D major | Op. 78/4 | |||||
Romance in F major | 1915, rev. 1915 | Op. 78/2 | ||||
Danse caractéristique | 1916 | Op. 79/3 | vl., pf. | |||
Sérénade in D major | Op. 79/4 | |||||
Dance Idyll (Tanz-Idylle) in E minor | 1917 | Op. 79/5 | ||||
Berceuse in C-sharp minor | Op. 79/6 | |||||
Religioso in G minor | Op. 78/3 | vl. (or vc.), pf. | ||||
Rondino in D major | Op. 81/2 | vl., pf. | ||||
Valse in D major | Op. 81/3 | |||||
Aubade in D major | 1918 | Op. 81/4 | ||||
Menuetto in D minor | Op. 81/5 | |||||
Novellette | 1922 | Op. 102 | ||||
Danse champêtre No. 1 | 1924 | Op. 106/1 | ||||
Danse champêtre No. 2 | Op. 106/2 | |||||
Danse champêtre No. 3 | 1925 | Op. 106/3 | ||||
Danse champêtre No. 4 | Op. 106/4 | |||||
Danse champêtre No. 5 | Op. 106/5 | |||||
On the Heath (Auf der Heide) | 1929 | Op. 115/1 | ||||
Ballad (Ballade) | Op. 115/2 | |||||
Humoresque | Op. 115/3 | |||||
The Bells (Die Glocken) | Op. 115/4 | |||||
Scène de danse | Op. 116/1 | |||||
Danse caractéristique | Op. 116/2 | |||||
Rondeau romantique | Op. 116/3 | |||||
To My Beloved Aino (Rakkaalle Ainolle) | 1931 | JS 161 | pf. (4-hands) | |||
Duo (trans.) |
| [1903–1904, rev. 1905], trans. 1905 | Op. 47 | vl., pf. | ||
Serious Melody No. 1: Cantique | [1914 (arr. 1916)], trans. 1915 (1916) | Op. 77/1 | vl. (or vc.), pf. | |||
Serious Melody No. 2: Devotion | [1915 (arr. 1916)], trans. 1915 (1916) | Op. 77/2 | ||||
Scène d'amour (Love Scene), from Scaramouche | [1913], trans. 1925 | Op. 71 | vl., pf. | |||
Works for solo instrument[edit] | (↑ to top) | |||||
Carillon | The Bells of Kallio Church (Kallion kirkon kellosävel) | 1912 | JS 102 | carillon | – | |
Cello | [Theme and Variations] in D minor | 1887 | JS 196 | cello | ||
Moderato in F major | 1885–1889 | HUL 1351 | ||||
[Mazurka] in G minor | 1887–1889 | – | ||||
Kantele | Moderato | 1896–1898 | JS 130 | kantele | ||
Dolicissimo | JS 63 | |||||
Organ | Intrada | 1925 | Op. 111a | organ | ||
Preludium | 1926 | JS 153/1 | ||||
Postludium | JS 153/2 | |||||
Mournful Music (Surusoitto) | 1931 | Op. 111b | ||||
Theme for Improvisation | 1933 | – | ||||
Violin | [Étude] in D major | 1886 | JS 55 | violin | ||
[Allegretto] in A major | 1891–1894 | HUL 1088/2 | ||||
A Happy Musician (En glad musikant) | 1924–1926 | JS 70 | T. Rangström | |||
Melodrama | To Longing (Trånaden)
| 1887 | JS 203 | Nar., piano | E.J. Stagnelius | |
Oh, If You Had Seen (O, om du sett) | 1888 | JS 141 | E. Hackzell | |||
A Lonely Ski-Trail (Ett ensamt skidspår) | 1925 | JS 77a | B. Gripenberg | |||
Piano (orig.) | Con moto, sempre una corda in D-flat major | 1885 | JS 52 | piano | – | |
[Andante] in E-flat major | JS 74 | |||||
[Menuetto] in A minor | JS 5 | |||||
[Tempo di valse] in A major | JS 2 | |||||
Scherzo in E major with Trio in E minor (or with [Trio] in A major) | 1885, arr. 1886 | JS 134a(b) | ||||
Andante in E-flat major | 1887 | JS 30a | ||||
[Aubade] in A-flat major | JS 46 | |||||
Au crépuscule in F-sharp minor | JS 47 | |||||
Andantino in B major | 1888 | JS 44 | ||||
Allegretto in B-flat minor | JS 18 | |||||
Allegro in F minor | HUL 0768/3 | |||||
[Five Short Pieces]
| HUL 0797 | |||||
Più lento – Tempo di valse in E-flat major | JS 150 | |||||
Allegretto in G minor | JS 24 | |||||
Moderato – Presto in D minor | JS 133 | |||||
Largo in A major | JS 117 | |||||
Adagio in D major | JS 11 | |||||
Vivace in D minor | JS 221 | |||||
Andantino in E major | JS 41 | |||||
[Presto] in A minor | JS 6 | |||||
[Polka] in E-flat major | 1888–1889 | JS 75 | ||||
| 1889 | JS 82 | ||||
Allegretto in E major | JS 21 | |||||
Valse in A-flat major, À Betzy Lerche | JS 1 | |||||
[Sonata Allegro Exposition] in D minor | JS 179a | |||||
[Sonata Allegro Exposition] in F minor | JS 179b | |||||
[Sonata Allegro Exposition] in C major | JS 179c | |||||
[Sonata Allegro] in E major | JS 179d | |||||
[Sonata Allegro Exposition] in C minor | JS 179e | |||||
Scherzo in F-sharp minor | 1891 | JS 164 | ||||
Theme and Variations in C minor | 1891 (lost) | JS 198 | piano | |||
Impromptu No. 1 in G minor | 1893 | Op. 5/1 | piano | |||
Impromptu No. 2 in G minor | Op. 5/2 | |||||
Impromptu No. 3 in A minor | Op. 5/3 | |||||
Impromptu No. 4 in E minor | Op. 5/4 | |||||
Impromptu No. 5 in B minor | Op. 5/5 | |||||
Impromptu No. 6 in E major | Op. 5/6 | |||||
| Op. 12 | |||||
Impromptu in G minor | 1895 | Op. 24/1 | ||||
Romance in A major | Op. 24/2 | |||||
Allegretto in F major | 1895–1896 | JS 23 | ||||
Lento in E major | 1896–1897 | JS 119 | ||||
Allegretto in G minor | 1897 | JS 225 | ||||
Romance in D minor | 1896–1898 | Op. 24/4 | ||||
Idyll in F major | 1897–1898, rev. 1904 | Op. 24/6 | ||||
Caprice in E minor | 1898 | Op. 24/3 | ||||
Waltz in E major | 1898 | Op. 24/5 | ||||
Andantino in F major | 1899, rev. 1899 | Op. 24/7 | ||||
Marche triste | 1899 | JS 124 | ||||
Pianokompositioner för barn (Piano Works for Children), 21 sketches | JS 148 | |||||
Kavaljeren (The Cavalier) | 1900 | JS 109 | ||||
Nocturno | Op. 24/8 | |||||
Romance in D-flat major | 1901 | Op. 24/9 | ||||
My Beloved Is Beautiful, Her Mouth Like a Corn-cockle (Minun kultani kaunis on, sen suu kuin auran kukka) | 1902–1903 | JS 81/1 | ||||
I Love You with All My Heart (Sydämestäni rakastan) | JS 81/2 | |||||
Evening Is Coming (Ilta tulee, ehtoo joutuu) | JS 81/3 | |||||
That Beautiful Girl (Tuopa tyttö, kaunis tyttö) | JS 81/4 | |||||
The Fratricide (Velisuurmaaja) | JS 81/5 | |||||
Wedding Memory (Häämuistelma) | JS 81/6 | |||||
Barcarole in G minor | 1903 | Op. 24/10 | ||||
| 1904 | Op. 41 | – (Kalevala) | |||
Adagio in E major | 1907 | JS 13 | – | |||
Rêverie | 1909 | Op. 58/1 | ||||
Scherzino | Op. 58/2 | |||||
Air varié | Op. 58/3 | |||||
The Shepherd (Der Hirt) | Op. 58/4 | |||||
The Evening (Des Abends) | Op. 58/5 | |||||
Dialogue | Op. 58/6 | |||||
Tempo di minuetto | Op. 58/7 | |||||
Fisher Songs (Fischerlied) | Op. 58/8 | |||||
Serenade (Ständchen) | Op. 58/9 | |||||
Summer Song (Sommerlied) | Op. 58/10 | |||||
Étude in A minor | 1911 | Op. 76/2 | ||||
| 1912 | Op. 67/1 | ||||
| Op. 67/2 | |||||
| Op. 67/3 | |||||
Rondino No. 1 in G-sharp minor | Op. 68/1 | |||||
Rondino No. 2 in C-sharp minor | Op. 68/2 | |||||
Valsette in E minor | Op. 40/1 | |||||
Chant sans paroles in E minor | 1913 | Op. 40/2 | ||||
Humoresque in C major | Op. 40/3 | |||||
Berceuse in D major | Op. 40/5 | |||||
Rêverie in E minor | Op. 34/6 | |||||
Menuetto in C major | Op. 40/4 | |||||
Spagnuolo | JS 181 | |||||
To Longing (Till trånaden) | JS 202 | |||||
Pensée mélodique in C major | 1914 | Op. 40/6 | ||||
Rondoletto in A-flat major | Op. 40/7 | |||||
Valse in D-flat major | Op. 34/1 | |||||
Air de danse in E major | Op. 34/2 | |||||
Mazurka in A major | Op. 34/3 | |||||
Boutade in A-flat major | Op. 34/5 | |||||
Eclogue (Ekloge) | Op. 74/1 | |||||
Soft West Wind (Sanfter Westwind) | Op. 74/2 | |||||
At the Dance (Auf dem Tanzvergnügen) | Op. 74/3 | |||||
In the Old House (Im alten Heim) | Op. 74/4 | |||||
When the Rowan Blossoms (När rönnan blommar) | Op. 75/1 | |||||
The Solitary Fir Tree (Den ensamma furan) | Op. 75/2 | |||||
The Aspen (Aspen) | Op. 75/3 | |||||
The Birch (Björken) | Op. 75/4 | |||||
Carillon | Op. 76/3 | |||||
Romanzetta | Op. 76/6 | |||||
Arabesque in D-flat major | Op. 76/9 | |||||
Capriccietto | Op. 76/12 | |||||
Nouvellette in F major | Op. 94/2 | |||||
Couplet in D major | 1914, rev. 1914 | Op. 34/4 | ||||
The Spruce (Granen) | 1914, rev. 1919 | Op. 75/5 | ||||
The Lilac (Syringa) | 1914 (withdrawn 1919, rev. as Op. 96/1) | |||||
Scherzando in A-flat major | 1915 | Op. 40/8 | ||||
Petite sérénade in B-flat major | Op. 40/9 | |||||
Polonaise in C major | 1916 | Op. 40/10 | ||||
Danse pastorale in A major | Op. 34/7 | |||||
Joueur de harpe in B-flat minor | Op. 34/8 | |||||
Reconnaissance in D major | Op. 34/9 | |||||
Souvenir in A minor | Op. 34/10 | |||||
Humoresque in C-sharp minor | Op. 76/4 | |||||
Pièce enfantine | Op. 76/8 | |||||
Elegiaco in C-sharp minor | Op. 76/10 | |||||
Harlequinade | Op. 76/13 | |||||
The Carnation (Oeillet) | Op. 85/2 | |||||
The Iris (Iris) | Op. 85/3 | |||||
Esquisse | 1917 | Op. 76/1 | ||||
Affettuoso | Op. 76/7 | |||||
Bluebells (Bellis) | Op. 85/1 | |||||
The Columbine (Aquileja) | Op. 85/4 | |||||
The Campanula (Campanula) | Op. 85/5 | |||||
Mandolinato | JS 123 | |||||
Scout March (Partiolaisten marssi) | 1918 | Op. 91b | J. Finne | |||
Linnæa (The Twinflower of the North) | Op. 76/11 | – | ||||
Consolation in C-sharp minor | 1919 | Op. 76/5 | ||||
Danse in C major | Op. 94/1 | |||||
Sonnet in B-flat major | Op. 94/3 | |||||
Shepherd and Shepherdess (Berger et bergerette) | Op. 94/4 | |||||
Mélodie in B major | Op. 94/5 | |||||
Gavotte in C major | Op. 94/6 | |||||
Con passione | JS 53 | |||||
Andantino 'To O. Parvianen' ('Till O. Parvianen') | JS 201 | |||||
Humoresque I (Humoreske I) | 1920 | Op. 97/1 | ||||
Song (Lied) | Op. 97/2 | |||||
Little Waltz (Kleiner Waltzer) | Op. 97/3 | |||||
Humorous March (Humoristischer Marsch) | Op. 97/4 | |||||
Impromptu | Op. 97/5 | |||||
Humoresque II (Humoreske II) | Op. 97/6 | |||||
Pièce humoristique | 1922 | Op. 99/1 | ||||
Esquisse | Op. 99/2 | |||||
Souvenir | Op. 99/3 | |||||
Impromptu | Op. 99/4 | |||||
Couplet | Op. 99/5 | |||||
Animoso | Op. 99/6 | |||||
Moment de valse | Op. 99/7 | |||||
Petite Marche | Op. 99/8 | |||||
Romance | 1924 | Op. 101/1 | ||||
Chant du soir | Op. 101/2 | |||||
Scène lyrique | Op. 101/3 | |||||
Humoresque | Op. 101/4 | |||||
Scène romantique | Op. 101/5 | |||||
The Village Church | Op. 103/1 | |||||
The Fiddler | Op. 103/2 | |||||
The Oarsman | Op. 103/3 | |||||
The Storm | Op. 103/4 | |||||
In Mournful Mood | Op. 103/5 | |||||
Landscape (Maisema) | 1929 | Op. 114/1 | ||||
Winter Scene (Talvikuva) | Op. 114/2 | |||||
Forest Lake (Metsälampi) | Op. 114/3 | |||||
Song in the Forest (Metsälaulu) | Op. 114/4 | |||||
Spring Vision (Kevätnäky) | Op. 114/5 | |||||
Piano (trans.) | Karelia Suite, select numbers
| [1893, arr. 1893], trans. c. 1893–1897 | → Op. 11 | – | ||
The Wood Nymph (Skogsrået), final section only | [1894–1895], trans. 1895 | → Op. 15 | – (V. Rydberg) | |||
King Christian II (Kuningas Kristian II), select numbers
| [1898], trans. 1898 | → Op. 27 | – (A. Paul) | |||
Song of the Athenians (Athenarnes sång) | [1899], trans. 1899 | → Op. 31/3 | – (V. Rydberg) | |||
Finlandia, from the Press Celebrations Music | [1899, arr. 1900], trans. 1900 | → Op. 26 | – | |||
Have You Courage? (Har du mod?) | 1904, rev. 1911, 1912], trans. 1913 | → Op. 31/2 | J.J. Wecksell | |||
Valse triste, from Death (Kuolema) | [1903, arr. 1904], trans. 1904 | → Op. 44/1 | – (A. Järnefelt) | |||
Pelléas et Mélisande Suite (Pelléas och Mélisande)
| [1905, arr. 1905], trans. 1905 | → Op. 46 | – (M. Maeterlinck) | |||
Dance Intermezzo (Tanssi-Intermezzo) | [1904], rev./trans. 1904 | → Op. 45/2 | – | |||
Pan and Echo (Pan och Echo) | [1906], trans. 1907 | → Op. 53 | ||||
Belshazzar's Feast Suite (Belsazars gästabud)
| [1906, arr. 1907], trans. 1907 | → Op. 51 | – (H. Procopé ) | |||
The Dryad (Dryadi) | [1910], trans. 1910 | → Op. 45/1 | – | |||
The Bells of Kallio Church (Kallion kirkon kellosävel) | [1912], trans. 1912 | Op. 65b | ||||
Scaramouche, select numbers
| [1912–1913], trans. 1914 | → Op. 71 | – (P. Knudsen) | |||
Valse lyrique | 1914, rev. 1919 & 1919 | Op. 96a | – | |||
Autrefois | [1919, rev. 1920], trans. 1920 | → Op. 96b | H. Procopé | |||
Valse chevaleresque | 1921–1922, rev. 1922 | Op. 96c | – |