List of international river borders

This is a List of international river borders. Rivers that form any portion of the border between two countries minimum:

By region



Countries in Africa
River Bordering countries
Akanyaru River  Rwanda and  Burundi
Akagera River  Rwanda and  Tanzania
Bahr al-Arab  Sudan and  South Sudan
Caledon River  Lesotho and  South Africa
Chobe River  Namibia and  Botswana
Congo River  Democratic Republic of Congo and  Republic of Congo
Donga River  Nigeria and  Cameroon
Kagitumba river  Rwanda, Uganda and  Tanzania
Kasai River Kwango River  Democratic Republic of Congo and  Angola
Kunene River  Namibia and  Angola
Limpopo River  South Africa and  Botswana
Limpopo River  South Africa and  Zimbabwe
Luapula River  Democratic Republic of Congo and  Zambia
Niger River  Benin and  Niger
Okavango River  Namibia and  Angola
Orange River  Namibia and  South Africa
Rusizi River  Burundi and  Democratic Republic of the Congo
Rusizi River  Rwanda and  Democratic Republic of the Congo
Senegal River  Senegal and  Mauritania
Ubangi River Mbomou River  Central African Republic and  Democratic Republic of the Congo
White Nile  Sudan and  South Sudan
Yobe River  Niger and  Nigeria
Zambezi  Botswana and  Zambia
Zambezi  Namibia and  Zambia
Zambezi  Zimbabwe and  Zambia

North America

U.S. counties (or county equivalents) sharing a land or water border with Canada
  Land border
  Water border only
River State/Province Bordering country
Rio Grande  Texas/  Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, Tamaulipas  United States / Mexico
Colorado River  Colorado,  Utah, Arizona , Nevada, California / Baja California, Sonora
Detroit River  Michigan /  Ontario  United States / Canada
Halls Stream  Quebec/  New Hampshire and  Vermont
Niagara River  New York /  Ontario
Pine River  Minnesota /  Ontario
Pigeon River
Rainy River
St. Clair River  Michigan /  Ontario
St. Croix River  Maine /  New Brunswick
St. Francis River  Maine /  New Brunswick,  Quebec
Saint John River
St. Lawrence River  New York /  Ontario
St. Marys River  Michigan /  Ontario
Hondo River (Belize)  Mexico and  Belize
Suchiate River  Mexico and  Guatemala
Usumacinta River
Coco River  Nicaragua and  Honduras
Paz River  Guatemala and  El Salvador
Motagua  Guatemala and  Honduras
San Juan River  Nicaragua and  Costa Rica
Sarstoon River  Guatemala and  Belize
Sixaola River  Costa Rica and  Panama
Sumpul River  El Salvador and  Honduras
Guasaule River
Artibonite River  Dominican Republic and  Haiti

South America

Map of South America
River Bordering country
Amazon River  Colombia,  Peru and  Brazil
Apaporis River  Colombia and  Brazil
Arauca River  Colombia and  Venezuela
Bermejo River  Argentina and  Bolivia
Catatumbo River  Colombia and  Venezuela
Courantyne River  Guyana and  Suriname
Cuareim River  Brazil and  Uruguay
Guaitara River  Colombia and  Ecuador
Iguazu River  Argentina and  Brazil
Maroni River  French Guiana and  Suriname
Mataje River  Colombia and  Ecuador
Meta River
Mira River
Negro River
Oiapoque River  Brazil and  French Guiana
Orinoco River  Colombia and  Venezuela
Paraguay River  Argentina and  Paraguay
Paraguay River  Brazil and  Paraguay
Paraná River  Argentina and  Paraguay
Paraná River  Brazil and  Paraguay
Pilcomayo River  Argentina and  Paraguay
Putumayo River  Colombia and  Peru
Rapirrán River  Brazil and  Bolivia
Rapirrán River  Brazil and  Peru
Uruguay River  Argentina and  Uruguay
Uruguay River  Brazil and  Argentina
Vaupés River  Colombia and  Brazil
Yaguaron River  Brazil and  Uruguay
Zulia River  Colombia and  Venezuela



Rivers that form borders between countries in Europe include:

River Bordering country
Águeda  Spain and  Portugal
Ardila River
Bidasoa  France and  Spain
Blies  France and  Germany
Bug River  Belarus and  Poland,  Ukraine and  Poland
Caia  Spain and  Portugal
Chanza River
Danube  Germany and  Austria nearby Passau,  Austria and  Slovakia,  Croatia and  Serbia,  Hungary and  Slovakia,  Romania and  Bulgaria,  Romania and  Ukraine,  Serbia and  Romania
Daugava River  Latvia and  Belarus
Derkul  Ukraine and  Russia
Dnieper  Belarus and  Ukraine
Dniester  Ukraine and  Moldova
Douro  Portugal and  Spain
Drava  Croatia and  Hungary
Drina  Bosnia and Herzegovina and  Serbia
Elbe  Czech Republic and  Germany
Foyle  Republic of Ireland and  United Kingdom (Northern Ireland)
Guadiana  Portugal and  Spain
Inn  Austria and  Germany
Grense Jakobselv  Norway and  Russia
Kirnitzsch  Czech Republic and  Germany
Kolpa  Croatia and  Slovenia
Lauter  Germany and  France
Lusatian Neisse  Germany and  Poland
Lys  Belgium and  France
Malše  Austria and  Czech Republic
Maritsa (Evros/Meriç)  Greece and  Turkey
Meuse  Belgium and  The Netherlands
Minho  Portugal and  Spain
Morava  Austria and  Slovakia,  Czech Republic and  Slovakia
Moselle  Germany and  Luxembourg
Mura  Croatia and  Slovenia
Narva  Estonia and  Russia
Neman River  Belarus and  Lithuania,  Russia (Kaliningrad) and  Lithuania
Niers  Germany and  The Netherlands
Oder  Germany and  Poland
Paatsjoki (Pasvikelva)  Norway and  Russia
Prut  Romania and  Moldova,  Ukraine and  Romania
Rezovo  Bulgaria and  Turkey
Rhine  Germany and  France,  Germany and   Switzerland,  Germany and  The Netherlands,   Switzerland and  Liechtenstein
Sava  Bosnia and Herzegovina and  Croatia,  Croatia and  Serbia
Seversky Donets  Ukraine and  Russia
Sozh  Belarus and  Ukraine
Tana River (Norway)  Finland and  Norway
Termon  Ireland and  United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Thaya  Austria and  Czech Republic
Tisza  Romania and  Ukraine,  Ukraine and  Hungary
Torne  Sweden and  Finland
Vadakste  Latvia and  Lithuania


River Bordering country
Amur River  China and  Russia
Ussuri River
Argun River
Granitnaya River
Brahmaputra River  India,  Bangladesh and  China
Chu River  Kazakhstan and  Kyrgyzstan
Fly River  Indonesia and  Papua New Guinea
Ganges River  India and  Bangladesh
Golok River  Malaysia and  Thailand
Hirmand River  Iran and  Afghanistan
Amu River  Uzbekistan and  Afghanistan
Indus River  China,  India and  Pakistan
Kaladan River  India and  Myanmar
Mahakali River  India and    Nepal
Mechi River    Nepal and  India
Mekong River  Myanmar and  Laos
Mekong River  Laos and  Thailand
Kraburi River  Myanmar and  Thailand
Salween River  Myanmar and  China
Salween River  Myanmar and  Thailand
Naf River  Bangladesh and  Myanmar
Pandaruan River  Malaysia and  Brunei
Tumen River  North Korea,  China, and  Russia
Yalu River  North Korea and  China
Beilun River  Vietnam and  China
Tigris River  Turkey  Syria  Iran and  Iraq
Euphrates River
Akhurian River  Armenia and  Turkey
Aras River  Azerbaijan,  Turkey,  Iran and  Armenia
Hezil Suyu  Iraq and  Turkey
Jordan River  Israel and  Jordan
Jordan River  State of Palestine and  Jordan
Khabur (Tigris)  Iraq and  Turkey
Shatt al-Arab or Arvand rud  Iraq and  Iran
Wadi al Batin  Iraq and  Kuwait

See also
