List of serial killers by country

This is a list of notable serial killers, by the country where most of the killings occurred.

Convicted serial killers by country


  • Abul Djabar: killed 65 men and boys by strangling them with turbans while raping them; suspected of over 300 murders; sentenced to death and hanged on 21 October 1970.
  • Abdullah Shah: killed at least 20 travelers on the road from Kabul to Jalalabad while serving under warlord Zardad Khan; also killed his wife; executed with a single shot in the head in 2004.[1]





  • Elfriede Blauensteiner: known as "The Black Widow"; poisoner of three individuals; died in prison in 2003.[59]
  • Max Gufler: bludgeoned, poisoned and drowned women in the 1950s; convicted of four murders and two attempted murders, but believed to have committed 18; died 1966.
  • Leopoldine Kasparek: known as "The Strangler of Vienna"; strangled 14 wealthy, elderly women, killing 4; died in prison in 1921.
  • Dariusz Kotwica: known as "The Euro Ripper"; Polish vagrant who murdered at least three pensioners in Austria and Sweden in 2015; suspected of more murders in the Netherlands, Czech Republic and the United Kingdom; sentenced to involuntary commitment.[60]
  • Lainz Angels of Death: four nurses at the Lainz General Hospital in Vienna who admitted to murdering 49 patients between 1983 and 1989.[61]
  • Martha Marek: poisoned three family members and a lodger in her house with thallium between 1932 and 1937; executed 1938.[62]
  • Harald Sassak: gasworks employee who between 1971 and 1972 killed six people for the purpose of robbery; died from an undisclosed illness in 2013.[63]
  • Hugo Schenk: known as "The Viennese Housemaids Killer"; swindler who killed four maids in 1883 with his accomplice Karl Schlossarek; suspected of more murders; executed 1884.[64]
  • Franz Schmidt: killed a young girl in Innsbruck in 1957, later released and committed a double murder in Redlham in 1984; suspected of a child murder in 1982; sentenced to life, released in 2013.[65]
  • Franz and Rosalie Schneider: couple who robbed and murdered at least three, possibly six, maidservants in Lower Austria from June to July 1891; Franz was executed in 1892, while Rosalie's sentence was reduced to life imprisonment.[66]
  • Jack Unterweger: author and sexual sadist; convicted of ten murders; believed to have killed 12 women; committed suicide in prison in 1994.[67]
  • Guido Zingerle: known as "The Monster of Tyrol"; Italian who brutally raped women in Italy and Austria between 1946 and 1950, killing at least two by burying them under a pile of stones; died in prison in 1962.[68]

The Bahamas

  • Cordell Farrington: killed four children and his boyfriend from 2002 to 2003; sentenced to death and later commuted to life imprisonment.[69]
  • Michaiah Shobek: known as "The Angels of Lucifer Killer"; American immigrant who murdered three fellow US tourists from 1973 to 1974; executed in 1976.[70]


  • Roshu Kha: enraged over rejection by his lover, Roshu killed at least 11 garment workers in Chandpur District. He pretended to love them, later killing them brutally. Sentenced to death.[71]
  • Ershad Sikder: career criminal and corrupt politician responsible for the torture-murders of numerous people in the 1990s; convicted on seven counts of murder and executed in 2004.[72]


Belgian Congo

  • William Unek: embarked on two mass murder sprees three years apart; killed by the police in 1957.[82]


  • Marie Alexandrine Becker: poisoned at least 11 people with Digitalis between 1933 and 1936; sentenced to life imprisonment; died 1938.
  • Michel Bellen: known as "Wurger van Linkeroever" ("The Strangler of the Left Bank"); raped and killed four women in Leuven between 1964 and 1982; sentenced to death but it was converted to life imprisonment; died in prison from heart failure in 2020.[83]
  • Jan Caubergh: strangled his pregnant neighbour, his girlfriend and their child in 1979; sentenced to death but it was converted to life imprisonment; was the longest-serving prisoner in the country until his death in 2013.[84][85][86][87]
  • Étienne Dedroog: known as "The Lodgers' Killer"; killed a B&B owner in France and a couple in Belgium from October to November 2011; also suspected of a murder in Spain; sentenced to life imprisonment.[88]
  • Marc Dutroux: convicted of having kidnapped, tortured and sexually abused six girls ranging in age from 8 to 19, during 1995 and 1996. Four of his victims were murdered; the final two were rescued.[89] Sentenced to life imprisonment.
  • Staf Van Eyken: known as "The Vampire of Muizen"; raped and strangled three women from 1971 to 1972 in Muizen and Bonheiden; sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment.[90]
  • Renaud Hardy: known as "The Parkinson's Murderer"; murdered between two and three women in the Flemish Community from 2009 to 2015; sentenced to life imprisonment.[91]
  • Ronald Janssen: killed a woman in 2007 and later his neighbour and her boyfriend in 2010 in Flemish Brabant; admitted to five rapes committed in 1993, but is suspected of 20; sentenced to life imprisonment in 2011.[92][93]
  • Marie-Thérèse Joniaux: poisoned three of her family members between 1894 and 1895; sentenced to death in 1895, but was commuted to life imprisonment; died in Antwerp in 1923.[94]
  • Junior Kabunda: known as "The Monster of Brussels"; murdered pianist Benjamin Rawitz-Castel in 2006 during a robbery, later killing his daughter and his girlfriend's grandmother in 2009; sentenced to life imprisonment.[95]
  • András Pándy: known as "Vader Blauwbaard" (Father Bluebeard); Hungarian immigrant convicted of the murder and rape of his two wives and four children in Brussels between 1986 and 1990 with the aid of his daughter, Ágnes Pándy; died in prison in 2013.[96]
  • Nestor Pirotte: known as "The Crazy Killer"; considered one of the worst Belgian criminals, responsible for the murders of up to seven people from 1954 to 1981, including his great-aunt; died from a heart attack in 2000.[97]


  • Ramiro Artieda: killed his brother in the early 1920s for monetary purposes; emigrated to the United States, but later returned and killed seven women until 1938; was arrested in 1939, confessed and was executed by firing squad in 1939.[98]
  • Richard Choque: serial rapist who raped upwards of 77 women and killed at least two from 2019 to 2022, after being released from prison for a prior murder conviction; suspected in other crimes; sentenced to 30 years imprisonment.[99]
  • Armando Normand: plantation manager and serial killer active between 1904 and 1910, during the Putumayo genocide; responsible for innumerable atrocities against the enslaved native population; including the rape and murders of multiple indigenous women, who were at times forced to be his concubines; Normand was arrested in 1913, but escaped from jail before ever facing a trial.[100]

Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Edin Gačić: shot and killed four people between 1998 and 2019, among them his mother and a police officer; killed by security forces in 2019.[101]


  • José Augusto do Amaral: known as "Preto Amaral"; first documented Brazilian serial killer; suspected of murdering and then raping the corpses of three young men in São Paulo in 1926; died from tuberculosis while imprisoned before he could be put on trial.[102]
  • Marcelo Costa de Andrade: known as "The Vampire of Niterói"; raped and killed fourteen children.
  • Ibraim and Henrique de Oliveira: known as "The Necrophile Brothers"; brothers who jointly murdered at least six people in Nova Friburgo from February to November 1995, while Ibraim alone was suspected of two murders in 1991; both practised necrophilia on the female victims' corpses; Ibraim was killed by police, while Henrique was sentenceed to 34 years imprisonment.[103]
  • Ronis de Oliveira Bastos: known as "The Itaquaquecetuba Serial Killer"; shot ten men at random in Itaquaquecetuba from October to December 2011, killing eight; interned at a psychiatric institution, where he died in 2017.[104]
  • Pedro Costa de Oliveira: known as "Pedro the Clown"; sexual sadist who murdered three women who resisted his advances from 1922 to 1952; sentenced to 130 years imprisonment and presumably died in prison.[105]
  • Marcelo de Jesus Silva: known as "Chucky"; dwarf man convicted of twenty counts of murder, robbery, drug trafficking and death squad.
  • Douglas Baptista: known as "The São Vicente Maniac"; bound and drowned at least eight children in Baixada Santista from 1992 to 2003; sentenced to 60 years imprisonment.[106]
  • Luiz Baú: known as "The Monster of Erechim"; schizophrenic who murdered and mutilated a boy in 1975; imprisoned, but escaped in 1980, committing four more murders in four days; recaptured, but escaped yet again, with his ultimate fate unknown.[107]
  • José Paz Bezerra: known as "The Morumbi Monster"; sexually violated, tortured and murdered more than 20 women in São Paulo and Pará during the 1960s and 1970s; sentenced to 30 years imprisonment and released in 2001.[108]
  • Fortunato Botton Neto: known as "The Trianon Maniac"; male prostitute who stabbed and strangled between three and thirteen clients in São Paulo from 1986 to 1989; sentenced to 8 years in prison, dying behind bars in 1997.[109]
  • Febrônio Índio do Brasil: delusional religious maniac and habitual criminal who murdered at least six people from 1925 to 1927, mostly young boys and teens; acquitted by reason of insanity and sent to a mental institution, in which he died in 1984 from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.[110]
  • Abraão José Bueno: Rio de Janeiro nurse who killed four child patients; sentenced to 110 years imprisonment in 2005.[111]
  • Dyonathan Celestrino: known as "The Cross Maniac"; murdered three people as a teenager from July to October 2008, then posed their bodies in a symbolic manner; indefinitely detained.[112]
  • Francisco das Chagas Rodrigues de Brito: pedophile who sexually abused, murdered and mutilated between 30 and 42 young boys from 1989 to 2003 in Maranhão and Pará; sentenced to 217 years imprisonment.[113]
  • Pedro Rosa da Conceição: mass murderer who killed three people and wounded thirteen others on 22 April 1904. Killed his cellmate and a guard in 1911, and is said to have murdered a family of 12 people in an unspecified date and year. Died in 1919.
  • Francisco de Marco: known as "The Monster of Rio Claro"; raped and murdered seven children in São Paulo and Minas Gerais from 1953 to 1984, emasculating his male victims; sentenced to 70 years imprisonment for final murder, fate after conviction is unknown.[114]
  • Pedro Rodrigues Filho: known as "Pedrinho Matador"; convicted and sentenced to 128 years imprisonment for 70 murders; however, the maximum one can serve in Brazil is 30 years; claimed to have killed more than 100 victims, including 40 prison inmates.[115] He was murdered by unknown assailants in 2023.
  • Roneys Fon Firmino Gomes: known as "The Tower Maniac"; murdered at least six prostitutes in Maringá between 2005 and 2015, disposing of their bodies under electric towers; sentenced to 21 years imprisonment.[116]
  • Paulo José Lisboa: known as "The Chain Maniac"; killed five prostitutes in the 1980s; fled prison in 1998 and killed six more in Espírito Santo until his arrest in 2008; imprisoned but paroled in 2017, living as a free man until his death in 2022.[117]
  • Francisco de Assis Pereira: known as "O Maníaco do Parque" (The Park Maniac); arrested for the torture, rape and death of 11 women and for assaulting nine in a park in São Paulo during the 1990s.[118]
  • Garanhuns cannibals: trio of cannibals who killed a teenager and two women from 2008 to 2012 in Pernambuco, whose bodies they later dismembered and cannibalized; head member was acquitted of murder as a teenager; all sentenced to long prison sentences.[119]
  • Tiago Henrique Gomes da Rocha: security guard who has claimed to have killed 39 people in the state of Goiás.[120]
  • Edson Izidoro Guimarães: nurse who killed four patients in the Rio de Janeiro neighborhood of Méier; suspected of 131 deaths in total.[121]
  • Paulo Sérgio Guimarães da Silva: known as "The Cassino Maniac"; fisherman who attacked couples in Rio Grande do Sul between 1998 and 1999, killing seven; sentenced to 184 years imprisonment.[122]
  • Adriano Vicente da Silva: known as "The Monster of Passo Fundo"; killed a taxi driver during a robbery in 2001; escaped prison and fled to Rio Grande do Sul, where he raped and killed from nine to twelve young boys until 2004; sentenced to 264 years imprisonment.[123]
  • José Vicente Matias: former artisan who raped, murdered and dismembered six women between 1999 and 2005, cannibalizing one of them; sentenced to 23 years imprisonment.[124]
  • Benedito Moreira de Carvalho: known as "The Monster of Guaianases"; abducted, raped and strangled young girls and women around Greater São Paulo from January to August 1952, killing seven; acquitted by reason of insanity and confined to a mental hospital until his death in 1976.[125]
  • Florisvaldo de Oliveira: known as "Cabo Bruno"; former police officer accused of more than 50 murders on the outskirts of São Paulo in 1982; murdered by unknown assailants in 2012.[126]
  • Sebastião Antônio de Oliveira: known as "The Monster of Bragança"; mentally-ill man who murdered five children and raped at least eight between 1953 and 1975; committed suicide before trial in 1976.[127]
  • Ademir Oliveira Rosário: known as "The Cantareira Maniac"; killed a man in 1991 and was detained at a mental institution, but continued to sexually assault teenage boys from March to September 2007 while on probation, killing two brothers in the process; sentenced to 57 years imprisonment.[128]
  • Laerte Patrocínio Orpinelli: known as "The Bicycle Maniac"; vagrant who raped, tortured and killed children around São Paulo from 1990 to 1999; suspected in hundreds of murders; sentenced to 100 years, died in prison.[129]
  • Diogo Figueira da Rocha: career criminal responsible for at least 50 murders between 1894 and 1897 around São Paulo; supposedly killed in a shootout with the police in 1897.[130]
  • José Ramos: known as "The Butcher of Rua de Arvoredo"; together with his wife and another accomplice (whom he later killed), lured at least eight men into his Porto Alegre house between 1863 and 1864, killing and dismembering them; allegedly made the remains into sausages which he sold at his shop; died in hospital in 1893.[131]
  • Leandro Basílio Rodrigues: known as "The Guarulhos Maniac"; strangled at least five women in Guarulhos from 2007 to 2008, raping their corpses afterwards; sentenced to 111 years imprisonment.[132]
  • Orlando Sabino: known as "The Monster of Capinópolis"; suspected of murdering 12 people in several municipalities around Minas Gerais and Goiás; died from a heart attack in 2013.[133]
  • Anísio Ferreira de Sousa: gynecologist from Altamira who was convicted of the murder of three children but linked to the disappearance of a total of 19.[134]
  • Marcos Antunes Trigueiro: known as "The Industrial Maniac"; former taxi driver who killed five women from 2009 to 2010 in Contagem and Belo Horizonte.


  • Zhivko Dimitrov: police major who killed six people in Dobrich Province from 1975 to 1981 to steal their money; executed 1981.[135]
  • Sokrat Kirshveng: known as "The Killer with the Adze"; murdered two of his lovers in 1919, for which he was sentenced to death; commuted to 17 years imprisonment, and upon release in 1937, murdered his aunt and uncle-in-law; executed in 1937.[136]
  • Lenko Latkov: murdered three elderly women in Haskovo Province from 1999 to 2000 and raped two children; suspected in another three killings in Plovdiv Province; murdered by his cellmate in 2003.[137]
  • Mihail Leshtarski: known as "The Killer from the Cave"; habitual thief who lived in the mountains, suspected of murdering at least five elderly pensioners from 2009 to 2011; convicted of one murder and sentenced to life imprisonment.[138]
  • Zdravko Petrov: together with accomplice Plamen Radkov, shot and killed at least five people during robberies in Ruse from 1998 to 1999; both sentenced to life imprisonment without parole.[139]
  • Ludwig Tolumov and Ivan Serafimov: known as "The Sour and The Sweet"; criminal duo jointly responsible for three murders from May to July 2000; Serafimov, solely responsible for a 1996 murder, was later murdered by Tolumov, who was himself arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment.[140]





Costa Rica


  • Milka Pavlović: milkmaid who poisoned her husband and other peasants with arsenic in Stari Pavljani between March and July 1934; executed in 1935.[172]
  • Vinko Pintarić: murdered five people, including his wife, between 1973 and 1990; escaped from custody three times, killed in a 1991 shootout with the police.[173]


Czech Republic


  • Ane Cathrine Andersdatter: maid who killed three of her children between 1853 and 1861, drowning them in ditches or wells; executed in 1861, the last woman to be executed in the country.[176]
  • Christina Aistrup Hansen: nurse who killed three patients at the Nykøbing Falster Hospital; charges changed from three murders to four attempted manslaughter charges; initially sentenced to life imprisonment, changed to 12 years in prison.[177]
  • Peter Lundin: killed his mother in the United States in 1991, then killed his mistress and her two children in Denmark nine years later; sentenced to life imprisonment.[178]
  • Dagmar Overbye: childcare provider who killed between nine and twenty-five children in her care in Copenhagen; sentenced to death in 1921 then reprieved; died in prison on 6 May 1929.[179]
  • James Schmidt: South Sudanese immigrant who killed three elderly people in Østerbro from February to March 2019 to steal their credit cards; sentenced to life imprisonment.[180]
  • Sanjay Sharma: drowned his first wife in a bathtub in Austria in 1997; indicted for the murder, but fled to Denmark, where he killed a second wife and her daughter in 1999; sentenced to life imprisonment for the latter murders.[181]


  • Gilberto Chamba: known as "The Monster of Machala"; murdered eight people in Ecuador and one in Spain; sentenced to 45 years in prison in Spain on 5 November 2006.[182]
  • Jairo Humberto Giraldo: known as "The Gay Strangler"; Colombian male prostitute who strangled and robbed other gay men in Quito between April and September 2002; sentenced to 25 years imprisonment.[183]
  • Juan Fernando Hermosa: known as "El Niño del Terror"; minor responsible for killing twenty-three people from 1991 to 1992 in Quito, mostly taxi drivers and homosexuals; sentenced to four years imprisonment and then released, later murdered on his 20th birthday by unknown assailants.[184]


  • Gaddafi Farag: known as "The Butcher of Giza"; fraudster who murdered four people in Giza and Alexandria from 2015 to 2017 to cover up his financial crimes; sentenced to death.[185]
  • Ramadan Abdel Rehim Mansour: known as "Al-Tourbini"; gang leader who raped and murdered homeless children across Egypt by throwing them off trains in the 2000s, sometimes burying them alive; executed in 2010.[186][187][188]
  • Saad Iskandar Abdel Masih: known as "The Butcher of Karmouz"; murdered a mistress for her money in his hometown of Asyut in 1948, before moving to Alexandria and committing at least two more murders until 1951; executed in 1953.[189]
  • Raya and Sakina: Egypt's most famous serial killers and the first women to be executed by the modern Egyptian state; executed along with their husbands in 1921.[190]


  • Johannes-Andreas Hanni: murderer, rapist, and cannibal who killed three people in 1982; committed suicide in police custody in 1982.[191]
  • Anatoli Neželski: murdered his ex-wife's boyfriend and two other people in robberies between 1994 and 1996 in Tallinn; sentenced to 15 years imprisonment, and released in 2013.[192]
  • Märt Ringmaa: known as "The Bomb Man of Pae Street"; killed seven people over the course of ten years in Tallinn using IEDs that exploded in public places.[193]
  • Aleksei Rjabkov: murdered three men with accomplices in 1995; released from prison, whereupon he murdered a drinking companion in 2009; sentenced to 13 years imprisonment, status unknown.[194]
  • Aleksandr Rubel: Ukrainian who was convicted of the murder of six people in Tallinn as a minor in the late 1990s; released from prison in 2006 and subsequently returned to Ukraine.
  • Juri Sulimov: Ukrainian immigrant who murdered two prisoners in 1983 and 1986, and an acquaintance in 1994 after his release; sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment.[195]
  • Yuri Ustimenko and Dmitry Medvedev: Russian duo who committed robberies, killing five people; Medvedev was killed by police in Latvia, and Ustimenko was captured in Poland, extradited to Estonia and sentenced to life imprisonment.[196]



  • Waisale Waqanivalu: bludgeoned three couples in 2003, killing five people and injuring another; sentenced to 29 years' imprisonment.[198]


  • Juhani Aataminpoika: known as "Kerpeikkari"; murdered twelve people in the span of two months in 1849, including his parents; sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment; died in 1854.[199]
  • Esa Åkerlund: murdered three men at a McDonald's in Porvoo in 2010, after being released for the 1995 murder of his wife; suspected, but acquitted, of a 1993 murder; sentenced to 15 years imprisonment.[200]
  • Matti Haapoja: convicted murderer of three, but admitted to the killing of 18; evidence suggests having killed as many as 22–25 people between 1867 and 1894 in Finland and Siberia; sentenced to life imprisonment, but committed suicide by hanging in a prison cell.
  • Ismo Junni: killed his wife in 1980, then killed four people in arson attacks at the Kivinokka allotment garden in Helsinki from 1986 to 1989; committed suicide while in custody.[201]
  • Ensio Koivunen: known as "Häkä-Enska"; abducted and murdered three female hitchhikers between July and August 1971; sentenced for 25 years to prison, but released in the 1980s; died in 2003.[202]
  • Jukka Lindholm: also known as Michael Penttilä; murdered three women from 1985 to 1993 in and around Oulu and one in Helsinki in 2018; sentenced to life imprisonment, and is currently appealing the decision; has spent 25 years in prison between his crimes.[203] He is the only Finn that fits FBI's description of a serial killer.[204][205][206]
  • Tommi Nakari: murdered his two common-law wives and his mother in drunken rampages between 1992 and 2008, claiming that he couldn't remember the killings afterwards; sentenced to 14.5 years imprisonment.[207]
  • Aino Nykopp-Koski: female nurse convicted of five murders and five attempted murders between 2004 and 2009. Sentenced to life in prison.[208]
  • Kaisa Vornanen-Karaduman: purposefully neglected her five newborn children, starving them to death between 2005 and 2013; initially convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment, later reduced to 13 years imprisonment for manslaughter.[209]





  • Yanis Baltass: shepherd who shot at least three foreign laborers and his ex-fiancée's brother from 1995 to 2004; sentenced to life imprisonment.[211]
  • Antonis Daglis: known as "The Athens Ripper"; convicted in 1997 of the strangulation murder and dismemberment of three women and the attempted murder of six others; committed suicide in police custody in 1997.[212]
  • Ekaterini Dimetrea: known as "The Poisoner of Mani"; poisoned four family members with parathion from May to September 1962; executed in 1965.[213]
  • Hermann Duft and Hans Wilhelm Bassenauer: West Germans who murdered six people in Greece within a short period in 1969; executed in 1969.[214]
  • Petros Koulaxidis: known as "The Vampire of Hamilos"; Russian-born bigamist who killed at least five wives in Central Macedonia from 1917 to 1930; suspected of other murders, some possibly committed in Russia; executed in 1932.[215]
  • Aristidis Pagratidis: known as "The Ogre of Seih Sou"; allegedly attacked couples in the forested area of Seih Sou in suburban Thessaloniki from 1958 to 1959, killing three people; executed in 1968, and since then his guilt has been questioned.[216]
  • Kyriakos Papachronis: known as "The Ogre of Drama"; murdered three women from 1981 to 1982, committing other crimes as well; sentenced to life imprisonment, released on bail in 2004.[217]
  • Giannis and Thymios Retzos: brothers responsible for numerous kidnapping and murders in Epirus between 1917 and 1924; released under amnesty, then orchestrated a robbery in 1928, during which eight people died; both executed in 1930.[218]
  • Mariam Soulakiotis: known as "The Woman Rasputin"; convent abbot who lured, tortured and killed 177 wealthy women and children from 1939 to 1951; died 1954.[219]
  • Dimitris Vakrinos: killed five people and attempted seven more murders in and around Athens for minor quarrels between 1987 and 1996; hanged himself in the prison showers in 1997.[220]


  • José Miculax Bux: also known as "The Monster of Guatemala"; killed 15 boys in 1946 along with cousin Mariano Macú Miculax; publicly executed by firing squad in 1946.

Hong Kong

  • Lam Kor-wan: sexual sadist who murdered and dismembered four women in the 1980s; sentenced to death (commuted to life imprisonment as per tradition at that time).[221]
  • Lam Kwok-wai: murdered three women, apprehended in 1993 and sentenced to life imprisonment.[222]


  • Angel Makers of Nagyrév: group of women led by Susanna Fazekas who poisoned around 300 people in the village of Nagyrév between 1914 and 1929.[223][224]
  • Erzsébet Báthory: countess who killed hundreds of servant girls from 1590 to 1610.[225]. It is rumored she might have killed more than 600 girls and young women.
  • Aladár Donászi: robber who killed four people from 1991 to 1992 with his accomplice László Bene; committed suicide in prison in 2001.[226]
  • Zoltán Ember: known as "The Szentkirályszabadja Monster"; killed four pensioners and his brother from 1991 to 2004 in Szentkirályszabadja, binding his latter victims; sentenced to life imprisonment, committed suicide in 2016.[227]
  • Margit Filó: known as "The Rókus Black Widow"; poisoned and strangled between four and six people close to her from 1958 to 1968 for monetary gain; imprisoned in a mental asylum, where she later died.[228]
  • Viktória Fődi: known as "Pista Pipás"; strangled two men around Szeged in 1919 and 1922, staging the deaths as suicides; suspected of more than 30 murders; sentenced to death, commuted to life and died in prison.[229]
  • Mária Gerzsány: poisoned an ex-husband and two other men in Kistelek between 1905 and 1911, but is believed to be responsible for upwards of 50 murders; sentenced to life imprisonment, dying sometime in the 1920s.[230]
  • Pál Gyömbér: killed and robbed elderly people in the Great Hungarian Plain from February to November 1888, spending the stolen items on his wife; executed 1890.[231]
  • Piroska Jancsó-Ladányi: strangled five teenage girls in Törökszentmiklós between 1953 and 1954, molesting their corpses afterwards; executed 1954.[232]
  • Béla Kiss: murdered at least 23 women and one man, escaped justice in the confusion of World War I.[233]
  • Péter Kovács: known as "The Martfű Monster"; truck driver who raped and killed between four and five women from 1957 and 1967, possibly responsible for more murders; executed in 1968.[234]
  • Tibor Kruchió: together with accomplice Lajos Kocsis, killed four people around Szeged from September to October 2001 for robbery purposes; sentenced to life imprisonment.[235]
  • Gusztáv Léderer: gendarme who robbed and killed a man in Budapest with his wife in 1925; suspected of committing other murders during the White Terror; executed in 1926.[236]
  • Gusztáv Nemeskéri: known as "The Katóka Street Killer"; killed four people between 1996 and 1999 to settle his debts, including his half-brother; sentenced to life imprisonment.[237]
  • Erzsébet Papp: known as "The Nicotine Killer"; poisoned four people close to her with nicotine between 1957 and 1958; initially sentenced to life imprisonment, resentenced to death and executed in 1962.[238]
  • Zoltán Szabó: known as "The Balástya Monster"; killed and mutilated at least four women on his farm in Balástya between 1998 and 2001; committed suicide while imprisoned in 2016.[239]


  • Björn Pétursson: known as "Axlar-Björn"; killed at least nine travellers in the 16th century. Executed in 1596.



  • Baekuni: pedophile who killed between four and 14 boys from 1993 to 2010; sentenced to life imprisonment, later changed to the death sentence.[271]
  • Rio Alex Bulo: known as "Rio the Hammerhead"; murdered at least four car rental salesmen with a hammer between 1997 and 2001, and later his cellmate in 2005; executed in 2008.[272]
  • Gribaldi Handayani: police officer who shot and killed seven people, including a lover and his third wife, over various disputes from 1999 to 2004; sentenced to death.[273]
  • Very Idham Henyansyah: known as "The Singing Serial Killer"; convicted and sentenced to death in 2008 for the killing of 11 people.[274]
  • Siswanto: killed and mutilated twelve boys; died in police custody of natural causes in 2007.
  • Astini Sumiasih: killed and then dismembered three neighbors to whom she owned money in Malang from 1992 to 1996; executed 2005.[275]
  • Ahmad Suradji: admitted to killing 42 women around Medan; sentenced to death and executed by firing squad on 10 July 2008.[276]
  • Slamet Tohari: swindler who fatally poisoned a minimum of 12 people in Central Java between 2020 and 2023; sentenced to death in 2024.[277][278]


  • Hoshang Amini: known as "The Ghost of the Qanat Wells"; abducted, raped and murdered 67 people near Varamin from 1954 to 1962; executed in 1963.[279]
  • Farid Baghlani: known as "The Cyclist Killer"; murdered 15 women, girls and one boy from 2004 to 2008 out of hatred for women; executed in 2010.[280]
  • Omid Barak: known as "The Highway Killer"; strangled and robbed 10 women in Gilan Province and Karaj to 2006 to 2008; executed 2011.[281]
  • Mohammed Bijeh: known as "The Tehran Desert Vampire"; killed at least 54 young boys near Tehran; executed in 2005.
  • Saeed Hanaei: known as "The Spider Killer"; killed at least 16 women around Mashhad; executed in 2002.[282]
  • Gholamreza Khoshroo Kurdieh: known as "The Night Bat"; murdered nine women in Tehran in 1997, burning the bodies afterwards; executed in 1997.[283]
  • Majid Salek Mahmoudi: murdered twenty-four people from 1981 to 1985, primarily women he considered unfaithful to their husbands; committed suicide in prison before he could be sentenced.[284]
  • Hassan Orangi: known as "The Singing Killer"; raped and murdered 62 women around Mashhad from 1945 to 1951, with the help of accomplice Abbas Ali Zarifian; executed in 1951.[285]
  • Mahin Qadiri: first known female serial killer in Iran; acquitted of murder in 2006, robbed and killed five elderly women in Qazvin from February to May 2009; executed in 2010.[286]
  • Esmail Rangraz: murdered a young girl in 2017, confessed to the murder of two women in 2012 and 2014 after his arrest; executed in 2017.[287]



  • Geoffrey Evans and John Shaw: Englishmen who traveled to Ireland in 1976 and vowed to murder a woman once a week, killing two; both apprehended and sentenced. Until his death in 2012, Evans was one of Ireland's longest-serving prisoners.[292]
  • Darkey Kelly: brothel-keeper who killed six men in the 18th century; accused of witchcraft and was burned at the stake in 1761.[293][294]
  • Alice Kyteler: known as "The Witch of Kilkenny"; alleged witch who poisoned four husbands in the 14th century; fled to England, fate unknown.[295]
  • Mark Nash: murdered two female patients in Grangegorman in March 1997, followed by a couple in Ballintober in August; another man was wrongfully convicted of the first double murder; sentenced to life imprisonment.[296]


  • Yahya Farhan: Bedouin serial killer, who murdered between two and four people from 1994 to 2004, including Dana Bennett; sentenced to three consecutive life sentences, and later acquitted of one murder.[297]
  • Vladimir Piniov: known as "The Bat Yam Homeless Killer"; Russian immigrant who murdered as least three vagrants in Bat Yam during drunken quarrels between 1999 and 2000; committed suicide before trial.[298]
  • Asher Raby: mentally-ill religious fanatic who killed five people across the country from March to November 1979, including Philoumenos Hasapis; deemed unfit to stand trial and sent to psychiatric facility.[299]
  • Nicolai Bonner: known as "The Haifa Homeless Killer"; Moldovan immigrant who killed four homeless people in Haifa between February and May 2005, burning the bodies afterwards; sentenced to life imprisonment.[300]


  • Wolfgang Abel and Marco Furlan: German-Italian duo who committed between 10 and 28 murders in Italy, Germany and the Netherlands between 1977 and 1984; sentenced to life, but released on parole.
  • Andrea Arrigoni: private investigator who shot and killed at least two prostitutes and two carabinieri in two separate incidents in 2004 and 2005; killed by police during a shootout.[301]
  • Beasts of Satan: Satanic cult members who committed three notorious ritual murders from 1998 to 2004.[302]
  • Marco Bergamo: known as "The Monster of Bolzano"; murdered five women in Bolzano from 1985 to 1992; died from a lung infection in 2017.[303]
  • Ramon Berloso: known as "The Crossbow Killer"; killed a man during a brawl in 1993; imprisoned for 6 years and released, whereupon he killed two prostitutes with a crossbow in 2010 in order to rob them; committed suicide before trial.[304]
  • Donato Bilancia: known as "The Monster of Liguria"; murdered 17 people in seven months between 1997 and 1998, died in prison.[305]
  • Antonio Boggia: known as "The Monster of Milan"; murdered four people for monetary purposes between 1849 and 1859; hanged 1862.[306]
  • Ralph Brydges: known as "The Monster of Rome"; English pastor who is widely believed to have murdered five girls in Rome in the 1920s, and four in other countries; never convicted of his crimes and died a free man.[307]
  • Sonya Caleffi: nurse who poisoned terminally ill patients between 2003 and 2004, killing five of them; sentenced to 20 years of imprisonment.[308]
  • Luigi Chiatti: known as "The Monster of Foligno"; kidnapped and killed two children in 1992 and 1993; sentenced to two life sentences, but he was found unfit to stand trial and was reduced to 30 years in a mental hospital.[309]
  • Leonarda Cianciulli: known as "The Soap-Maker of Correggio"; murderer of three women between 1939 and 1940; died in a women's criminal asylum in 1970.[310]
  • Bartolomeo Gagliano: known as "The Valentine's Monster"; killed a prostitute in Liguria in 1981, escaped with another inmate from a mental hospital in 1989 and killed two more; committed suicide in 2015.[311]
  • Ferdinand Gamper: known as "The Monster of Merano"; killed six people in 1996.[312]
  • Giancarlo Giudice: known as "The Monster of Turin"; murdered nine prostitutes in Turin from 1983 to 1986, most of whom reminded him of his stepmother; sentenced to life, commuted to 30 years and released in 2008.[313]
  • Maurizio Giugliano: known as "The Wolf of Ager Romanus"; killed two women around Rome from 1983 to 1984, but suspected in seven total; sent to a mental hospital and killed a fellow inmate; died in 1994.[314]
  • Pier Paolo Brega Massone: murdered at least four people in Milan and maimed dozens of other victims through unnecessary surgeries to illegally obtain a large amounts of money refunds; convicted and given a life sentence.[315]
  • Andrea Matteucci: known as "The Monster of Aosta"; murdered a merchant and three prostitutes in Aosta from 1980 to 1995; sentenced to 28 years imprisonment and three years in a mental institution.[316]
  • Maurizio Minghella: killed five women in his hometown of Genoa in 1978; imprisoned and released, after which he murdered at least four more and is suspected of other murders between 1997 and 2001; sentenced to life imprisonment.[317]
  • Giorgio Orsolano: known as "The Hyena of San Giorgio"; raped, killed, and dismembered three girls from 1834 to 1835 in his hometown of San Giorgio Canavese; executed 1835.[318]
  • Ernesto Picchioni: known as "The Monster of Nerola"; murdered people around his home; died of cardiac arrest in 1967.
  • Peppino Pisanu: known as "The Monster of Fossano"; killed his mother-in-law and sister-in-law in 1972; imprisoned, released and murdered another woman in 1998; fate unknown.[319]
  • Daniela Poggiali: nurse who is suspected of killing 38 patients between 2013 and 2014.
  • Milena Quaglini: murdered her husband and two men who tried to rape her from 1995 to 1999; committed suicide while imprisoned in 2001.[320]
  • Patrick Schaff: known as "The House of Horrors Killer"; French vagrant who killed two homeless women in Cuneo and Ivrea in 1995, dismembering their bodies post-mortem; later killed a cellmate in 2005; sentenced to 26 years, died in a psychiatric facility in 2022.[321]
  • Cesare Serviatti: known as "The Landru of the Tiber"; strangled and dismembered at least three women he sought through lonely hearts ads from 1928 to 1932; executed 1933.[322]
  • Roberto Spinetti: known as "The 7.65 Caliber Killer"; Swiss man who shot four prostitutes in northern Italy to pay off his gambling debts between October and November 2003, three of which died; sentenced to life imprisonment.[323]
  • Gianfranco Stevanin: known as "The Monster of Terrazzo"; raped and murdered prostitutes after violent sex games between 1993 and 1994; violated the corpse of one victim; sentenced to life imprisonment.[324]
  • Roberto Succo: murdered at least five people, including his parents, committed suicide while in prison in 1988.
  • Giulia Tofana: leader of a group of female poisoners in the 17th century; died in her bed, never been arrested.[325]
  • Giorgio Vizzardelli: shot and killed five people around Sarzana from 1937 to 1939; sentenced to life imprisonment; committed suicide by slitting his throat with a kitchen knife in 1973.[326]
  • Umberto Zadnich: killed his common-law wife in Trieste in 1974, and later a cellmate at the mental hospital in 1976; after release, killed his daughter in 1987; interned at a psychiatric hospital.[327]


  • Lewis Hutchinson: Scottish immigrant convicted of shooting dozens of people in the 18th century; executed in 1773.[328]


  • Katsutaro Baba: strangled and mutilated five women and one infant in present-day Tatsuno from 1905 to 1907, stealing their gallbladders post-mortem; executed in 1908.[329]
  • Ryuun Daimai: known as "The Nun Slayer"; former monk who raped and killed at least five people in several cities between 1905 and 1915; executed in 1916.[330]
  • Sachiko Eto: known as "The Drumstick Killer"; cult leader who murdered six of her followers with Taiko sticks from 1994 to 1995; executed in 2012.[331]
  • Seiha Fujima: killed a total of five people: a man in 1981, three people in their home in 1982 and his friend who accompanied him in the latter murders; executed in 2007.[332][333]
  • Satarō Fukiage: raped and killed at least seven girls in the early 20th century; executed in 1926.[334]
  • Sokichi Furutani: murdered eight elderly people in several western Japanese cities for more than a month in 1965; suspected of four earlier murders, for two of which an accomplice was executed; executed in 1985.[335]
  • Takeshige Hamada: killed three people in Fukuoka for life insurance policies from 1978 to 1979, with help from his wife and two accomplices; sentenced to death, died while awaiting execution in 2017.[336]
  • Toshihiko Hasegawa and Masamichi Ida: killed three men for financial gain from 1979 to 1983; Hasegawa was executed in 2001 and Ida was executed in 1998.[337]
  • Hiroaki Hidaka: killed four prostitutes in Hiroshima in 1996; executed in 2006.[338]
  • Yoshitomo Hori: killed a couple in Hekinan in 1998, then aided in the murder of Rie Isogai in 2007; sentenced to death.[339]
  • Hayato Imai: paramedic who pushed at least three elderly nursing home patients to their deaths between November and December 2014; suspected of other murders; sentenced to death.[340]
  • Miyuki Ishikawa: midwife who murdered five infants, but could have been up to 84, between 1946 and 1948.[341]
  • Chisako Kakehi: poisoned her husband and two other men to death, attempted to kill a fourth man, and is a suspect in another seven deaths; sentenced to death.[342]
  • Yasutoshi Kamata: known as "The Osaka Ripper"; strangled four women and one girl in Osaka between 1985 and 1994, dismembered their bodies and dumped then near forests; executed in 2016.[343]
  • Kiyotaka Katsuta: firefighter who shot and strangled at least eight people, some during robberies, between 1972 and 1982; executed in 2000.[344]
  • Tetsuo Kawanaka: convicted of beating a shopkeeper's two daughters to death in 1975 and fatally stabbing an elderly woman in 1977; executed in 1993.[345]
  • Kanae Kijima: known as "The Konkatsu Killer"; marriage fraudster who poisoned between three and seven men for money, from 2007 to 2009; sentenced to death.[346]
  • Kau Kobayashi: poisoned her husband in 1952, and later killed an inn proprietor and his wife in 1960 with the help of her accomplice; executed in 1970.[347]
  • Yoshio Kodaira: rapist thought to have killed eleven people in Japan and China as a soldier; executed in 1949.[348]
  • Genzo Kurita: killed six women and two children and engaged in rape and necrophilia; executed in 1959.[349]
  • Hiroshi Maeue: known as "The Suicide Website Murderer"; Osaka man who lured people from suicide clubs promising to kill himself with his victims; executed in 2009.[350]
  • Futoshi Matsunaga and Junko Ogata: tortured and killed at least seven people between 1996 and 1998, including Ogata's family; both sentenced to death, but Ogata's sentence was later commuted to life imprisonment.[351]
  • Tsutomu Miyazaki: known as "The Otaku Murderer"; killed four pre-school-age girls and ate the hand of a victim; executed in 2008.[352]
  • Tetsuyuki Morikawa: stabbed to death his mother-in-law in 1962; sentenced to life imprisonment, paroled and killed two of his ex-wife's relatives in 1985; executed in 1999.[353]
  • Seisaku Nakamura: known as "The Hamamatsu Deaf Killer"; murdered at least nine people in war-time Hamamatsu; executed in 1943.[354]
  • Susumu Nakayama: murdered a motorist during a robbery in 1969; sentenced to death, commuted to life and paroled; later killed his girlfriend's estranged husband and the man's girlfriend in 1998; sentenced to death, died in prison in 2014.[355]
  • Akira Nishiguchi: killed five people and engaged in fraud; executed in 1970.[356]
  • Shojiro Nishimoto: killed a taxi driver and three elderly people during robberies to pay off his debts from January to September 2004; executed in 2009.[357]
  • Masakatsu Nishikawa: killed a snack bar hostess in Tottori in 1974; after parole, killed four more during a robbery spree in December 1991; executed in 2017.[358]
  • Kiyoshi Ōkubo: known as "Tanigawa Ivan"; raped and murdered eight young women in Gunma Prefecture over a period of 41 days in 1971; executed in 1976.
  • Shige Sakakura: baby farmer who killed more than 200 infants in present-day Nagoya between 1898 and 1913 with her two accomplices; all three were executed in 1915.[359]
  • Gen Sekine: responsible for the "Saitama Dog Lover Murders"; poisoned at least four clients with his wife and an accomplice in Kumagaya from April to August 1993, dismembering and burning the bodies afterwards; sentenced to death, died in prison in 2017.[360]
  • Sadakichi Shimizu: first recorded Japanese serial killer; robbed and murdered six people, including a police officer, in Tokyo between 1882 and 1886; executed in 1887.[361]
  • Takahiro Shiraishi: known as "The Twitter Killer"; murdered nine women and young girls at his apartment in Zama that he met through social media after making bogus suicide pacts with them; sentenced to death.[362]
  • Sadame Sugimura: fatally poisoned three women to steal their money in Kumamoto Prefecture from November to December 1960; executed in 1970.[363]
  • Miyoko Sumida: tortured and killed at least eight people at her house condominium in Amagasaki from 1987 to 2012, often helped by their brainwashed relatives; committed suicide before trial.[364]
  • Yasunori Suzuki: robbed and killed three women in Fukuoka Prefecture from 2004 to 2005; executed in 2019.[365]
  • Hifumi Takezawa: paranoiac convicted of murdering a company owner in 1990 and a man and his wife in their home in 1993; executed in 2007.[366][367]
  • Masahiro Tanaka: killed four people between 1984 and 1991 by strangling and stabbing, including his aunt; executed in 2007.[368]
  • Ryuichi Tsukamoto: teenager who strangled three women during house burglaries in three prefectures from 1966 to 1967; sentenced to life imprisonment, but later paroled.[369]
  • Yoshinori Ueda: responsible for the "Osaka Dog Lover Murders"; poisoned five people with suxamethonium from July to October 1992 as part of a fraudulent scheme; sentenced to death.[370]
  • Miyuki Ueta: former snack hostess who murdered between two and six men she dated in Tottori from 2004 to 2009; sentenced to death.[371] Died in prison in 2023.
  • Akiyoshi Umekawa: fatally shot four people: two women and two police officers, during a hostage situation at a bank before dying in a shootout. He had previously murdered a woman at age 15.[372]
  • Yukio Yamaji: murdered his own mother in 2000, and then murdered a 27-year-old woman and her 19-year-old sister in 2005; executed in 2009.[373]


  • Bilal Musa and Susan Ibrahim: spouses who robbed and murdered 12 people around Amman and Zarqa from 1994 to 1998; Musa was executed in 2000, while Ibrahim died in prison in 2001; guilt has been questioned for most murders.[374]


  • Nikolai Dzhumagaliev: known as "Metal Fang"; raped and hacked seven women to death with an axe in Almaty in 1980, then cannibalised them using his unusual false teeth.[375] Declared insane and sent to a mental hospital.
  • Yuri Ivanov: known as "The Ust-Kamenogorsk Maniac"; raped and killed 16 girls and young women who spoke badly of men in Ust-Kamenogorsk from 1974 to 1987; executed in 1989.[376]
  • Rustam Kiknadze: violent recidivist who killed two women in 2004; paroled and killed three more women in Taraz over twenty days in 2020; sentenced to 26 years imprisonment.[377]
  • Ivan Mandzhikov: known as "The Kazgugrad Monster"; raped and strangled four female students and one man in the vicinity of KazGU University between 1988 and 1989; executed in 1993.[378]
  • Oleg Murayenko: murdered an inmate in 1998; after release, murdered six women between March and November 2000 in and around Petropavl; executed in 2002.[379]


  • Viktor Selikhov: known as "The Naked Demon"; attacked and raped young girls and women in Frunze and its surroundings between 1962 and 1964, killing at least three; executed in 1965.[380]


  • Ivars Grantiņš: known as "The Ceraukste Maniac"; raped, murdered and dismembered two women and his daughter from June to August 2008 in Ceraukste Parish; sentenced to life imprisonment.[381]
  • Ansis Kaupēns: army deserter who committed 30 robberies and 19 murders from 1920 to 1926; executed in 1927 in Vircava Parish.[382]
  • Yuri Krinitsyn: known as "The Riga Upyr"; mentally-ill Russian immigrant who killed three men, including two KGB operatives, in Riga in 1975; found incompetent to stand trial sentenced to involuntary commitment.[383]
  • Kaspars Petrovs: killed between 13 and 38 elderly women in Riga until 2005; sentenced to life imprisonment.[384]
  • Stanislav Rogolev: known as "Agent 000"; robbed, raped and killed ten women from 1980 to 1982; suspected of having inside information for the investigation on him; executed in 1984.[385]



  • Kazys Jonaitis: known as "The Roadside Maniac"; convicted of murder in 1984 and released, whereupon he raped, bludgeoned and decapitated at least three women from 2000 to 2001; sentenced to life imprisonment.[387]
  • Valentinas Laskys: together with his daughter, killed 4 people in Lithuania and Belarus during robberies from 1990 to 1992; executed in 1993.[388]
  • Antanas Varnelis: murdered and robbed six pensioners between July and December 1992 around several municipalities; executed in 1994.[389]


  • Silvio Mangion: only known serial killer in Malta; murdered three elderly pensioners during robberies between 1984 and 1998; sentenced to life imprisonment.[390]




  • Abdelaâli Hadi: known as "The Butcher of Taroudant"; raped and murdered nine young children in Taroudant between 2001 and 2004; sentenced to death and died of natural causes in 2022.[432]
  • Hadj Mohammed Mesfewi: known as "The Marrakesh Arch-Killer"; drugged and killed 36 women; executed in 1906.


  • Klaas Annink: known as "Huttenkloas"; robber and murderer from Twente who killed along with his wife, Anna, and son, Jannes; both he and his wife were executed in 1775.[433]
  • Hendrikje Doelen: farm-wife who poisoned several people in a poorhouse from 1845 to 1846, killing three of them; died of natural causes in prison in 1847.[434]
  • Willem van Eijk: known as "The Beast of Harkstede"; convicted of the murders of five women between 1971 and 2001; died in prison in 2019.
  • Koos Hertogs: convicted of the murders of three women between 1979 and 1980; died in jail in 2015.
  • Frans Hooijmaijers: known as "Fat Frans"; nurse who poisoned at least five patients with insulin from 1970 to 1975, but is suspected of 259 deaths in total; sentenced to life, commuted to 18 years and released in 1987; died in 2006.[435]
  • Aalt Mondria: escaped mental patient who murdered a family of three in 1978; after release, murdered his girlfriend's son in 1997; died 2011 from untreated Hepatitis C.[436]
  • Gustav Müller: German watchmaker who murdered his wife and son in Rotterdam in 1897; surrendered and subsequently confessed to killing his parents and at least 14 other wives around the world; acquitted by reason of insanity and confined to an asylum.[437]
  • Hester Rebecca Nepping: poisoned an elderly boarder, her father and husband in two months in 1811; executed in 1812.[438]
  • Patrick Soultana: strangled two women in 2010, suspected of three more murders; sentenced to 25 years plus provision in 2014.[439]
  • Michel Stockx: Belgian man who murdered three children around Assen in 1991; sentenced to 20 years in prison in 1992; died of severe burns from an incident during his work therapy in 2001.[440]
  • Maria Swanenburg: suspected of killing between 27 and 90 people with arsenic in Leiden in the 1880s; died in prison in 1915.
  • Hans van Zon: Utrecht man who murdered three people from April to August 1967, including a former lover; suspected of several other murders; died 1998 from alcohol poisoning.[441]

New Zealand

  • Robert Butler: Irish highwayman who allegedly killed a family of three in Dunedin in 1880; acquitted, but was later executed in 1905 for shooting a man in Australia.[442]
  • Daniel Cooper: known as "The Newlands Baby Farmer"; killed two infants and supposedly his first wife; executed in 1923.[443]
  • Minnie Dean: Scottish immigrant baby farmer who killed at least three children by Laudanum poisoning and suffocation in the 1890s; executed in 1895.[444]
  • Hayden Poulter: murdered at least three people in Auckland in 1996. Wrongly labelled in the media as New Zealand's first serial killer. Died by suicide in 2018.[445]


North Korea

  • Park Myung-sik: known as "The Organ Harvester"; killed 12 teenagers in Sinpo from April to October 1990, so he could eat their livers and supposedly cure his cirrhosis; executed in 1991.[447]

North Macedonia

  • Viktor Karamarkov: known as "The Macedonian Raskolnikov"; drug addict who murdered four elderly women in Skopje from March to October 2009; sentenced to life imprisonment.[448]
  • Vlado Taneski: crime reporter arrested in June 2008 for the murder of three elderly women, with another possible victim, on whose deaths he had written articles; committed suicide in police custody.[449]


  • Edgar Antonsen: killed at least two women and a young girl from 1962 to 1974, aided by his half-brother in the latter killings; sentenced to life, released in 1988 and committed suicide in 1993.[450]
  • Roger Haglund: murdered four people in Tistedalen between 1991 and 1992; suspected of a double murder in Sweden in the 1980s; sentenced to 21 years imprisonment, released and died a free man in 2011.[451]
  • Sofie Johannesdotter: Swedish maid who poisoned at least three people with arsenic in present-day Halden from 1869 to 1874; executed in 1876.[452]
  • Arnfinn Nesset: manager of an Orkdal geriatric nursing home who poisoned twenty-two residents with suxamethonium chloride over a period of years before being convicted in 1983.[453]


  • Javed Iqbal: believed to have raped and killed 100 boys; committed suicide while in prison in 2001.[454]
  • Amir Qayyum: known as "The Brick Killer"; murdered 14 homeless men in Lahore with rocks or bricks when they were asleep; sentenced to death in May 2006.[455]
  • Imran Ali: raped and murdered at least eight children, including Zainab Ansari; executed in 2018.[456]


  • Silvano Ward Brown: known as "The Panamá Strangler"; first known serial killer in Panamanian history; strangled three women from 1959 to 1973 in Panamá Province; released in 1993 after serving a 20-year sentence.[457]
  • Gilberto Ventura Ceballos: Dominican man who murdered five Panamanian youths of Chinese descent in La Chorrera from 2010 to 2011; sentenced to 50 years imprisonment.[458]
  • William Dathan Holbert: known as "Wild Bill"; American immigrant who had the bodies of five other Americans buried on his property; he would kill people to get their money and properties; his wife, Laura Michelle Reese, was also arrested.[459][460]


  • Agustín Ramón Martínez: known as "Israeli Soldier"; Paraguayan-Israeli criminal who killed, dismembered and burned at least six people in Argentina and Paraguay from 1993 to 2018; suspected of other murders, including his wife in Israel; sentenced to 40 years imprisonment.[461]




  • Bogdan Arnold: murdered four women in Katowice from 1966 to 1967; also attempted to poison his third wife; executed in 1968.[467]
  • Władysław Baczyński: killed a woman and three men in Wrocław and Bytom from 1946 to 1957; executed in 1960.[468]
  • Józef Cyppek: known as "The Butcher of Niebuszewo"; dismembered his neighbour in 1952; was sentenced to death and executed that same year; suspected of other murders.[469]
  • Tadeusz Ensztajn: known as "The Vampire of Łowicz"; raped and killed seven women in Łowicz and the surrounding areas in 1933; sentenced to 15 years in prison in 1934.[470]
  • Anatol Firsowicz: known as "The Strangler from Podlaskie"; strangled two young girls and one woman during attempted rapes; sentenced to 25 years, released in 1994 and died a free man in 2004.[471]
  • Krzysztof Gawlik: known as "Scorpio"; murdered five people with a silenced machine gun in 2001; sentenced to life imprisonment.[472]
  • Ferdynand Grüning: known as "The Łódź Vampire"; tinsmith imprisoned for murdering a young girl in 1926, later released and killed two more children until 1938; sentenced to death, fate unknown.[473]
  • Tadeusz Grzesik: leader of the so-called "Bureaucrats Gang"; killed between 8 and 20 people in several voivodeships with his gang, mainly owners of exchange offices; suspected of more murders; sentenced to life imprisonment.[474]
  • Joachim Knychała: known as "The Vampire of Bytom" or "Frankenstein"; murdered five women between 1975 and 1982.[475][476]
  • Edmund Kolanowski: necrophile who murdered three women from 1970 to 1982; also mutilated and desecrated corpses he excavated from chapels; executed 1986.[477]
  • Karol Kot: killed two people from 1964 to 1966 in his native Kraków, attempted to murder many more; executed in 1968.[478]
  • Henryk Kukuła: known as "The Monster from Chorzów"; pedophile who murdered four children from 1980 to 1990; sentenced to 28 years in prison.[479]
  • Tadeusz Kwaśniak: known as "The Towel Strangler"; violent pedophile who raped and murdered five boys from 1990 and 1991; also responsible for numerous robberies; hanged himself in his prison cell before he could be sentenced.
  • Zdzisław Marchwicki: known as "The Zagłębie Vampire"; convicted of murdering 14 women; executed in 1977.
  • Nikifor Maruszeczko: criminal who killed four men for the purpose of robbery; executed in 1938.[480]
  • Władysław Mazurkiewicz: known as "The Gentleman Killer"; killed up to 30 women; executed by hanging in 1957.[481]
  • Stanisław Modzelewski: murdered seven women in Łódź during the 1960s; executed in 1969.
  • Henryk Moruś: killed seven people in Piotrków Voivodeship from 1986 to 1992; sentenced to 25 years imprisonment; died of probable heart failure in 2013.[482][483]
  • Grzegorz Musiatowicz: violent criminal who killed three men between 2002 and 2014; sentenced to life imprisonment.[484]
  • Katarzyna Onyszkiewiczowa: known as "The Female Demon"; habitual thief who poisoned at least three men across Austrian Galicia from 1869 to 1870; sentenced to 30 years imprisonment, later died in prison.[485]
  • Leszek Pękalski: known as "The Vampire of Bytów"; killed up to 17 women.[486]
  • Józef Pluta: known as "The Vampire of Marianowo"; killed a neighbor in 1973; sentenced to 12 years imprisonment but escaped in 1979, killing at least six additional victims in two incidents; died under disputed circumstances while on the run.[487]
  • Kazimierz Polus: pedophile who killed two boys and one man from 1971 to 1982; executed in 1985.[488]
  • Skin Hunters: paramedics and doctors in Łódź who killed patients for profit; the four were convicted and officials are investigating possible accomplices.[489]
  • Mariusz Sowiński: known as "The Stefankowice Vampire"; raped and killed four women from 1994 to 1997; sentenced to 50 years in prison.[490]
  • Mariusz Trynkiewicz: known as "The Satan of Piotrków"; serial rapist who murdered four boys in July 1988 in Piotrków Trybunalski; released in 2014, rearrested in 2015 for possessing child pornography.[491]
  • Paweł Tuchlin: known as "Scorpion"; killed nine women and attempted to kill 11 more to feel better; executed in 1987.[492]
  • Wiesław Wiszniewski: together with three accomplices, murdered eight elderly women in Warsaw during robberies between 1998 and 1999; sentenced to life imprisonment.[493]
  • Zakrzewski family: father and two sons who killed eight people, including a family of five, around Rzepin Pierwszy from 1954 to 1969 due to their communist leanings; father and elder son were executed in 1972, while the younger, sentenced to 25 years imprisonment, hanged himself in prison.[494]
  • Mieczysław Zub: known as "Fantomas"; killed four women the area of Ruda Śląska; committed suicide in 1985.[495]



  • Vera Renczi: poisoned two husbands, one son, and 32 of her suitors in the 1920s and 1930s.[500][501]
  • Ion Rîmaru: murdered and raped young women in Bucharest from 1970 to 1971; executed in 1971.[502]
  • Ioan Sârca: known as "The Monster from Valcău"; raped and strangled at least 20 boys and teenagers between 1943 and 1945, selling their clothes at flea markets afterwards; sentenced to life, died in prison in 1991.[503]
  • Adrian Stroe: known as "The Taxi Driver of Death"; strangled three women between January and September 1992 near Bucharest, dumping their bodies in Lake Cernica; sentenced to life imprisonment, but paroled in 2018.[504]
  • Vasile Tcaciuc: known as "The Butcher of Iași"; murdered victims with an axe and confessed to have committed at least 26 murders; shot dead by a policeman while trying to escape from prison.[505]
  • Romulus Vereș: convicted of five murders in the 1970s; sent to a mental institution; died in 1993.[506]



Saudi Arabia

  • Awdah Ahmad Awdah Salem: known as "The Yanbu Serial Killer"; Yemeni immigrant who raped and murdered three Indonesian housemaids in Yanbu between 2007 and 2009, burying their bodies afterwards; executed in August 2014.[509]


  • Baba Anujka: known as "The Witch of Vladimirovac"; professional poisoner who victimized between 50 and 150 people until apprehended in 1928.[510]


  • Sek Kim Wah: 19-year-old NS conscript who was responsible for killing five people between June 1983 to July 1983 in two separate murder cases, the latter of which became known as the Andrew Road triple murders; executed in 1988. Singapore's first and only serial killer to date.[511]


  • Matej Čurko: known as "The Slovak Cannibal"; killed and cannibalized two willing victims in 2010 in Kysak, suspected of another 28 such cases from 2009 to 2011; killed by police in 2011.[512]
  • Juraj Lupták: known as "The Strangler from Banská Bystrica"; shepherd who raped and strangled three women from 1978 to 1982; executed 1987 in Bratislava.[513]
  • Ondrej Rigo: known as "The Sock Killer"; killed, raped, and mutilated nine women in the Netherlands, Germany and Slovakia, always wearing socks on his hands; sentenced to life imprisonment.[514] Died in prison in 2022.
  • Jozef Slovák: after serving just eight years for his first murder from 1978, Slovák killed at least four other women in Slovakia and the Czech Republic in the early 1990s; highly intelligent, holder of numerous patents in electronics.[515]
  • Marek Zivala: sexual sadist who strangled three women in the Czech Republic and Slovakia from 1996 to 1998; sentenced to life imprisonment.[516]


  • Silvo Plut: killed three women in Slovenia and Serbia from 1990 until 2006; committed suicide in prison in 2007.[517]
  • Metod Trobec: raped and killed at least five women between 1976 and 1978; committed suicide in prison in 2006.[518]

South Africa

South Korea

  • Ahn Nam-gi: taxi driver who raped and murdered at least three female passengers in Cheongju from 2004 to 2010; suspected in other murders; sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment.[519]
  • Chijon family: gang of cannibals that was sentenced to death for killing five people between 1993 and 1994; all but one was executed on 2 November 1995.[520]
  • Véronique Courjault: French woman who confessed to killing three of her babies, stuffing two of them in a freezer at their family home in South Korea; sentenced to 8 years imprisonment in 2009, released 2010.[521]
  • Crown Prince Sado: Joseon prince who raped and killed his palace staff; sealed in a rice chest and died.[522]
  • Jeong Du-yeong: killed an officer in 1986; after release, killed eight other people in robberies from 1999 to 2000; sentenced to death.[523]
  • Jeong Nam-gyu: sexually assaulted and killed fourteen people from 2004 to 2006; died in hospital after failing to hang himself the previous day.[524]
  • Jeong Seong-hyeon: misogynist who killed a karaoke assistant in Gunpo in 2004, then two young girls in Anyang in 2007; sentenced to death.[525]
  • Ji Chun-gil: paroled convict who set fire to houses he robbed in Andong from March to October 1990, killing six elderly women in the process; sentenced to life, changed to death, and executed in 1995.[526]
  • Kang Chang-gu: raped and strangled six women along rural roads in Gongju from 1983 to 1987; executed in 1990.[527]
  • Kang Ho-sun: sentenced to death in 2010 for killing ten women, including his wife and mother-in-law.[528]
  • Kim Dae-doo: killed 17 people during house invasions across three provinces between August and October 1975; executed in 1976.[529]
  • Kim Hae-sun: violent drunkard who raped and killed three children in 2000; sentenced to death in 2001.[530]
  • Kim Sun-ja: poisoned five people with potassium cyanide between 1986 and 1988 for monetary reasons; executed in 1997.[531]
  • Kim Yong-won: raped and killed two women and one underage girl around North Chungcheong Province from March to June 2005; suspect in the 1994 murder of a man; sentenced to death in September 2005.[532]
  • Kwon Jae-chan: robbed and murdered three people between 2003 and 2021 in the Michuhol District of Incheon; sentenced to death.[533]
  • Lee Choon-jae: responsible for "The Hwaseong serial murders"; murdered fifteen women, including his sister-in-law, and raped numerous others; sentenced to life imprisonment for one murder in 1994, and connected to the others decades later.[534]
  • Pocheon poisonings: poisonings of three family members with herbicides, committed by a woman known only as "Noh", between 2011 and 2014 in Pocheon; sentenced to life imprisonment.[535]
  • Shim Young-gu: stabbed to death eight people during violent robberies in Gyeonggi Province and Seoul from May to December 1989; executed in 1992.[536]
  • Yoo Young-chul: cannibal; killed twenty-one people from September 2003 to July 2004, mainly young women and rich men; sentenced to death in 2004.[537]


  • Andrés Aldije Monmejá and José Muñoz Lopera: responsible for "The Frenchman's Garden Murders"; owners of an illegal gambling house who killed six visitors from 1889 to 1904; both garroted in 1906.[538]
  • Francisca Ballesteros: known as La Viuda Negra[539] ("The Black Widow"), poisoned her husband and three children in Valencia between 1990 and 2004 (one survived), sentenced to 84 years in prison in 2005.
  • Manuel Blanco Romasanta: travelling salesman who claimed to be a werewolf, confessed to thirteen murders and was convicted of eight in 1853; his initial death sentence commuted in order to make a study in clinical lycanthropy, died in prison ten years later.[540]
  • Manuel Delgado Villegas: known as El Arropiero[539] ("The Arrope Trader"), wandering criminal with XYY syndrome that confessed to 48 murders in Spain, France and Italy, including his girlfriend; considered guilty of seven and interned in a mental institution until his death in 1998.
  • Joaquín Ferrándiz Ventura: insurance salesman who murdered five women in Castellón Province between 1995 and 1996.[541]
  • Alfredo Galán: known as "The Playing Card Killer"; Spanish Army corporal who killed six individuals in 2003.[542]
  • Juan Díaz de Garayo: known as "The Sacamantecas"; killed six people from 1870 to 1879 in Álava. Executed by garrote in 1881.[543][544]
  • Francisco García Escalero: known as El Mendigo Asesino[539] ("The Killer Beggar"); schizophrenic beggar convicted of eleven murders, confined to a psychiatric hospital since 1995.
  • Gila Giraldo: known as "La Serrana de la Vera"; alleged 15th–16th century serial killer who beheaded men she slept with.[545] Executed.
  • Tony Alexander King: known as "The Costa Killer"; British sex offender who murdered two girls in Málaga in 1999 and 2003; suspected of possibly committing more murders in his native UK; sentenced to 19 years imprisonment.[546]
  • Ramón Laso: killed his two wives, child and brother in law in order to pursue extra-marital relationships.[547]
  • Enriqueta Martí: self-proclaimed witch who kidnapped, prostituted, murdered and made potions with the remains of small children in early 20th century Barcelona (12 bodies were identified in her home); murdered in prison while awaiting trial in 1913.[548] Recent investigations by writer Jordi Corominas and historian Elsa Plaza question the popular version of the black legend of Enriqueta Martí and warned about multiples misinformation, because Enriqueta "was never formally charged with murder nor was any corpse of a child found in her home".[549][550]
  • Jorge Ignacio Palma: known as "The Butcher"; Colombian drug trafficker linked to the murders of at least three prostitutes in Valencia between 2019 and 2020.[551] Sentenced to life imprisonment in 2022.
  • Dámaso Rodríguez Martín: known as El Brujo ("The Warlock"); serial rapist and voyeur imprisoned in 1981 after attacking a couple, killing the man and raping the woman. Escaped from prison to the Anaga mountains in 1991, where he killed two German hikers (one of them was raped); killed by police in 1991.[552]
  • José Antonio Rodríguez Vega: known as El Mataviejas[539] ("The Old Lady Killer"), raped and killed at least sixteen elderly women, sentenced to 440 years in prison in 1995, murdered by fellow inmates in 2002.
  • Abdelkader Salhi: known as "The 10 Killer"; Moroccan convicted of a robbery-murder in 1988 in Germany, later moved to Spain and killed between two and three prostitutes from August to September 2011; sentenced to 45 years imprisonment for two of the murders and acquitted of the third.[553]
  • Margarita Sánchez Gutiérrez: known as "The Black Widow of Barcelona"; poisoned family members and relatives, killing four of them; acquitted of the murders, but sentenced to 34 years for other crimes.[554]
  • Gustavo Romero Tercero: known as "The Valdepeñas Killer"; killed three people from 1993 to 1998.[555]
  • Joan Vila Dilmé: known as "The Caretaker of Olot"; nurse who poisoned at least 11 elderly patients at a nursing home in Olot; sentenced to 127 years imprisonment.[556]
  • Joaquín Villalón Díez: known as "The Gentleman Murderer"; strangled and dismembered his mistress in Andorra in 1981, and later killed two transsexuals in Madrid in 1992; sentenced to 58 years imprisonment, released in 2013.[557]



  • Roger Andermatt: known as "The Death-Keeper of Lucerne"; nurse who killed twenty-two people from 1995 to 2001; sentenced to life imprisonment.[561]
  • Werner Ferrari: child killer who lured his victims from popular festivals, strangling them afterwards; sentenced to life imprisonment.[562]
  • Erich Hauert: sex offender who committed eleven rapes and three murders from 1982 to 1983; sentenced to life imprisonment; his case impacted treatment of dangerous sexual offenders in Switzerland tremendously.[563]
  • Paul Irniger: career criminal who murdered three people between 1933 and 1937; executed in 1939. Irniger was the penultimate person to be executed in Switzerland.
  • Marie Jeanneret: nurse who poisoned six patients under her care from 1867 to 1868; sentenced to 20 years imprisonment and died in prison.[564]


  • Chang Jen-bao: murdered three women from 1993 to 2003, also sexually violating the first victim; sentenced to death.[565]
  • Chen Jui-chin: known as "The Chiayi Demon"; murdered five relatives and one girlfriend for insurance money between 1985 and 2003; also suspected in two other disappearances; executed in 2013.[566]
  • Hsu Tung-chih: murdered at least seven people in Taipei and Taimali for financial reasons, including two girlfriends, from 1976 to 1983; executed in 1984.[567]
  • Lin Yu-ju: fatally poisoned three relatives in Puli to pay off gambling debts between 2008 and 2009; sentenced to death.[568]


  • Boonpeng: known as "Boonpeng the Iron Chest"; corrupt bhikkhu who killed and dismembered between two and seven people in Bangkok from 1917 to 1918, stuffing their bodies in iron chests; executed in 1919.[569]
  • Si Ouey: Chinese immigrant who was accused of murdering between five and seven children from 1954 and 1958, cannibalizing their organs; executed in 1959.[570] Actual guilt is highly disputed.[571][572][573]
  • Somkid Pumpuang: known as "Kid the Ripper"; transient who murdered five masseuses between January and June 2005; initially sentenced to life, released and committed a new murder in 2019, for which he was sentenced to death.[574]
  • Charles Sobhraj: known as "The Serpent"; killed at least 12 Western tourists in Southeast Asia during the 1970s; imprisoned in India and Nepal. Released in 2022.[575][576][577]
  • Nirut Sonkhamhan: known as "The Pickup Truck Killer"; poisoned nine taxi drivers around Thailand from 2011 to 2012 to steal their vehicles, killing six; hanged himself in jail before trial.[578]



  • Abdullah Aksoy: known as "The Monster of Çumra"; killed fifteen men in Çumra from 1962 to 1967 after having sexual intercourse with them, then buried their bodies in his home; committed suicide in prison before being tried.[581][582]
  • Orhan Aksoy: known as "The Parcel Killer"; strangled five people in Istanbul from 2000 to 2001, then stuffed their bodies in boxes and dumped them around the city; sentenced to life imprisonment.[583]
  • Süleyman Aktaş: known as "The Nailing Killer"; killed five people and nailed them in the eyes and head; he is kept in a psychiatric hospital.[584]
  • Adnan Çolak: known as "The Beast of Artvin"; killed seventeen elderly women in Artvin from 1992 to 1995; in 2000 he was sentenced to death six times, and 40 years in prison. Death sentence voided after capital punishment was abolished in 2004.
  • Seyit Ahmet Demirci: known as "The Furniture Dealers' Killer"; killed three furniture dealers selected at random and because he was sexually abused by his employer during his youth;[585] sentenced to death.[586]
  • Özgür Dengiz: serial killer from Ankara, who killed four people and cannibalized at least one.[587]
  • Atalay Filiz: killed three people between 2012 and 2016; suspect in disappearance of his girlfriend in France; sentenced to life imprisonment.[588]
  • Ali Kaya: known as "The Babyface Killer"; responsible for ten murders.[589]
  • Hamdi Kayapınar: known as "Avcı" ("Hunter"); killed eight people from 1994 to 2018; sentenced to life imprisonment.[590]
  • Yavuz Yapıcıoğlu: known as "The Screwdriver Killer"; responsible for at least eighteen murders between 1994 and 2002.[591]
  • Özkan Zengin: known as "The Well Driller Killer"; convicted of murdering three gay men in 2008; confessed to killing five.[592]


  • Zaven Almazyan: known as "The Voroshilovgrad Maniac"; Russian soldier who raped and killed three women in Voroshilovgrad; executed in 1973.[593]
  • Yevhenii Balan: known as "The Fastiv Maniac"; stabbed and strangled nine women and men around Fastiv from 2006 to 2011, raping his female victims; sentenced to life imprisonment.[594]
  • Aleksandr Berlizov: known as "The Night Demon"; sexual psychopath who raped numerous women from 1969 to 1972 in Dnipropetrovsk, killing nine of them; executed in 1972.
  • Sergei Dovzhenko: killed between seventeen and nineteen people in his native Mariupol for "mocking" him; sentenced to life imprisonment.[595]
  • Tamara Ivanyutina: known as "The Kyiv Poisoner"; poisoned people out of personal spite from 1976 to 1987, killing nine of them; executed in 1987.[596]
  • Ruslan Khamarov: seduced and murdered eleven women in his home from 2000 to 2003; sentenced to life imprisonment.[597]
  • Oleg Kuznetsov: known as "The Balashikha Ripper"; killed a total of ten people in Russia and Ukraine; sentenced to death, commuted to life and died in prison.[598]
  • Anatoly Onoprienko: known as "The Terminator"; murdered 52 people from 1989 until his capture in 1996; died in prison in 2013.[599][600]
  • Viktor Sayenko and Igor Suprunyuk: known as "The Dnipropetrovsk Maniacs"; teenagers in Dnipropetrovsk who bludgeoned 21 people to death in 2007 with the aid of a third teenager, often filming their murders; sentenced to life in prison in 2009.[601]
  • Serhiy Tkach: convicted of raping and murdering 36 women between 1980 and 2005; claimed the total was 100.[602][603] Died in prison in 2018.
  • Anatoliy Tymofeev: burglar who strangled at least 13 pensioners across Ukraine and Russia between 1991 and 1992; suspect in four additional murders; executed in 1996.[604]
  • Vladyslav Volkovich and Volodymyr Kondratenko: known as "The Nighttime Killers"; charged with shooting, stabbing and bludgeoning sixteen victims to death in Kyiv between 1991 and 1997; Kondratenko committed suicide in prison during the trial; Volkovich was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment.[605]

United Kingdom

United States



  • Polatbay Berdaliyev: raped, murdered and robbed a total of eleven women in Uzbekistan and neighboring Kazakhstan with accomplice Abduseit Ormanov between 2011 and 2012; both sentenced to life imprisonment in both countries.[611]
  • Zokhid Otaboev: murdered three of his neighbors' children between 2010 and 2017 to "take revenge on them for mocking him"; sentenced to life imprisonment.[612]



  • Lê Thanh Vân: known as "The Cyanide Witch"; poisoned at least 13 people with cyanide in order to rob them, sometimes with the help of her husband; executed 2005.[614]


  • Abdallah al-Hubal: killed seven people in 1990 after Yemeni unification; fled prison and killed a young couple and three other people in 1998; killed in a shootout with the police.[615]
  • Mohammed Adam Omar: known as "The Sana'a Ripper"; Sudanese morgue assistant who killed between two and 51 women across Yemen and other countries from 1975 to 1999; guilt has been questioned; executed in 2001.[616]
  • Dhu Shanatir: 5th-century Himyarite ruler who molested and killed young boys; killed in self-defense by a would-be victim.[617]



  • Richard McGown: known as "Dr. Death"; Scottish doctor responsible for administering fatal doses of morphine to at least five patients in Harare from 1986 to 1992; convicted of two counts of culpable homicide and sentenced to a year in prison, after which he was released and returned to the UK.[620]

Unidentified serial killers

This is a list of unsolved murders which are believed to have been committed by unidentified serial killers. It includes circumstances where a suspect has been arrested, but not convicted.


  • Madman of the route: allegedly responsible for killing up to 14 prostitutes along highways near Mar del Plata from 1996 to 1999; many believe that multiple suspects, including a gang of corrupt police officers, were behind the murders.[621]



  • Brabant killers: gang of serial killers who operated in Brabant province from 1982 until 1985; murdered 28 people and injured 40.[627]
  • The Butcher of Mons: unidentified serial killer who committed five murders from January 1996 to July 1997 in Mons; Montenegrin murderer Smail Tulja is suspected of being the Butcher.[628]


  • Belize Ripper: abducted, tortured, raped and murdered five young girls in Belize City between 1998 and 2000, mutilating their bodies post-mortem.[629]




Costa Rica


  • Helsinki cellar killer: suspected of raping and strangling three women in Helsinki cellars between 1976 and 1981, including Susanne Lindholm; the validity of this theory has been disputed.[634]
  • Järvenpää Serial Killer: responsible for the so-called "Hausjärvi Gravel Pit Murders"; killed a woman in 1991 and suspected in the disappearance of another in 1993; possibly responsible for other abductions and murders in the late 20th century.[635]




  • Ireland's Vanishing Triangle: series of disappearances and murders of women within an 80-mile area outside of Dublin from the late-1980s to the late-1990s. Due to similarities in the cases, Irish authorities hypothesize that a serial killer or killers is responsible.[637]



  • Paraquat murders: series of indiscriminate poisonings carried out in 1985 where twelve people were killed.[640]
  • Shinjuku–Kabukicho Love Hotel murders: strangulations of three women in love hotels around Tokyo between March and June 1981; the murders ceased after a fourth victim survived, but the killer was never captured.[641]
  • Tokyo Metropolitan Murders: series of rapes, strangulations and burnings of mostly female victims between 1968 and 1974 in the Greater Tokyo Area; construction worker Etsuo Ono was convicted of one murder and later acquitted in a highly publicized trial, but convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment for an unrelated murder.[642]
  • Wednesday Strangler: killed seven children and women in Saga Prefecture between 1975 and 1989, most of them on Wednesdays; a suspect was indicted for three of the murders, but later acquitted.[643]



  • Durlești Maniac: ambushed and shot couples around the Durlești area from 2007 to 2011, killing six people; one man was convicted for one of the murders, but was exonerated later on.[645]







South Africa


  • Severed leg killer: murdered eight people around Istanbul from 2000 to 2001, dismembering their bodies and dumping them around the city.[653]

United Kingdom

United States

See also


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