Uncommitted National Movement

Uncommitted National Movement
PredecessorListen to Michigan
FounderAbbas Alawieh, Layla Elabed
Founded atMichigan, United States
TypeProtest campaign
PurposePressure the Democratic Party to meet its demands

The Uncommitted National Movement is a protest campaign aimed mainly to pressure Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to achieve a ceasefire in the Israel–Hamas war and impose an arms embargo on Israel. The group received some support in the 2024 Democratic presidential primaries.

"Uncommitted", along with other voting options that do not express support for any candidate, were utilized by the campaign. The movement started in February, when the “Listen to Michigan” campaign attracted a large amount of support from Arab-Americans and progressives. The success in Michigan inspired similar campaigns in other states, with a national umbrella organization being founded in March. The campaign ultimately received over 700,000 votes and 37 delegates.

The movement has had several interactions with the Harris campaign, pushing for an arms embargo. At the Democratic National Convention, it advocated for, and was denied, a Palestinian-American to be allowed to speak. After unsuccessful attempts to pressure or meet with Harris, the group declined to endorse her, though came out against Republican candidate Donald Trump.



Israel-Hamas war

March on Washington for Gaza in January 2024

On October 7, 2023, Hamas and allied militants invaded and attacked southern Israel, killing almost 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and taking more than 250 hostages. Following this, Israel retaliated by imposing a total blockade on Gaza, heavily bombing it, invading it. The response resulted in the deaths of more than 40,000 people and displacement of almost two million, as of August 2024.[1] Israel and President Joe Biden's support of it drew criticism from pro-Palestinian protestors in the United States, and led to the disillusionment of some voters.[2]

Uncommitted voting options

"Uncommitted" is a voting option in some United States presidential primaries. This option is listed along with the names of individuals running for the position and is often described as "none of the above".[3] Depending on state and party thresholds, voting uncommitted may allow states to send uncommitted delegates to a party's nominating convention.[4]

Other voting options similar to uncommitted include "None of These Candidates", "noncommitted delegate", "no preference", and others.[5]



Michigan primary

A "Listen to Michigan" campaign graphic

The movement initially started as a campaign called "Listen to Michigan". Michigan has the highest amount of Arab-Americans in the United States, many of whom were sympathetic to Palestinians, and activists were seeking to protest Biden's handling of the war in the 2024 Michigan Democratic presidential primary. At the time, the campaign aimed to receive 10,000 votes and pressure Biden to call for a ceasefire and end arms to Israel.[6]

Waleed Shahid, a Democratic strategist, had previously written a memo saying that if anti-war activists utilized protest votes, it could "politicize and electoralize discontent", gaining them greater attention and funding. Co-founders Layla Elabed and Abbas Alawieh, Shahid, and others used "a shoestring budget and a few weeks of intense on-the-ground work" to spread awareness about the vote. Progressive groups such as Democratic Socialists of America and Our Revolution helped the campaign canvass and email voters. Elabed's sister, Palestinian-American Representative Rashida Tlaib, endorsed the campaign, along with former representative Andy Levin and local officials.[7] In February, the Detroit Metro Times and Arab American News endorsed the campaign.[8]

The campaign received over 100,000 votes and two delegates in the primary. It had its most support with young Arab-American voters, as well as progressives.[7]

National spread

Infographic calling for national Uncommitted votes

The movement spread nationally, with individual campaigns inspired by Listen to Michigan being started in other states.[9]

In Super Tuesday states, Uncommitted campaigns were quickly organized, most notably in Minnesota, North Carolina, Colorado and Massachusetts.[9] In Minnesota specifically, activists had $20,000 to spend and were organizing to reach voters, and saw success with Arab-American voters in the Minneapolis–Saint Paul area.[10][11] Uncommitted in Minnesota received about 45,000 votes and 11 delegates.[12] Additionally, Uncommitted campaigns received 12.7% of the vote in North Carolina, 9.4% in Massachusetts, 8.1% in Colorado, 7.9% in Tennessee, 6% in Alabama, and 3.9% in Iowa.[13] "No preference" received one delegate in Massachusetts.[14] One day after Super Tuesday, Uncommitted received 29% of the vote and seven delegates in Hawaii.[14]

On March 18, Listen to Michigan announced it would launch the "Uncommitted National Movement", an umbrella campaign for Uncommitted movements that advocated for a ceasefire. The movement began to focus on the Wisconsin primary and the Democratic National Convention.[6]

Uncommitted received 13.2% in the Democrats Abroad primary.[15]

In Washington State, the "Uncommitted WA" campaign advocated for an Uncommitted vote early in March, in collaboration with Listen to Michigan activists. The campaign was endorsed by the largest union in the state, United Food and Commercial Workers 3000, and the Seattle chapters of the American Federation of Teachers and Jewish Voice for Peace.[16] In Seattle, the Stranger newspaper endorsed voting 'uncommitted in the Washington Democratic presidential primary.[17] Uncommitted ultimately received almost 90,000 votes, 9.81% of the vote, and two delegates from the Seattle area.[18][19]

A Rhode Island uncommitted delegate.

Uncommitted received 10.3% of the vote in Kansas,[20] 11.7% in Missouri, winning three delegates from the St. Louis area,[21] 11.5% in Connecticut,[22] and 14.5% in Rhode Island, winning one delegate.[23]

Listen to Wisconsin, a campaign supported by the national movement, garnered nearly 50,000 votes for "uninstructed", more than the margin Biden won the state by in 2020. The amount of votes was double the amount activists were trying to acquire.[24]

The "Listen to Maryland" campaign for Uncommitted received more than 56,000 votes, 17.9% of the vote.[25] When initial results came in, a campaign organizer called for a ceasefire, an end to the war, and an arms embargo on Israel.[26]

Uncommitted received 17.9% of the vote in Kentucky, and eight delegates.[27][28]

The "Uncommitted NJ" campaign was founded early in 2024 after a meeting between members of three Democratic Socialists of America chapters, inspired by the result in Michigan, and enlisted the material support of the Council on American–Islamic Relations, Action NJ, and Jewish Voice for Peace. The campaign was able to collect 3,500 signatures, at least 100 in each district, to comply with election laws. It also received advice from Michigan and Wisconsin Uncommitted activists. Uncommitted ultimately received 9% of the vote and one delegate.[29]

Some campaigns in southern states likely succeeded due to "Democrats in Name Only", registered Democrats that vote for Republicans.[5]

By the end of the primaries, Uncommitted had received over 700,000 votes and 37 delegates nationwide,[30][31] though some states neglected some dissenting delegates.[32] By the start of the Democratic National Convention, Uncommitted retained 30 delegates.[33]

Electoral history

State Votes Percentage Delegates Reference
Nevada 7,448 5.81% 0 [34]
Michigan 101,436 13.21% 2 [35]
Alabama 11,213 6% 0 [36]
Colorado 43,439 8.1% 0 [37]
Massachusetts 58,462 9.4% 1 [38]
Minnesota 45,913 18.9% 11 [39]
North Carolina 88,021 12.7% 0 [40]
Tennessee 10,464 7.9% 0 [41]
Hawaii 455 29.1% 7 [42]
Democrats Abroad 1,136 13.2% 0 [43]
Washington 89,753 9.8% 2 [44]
Kansas 4,286 10.3% 0 [45]
Missouri 2,229 11.7% 3 [46]
Connecticut 7,492 11.5% 0 [47]
Rhode Island 3,732 14.9% 1 [48]
Wisconsin 48,162 8.3% 0 [49]
Maryland 63,743 9.7% 0 [50]
Kentucky 32,908 17.9% 8 [51]
New Jersey 43,758 8.9% 1 [52]
Final results 706,591 4.25% 37 [30][53][54][55][56][57]

Relations with Democratic Party


After the Michigan primary, Biden administration officials met with Muslim and Arab-American community leaders, including Alawieh. Alawieh described the meetings as tense, and said that senior officials weren't able to deliver on their demands. Among the officials present were Stephen K. Benjamin, a senior advisor, Tom Perez, the director of the Office of Public Engagement, Jonathan Finer, principal deputy national security adviser, and USAID director Samantha Power.[58]

Additionally, the co-chair of Biden's campaign Mitch Landrieu said that it would continue talking to Uncommitted voters.[59]

When Harris became the nominee after Biden withdrew from the race, the movement became "cautiously optimistic" that she would change policy on Israel due to her sympathetic rhetoric. Harris briefly met Elabed and Alawieh at a rally in Michigan, in which they told her the movement would like to support her, but that they want an embargo on Israel first. They requested a meeting on an embargo, and Harris seemingly accepted. However, Phil Gordon, one of Harris' national security advisors, said that she did not support an embargo.[60]

In early August, it was reported that the Harris campaign had met with Arab-American leaders and activists, as well as Uncommitted allies, in Michigan. Harris' campaign manager Julie Chávez Rodriguez met individually with activists in Metro Detroit, including Osama Siblani, publisher of the Arab American News. Chávez Rodriguez agreed with Siblani that "the killing has to stop", but Siblani questioned how, saying there was no plan. Harris herself met with the mayor of Dearborn, the city with the largest Arab-American population in the United States, Abdullah Hammoud, to discuss the war and her policy.[61]

On August 4, twenty-nine Uncommitted delegates from eight states took part in a virtual roll call where they voted for Palestinian victims over Harris.[62]

Uncommitted delegates lock arms as they enter the convention

During the Democratic National Convention, the Uncommitted delegates were allowed to hold a Palestinian human rights panel, where they and others discussed the war and Harris' position on it.[63]

On the second day of the convention, during the in-person ceremonial roll call of delegates, dozens of delegates voted "Present" as a protest vote. Some of these delegates publicly expressed they voted this way to express frustration with the Biden-Harris administration's handling of the war in Gaza.[64][65] The delegates who voted "Present" had their votes read out loud by their state delegations during the roll call, notably except for the Kentucky Democratic Party.[66]

On the third day, the DNC officially rejected the movement's request for a speaker of Palestinian descent. One proposed speaker was Georgia state representative Ruwa Romman.[67] The delegates then staged a sit-in outside the convention, which progressive Congressional bloc "The Squad" and the United Auto Workers union supported.[68][69] Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Summer Lee visited the sit-in, while Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez interacted with the delegates via FaceTime. Some activists stayed in the sit-in overnight and into day four.[70] A group called "Muslim Women for Harris-Walz" disbanded after the announcement.[71] The DNC did not meet the movement's deadline of 6pm CST to allow a speaker. It claimed the movement requested the slot too late, and that the day had to be about Harris' speech and nomination. The movement then demanded that Harris or a senior campaign official have an in-person conversation with its leaders by September 15, and said that it rejected other meetings the campaign had offered them with Congressional officials.[72] The movement also said that Harris' speech didn't shift policy from Biden, with one delegate saying her call for Palestinian self-determination was incompatible with continued arms transfers to Israel.[73]

After the Democratic National Convention, the movement sent a letter to Harris and her advisors expressing dissatisfaction with the DNC's refusal to allow a Palestinian American to speak, and called for a ceasefire and engagement with people affected by the war. Harris' team responded by saying the movement didn't request any specific engagements.[74]

After the deadline passed without a meeting, on September 18, the movement issued a statement saying that it would not endorse Harris because of her "unwillingness to shift on unconditional weapons policy or to even make a clear campaign statement in support of upholding existing U.S. and international human rights law".[75] However, it said that voters should not support Trump or third-party candidates. In response, a spokesperson for the Harris campaign said that Harris would try to earn voters and secure a ceasefire.[76]

During Israel's bombing campaign in Lebanon against Hezbollah, Alawieh, who himself had family in Lebanon, said that the more weapons Biden sends, the more civilians die.[77]

The movement's founders were not invited to a meeting between Arab-Americans and Harris on October 4th.[78]

On October 8, in messages posted across all its social media channels, the group came out firmly against Trump. The group argued that a Trump presidency would be worse than Harris, highlighting his strong embrace of Netanyahu in his first term and arguing Trump had "effectively dismantled any pathway to Palestinian self-determination." The group also highlighted far-right proposals in Project 2025 and comments made by pro-Israel Trump allies David Friedman, Jared Kushner, and Miriam Adelson.[79]

Impact and analysis


Many media outlets have said that the movement's support, specifically in Michigan, could hinder Democratic unity[80][81] and increase Harris' chances of losing the election, as Michigan is a key swing state.[82][83] The movement said Harris risked losing swing states such as Michigan where Arab and Muslim voters "know firsthand the effects and the impact of American-funded bombing", if she did not support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and commit to stopping weapons shipments to Israel.[84]

A Minnesota Uncommitted organizer argued that because of the movement, Harris began calling for a ceasefire in the war.[85]

Ocasio-Cortez, in an interview with Stephen Colbert, praised the movement for "using this process to be seen" and not "giv[ing] way to cynicism".[86]

When Biden halted a weapons shipment to Israel over the Rafah offensive, the movement said it was a step forward, and said that the anti-war movement had "propelled" such actions.[87]

Analyses of the movement's success at the DNC differed. Shahid, in an opinion piece for Jacobin, argued that while the movement did not achieve its demands, it still succeeded by receiving support from the Democratic base. However, an opinion piece in The Nation said that the convention was an "undeniable disappointment" for the movement, only winning the panel.[88][89] The broader protest movement also faced divisions, with some activists saying the campaign was too tolerant with Harris and was "getting played".[90]

Some have argued that the movement's stance on the election was a soft endorsement of Harris. An opinion piece for MSNBC said that the statement criticized Harris' policy on Israel but encouraged people to vote for her. It also said that the stance was an admission that the movement was weak but wanted to influence Democratic policy.[91] "Abandon Harris", an anti-Harris protest movement, said in a statement that the group wanted to endorse Harris, but couldn't, "because the community [it] claim[s] to represent would tear [it] apart".[92] Former Democratic Michigan Senate leader Jim Ananich said it was "close to a win".[93]

See also



  1. ^ "Israel-Gaza war in maps and charts: Live tracker". aljazeera.com. Aljazeera. Retrieved 20 May 2024.
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