Michał Szostak

Michał Szostak (2019)

Michał Szostak (born 1980 in Poland), is an international concert organist, improviser and musicologist, as well as manager, university professor and scientific researcher. A Doctor habilitated (Associate Professor)[1] in Management and a Doctor of Musical Arts in Organ Performance.[2] He studied organ performance at the Fryderyk Chopin Music University in Warsaw under Professor Andrzej Chorosiński and organ improvisation at the Pontificio Istituto Ambrosiano di Musica Sacra in Milan under Maestro Davide Paleari as well as management and marketing (Master and PhD studies) at Leon Koźmiński Academy in Warsaw. As the first Pole,[3][4] he received the certificate of The Royal College of Organists. He is a member of The American Guild of Organists, The Organ Historical Society, and the Polisch Chapter of the Humanistic Management Network.

Musical career


He performs annually dozens organ recitals around the world in Africa, Americas, Asia, and Europe. The list of countries in which he performed includes Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic,[5][6] Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany,[7] Italy, Kazakhstan,[8] Latvia, Lithuania, Nigeria, Panama, Poland,[9][10][11][12][13] Slovakia, Ukraine,[14] the United Kingdom[15] and the USA.[16]

He is an author of books,[17] chapters of books,[18] post-conference publications[19][20] and scientific articles in international magazines like American The Diapason and The Vox Humana, British The Organ, Canadian Organ Canada, and dozens of international scientific journals. He has the widest international bibliography among the Polish scholars working in area of organ studies. His fields of scientific explorations in the area of music are: instruments - their features[21] and construction,[22][23] historical tendencies in organ building,[24] historical and contemporary performance practices,[25] life and creation of important figures of music world.[26][27] He is an author of many original approaches in scientific fields of organology, e.g., methodology of the comparison of organ instruments according to their size,[28] aesthetically oriented approach to the perception of organ music.[29]

In the years 2011–2018, he held the prestigious position of Music Director and Leading Organist at the Shrine of the Virgin Mary in Licheń Stary, where he played on the largest organ in Poland (built by the Zych company, 157 stops, 6 manuals) located in the Basilica in Licheń Stary (the largest church in Poland). In the years 2002–2011, he was Music Director and Leading Organist at the Our Lady of Lourdes church in Warsaw.

He recorded on CDs (the largest organ in Poland in Lichen basilica: “Ave Regina Caelorum” with improvisations[30] and French Inspirations: 2nd half of the 19th century with French repertoire and improvisations,[31] Prague Impressions on the Petr organ in the church of St. Ignace in Prague, Czech Republic[32]) released by L'Arte dell'Organo label, for radio broadcasts, TV and online platforms. He is an often guest of public broadcasts.[33][34][35] He was an co-author of organological auditions in Rado 106,2. Between 2004 and 2023, he had been the founder and president of the Jan Drzewoski Foundation, focused on a broad spectrum of organ-related issues.

Managerial and academic career


He holds a position of Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific Research[36] and Head of the Institute for Management Research[37] at Collegium Civitas in Warsaw. His main research interests include the intersection of aesthetics, art, and management,[38][39] management aesthetics, and humanistic management.[40] He publishes the research results in books,[41] book chapters[42][43] and articles in international scientific journals.[44] Between 2021 and 2023, he held a position of Associate Professor[45] and Deputy Dean for International Programs at the Management Faculty at the University of Social Sciences[46] in Warsaw.

He runs extensive didactic activities at Bachelor, Master and MBA programs in Poland and also in the international environment: at the Polish campus of the American Clark University, PRIGO University in the Czech Republic, VSEMS in Slovakia, and University of Klaipeda in Lithuania. The subjects of teaching include the field of finance (international finance, corporate finance, financial analysis, financial accounting, management accounting) and the field of humanistic management, management aesthetics,[47] art management and marketing.

Since the 2000s, he has been a business practitioner in top management positions in capital groups in an international environment – mainly in the commercial and industrial sectors – cooperating with corporations from the USA, Canada, EU countries and South Korea. He has practical experience in the field of financial and organisational optimisation of business processes and entire enterprises, preparation and handling of mergers, divisions, separation of organised parts of enterprises and acquisition activities of capital companies, partnerships, and private business activities, as well as the implementation and maintenance of quality management systems.


  1. ^ "Wykaz postępowań awansowych".
  2. ^ "Zawiadomienie o publicznej obronie pracy doktorskiej".
  3. ^ "Michał Szostak absolwentem Papieskiego Instytutu Muzyki Sakralnej w Mediolanie". lichen.pl. 20 June 2017.
  4. ^ "Jedyny taki w Polsce. Organista z Lichenia odznaczony przez brytyjskie towarzystwo". TVN24. 11 March 2017.
  5. ^ "Varhanni koncert sv. Ludmily". informuji.cz. 2 August 2020.
  6. ^ "Varhanni koncert Dr. Michał Szostak". mesto-most.cz. 1 August 2020.
  7. ^ "Szostak begeistert mit Improvisation für Orgel". schwaebische.de. 9 April 2019.
  8. ^ "Organ recital tour: Kazakhstan 2023". 2023-08-02.
  9. ^ "Organ Concert Słupsk". gp24.pl. 29 July 2020.
  10. ^ "Koncert organowy w Legnicy zagra Michał Szostak". kulturalia.lca.pl. 12 September 2020.
  11. ^ "Zapraszamy na koncert Michała Szostaka". walbrzych24.com. 18 September 2020.
  12. ^ ""Więź z Mesjaszem". Wielkanocny koncert organowy dr. Michała Szostaka". wiez.pl. 8 April 2020.
  13. ^ "Rybnik dla Was". 3 October 2020.
  14. ^ "Szostak Organ Concert". gastroli.ua. 16 December 2018.
  15. ^ "Organ Recital by Michał Szostak". smaaa.org.uk. 26 April 2020.
  16. ^ "Erben Organ Days 2020". Erben Organ. Retrieved 2 October 2020.
  17. ^ Szostak, Michał (2017). Licheńskie organy na tle największych instrumentów Polski, Europy i świata (in Polish). Licheń Stary: Zakład Gospodarczy Dom Pielgrzyma. ISBN 978-83-64126-14-7.
  18. ^ "XVIII Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa z cyklu "Musica Sacra" nt. "Oblicza improwizacji organowej"". 12 Dec 2022.
  19. ^ Szostak, Michał (2017). "Wielkie organy Bazyliki w Licheniu w zestawieniu z największymi organami świata". In Pasternak, Paweł (ed.). Wokół nowych organów w kościele NSPJ w Tarnowie (in Polish). Tarnów: wydawnictwo Biblos. pp. 95–128. ISBN 978-83-7793-504-0.
  20. ^ Szostak, Michał (15 September 2020). "Kitsch in Management". IBIMA Conference.
  21. ^ Szostak, Michał (September 30, 2018). "The largest pipe organs in the world". The Vox Humana.
  22. ^ Szostak, Michał (May–July 2018). "Evolution of Cavaillé-Coll's symphonic organs". The Organ. 384. Musical Opinion Ltd, London: 8–23. ISSN 0030-4883.
  23. ^ Szostak, Michał (February–April 2018). "Implementation of the Aristide Cavaillé-Coll's Vatican project in Poland". The Organ. 383. Musical Opinion Ltd, London: 33–47. ISSN 0030-4883.
  24. ^ Szostak, Michał (Summer 2018). "Romantic tendencies in 19th-century organ building in Europe". The Organ. 385. Musical Opinion Ltd, London: 10–27. ISSN 0030-4883.
  25. ^ Szostak, Michał (May–July 2019). "Louis James Alfred Lefébure-Wély - a sesquicentenary assessment". The Organ. 388. London: Musical Opinion Ltd: 4–21. ISSN 0030-4883.
  26. ^ Szostak, Michał (February–April 2019). "An appreciation of Aristide Cavaillé-Coll on the 120th anniversary of his death". The Organ. 387. Musical Opinion Ltd, London: 6–21. ISSN 0030-4883.
  27. ^ Szostak, Michał (2019). "Frédéric Chopin and the organ". The Organ. 389. London: Musical Opinion Ltd: 30–49. ISSN 0030-4883 – via ResearchGate.
  28. ^ Szostak, Michał (September 30, 2018). "The largest pipe organs in the world". The Vox Humana.
  29. ^ Szostak, Michał (2020). "The Perception of Organ Music". The Organ. 383 (August–October 2020). London: Musical Opinion Ltd.: 8–13. ISSN 0030-4883 – via Ceon.
  30. ^ Szostak Michał, CD, Ave Regina Caelorum, L'Arte dell'Organo, 2017
  31. ^ Szostak Michał, CD, French Inspirations: 2nd Half of 19th Century - symfonic organ at Licheń Stary Basilica, L'Arte dell'Organo, 2018
  32. ^ Szostak Michał, CD, Prague Impressions, L'Arte dell'Organo, 2020
  33. ^ "Katolickie Radio Zamość". 2 September 2018.
  34. ^ "Poranek RDC: dr Michał Szostak – jedyny Polak w Królewskim Towarzystwie Organistów".
  35. ^ Szostak, Michał (18 January 2021). "Poranek RDC: o historii kiczu".
  36. ^ "PROFESSOR MICHAŁ SZOSTAK APPOINTED NEW VICE-RECTOR FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH". Collegium Civitas. 24 April 2024. Retrieved 8 May 2024.
  37. ^ "Institute for Management Research established at Collegium Civitas". 14 Nov 2023.
  38. ^ Szostak, Michał; Sułkowski, Łukasz (2020-06-04). "Manager as an Artist: Creative Endeavour in Crossing the Borders of Art and Organizational Discourse". Creativity Studies. 13 (2): 351–368. doi:10.3846/cs.2020.11373. ISSN 2345-0479.
  39. ^ Szostak, Michał; Sułkowski, Łukasz (2021). "The identity and self-perception of artists-managers". Problems and Perspectives in Management. 19 (1): 372–386. doi:10.21511/ppm.19(1).2021.32 – via webpage of the journal.
  40. ^ "ORCID". 2 Nov 2023.
  41. ^ "Routledge". 8 Dec 2023.
  42. ^ Szostak, Michał (2024). "Balancing Fairness and Care Through Aesthetical Lens' in Humanistic Management in the Gig Economy". In Ogunyemi, Kemi (ed.). Humanistic Management in the Gig Economy. Humanism in Business. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-59944-6_5. ISBN 9783031599446.
  43. ^ "Oblicza improwizacji". 9 Oct 2023.
  44. ^ "Google Scholar". 10 Dec 2023.
  45. ^ "Professor nominations at SAN Warsaw". 25 June 2021.
  46. ^ "University of Social Sciences".
  47. ^ Szostak, Michał (2024). Humanistic Management, Organization and Aesthetics. Art of Management and Management of Art (1st ed.). New York, USA: Routledge. ISBN 9781032599854.