Main entrance to Michael Mount Waldorf SchoolWintry shadows on the Michael Mount auditorium wallA dramatic performance at Michael MountA student Eurythmy performance at Michael Mount Waldorf School
The Steiner Centre for Art, Music and Drama at Michael Mount Waldorf School in Bryanston, Johannesburg.
Type of school: Michael Mount Waldorf School is a private, co-educational day school in Bryanston, Johannesburg, South Africa. The school caters for early childhood, nursery, primary, middle and high school students – up to Matric.
Number of students: 680
Average class size: 25
Number of teachers: 65
Teacher qualifications: Degree plus a 2-year Waldorf education certificate. All teachers undergo mandatory biennial appraisals and training.
Of note: Michael Mount students have maintained a 100% pass rate since the first Matric class wrote finals in 1987.[2]
Support measures: include Waldorf Extra Lessons, Curative Eurythmy, Support Teaching and Integrated Learning Therapy.
Sport: Athletics, basketball, cricket, hockey, netball, soccer, swimming and tennis.
Extra-curricular activities: These vary from year to year and can include any of the following: climbing, chess, drama, horse riding and music: orchestra, choir and individual instrument tuition.
After-care: Available for children up to age 10.
Campus size: 6 hectares.
Enrolment requirements: Visit the school and attend an Introductory Talk. Pupil to undergo an entrance assessment followed by a teacher-pupil and teacher-family interview.
^The IEB is able to verify that Michael Mount Waldorf School did achieve a 100% pass rate between 2002 and 2015. Records between 1989 (when the IEB first examined) and 2002, are not part of the current electronic system. Hard copies have been archived and could be retrieved, but only with great effort. The 100% pass-rate claim could be verified at Michael Mount Waldorf School, which has on file individual student results going back to 1987 when the first group of students from the school wrote matric.
^An Act of Faith – A history of Michael Mount Waldorf School 1960 – 2010. Compiled by Eileen Tippett. Published by Michael Mount Waldorf School, 2010. ISBN978-0-620-48149-6