No. Image Official names (English, Hangul , Hanja /mixed script ) Location Dates Refs 1 Sungnyemun Gate, Seoul 서울 숭례문 서울 崇禮門 Jung District, Seoul 1962-12-20 [ 5] 2 Ten-story Stone Pagoda at Wongaksa Temple Site, Seoul 서울 원각사지 십층석탑 서울 圓覺寺址 十層石塔 Jongno District , Seoul 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 6] 3 Monument on Bukhansan Mountain Commemorating the Border Inspection by King Jinheung of Silla, Seoul 서울 북한산 신라 진흥왕 순수비 서울 北漢山 新羅 眞興王 巡狩碑 Yongsan District , Seoul 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 7] 4 Stupa at Godalsa Temple Site, Yeoju [ko ] 여주 고달사지 승탑 驪州 高達寺址 僧塔 Yeoju , Gyeonggi 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 8] 5 Twin Lion Stone Lantern of Beopjusa Temple, Boeun [ko ] 보은 법주사 쌍사자 석등 報恩 法住寺 雙獅子 石燈 Boeun County , North Chungcheong 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 9] 6 Seven-story Stone Pagoda in Tappyeong-ri, Chungju 충주 탑평리 칠층석탑 忠州 塔坪里 七層石塔 Chungju , North Chungcheong 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 10] 7 Stele for the Construction of Bongseonhonggyeongsa Temple, Cheonan 천안 봉선홍경사 갈기비 天安 奉先弘慶寺 碣記碑 Cheonan , South Chungcheong 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 11] 8 Stele for Buddhist Monk Nanghye at Seongjusa Temple Site, Boryeong [ko ] 보령 성주사지 낭혜화상탑비 保寧 聖住寺址 郎慧和尙塔碑 Boryeong , South Chungcheong 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 12] 9 Five-story Stone Pagoda at Jeongnimsa Temple Site, Buyeo 부여 정림사지 오층석탑 扶餘 定林寺址 五層石塔 Buyeo County , South Chungcheong 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 13] 10 Three-story Stone Pagoda at Baekjangam Hermitage of Silsangsa Temple, Namwon [ko ] 남원 실상사 백장암 삼층석탑 南原 實相寺 百丈庵 三層石塔 Namwon , North Jeolla 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 14] 11 Stone Pagoda at Mireuksa Temple Site, Iksan [ko ] 익산 미륵사지 석탑 益山 彌勒寺址 石塔 Iksan , North Jeolla 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 15] 12 Stone Lantern at Gakhwangjeon Hall of Hwaeomsa Temple, Gurye [ko ] 구례 화엄사 각황전 앞 석등 求禮 華嚴寺 覺皇殿 앞 石燈 Gurye County , South Jeolla 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 16] 13 Geungnakbojeon Hall of Muwisa Temple, Gangjin [ko ] 강진 무위사 극락보전 康津 無爲寺 極樂寶殿 Gangjin County , South Jeolla 1962-12-20 [ 17] 14 Yeongsanjeon Hall of Geojoam Hermitage of Eunhaesa Temple, Yeongcheon [ko ] 영천 은해사 거조암 영산전 永川 銀海寺 居祖庵 靈山殿 Yeongcheon , North Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 [ 18] 15 Geungnakjeon Hall of Bongjeongsa Temple, Andong [ko ] 안동 봉정사 극락전 安東 鳳停寺 極樂殿 Andong , North Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 [ 19] 16 Seven-story Brick Pagoda at Beopheungsa Temple Site, Andong [ko ] 안동 법흥사지 칠층전탑 安東 法興寺址 七層塼塔 Andong , North Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 20] 17 Stone Lantern at Muryangsujeon Hall of Buseoksa Temple, Yeongju [ko ] 영주 부석사 무량수전 앞 석등 榮州 浮石寺 無量壽殿 앞 石燈 Yeongju , North Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 21] 18 Muryangsujeon Hall of Buseoksa Temple, Yeongju [ko ] 영주 부석사 무량수전 榮州 浮石寺 無量壽殿 Yeongju , North Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 [ 22] 19 Josadang Shrine of Buseoksa Temple, Yeongju [ko ] 영주 부석사 조사당 榮州 浮石寺 祖師堂 Yeongju , North Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 [ 23] 20 Dabotap Pagoda of Bulguksa Temple, Gyeongju 경주 불국사 다보탑 慶州 佛國寺 多寶塔 Gyeongju , North Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 24] 21 Three-story Stone Pagoda of Bulguksa Temple, Gyeongju 경주 불국사 삼층석탑 慶州 佛國寺 三層石塔 Gyeongju , North Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 25] 22 Yeonhwagyo and Chilbogyo Bridges of Bulguksa Temple, Gyeongju [ko ] 경주 불국사 연화교 및 칠보교 慶州 佛國寺 蓮華橋 및 七寶橋 Gyeongju , North Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 26] 23 Cheongungyo and Baegungyo Bridges of Bulguksa Temple, Gyeongju [ko ] 경주 불국사 청운교 및 백운교 慶州 佛國寺 靑雲橋 및 白雲橋 Gyeongju , North Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 27] 24 Seokguram Grotto, Gyeongju 경주 석굴암 석굴 慶州 石窟庵 石窟 Gyeongju , North Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 28] 25 Stele for King Taejong Muyeol, Gyeongju [ko ] 경주 태종무열왕릉비 慶州 太宗武烈王陵碑 Gyeongju , North Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 29] 26 Gilt-bronze Seated Vairocana Buddha of Bulguksa Temple, Gyeongju [ko ] 경주 불국사 금동비로자나불좌상 慶州 佛國寺 金銅毘盧遮那佛坐像 Gyeongju , North Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 2010-06-28 renamed [ 30] 27 Gilt-bronze Seated Amitabha Buddha of Bulguksa Temple, Gyeongju [ko ] 경주 불국사 금동아미타여래좌상 慶州 佛國寺 金銅阿彌陀如來坐像 Gyeongju , North Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 2010-06-28 renamed [ 31] 28 Gilt-bronze Standing Bhaisajyaguru Buddha of Baengnyulsa Temple, Gyeongju [ko ] 경주 백률사 금동약사여래입상 慶州 栢栗寺 金銅藥師如來立像 Gyeongju , North Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 2010-06-28 renamed [ 32] 29 Sacred Bell of Great King Seongdeok 성덕대왕신종 聖德大王神鍾 Gyeongju , North Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 [ 33] 30 Stone Brick Pagoda of Bunhwangsa Temple, Gyeongju [ko ] 경주 분황사 모전석탑 慶州 芬皇寺 模塼石塔 Gyeongju , North Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 34] 31 Cheomseongdae Observatory, Gyeongju 경주 첨성대 慶州 瞻星臺 Gyeongju , North Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 35] 32 Printing Woodblocks of the Tripitaka Koreana in Haeinsa Temple, Hapcheon 합천 해인사 대장경판 陜川 海印寺 大藏經板 Hapcheon County , South Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 2010-08-25 renamed [ 36] 33 Monument in Changnyeong Commemorating the Border Expansion by King Jinheung of Silla [ko ] 창녕 신라 진흥왕 척경비 昌寧 新羅 眞興王 拓境碑 Changnyeong County , South Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 37] 34 East Three-story Stone Pagoda in Suljeong-ri, Changnyeong [ko ] 창녕 술정리 동 삼층석탑 昌寧 述亭里 東 三層石塔 Changnyeong County , South Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 38] 35 Four Lion Three-story Stone Pagoda of Hwaeomsa Temple, Gurye [ko ] 구례 화엄사 사사자 삼층석탑 求禮 華嚴寺 四獅子 三層石塔 Gurye County , South Jeolla 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 39] 36 Bronze Bell of Sangwonsa Temple 상원사 동종 上院寺 銅鍾 Pyeongchang County , Gangwon 1962-12-20 [ 40] 37 Three-story Stone Pagoda at Hwangboksa Temple Site, Gyeongju [ko ] 경주 황복사지 삼층석탑 慶州 皇福寺址 三層石塔 Gyeongju , North Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 41] 38 Three-story Stone Pagoda from Goseonsa Temple Site, Gyeongju [ko ] 경주 고선사지 삼층석탑 慶州 高仙寺址 三層石塔 Gyeongju , North Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 42] 39 Five-story Stone Pagoda in Nawon-ri, Gyeongju [ko ] 경주 나원리 오층석탑 慶州 羅原里 五層石塔 Gyeongju , North Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 43] 40 Thirteen-story Stone Pagoda at Jeonghyesa Temple Site, Gyeongju [ko ] 경주 정혜사지 십삼층석탑 慶州 淨惠寺址 十三層石塔 Gyeongju , North Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 44] 41 Iron Flagpole at Yongdusa Temple Site, Cheongju [ko ] 청주 용두사지 철당간 淸州 龍頭寺址 鐵幢竿 Cheongju , North Chungcheong 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 45] 42 Portable Shrine of Wooden Buddha Triad at Songgwangsa Temple, Suncheon [ko ] 순천 송광사 목조삼존불감 順天 松廣寺 木彫三尊佛龕 Suncheon , South Jeolla 1962-12-20 2010-06-28 renamed [ 46] 43 Royal Edict Issued to Great Master Hyesim [ko ] 혜심고신제서 惠諶告身制書 Suncheon , South Jeolla 1962-12-20 [ 47] 44 South and North Three-story Stone Pagodas and Stone Lantern of Borimsa Temple, Jangheung [ko ] 장흥 보림사 남·북 삼층석탑 및 석등 長興 寶林寺 南·北 三層石塔 및 石燈 Jangheung County , South Jeolla 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 48] 45 Clay Seated Buddha of Buseoksa Temple, Yeongju [ko ] 영주 부석사 소조여래좌상 榮州 浮石寺 塑造如來坐像 Yeongju , North Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 2010-06-28 renamed [ 49] 46 Mural Painting in Josadang Shrine of Buseoksa Temple [ko ] 부석사조사당벽화 浮石寺祖師堂壁畵 Yeongju , North Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 [ 50] 47 Stele for Master Jingam at Ssanggyesa Temple, Hadong [ko ] 하동 쌍계사 진감선사탑비 河東 雙磎寺 眞鑑禪師塔碑 Hadong County , South Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 51] 48-1 Octagonal Nine-story Stone Pagoda of Woljeongsa Temple, Pyeongchang [ko ] 평창 월정사 팔각 구층석탑 平昌 月精寺 八角 九層石塔 Pyeongchang County , Gangwon 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed 2017-01-19번호 변경 [ 52] 48-2 Stone Seated Bodhisattva of Woljeongsa Temple, Pyeongchang [ko ] 평창 월정사 석조보살좌상 平昌 月精寺 石造菩薩坐像 Pyeongchang County , Gangwon 2017-01-02 [ 53] 49 Daeungjeon Hall of Sudeoksa Temple, Yesan [ko ] 예산 수덕사 대웅전 禮山 修德寺 大雄殿 Yesan County , South Chungcheong 1962-12-20 [ 54] 50 Haetalmun Gate of Dogapsa Temple, Yeongam [ko ] 영암 도갑사 해탈문 靈巖 道岬寺 解脫門 Yeongam County , South Jeolla 1962-12-20 [ 55] 51 Main Gate of Imyeonggwan Guesthouse, Gangneung [ko ] 강릉 임영관 삼문 江陵 臨瀛館 三門 Gangneung , Gangwon 1962-12-20 [ 56] 52 Janggyeongpanjeon Depositories of Haeinsa Temple, Hapcheon [ko ] 합천 해인사 장경판전 陜川 海印寺 藏經板殿 Hapcheon County , South Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 [ 57] 53 East Stupa of Yeongoksa Temple, Gurye [ko ] 구례 연곡사 동 승탑 求禮 鷰谷寺 東 僧塔 Gurye County , South Jeolla 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 58] 54 North Stupa of Yeongoksa Temple, Gurye [ko ] 구례 연곡사 북 승탑 求禮 鷰谷寺 北 僧塔 Gurye County , South Jeolla 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 59] 55 Palsangjeon Wooden Pagoda of Beopjusa Temple, Boeun 보은 법주사 팔상전 報恩 法住寺 捌相殿 Boeun County , North Chungcheong 1962-12-20 [ 60] 56 Guksajeon Shrine of Songgwangsa Temple, Suncheon [ko ] 순천 송광사 국사전 順天 松廣寺 國師殿 Suncheon , South Jeolla 1962-12-20 [ 61] 57 Stupa of Master Cheolgam at Ssangbongsa Temple, Hwasun [ko ] 화순 쌍봉사 철감선사탑 和順 雙峯寺 澈鑒禪師塔 Hwasun County , South Jeolla 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 62] 58 Iron Seated Bhaisajyaguru Buddha and Stone Pedestal of Janggoksa Temple, Cheongyang [ko ] 청양 장곡사 철조약사여래좌상 및 석조대좌 靑陽 長谷寺 鐵造藥師如來坐像 및 石造臺座 Cheongyang County , South Chungcheong 1962-12-20 2010-06-28 renamed [ 63] 59 Stele for State Preceptor Jigwang at Beopcheonsa Temple Site, Wonju [ko ] 원주 법천사지 지광국사탑비 原州 法泉寺址 智光國師塔碑 Wonju , Gangwon 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 64] 60 Celadon Incense Burner with Lion-shaped Cover [ko ] 청자 사자형뚜껑 향로 靑磁 獅子形蓋 香爐 Yongsan District , Seoul 1962-12-20 [ 65] 61 Celadon Ewer in the Shape of a Fish-dragon [ko ] 청자 어룡형 주전자 靑磁 魚龍形 注子 Yongsan District , Seoul 1962-12-20 [ 66] 62 Mireukjeon Hall of Geumsansa Temple, Gimje [ko ] 김제 금산사 미륵전 金堤 金山寺 彌勒殿 Gimje , North Jeolla 1962-12-20 [ 67] 63 Iron Seated Vairocana Buddha of Dopiansa Temple, Cheorwon [ko ] 철원 도피안사 철조비로자나불좌상 鐵原 到彼岸寺 鐵造毘盧遮那佛坐像 Cheorwon County , Gangwon 1962-12-20 2010-06-28 renamed [ 68] 64 Stone Lotus Basin of Beopjusa Temple, Boeun [ko ] 보은 법주사 석련지 報恩 法住寺 石蓮池 Boeun County , North Chungcheong 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 69] 65 Celadon Incense Burner with Girin-shaped Lid [ko ] 청자 기린형뚜껑 향로 靑磁 麒麟形蓋 香爐 Seongbuk District , Seoul 1962-12-20 [ 70] 66 Celadon Kundika with Inlaid Willow, Lotus, Reed, and Mandarin Duck Design [ko ] 청자 상감연지원앙문 정병 靑磁 象嵌蓮池鴛鴦文 淨甁 Seongbuk District , Seoul 1962-12-20 [ 71] 67 Gakhwangjeon Hall of Hwaeomsa Temple, Gurye 구례 화엄사 각황전 求禮 華嚴寺 覺皇殿 Gurye County , South Jeolla 1962-12-20 [ 72] 68 Celadon Prunus Vase with Inlaid Cloud and Crane Design [ko ] 청자 상감운학문 매병 靑磁 象嵌雲鶴文 梅甁 Seongbuk District , Seoul 1962-12-20 [ 73] 69 Certificate of Meritorious Subject Issued to Sim Ji-baek [ko ] 심지백 개국원종공신녹권 沈之伯 開國原從功臣錄券 Seo District , Busan 1962-12-20 2010-08-25 renamed [ 74] 70 Hunminjeongeum (The Proper Sounds for the Instruction of the People) 훈민정음 訓民正音 Seongbuk District , Seoul 1962-12-20 [ 75] 71 Dongguk jeongun (Standard Rhymes of the Eastern State, Volumes 1 and 6) 동국정운 권1, 6 東國正韻 卷一, 六 Seongbuk District , Seoul 1962-12-20 2010-08-25 renamed [ 76] 72 Gilt-bronze Standing Buddha Triad with Inscription of "Gyemi Year" [ko ] 금동계미명삼존불입상 金銅癸未銘三尊佛立像 Seongbuk District , Seoul 1962-12-20 2010-06-28 renamed [ 77] 73 Portable Shrine of Gilt-bronze Buddha Triad [ko ] 금동삼존불감 金銅三尊佛龕 Seongbuk District , Seoul 1962-12-20 [ 78] 74 Celadon Duck-shaped Water Dropper [ko ] 청자 오리모양 연적 靑磁 鴨形 硯滴 Seongbuk District , Seoul 1962-12-20 [ 79] 75 Bronze Incense Burner with Silver-inlaid Design of Pyochungsa Temple [ko ] 표충사 청동 은입사 향완 表忠寺 靑銅 銀入絲 香垸 Miryang , South Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 [ 80] 76 Nanjung ilgi Drafts of the Imjin War Reports and Letters by Yi Sun-sin 이순신 난중일기 및 서간첩 임진장초 李舜臣 亂中日記 및 書簡帖 壬辰狀草 Asan , South Chungcheong 1962-12-20 2010-08-25 renamed [ 81] 77 Five-story Stone Pagoda in Tamni-ri, Uiseong [ko ] 의성 탑리리 오층석탑 義城 塔里里 五層石塔 Uiseong County , North Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 82] 78 Gilt-bronze Pensive Maitreya Bodhisattva 금동미륵보살반가사유상 金銅彌勒菩薩半跏思惟像 Yongsan District , Seoul 1962-12-20 2010-06-28 renamed [ 83] 79 Gold Seated Buddha from Guhwang-dong, Gyeongju [ko ] 경주 구황동 금제여래좌상 慶州 九黃洞 金製如來坐像 Yongsan District , Seoul 1962-12-20 2010-06-28 renamed [ 84] 80 Gold Standing Buddha from Guhwang-dong, Gyeongju [ko ] 경주 구황동 금제여래입상 慶州 九黃洞 金製如來立像 Yongsan District , Seoul 1962-12-20 2010-06-28 renamed [ 85] 81 Stone Standing Maitreya Bodhisattva of Gamsansa Temple, Gyeongju [ko ] 경주 감산사 석조미륵보살입상 慶州 甘山寺 石造彌勒菩薩立像 Yongsan District , Seoul 1962-12-20 2010-06-28 renamed [ 86] 82 Stone Standing Amitabha Buddha of Gamsansa Temple, Gyeongju [ko ] 경주 감산사 석조아미타여래입상 慶州 甘山寺 石造阿彌陀如來立像 Yongsan District , Seoul 1962-12-20 2010-06-28 renamed [ 87] 83 Gilt-bronze Pensive Maitreya Bodhisattva 금동미륵보살반가사유상 金銅彌勒菩薩半跏思惟像 Yongsan District , Seoul 1962-12-20 2010-06-28 renamed [ 88] 84 Rock-carved Buddha Triad in Yonghyeon-ri, Seosan 서산 용현리 마애여래삼존상 瑞山 龍賢里 磨崖如來三尊像 Seosan , South Chungcheong 1962-12-20 2010-08-25 renamed [ 89] 85 Gilt-bronze Standing Buddha Triad with Inscription of "Sinmyo Year" [ko ] 금동신묘명삼존불입상 金銅辛卯銘三尊佛立像 Yongsan District , Seoul 1962-12-20 2010-06-28 renamed [ 90] 86 Ten-story Stone Pagoda from Gyeongcheonsa Temple Site, Gaeseong 개성 경천사지 십층석탑 開城 敬天寺址 十層石塔 Yongsan District , Seoul 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 91] 87 Gold Crown and Diadem Ornaments from Geumgwanchong Tomb [ko ] 금관총 금관 및 금제 관식 金冠塚 金冠 및 金製冠飾 Gyeongju , North Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 [ 92] 88 Gold Waist Belt from Geumgwanchong Tomb [ko ] 금관총 금제 허리띠 金冠塚 金製銙帶 Gyeongju , North Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 [ 93] 89 Gold Buckle from Seogam-ri, Pyeongyang [ko ] 평양 석암리 금제 띠고리 平壤 石巖里 金製鉸具 Yongsan District , Seoul 1962-12-20 [ 94] 90 Gold Earrings from Bubuchong Tomb, Gyeongju [ko ] 경주 부부총 금귀걸이 慶州 夫婦塚 金製耳飾 Yongsan District , Seoul 1962-12-20 [ 95] 91 Earthenware Funerary Objects in the Shape of a Warrior on Horseback [ko ] 도기 기마인물형 명기 陶器 騎馬人物形 明器 Yongsan District , Seoul 1962-12-20 [ 96] 92 Bronze Kundika with Silver-inlaid Willow and Waterfowl Design [ko ] 청동 은입사 포류수금문 정병 靑銅 銀入絲 蒲柳水禽文 淨甁 Yongsan District , Seoul 1962-12-20 [ 97] 93 White Porcelain Jar with Grape and Monkey Design in Underglaze Iron [ko ] 백자 철화포도원숭이문 항아리 白磁 鐵畵葡萄猿文 壺 Yongsan District , Seoul 1962-12-20 [ 98] 94 Celadon Melon-shaped Bottle [ko ] 청자 참외모양 병 靑磁 瓜形 甁 Yongsan District , Seoul 1962-12-20 [ 99] 95 Celadon Incense Burner with Openwork Auspicious-character Design Lid [ko ] 청자 투각칠보문뚜껑 향로 靑磁 透刻七寶文蓋 香爐 Yongsan District , Seoul 1962-12-20 [ 100] 96 Celadon Ewer in the Shape of a Turtle-dragon [ko ] 청자 구룡형 주전자 靑磁 龜龍形 注子 Yongsan District , Seoul 1962-12-20 [ 101] 97 Celadon Prunus Vase with Incised Lotus and Scroll Design [ko ] 청자 음각연화당초문 매병 靑磁 陰刻蓮花唐草文 梅甁 Yongsan District , Seoul 1962-12-20 [ 102] 98 Celadon Jar with Inlaid Peony Design [ko ] 청자 상감모란문 항아리 靑磁 象嵌牡丹文 壺 Yongsan District , Seoul 1962-12-20 [ 103] 99 East and West Three-story Stone Pagodas from Galhangsa Temple Site, Gimcheon [ko ] 김천 갈항사지 동·서 삼층석탑 金泉 葛項寺址 東·西 三層石塔 Yongsan District , Seoul 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 104] 100 Seven-story Stone Pagoda from Namgyewon Temple Site, Gaeseong [ko ] 개성 남계원지 칠층석탑 開城 南溪院址 七層石塔 Yongsan District , Seoul 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 105] 101 Stupa of State Preceptor Jigwang from Beopcheonsa Temple Site, Wonju [ko ] 원주 법천사지 지광국사탑 原州 法泉寺址 智光國師塔 Yuseong District , Daejeon 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 106] 102 Stupa of State Preceptor Hongbeop from Jeongtosa Temple Site, Chungju [ko ] 충주 정토사지 홍법국사탑 忠州 淨土寺址 弘法國師塔 Yongsan District , Seoul 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 107] 103 Twin Lion Stone Lantern of Jungheungsanseong Fortress, Gwangyang [ko ] 광양 중흥산성 쌍사자 석등 光陽 中興山城 雙獅子 石燈 Buk District, Gwangju 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 108] 104 Stupa of Buddhist Monk Yeomgeo from Heungbeopsa Temple Site, Wonju Presumed [ko ] 전 원주 흥법사지 염거화상탑 傳 原州 興法寺址 廉居和尙塔 Yongsan District , Seoul 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 109] 105 Three-story Stone Pagoda in Beomhak-ri, Sancheong [ko ] 산청 범학리 삼층석탑 山淸 泛鶴里 三層石塔 Jinju , South Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 110] 106 Stele of Amitabha with Inscription of "Gyeyu Year", Offered by Jeon [ko ] 계유명전씨아미타불비상 癸酉銘全氏阿彌陀佛碑像 Cheongju , North Chungcheong 1962-12-20 2010-06-28 renamed [ 111] 107 White Porcelain Jar with Grape Design in Underglaze Iron [ko ] 백자 철화포도문 항아리 白磁 鐵畵葡萄文 壺 Seodaemun District , Seoul 1962-12-20 [ 112] 108 Stele of Buddha Triad and a Thousand Buddhas with Inscription of "Gyeyu Year" [ko ] 계유명삼존천불비상 癸酉銘三尊千佛碑像 Gongju , South Chungcheong 1962-12-20 [ 113] 109 Grotto of Amitabha Buddha Triad, Gunwi [ko ] 군위 아미타여래삼존 석굴 軍威 阿彌陀如來三尊 石窟 Gunwi County , Daegu 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 114] 110 Portrait of Yi Je-hyeon [ko ] 이제현 초상 李齊賢 肖像 Yongsan District , Seoul 1962-12-20 [ 115] 111 Portrait of An Hyang [ko ] 안향 초상 安珦 肖像 Yeongju , North Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 [ 116] 112 East and West Three-story Stone Pagodas at Gameunsa Temple Site, Gyeongju [ko ] 경주 감은사지 동·서 삼층석탑 慶州 感恩寺址 東·西 三層石塔 Gyeongju , North Gyeongsang 1962-12-20 2010-12-27 renamed [ 117] 113 Celadon Tube-shaped Bottle with Willow Design in Underglaze Iron [ko ] 청자 철화양류문 통형 병 靑磁 鐵畵楊柳文 筒形 甁 Yongsan District , Seoul 1962-12-20 [ 118] 114 Celadon Melon-shaped Bottle with Inlaid Peony and Chrysanthemum Design [ko ] 청자 상감모란국화문 참외모양 병 靑磁 象嵌牡丹菊花文 瓜形 甁 Yongsan District , Seoul 1962-12-20 [ 119] 115 Celadon Bowl with Inlaid Scroll Design [ko ] 청자 상감당초문 완 靑磁 象嵌唐草文 碗 Yongsan District , Seoul 1962-12-20 [ 120] 116 Celadon Gourd-shaped Ewer with Inlaid Peony Design [ko ] 청자 상감모란문 표주박모양 주전자 靑磁 象嵌牡丹文 瓢形 注子 Yongsan District , Seoul 1962-12-20 [ 121] 117 Iron Seated Vairocana Buddha of Borimsa Temple, Jangheung [ko ] 장흥 보림사 철조비로자나불좌상 長興 寶林寺 鐵造毘盧遮那佛坐像 Jangheung County , South Jeolla 1963-02-21 2010-06-28 renamed [ 122] 118 Gilt-bronze Pensive Maitreya Bodhisattva [ko ] 금동미륵보살반가사유상 金銅彌勒菩薩半跏思惟像 Yongsan District , Seoul 1964-03-30 2010-06-28 renamed [ 123] 119 Gilt-bronze Standing Buddha with Inscription of "the Seventh Yeonga Year" [ko ] 금동연가7년명여래입상 金銅延嘉七年銘如來立像 Yongsan District , Seoul 1964-03-30 2010-06-28 renamed [ 124] 120 Bronze Bell of Yongjusa Temple 용주사 동종 龍珠寺 銅鍾 Hwaseong , Gyeonggi 1964-03-30 [ 125] 121 Hahoe Masks and Byeongsan Masks of Andong [ko ] 안동 하회탈 및 병산탈 安東 河回탈 및 屛山탈 Andong 1964-03-30 [ 126] 122 Three-story Stone Pagoda at Jinjeonsa Temple Site, Yangyang [ko ] 양양 진전사지 삼층석탑 襄陽 陳田寺址 三層石塔 Yangyang County , Gangwon 1966-02-28 2010-12-27 renamed [ 127] 123 Reliquaries from the Five-story Stone Pagoda in Wanggung-ri, Iksan [ko ] 익산 왕궁리 오층석탑 사리장엄구 益山 王宮里 五層石塔 舍利莊嚴具 Jinju , South Jeolla 1966-07-26 [ 128] 124 Stone Seated Bodhisattva from Hansongsa Temple Site, Gangneung [ko ] 강릉 한송사지 석조보살좌상 江陵 寒松寺址 石造菩薩坐像 Chuncheon , Gangwon 1967-06-21 2010-06-28 renamed [ 129] 125 Green-glazed Burial Urn Granite Case [ko ] 녹유골호 綠釉骨壺 Yongsan District , Seoul 1967-06-21 [ 130] 126 Reliquaries from the Three-story Stone Pagoda of Bulguksa Temple [ko ] 불국사 삼층석탑 사리장엄구 佛國寺 三層石塔 舍利莊嚴具 Gyeongju , North Gyeongsang 1967-09-16 [ 131] 127 Gilt-bronze Standing Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva from Samyang-dong, Seoul [ko ] 서울 삼양동 금동관음보살입상 서울 三陽洞 金銅觀音菩薩立像 Yongsan District , Seoul 1968-12-19 2010-06-28 renamed [ 132] 128 Gilt-bronze Standing Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva [ko ] 금동관음보살입상 金銅觀音菩薩立像 Yongsan District , Seoul 1968-12-19 [ 133] 129 Gilt-bronze Standing Bodhisattva [ko ] 금동보살입상 金銅菩薩立像 Yongsan District , Seoul 1968-12-19 [ 134] 130 Five-story Stone Pagoda in Jukjang-ri, Gumi [ko ] 구미 죽장리 오층석탑 龜尾 竹杖里 五層石塔 Gumi, North Gyeongsang 1968-12-19 2010-12-27 renamed [ 135] 131 Family Register of Hwaryeong-bu Prefecture Written in the Late Goryeo Dynasty [ko ] 고려말 화령부 호적관련고문서 高麗末和寧府戶籍關聯古文書 Yongsan District , Seoul 1969-11-07 2010-08-25 renamed [ 136] 132 Jingbirok (The Book of Correction ) 징비록 懲毖錄 Andong 1969-11-07 [ 137] 133 Celadon Gourd-shaped Ewer with Lotus Design in Underglaze Copper [ko ] 청자 동화연화문 표주박모양 주전자 靑磁 銅畵蓮花文 瓢形 注子 Yongsan District , Seoul 1970-12-30 [ 138] 134 Gilt-bronze Standing Bodhisattva Triad [ko ] 금동보살삼존입상 金銅菩薩三尊立像 Yongsan District , Seoul 1970-12-30 2010-06-28 renamed [ 139] 135 Album of Genre Paintings by Sin Yun-bok 신윤복필 풍속도 화첩 申潤福筆 風俗圖 畵帖 Seongbuk District , Seoul 1970-12-30 [ 140] 136 Gilt-bronze Miniature Buddhist Flagpole with Dragon Finial [ko ] 금동 용두보당 金銅 龍頭寶幢 Yongsan District , Seoul 1971-12-21 [ 141] 137-1 Bronze Artifacts from Bisan-dong, Daegu [ko ] 검 및 칼집 부속 劍 및 칼집 附屬 Yongsan District , Seoul 1971-12-21 [ 142] 137-2 Bronze Artifacts from Bisan-dong, Daegu [ko ] 투겁창 및 꺾창 투겁槍 및 꺾槍 Yongsan District , Seoul 1971-12-21 [ 143] 138 Gold Crown and Ornaments from Goryeong Presumed 전 고령 금관 및 장신구 일괄 傳 高靈 金冠 및 裝身具 一括 Yongsan District , Seoul 1971-12-21 [ 144] 139 Folding Screen of Gunseondo Daoist Immortals by Kim Hong-do [ko ] 김홍도필 군선도 병풍 金弘道筆 群仙圖 屛風 Yongsan District , Seoul 1971-12-21 [ 145] 140 Bronze Mirror with Inlaid Mother-of-pearl Floral Design [ko ] 나전 화문 동경 螺鈿 花文 銅鏡 Yongsan District , Seoul 1971-12-21 [ 146] 141 Bronze Mirror with Fine Linear Design [ko ] 정문경 精文鏡 Dongjak District , Seoul 1971-12-21 [ 147] 142 Dongguk jeongun (Standard Rhymes of the Eastern State ) 동국정운 東國正韻 Gwangjin District , Seoul 1972-03-02 2010-08-25 renamed [ 148] 143 Bronze Artifacts from Daegok-ri, Hwasun [ko ] 화순 대곡리 청동기 일괄 和順 大谷里 靑銅器 一括 Buk District, Gwangju 1972-03-02 [ 149] 144 Rock-carved Seated Buddha in Wolchulsan Mountain, Yeongam [ko ] 영암 월출산 마애여래좌상 靈巖 月出山 磨崖如來坐像 Yeongam County , South Jeolla 1972-03-02 2010-08-25 renamed [ 150] 145 Bronze Brazier with Demon Face Decoration [ko ] 귀면 청동로 鬼面 靑銅爐 Yongsan District , Seoul 1972-06-24 [ 151] 146 Bronze Bells from Nonsan Presumed [ko ] 전 논산 청동방울 일괄 傳 論山 靑銅鈴 一括 Yongsan District , Seoul 1973-03-19 [ 152] 147 Petroglyphs of Cheonjeon-ri, Ulju [ko ] 울주 천전리 각석 蔚州 川前里 刻石 Ulju County , Ulsan 1973-05-04 2010-12-27 renamed [ 153] 148-1 Sipchil sachan gogeum tongyo [ko ] (Essentials of Seventeen Dynastic Histories , Volume 16) 십칠사찬고금통요 권16 十七史纂古今通要 卷十六 Gwanak District , Seoul 1973-07-10 2010-08-25 renamed [ 154] 148-2 Sipchil sachan gogeum tongyo [ko ] (Essentials of Seventeen Dynastic Histories , Volume 17) 십칠사찬고금통요 권17 十七史纂古今通要 卷十七 Seocho District , Seoul 1973-07-10 2010-08-25 renamed [ 155] 149-1 Dongnae seonsaeng gyojeong buksa sangjeol [ko ] (Commentary on the History of the Northern Dynasties , Volumes 4 and 5) 동래선생교정북사상절 권4, 5 東萊先生校正北史詳節 卷四, 五 Seongbuk District , Seoul 1973-07-10 2010-08-25 renamed [ 156] 149-2 Dongnae seonsaeng gyojeong buksa sangjeol [ko ] (Commentary on the History of the Northern Dynasties ), Volume 6 동래선생교정북사상절 권6 東萊先生校正北史詳節 卷六 Jung District, Seoul 1973-07-10 2010-08-25 renamed [ 157] 150 Songjo pyojeon chongnyu [ko ] (Collection of Appeals and Letters to the Emperors of the Song Dynasty , Volume 7) 송조표전총류 권7 宋朝表牋總類 卷七 Gwanak District , Seoul 1973-07-10 2010-08-25 renamed [ 158] 151-1 Joseon wangjo sillok (Annals of the Joseon Dynasty ) 조선왕조실록 정족산사고본 朝鮮王朝實錄 鼎足山史庫本 Gwanak District , Seoul 1973-12-31 2010-08-25 renamed [ 159] 151-2 Joseon wangjo sillok (Annals of the Joseon Dynasty ) 조선왕조실록 태백산사고본 朝鮮王朝實錄 太白山史庫本 Yeonje District , Busan 1973-12-31 2010-08-25 renamed [ 160] 151-3 Joseon wangjo sillok (Annals of the Joseon Dynasty ) 조선왕조실록 오대산사고본 朝鮮王朝實錄 五臺山史庫本 Gwanak District , Seoul 1973-12-31 2010-08-25 renamed [ 161] 151-4 Joseon wangjo sillok (Annals of the Joseon Dynasty ) 조선왕조실록 적상산사고본 朝鮮王朝實錄 赤裳山史庫本 Seoul 2019-06-26 [ 162] 151-5 Joseon wangjo sillok (Annals of the Joseon Dynasty ) 조선왕조실록 봉모당본 朝鮮王朝實錄 奉謨堂本 Seoul 2019-06-26 [ 163] 151-6 Joseon wangjo sillok (Annals of the Joseon Dynasty ) 조선왕조실록 낙질 및 산엽본 朝鮮王朝實錄 落帙 및 散葉本 Gwanak District , Seoul 1973-12-31 2019-06-26 변경 [ 164] 152 Bibyeonsa deungnok (Records of the Border Defense Council ) 비변사등록 備邊司謄錄 Gwanak District , Seoul 1973-12-31 2010-08-25 renamed [ 165] 153 Ilseongnok (Daily Records of the Royal Court and Important Officials) 일성록 日省錄 Gwanak District , Seoul 1973-12-31 [ 166] 154 Gold Diadem Ornaments of King Muryeong [ko ] 무령왕 금제관식 武寧王 金製冠飾 Gongju , South Chungcheong 1974-07-09 [ 167] 155 Gold Diadem Ornaments of the Queen Consort of King Muryeong [ko ] 무령왕비 금제관식 武寧王妃 金製冠飾 Yongsan District , Seoul 1974-07-09 [ 168] 156 Gold Earrings of King Muryeong [ko ] 무령왕 금귀걸이 武寧王 金製耳飾 Gongju , South Chungcheong 1974-07-09 [ 169] 157 Gold Earrings of the Queen Consort of King Muryeong [ko ] 무령왕비 금귀걸이 武寧王妃 金製耳飾 Gongju , South Chungcheong 1974-07-09 [ 170] 158 Gold Necklaces of the Queen Consort of King Muryeong [ko ] 무령왕비 금목걸이 武寧王妃 金製頸飾 Gongju , South Chungcheong 1974-07-09 [ 171] 159 Gold Hairpin of King Muryeong [ko ] 무령왕 금제 뒤꽂이 武寧王 金製釵 Gongju , South Chungcheong 1974-07-09 [ 172] 160 Silver Bracelets of the Queen Consort of King Muryeong [ko ] 무령왕비 은팔찌 武寧王妃 銀製釧 Gongju , South Chungcheong 1974-07-09 [ 173] 161 Bronze Mirrors from the Tomb of King Muryeong [ko ] 무령왕릉 청동거울 일괄 武寧王陵 銅鏡一括 Gongju , South Chungcheong 1974-07-09 [ 174] 162 Stone Guardian from the Tomb of King Muryeong [ko ] 무령왕릉 석수 武寧王陵 石獸 Gongju , South Chungcheong 1974-07-09 2010-06-28 renamed [ 175] 163 Buried Memorial Tablet from the Tomb of King Muryeong [ko ] 무령왕릉 지석 武寧王陵 誌石 Gongju , South Chungcheong 1974-07-09 2010-08-25 renamed [ 176] 164 Headrest of the Queen Consort of King Muryeong [ko ] 무령왕비 베개 武寧王妃 頭枕 Gongju , South Chungcheong 1974-07-09 [ 177] 165 Footrest of King Muryeong [ko ] 무령왕 발받침 武寧王 足座 Gongju , South Chungcheong 1974-07-09 [ 178] 166 White Porcelain Jar with Plum and Bamboo Design in Underglaze Iron [ko ] 백자 철화매죽문 항아리 白磁 鐵畵梅竹文 壺 Yongsan District , Seoul 1974-07-09 [ 179] 167 Celadon Ewer in the Shape of a Human Figure [ko ] 청자 인물형 주전자 靑磁 人物形 注子 Yongsan District , Seoul 1974-07-09 [ 180] 168 White Porcelain Bottle with Plum and Chrysanthemum Design in Underglaze Copper [ko ] 백자 동화매국문 병 白磁 銅畵梅菊文 甁 Yongsan District , Seoul 1974-07-09 2020-05-30 removed [ 181] 169 Celadon Bottle with Bamboo Design in Relief [ko ] 청자 양각죽절문 병 靑磁 陽刻竹節文 甁 Yongsan District , Seoul 1974-07-09 [ 182] 170 White Porcelain Lidded Jar with Plum, Bird and Bamboo Design in Underglaze Cobalt Blue [ko ] 백자 청화매조죽문 유개항아리 白磁 靑畵梅鳥竹文 有蓋壺 Yongsan District , Seoul 1974-07-09 [ 183] 171 Bronze Lidded Bowl with Silver-inlaid Phoenix Design [ko ] 청동 은입사 봉황문 합 靑銅 銀入絲 鳳凰文 盒 Yongsan District , Seoul 1974-07-09 [ 184] 172 Relics Excavated from the Tomb of Lady Jeong [ko ] 진양군영인정씨묘출토유물 晋陽郡令人鄭氏墓出土遺物 Yongsan District , Seoul 1974-07-09 [ 185] 173 Celadon Seated Arhat with Paste-on-paste White Dot Design [ko ] 청자 퇴화점문 나한좌상 靑磁 堆花點文 羅漢坐像 Gangnam District , Seoul 1974-07-09 [ 186] 174 Gilt-bronze Candlesticks with Inlaid Crystal Ornaments [ko ] 금동 수정 장식 촛대 金銅 水晶 裝飾 燭臺 Yongsan District , Seoul 1974-07-09 [ 187] 175 White Porcelain Bowl with Inlaid Lotus and Scroll Design [ko ] 백자 상감연화당초문 대접 白磁 象嵌蓮花唐草文 大楪 Yongsan District , Seoul 1974-07-09 [ 188] 176 White Porcelain Jar with Pine and Bamboo Design and Inscription of "the Second Hongchi Year" in Underglaze Cobalt Blue [ko ] 백자 청화'홍치2년'명 송죽문 항아리 白磁 靑畵'弘治二年'銘 松竹文 立壺 Jung District, Seoul 1974-07-09 [ 189] 177 Buncheong Placenta Jars with Stamped Chrysanthemum Design [ko ] 분청사기 인화국화문 태항아리 粉靑沙器 印花菊花文 胎壺 Seongbuk District , Seoul 1974-07-09 [ 190] 178 Buncheong Flat Bottle with Sgraffito Lotus and Fish Design [ko ] 분청사기 음각어문 편병 粉靑沙器 陰刻魚文 扁甁 Yongsan District , Seoul 1974-07-09 [ 191] 179 Buncheong Flat Bottle with Sgraffito Lotus and Fish Design [ko ] 분청사기 박지연화어문 편병 粉靑沙器 剝地蓮花魚文 扁甁 Gwanak District , Seoul 1974-07-09 [ 192] 180 Sehando (Winter Scene by Kim Jeong-hui) [ko ] 김정희필 세한도 金正喜筆 歲寒圖 Yongsan District , Seoul 1974-12-31 [ 193] 181 Red Certificate Issued to Jang Yang-su [ko ] 장양수 홍패 張良守 紅牌 Uljin County , North Gyeongsang 1975-10-13 [ 194] 182 Gilt-bronze Standing Buddha from Seonsan-eup, Gumi [ko ] 구미 선산읍 금동여래입상 龜尾 善山邑 金銅如來立像 Suseong District , Daegu 1976-04-23 2010-06-28 renamed [ 195] 183 Gilt-bronze Standing Bodhisattva from Seonsan-eup, Gumi [ko ] 구미 선산읍 금동보살입상 龜尾 善山邑 金銅菩薩立像 Suseong District , Daegu 1976-04-23 2010-06-28 renamed [ 196] 184 Gilt-bronze Standing Bodhisattva from Seonsan-eup, Gumi [ko ] 구미 선산읍 금동보살입상 龜尾 善山邑 金銅菩薩立像 Suseong District , Daegu 1976-04-23 2010-06-28 renamed [ 197] 185 Transcription of Saddharmapundarika Sutra The Lotus Sutra in Silver on Oak Paper [ko ] 상지은니묘법연화경 橡紙銀泥妙法蓮華經 Yongsan District , Seoul 1976-04-23 2010-08-25 renamed [ 198] 186 Gilt-bronze Standing Buddha from Sinhwa-ri, Yangpyeong [ko ] 양평 신화리 금동여래입상 楊平 新花里 金銅如來立像 Yongsan District , Seoul 1976-12-14 2010-06-28 renamed [ 199] 187 Five-story Stone Brick Pagoda in Sanhae-ri, Yeongyang [ko ] 영양 산해리 오층모전석탑 英陽 山海里 五層模塼石塔 Yeongyang County , North Gyeongsang 1977-08-22 2010-12-27 renamed [ 200] 188 Gold Crown from Cheonmachong Tomb [ko ] 천마총 금관 天馬塚 金冠 Gyeongju , North Gyeongsang 1978-12-07 [ 201] 189 Gold Cap from Cheonmachong Tomb [ko ] 천마총 관모 天馬塚 金製冠帽 Gyeongju , North Gyeongsang 1978-12-07 [ 202] 190 Gold Waist Belt from Cheonmachong Tomb [ko ] 천마총 금제 허리띠 天馬塚 金製銙帶 Gyeongju , North Gyeongsang 1978-12-07 [ 203] 191 Gold Crown from the North Mound of Hwangnamdaechong Tomb [ko ] 황남대총 북분 금관 皇南大塚北墳 金冠 Yongsan District , Seoul 1978-12-07 [ 204] 192 Gold Waist Belt from the North Mound of Hwangnamdaechong Tomb [ko ] 황남대총 북분 금제 허리띠 皇南大塚 北墳 金製 銙帶 Yongsan District , Seoul 1978-12-07 [ 205] 193 Glass Ewer and Cups from the South Mound of the Tomb No. 98, Gyeongju [ko ] 경주 98호 남분 유리병 및 잔 慶州 九十八號 南墳 琉璃甁 및 盞 Yongsan District , Seoul 1978-12-07 [ 206] 194 Gold Necklace from the South Mound of Hwangnamdaechong Tomb [ko ] 황남대총 남분 금목걸이 皇南大塚南墳 金製頸飾 Yongsan District , Seoul 1978-12-07 [ 207] 195 Long-necked Jar with Clay Figurines [ko ] 토우장식 장경호 土偶裝飾 長頸壺 Gyeongju and Seoul 1978-12-07 [ 208] 196 Silla Transcription of Avatamsaka Sutra The Flower Garland Sutra, Zhou Version, in Ink on White Paper, Volumes 1-10 and 44-50 [ko ] 신라백지묵서대방광불화엄경 주본 권1~10, 44~50 新羅白紙墨書大方廣佛花嚴經 周本 卷一~十, 四十四~五十 Yongsan District , Seoul 1979-02-08 2010-08-25 renamed [ 209] 197 Stupa of State Preceptor Bogak at Cheongnyongsa Temple Site, Chungju [ko ] 충주 청룡사지 보각국사탑 忠州 靑龍寺址 普覺國師塔 Chungju , North Chungcheong 1979-05-22 2010-12-27 renamed [ 210] 198 Jeokseongbi Monument of Silla, Danyang [ko ] 단양 신라 적성비 丹陽 新羅 赤城碑 Danyang County , North Chungcheong 1979-05-22 2010-12-27 renamed [ 211] 199 Rock-carved Buddhas of Sinseonsa Temple in Danseoksan Mountain, Gyeongju [ko ] 경주 단석산 신선사 마애불상군 慶州 斷石山 神仙寺 磨崖佛像群 Gyeongju , North Gyeongsang 1979-05-22 2010-08-25 renamed [ 212] 200 Gilt-bronze Standing Bodhisattva [ko ] 금동보살입상 金銅菩薩立像 Nam District, Busan 1979-04-30 [ 213] 201 Rock-carved Seated Buddha in Bukji-ri, Bonghwa [ko ] 봉화 북지리 마애여래좌상 奉化 北枝里 磨崖如來坐像 Bonghwa County , North Gyeongsang 1980-09-16 [ 214] 202 Avatamsaka Sutra The Flower Garland Sutra, Jin Version, Volume 37 [ko ] 대방광불화엄경 진본 권37 大方廣佛華嚴經 晋本 卷三十七 Seodaemun District , Seoul 1981-03-18 2010-08-25 renamed [ 215] 203 Avatamsaka SutraThe Flower Garland Sutra, Zhou Version, Volume 6 [ko ] 대방광불화엄경 주본 권6 大方廣佛華嚴經 周本 卷六 Jung District , Seoul 1981-03-18 2010-08-25 renamed [ 216] 204 Avatamsaka Sutra The Flower Garland Sutra, Zhou Version, Volume 36 [ko ] 대방광불화엄경 주본 권36 大方廣佛華嚴經 周本 卷三十六 Jung District , Seoul 1981-03-18 2010-08-25 renamed [ 217] 205 Goguryeo Monument, Chungju 충주 고구려비 忠州 高句麗碑 Chungju , North Chungcheong 1981-03-18 2010-12-27 renamed [ 218] 206 Printing Woodblocks of Miscellaneous Buddhist Scriptures in Haeinsa Temple, Hapcheon [ko ] 합천 해인사 고려목판 陜川 海印寺 高麗木板 Hapcheon County , South Gyeongsang 1982-05-22 [ 219] 207 Jangni cheonmado Painting of Heavenly Horse on a Saddle Flap from Cheonmachong Tomb, Gyeongju [ko ] 경주 천마총 장니 천마도 慶州 天馬塚 障泥 天馬圖 Gyeongju , North Gyeongsang 1982-11-16 [ 220] 208 Gilt-bronze Reliquary from Sakyamuni Stupa of Dorisa Temple [ko ] 도리사 세존사리탑 금동 사리기 桃李寺 世尊舍利塔 金銅舍利器 Gimcheon , North Gyeongsang 1982-12-07 [ 221] 209 Stone Pagoda of Casket Seal Dharani [ko ] 보협인석탑 寶篋印石塔 Jung District, Seoul 1982-12-07 [ 222] 210 Transcription of Amoghapasha kalparaja Sutra Infallible Lasso's Mantra and Supernatural Transformations : King of Ritual Manuals in Silver on Indigo Paper, Volume 13 [ko ] 감지은니불공견삭신변진언경 권13 紺紙銀泥不空羂索紳變眞言經 卷十三 Yongsan District , Seoul 1984-05-30 2010-08-25 renamed [ 223] 211 Transcription of Saddharmapundarika Sutra The Lotus Sutra in Ink on White Paper [ko ] 백지묵서묘법연화경 白紙墨書妙法蓮華經 Gwanak District , Seoul 1984-05-30 2010-08-25 renamed [ 224] 212 Shurangama Sutra The Sutra of the Heroic One, Korean Translation [ko ] 대불정여래밀인수증료의제보살만행수능엄경(언해) 大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩行首楞嚴經諺解 Jung District, Seoul 1984-05-30 2010-08-25 renamed [ 225] 213 Gilt-bronze Miniature Pagoda [ko ] 금동탑 金銅塔 Yongsan District , Seoul 1984-08-06 [ 226] 214 Bronze Incense Burner with Inscription of "Heungwangsa Temple" and Silver-inlaid Design [ko ] 흥왕사명 청동 은입사 향완 興王寺銘 靑銅 銀入絲 香垸 Yongsan District , Seoul 1984-08-06 [ 227] 215 Transcription of Avatamsaka SutraThe Flower Garland Sutra, Zhenyuan Version, in Silver on Indigo Paper, Volume 31 [ko ] 감지은니대방광불화엄경 정원본 권31 紺紙銀泥大方廣佛華嚴經 貞元本 卷三十一 Yongsan District , Seoul 1984-08-06 2010-08-25 renamed [ 228] 216 Inwang jesaekdoScene of Inwangsan Mountain After Rain by Jeong Seon [ko ] 정선필 인왕제색도 鄭敾筆 仁王霽色圖 Yongsan District , Seoul 1984-08-06 [ 229] 217 Geumgang jeondoComplete View of Geumgangsan Mountain by Jeong Seon [ko ] 정선필 금강전도 鄭敾筆 金剛全圖 Yongsan District , Seoul 1984-08-06 [ 230] 218 Painting of Amitabha Buddha Triad [ko ] 아미타삼존도 阿彌陀三尊圖 Yongsan District , Seoul 1984-08-06 [ 231] 219 White Porcelain Jar with Plum and Bamboo Design in Underglaze Cobalt Blue [ko ] 백자 청화매죽문 항아리 白磁 靑畵梅竹文 立壺 Yongsan District , Seoul 1984-08-06 [ 232] 220 Celadon Lidded Bowl and Saucer with Inlaid Dragon, Phoenix, and Peony Design [ko ] 청자 상감용봉모란문 합 및 탁 靑磁 象嵌龍鳳牡丹文 盒 및 托 Yongsan District , Seoul 1984-08-06 [ 233] 221 Wooden Seated Child Manjusri of Sangwonsa Temple, Pyeongchang [ko ] 평창 상원사 목조문수동자좌상 평창 上院寺 木造文殊童子坐像 Pyeongchang County , Gangwon 1984-10-15 2010-06-28 renamed [ 234] 222 White Porcelain Lidded Jar with Plum and Bamboo Design in Underglaze Cobalt Blue [ko ] 백자 청화매죽문 유개항아리 白磁 靑畵梅竹文 有蓋立壺 Gwanak District , Seoul 1984-12-07 [ 235] 223 Geunjeongjeon Hall of Gyeongbokgung Palace [ko ] 경복궁 근정전 景福宮 勤政殿 Jongno District , Seoul 1985-01-08 [ 236] 224 Gyeonghoeru Pavilion of Gyeongbokgung Palace [ko ] 경복궁 경회루 景福宮 慶會樓 Jongno District , Seoul 1985-01-08 [ 237] 225 Injeongjeon Hall of Changdeokgung Palace [ko ] 창덕궁 인정전 昌德宮 仁政殿 Jongno District , Seoul 1985-01-08 [ 238] 226 Myeongjeongjeon Hall of Changgyeonggung Palace [ko ] 창경궁 명정전 昌慶宮 明政殿 Jongno District , Seoul 1985-01-08 [ 239] 227 Main Hall of Jongmyo Shrine [ko ] 종묘 정전 宗廟 正殿 Jongno District , Seoul 1985-01-08 [ 240] 228 Celestial Chart Stone 천상열차분야지도 각석 天象列次分野之圖 刻石 Jongno District , Seoul 1985-08-09 [ 241] 229 Clepsydra of Changgyeonggung Palace 창경궁 자격루 昌慶宮 自擊漏 Jung District, Seoul 1985-08-09 [ 242] 230 Celestial Globe and Armillary Clock 혼천의 및 혼천시계 渾天儀 및 渾天時計 Seongbuk District , Seoul 1985-08-09 [ 243] 231 Bronze Age Moulds from Yeongam Presumed [ko ] 전 영암 거푸집 일괄 傳 靈巖 鎔范一括 Dongjak District , Seoul 1986-03-14 [ 244] 232 Certificate of Meritorious Subject Issued to Yi Hwa [ko ] 이화 개국공신녹권 李和 開國功臣錄券 Jeongeup , North Jeolla 1986-10-15 2010-08-25 renamed [ 245] 233-1 Stone Seated Vairocana Buddha from Seongnamamsa Temple Site, Sancheong [ko ] 산청 석남암사지 석조비로자나불좌상 山淸 石南巖寺址 石造毘盧遮那佛坐像 Sancheong County , South Gyeongsang 2016-01-07 [ 246] 233-2 Agalmatolite Reliquary from the Stone Seated Vairocana Buddha from Seongnamamsa Temple Site, Sancheong [ko ] 산청 석남암사지 석조비로자나불좌상 납석사리호 山淸 石南巖寺址 石造毘盧遮那坐像 蠟石舍利壺 Nam District, Busan 1986-10-15 2016-07-01명칭 및 번호 변경 [ 247] 234 Transcription of Saddharmapundarika Sutra The Lotus Sutra in Silver on Indigo Paper [ko ] 감지은니묘법연화경 紺紙銀泥妙法蓮華經 Yongsan District , Seoul 1986-11-29 2010-08-25 renamed [ 248] 235 Transcription of Avatamsaka SutraThe Flower Garland Sutra in Gold on Indigo Paper [ko ] 감지금니대방광불화엄경보현행원품 紺紙金泥大方廣佛華嚴經普賢行願品 Yongsan District , Seoul 1986-11-29 [ 249] 236 West Five-story Stone Pagoda in Janghang-ri, Gyeongju [ko ] 경주 장항리 서 오층석탑 慶州 獐項里 西 五層石塔 Gyeongju , North Gyeongsang 1987-03-09 2010-12-27 renamed [ 250] 237 Folding Screen of Gosan gugok sihwadoPoems and Paintings of the Nine Scenic Valleys of Gosan [ko ] 고산구곡시화도 병풍 高山九曲詩畵圖 屛風 Jongno District , Seoul 1987-07-16 [ 251] 238 Sowon hwagaecheopCalligraphy by Prince Anpyeong [ko ] 소원화개첩 小苑花開帖 Jongno District , Seoul 1987-07-16 [ 252] 239 Portrait of Song Si-yeol [ko ] 송시열 초상 宋時烈 肖像 Yongsan District , Seoul 1987-12-26 [ 253] 240 Self-portrait by Yun Du-seo [ko ] 윤두서 자화상 尹斗緖 自畵像 Haenam County , South Jeolla 1987-12-26 [ 254] 241 Maha prajnaparamita Sutra Perfection of Transcendental Wisdom, the First Tripitaka Koreana Edition, Volume 249 [ko ] 초조본 대반야바라밀다경 권249 初雕本 大般若波羅蜜多經 卷二百四十九 Yongin , Gyeonggi 1988-06-16 2010-08-25 renamed [ 255] 242 Silla Monument in Bongpyeong-ri, Uljin [ko ] 울진 봉평리 신라비 蔚珍 鳳坪里 新羅碑 Uljin County , North Gyeongsang 1988-11-04 2010-12-27 renamed [ 256] 243 Prakaranaryavaca Sastra Acclamation of the Holy Teaching, the First Tripitaka Koreana Edition, Volume 11 [ko ] 초조본 현양성교론 권11 初雕本 顯揚聖敎論 卷十一 Yongsan District , Seoul 1988-12-28 2010-08-25 renamed [ 257] 244 Yogacarabhumi Sastra Discourse on the Stages of Yogic Practice, the First Tripitaka Koreana Edition, Volume 17 [ko ] 초조본 유가사지론 권17 初雕本 瑜伽師地論 卷第十七 Yongin , Gyeonggi 1988-12-28 2010-08-25 renamed [ 258] 245 Index of Tripitaka, the First Tripitaka Koreana Edition, Volume 20 [ko ] 초조본 신찬일체경원품차록 권20 初雕本 新纘一切經源品次綠 卷二十 Yongsan District , Seoul 1988-12-28 2010-08-25 renamed [ 259] 246 Maharatnakuta Sutra Sutra of the Great Accumulation of Treasures, the First Tripitaka Koreana Edition, Volume 59 [ko ] 초조본 대보적경 권59 初雕本 大寶積經 卷五十九 Yongsan District , Seoul 1988-12-28 2010-08-25 renamed [ 260] 247 Gilt-bronze Standing Bodhisattva from Uidang-myeon, Gongju [ko ] 공주의당금동보살입상 公州儀堂金銅菩薩立像 Gongju , South Chungcheong 1989-04-10 [ 261] 248 Joseon bangyeok jido Map of the Korean Territory [ko ] 조선방역지도 朝鮮方域之圖 Gwacheon , Gyeonggi 1989-08-01 [ 262] 249-1 Donggwoldo (The Eastern Palaces) 동궐도 東闕圖 Seongbuk District , Seoul 1989-08-01 2012-11-13 번호변경 [ 263] 249-2 Donggwoldo (The Eastern Palaces) 동궐도 東闕圖 Seo District, Busan 1989-08-01 2012-11-13 번호변경 [ 264] 250 Certificate of Meritorious Subject Issued to Yi Won-gil [ko ] 이원길 개국원종공신녹권 李原吉 開國原從功臣錄券 Seodaemun District , Seoul 1989-08-01 2010-08-25 renamed [ 265] 251 Mahayana abhidharma samucchaya vyakhya Collection of the Mahayana Abhidharma, the First Tripitaka Koreana Edition, Volume 14 [ko ] 초조본 대승아비달마잡집론 권14 初雕本 大乘阿毗達磨雜集論 卷十四 Seodaemun District , Seoul 1989-08-01 2010-08-25 renamed [ 266] 252 Celadon Prunus Vase with Incised Lotus Design and Inscription of "Hyomun" [ko ] 청자 음각'효문'명 연화문 매병 靑磁 陰刻'孝文'銘 蓮花文 梅甁 Yongsan District , Seoul 1990-05-21 [ 267] 253 Celadon Bowl with Silver Lip, Lotus and Scroll Design in Relief, and Inlaid Peony Design [ko ] 청자 양각연화당초상감모란문 은테 발 靑磁 陽刻蓮花唐草象嵌牡丹文 銀釦 鉢 Yongsan District , Seoul 1990-05-21 [ 268] 254 Celadon Lidded Prunus Vase with Incised Lotus Design [ko ] 청자 음각연화문 유개매병 靑磁 陰刻蓮花文 有蓋梅甁 Seocho District , Seoul 1990-05-21 [ 269] 255 Bronze Bells from Deoksan Presumed [ko ] 전 덕산 청동방울 일괄 傳 德山 靑銅鈴一括 Yongsan District , Seoul 1990-05-21 [ 270] 256 Avatamsaka Sutra The Flower Garland Sutra, Zhou Version, the First Tripitaka Koreana Edition, Volume 1 [ko ] 초조본 대방광불화엄경 주본 권1 初雕本 大方廣佛華嚴經 周本 卷一 Yongin , Gyeonggi 1990-09-20 2010-08-25 renamed [ 271] 257 Avatamsaka Sutra The Flower Garland Sutra, Zhou Version, the First Tripitaka Koreana Edition, Volume 29 [ko ] 초조본 대방광불화엄경 주본 권29 初雕本 大方廣佛華嚴經 周本 卷二十九 Danyang County , North Chungcheong 1990-09-20 2010-08-25 renamed [ 272] 258 White Porcelain Octagonal Bottle with Bamboo Design in Underglaze Cobalt Blue [ko ] 백자 청화죽문 각병 白磁 靑畵竹文 角甁 Yongsan District , Seoul 1991-01-25 [ 273] 259 Buncheong Jar with Inlaid Cloud and Dragon Design [ko ] 분청사기 상감운룡문 항아리 粉靑沙器 象嵌雲龍文 立壺 Yongsan District , Seoul 1991-01-25 [ 274] 260 Buncheong Turtle-shaped Bottle with Sgraffito Peony Design in Underglaze Iron [ko ] 분청사기 박지철채모란문 자라병 粉靑沙器 剝地鐵彩牡丹文 扁甁 Yongsan District , Seoul 1991-01-25 [ 275] 261 White Porcelain Lidded Jar [ko ] 백자 유개항아리 白磁 有蓋壺 Yongsan District , Seoul 1991-01-25 [ 276] 262 White Porcelain Moon Jar [ko ] 백자 달항아리 白磁 壺 Yongin , Gyeonggi 1991-01-25 [ 277] 263 White Porcelain Jar with Landscape, Flower and Bird Design in Underglaze Cobalt Blue [ko ] 백자 청화산수화조문 항아리 白磁 靑畵山水花鳥文 立壺 Yongin , Gyeonggi 1991-01-25 [ 278] 264 Silla Monument in Naengsu-ri, Pohang [ko ] 포항 냉수리 신라비 浦項 冷水里 新羅碑 Pohang , North Gyeongsang 1991-03-15 2010-12-27 renamed [ 279] 265 Avatamsaka Sutra The Flower Garland Sutra, Zhou Version, the First Tripitaka Koreana Edition, Volume 13 [ko ] 초조본 대방광불화엄경 주본 권13 初雕本 大方廣佛華嚴經 周本 卷十三 Jongno District , Seoul 1991-07-12 2010-08-25 renamed [ 280] 266 Avatamsaka Sutra The Flower Garland Sutra, Zhou Version, the First Tripitaka Koreana Edition, Volumes 2 and 75 [ko ] 초조본 대방광불화엄경 주본 권2,75 初雕本 大方廣佛華嚴經 周本 卷二, 七十五 Gwanak District , Seoul 1991-07-12 2010-08-25 renamed [ 281] 267 Abhidharma vijnana kaya pada Sastra Discourse on Consciousness Body, the First Tripitaka Koreana Edition, Volume 12 [ko ] 초조본 아비달마식신족론 권12 初雕本 阿毗達磨識身足論 卷十二 Gwanak District , Seoul 1991-07-12 2010-08-25 renamed [ 282] 268 Abhidharma vibhasa Sastra Explanatory of the Abhidharma, the First Tripitaka Koreana Edition, Volumes 11 and 17 [ko ] 초조본 아비담비파사론 권11, 17 初雕本 阿毗曇毗婆沙論 卷十一, 十七 Gwanak District , Seoul 1991-07-12 2010-08-25 renamed [ 283] 269 Ardhasatika prajnaparamita Sutra, the First Tripitaka Koreana Edition, Volume 6 [ko ] 초조본 불설최상근본대락금강불공삼매대교왕경 권6 初雕本 佛說最上根本大樂金剛不空三昧大敎王經 卷六 Gwanak District , Seoul 1991-07-12 2010-08-25 renamed [ 284] 270 Celadon Water Dropper in the Shape of Mother and Baby Monkeys [ko ] 청자 모자원숭이모양 연적 靑磁 母子猿形 硯滴 Seongbuk District , Seoul 1992-04-20 [ 285] 271 Prakaranaryavaca Sastra Acclamation of the Holy Teaching, the First Tripitaka Koreana Edition, Volume 12 [ko ] 초조본 현양성교론 권12 初雕本 顯揚聖敎論 卷十二 Yongsan District , Seoul 1992-04-20 2010-08-25 renamed [ 286] 272 Yogacarabhumi Sastra Discourse on the Stages of Yogic Practice, the First Tripitaka Koreana Edition, Volume 32 초조본 유가사지론 권32 初雕本 瑜伽師地論 卷三十二 Yongsan District , Seoul 1992-04-20 2010-08-25 renamed [ 287] 273 Yogacarabhumi Sastra Discourse on the Stages of Yogic Practice, the First Tripitaka Koreana Edition, Volume 15 초조본 유가사지론 권15 初雕本 瑜伽師地論 卷十五 Yongsan District , Seoul 1992-07-28 2010-08-25 renamed [ 288] 274 Gwihambyeolhwangja Rifle Barrel [ko ] 귀함별황자총통 龜艦別黃字銃筒1596年造 Changwon , South Gyeongsang 1992-09-04 1996-08-31 removed [ 289] 275 Earthenware Horn Cup in the Shape of a Warrior on Horseback [ko ] 도기 기마인물형 뿔잔 陶器 騎馬人物形 角杯 Gyeongju , North Gyeongsang 1993-01-15 [ 290] 276