Nayla Tamraz

Nayla Tamraz is a Lebanese writer, art critic, curator, researcher and professor of Literature and Art History at Saint Joseph University of Beirut.[1] She obtained her PhD in Comparative Literature (Literature and Art) from the New Sorbonne University (Paris III) in 2004.[2]

Nayla Tamraz

Professional path


Along with teaching Literature and Art History, Nayla Tamraz has also been, from 2008 to 2017, the Chair of the French Literature Department at Saint Joseph University of Beirut.[1] In 2010, she designed, proposed and launched the MA and PhD program in Art Criticism and Curatorial Studies that she heads.[3] Nayla Tamraz has also designed, organized, curated and co-curated several cultural events including the symposium "Littérature, Art et Monde Contemporain: Récits, Histoire, Mémoire" (2014, Beirut)[4] and the exhibition "Poetics, Politics, Places" that took place in Tucumán, Argentina, from September to December 2017, in the frame of the International Biennale of Contemporary Art of South America (BienalSur).[5]

Research field


Nayla Tamraz' current research explores the issues related to the comparative theory and aesthetics of literature and art, which brings her to the topics of history, memory and narratives in literature and art in post-war Lebanon.[6] Since 2014, she's been developing a multi-disciplinary seminar and research platform on the paradigm of modernity. Her research leads her to question the relationship between poetics and politics as well as the representations associated with the notion of territory.




  • Proust Portrait Peinture, Paris, Orizons, 2010
  • Littérature, art et monde contemporain: récits, histoire, mémoire, Beirut, Presses de l'USJ, 2015

Co-edited issue


Co-editor, with Claire Launchbury, special issue of the Contemporary French and Francophone studies entitled War, Memory, Amnesia: Postwar Lebanon, Routledge, volume 18, issue No. 5, 2014

Collective works

  • "Dreaming History", in Essays and Stories on Photography in Lebanon, Beyrouth : Kaph publisher, 2018, pp. 297-299.
  • "Le topos de la ruine chez Ayman Baalbaki" in Ayman Baalbaki face au KO, Paris : Norma Edition, 2022.
  • "Itinéraire dans l’art d’Art d’Ayman Baalbaki » (“A journey in the art of Ayman Baalbaki”) in The World in the Image of Man, Le Monde à l’image de l’homme, Catalogue du Pavillon libanais de la 59ème biennale de Venise, Paris : Skira, 2022.
  • Anthologie des littératures de langue française, sous la direction de Mzago Dokhtourichvili, Ilia State University Press, Tbilissi 2022, pp. 335-372.
  • "Journal des temps de l’après" in Plastik, revue de l’Institut Acte, unité de recherche de l’Université Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne, 2024.

Academic articles and Texts

  • "Le poème de Jad Hatem ou une poétique de la révélation" in Acanthe, French literature publications, Saint Joseph University, volume 19, 2001, pp. 73–79.
  • "Le patriarche di Grado exorcisant un possédé dans Albertine disparue" in Acanthe, French literature publications, Saint Joseph University, volume 20, 2002, pp. 19–32
  • "Transgression et littérature" in Acanthe, French literature publications, Saint Joseph University, volume 21-22, 2003–2004, pp. 337–363
  • "Miss Sacripant d'Elstir: leçon d'art, leçon de vie" in Travaux et jours, Saint Joseph University, No. 75, 2005, pp. 171–210
  • "Le corps foudroyé dans Figures de la foudre: Méditations poétiques sur trois sculptures de Réthy Tambourji de Jad Hatem" in Plaisance, Rivista quadrimestrale di letteratura francese moderna e contemporanea, Rome, No. 10, 4th year, 2007, pp. 117–130
  • "L'image dans le texte: Albertine comme sujet pictural dans À la recherche du temps perdu de Marcel Proust" in Acanthe, French literature publications, Saint Joseph University, volume 24-25, 2006–2007, pp. 133–166
  • "La géographie subjective dans quelques romans de Richard Millet" in Travaux et jours, Saint Joseph University, No. 81, 2008–2009, pp. 65–73
  • "Pour une poétique de l'interpicturalité" in Acanthe, French literature publications, Saint Joseph University, volume 26-27, 2008–2009, pp. 109–121
  • "Sympathie et système de valeurs: pour une réception de La Confession négative de Richard Millet" in Littératures, No. 63, 2011, Presses universitaires du Mirail, pp. 111–124
  • "Le roman contemporain libanais et la guerre" in Contemporary French and Francophone Studies/ War, Memory, Amnesia: Postwar Lebanon, Routledge, volume 18, issue No. 5, 2014, pp. 462–469
  • "Philippe de Champaigne et Blaise Pascal: dans l'enceinte de Port-Royal" in Acanthe, French literature publications, Saint Joseph University, volume 33, 2015, pp. 101–113
  • "Pour une lecture de la ruine: Berytus de Rabee Jaber et Attempt 137 to Map the Drive de Jalal Toufic et Grazielle Rizkallah Toufic" in Littérature, art et monde contemporain: récits, histoire, mémoire, Beirut, Presses de l'USJ, pp. 201–221
  • "Georges Schehadé: The Available Landscape" in The Place That Remains: Recounting the Un-built Territory, Lausanne, Skira, 2018, p. 166

Texts on art and catalogues

  • Ayman Baalbaki's Mythological City, Beirut, Alarm Editions, 2009
  • "Experiencing the Mountain", Where I End and You Begin: Experiencing the Mountain, photographies by Nadim Asfar, May 2016
  • "Money", Sifr, Hady Sy, January 2017
  • "On Marginalisation, Activism and Feminism", dialogue with Etel Adnan, Lamia Joreige and Tagreed Darghouth, in Selections, No. 42, September 2017, pp. 48–61
  • Poetics, Politics, Places, Catalogue, November 2017
  • Mapping the City” in Saradar Collection Art Essays, online publication, May 2020, 15 pages.* "Habiter les interstices", Habiter les interstices : Beyrouth, les artistes et la ville, January 2022
  • "Habiter les interstices", Habiter les interstices : Beyrouth, les artistes et la ville, January 2022* “A journey in the art of Ayman Baalbaki” in The World in the Image of Man, Lebanese Pavilion of the 59th Venice Biennale, Skira, 2022
  • “Farroukh to Sadek: from excess to presence”, walid sadek paintings 2020-2022, October 2022.
  • "Study of a Cloud", "Zena Assi, Study of a Cloud", June 2023.
  • "Intermediary Spaces", "Edgard Mazigi, Intermediairy Spaces", October 2023.
  • "Journal of Times - Journal of Present Times", catalogue de l’exposition à l’usine Abroyan, Beyrouth, mars 2024.
  • "À propos des petits récits", texte de l’exposition « Sur/vie » de Nadim Karam, ESA, mai 2024.
  • "When Silent Poetry Settles on the City", texte de l’exposition “Roofs of the City” de Maral Der Boghossian, Kohar Artisan Bookbindery, Juillet 2024.

Periodical articles and interviews

  • "Quand les mots deviennent image: pour une lecture des écrits poétiques de Georgé Chaanine" in Esquisse, Art magazine, No. 3, May 2001, p. 26
  • "Alberto Giacometti, une ligne déchirant l'espace" in Esquisse, Art magazine, No. 3, May 2001, pp. 62–65
  • "Wael Shawky: la réécriture de l'histoire" in L'Art même, plastic arts chronicle of the French Community of Belgium, No. 51, 2nd quarter of 2011, p. 18
  • "Mireille Kassar, AntiNarcissus" in Art Press, No. 431, March 2016, pp. 65–68
  • "On Marginalisation, Activism and Feminism", dialogue with Etel Adnan, Lamia Joreige and Tagreed Darghouth, in Selections, No. 42, September 2017, pp. 48–61
  • "What is Art", in Selections Art Magazine, 48, mars 2019.
  • "Revelations of an extraordinary mind" in Selections Art Magazine, special issue “Being Ayman Baalbaki”, mars 2022, pp. 82-84.
  • « Antoine Tabet et ses compagnons : portrait du Liban moderne » in L’Orient littéraire, n. 209, janvier 2024, p. 3.

Weekly chronicle


Creative writing

  • Passantes, Photographs by Alain Brenas, Beirut, Presses de l'Académie libanaise des Beaux-Arts, 2013

Curatorial practice

  • Le Secret, Espace Ygreg, Les bons voisins, Paris, France, April 4-April 28, 2017 (Co-curator)[7]

Artists : Donatien Aubert, Ismail Bahri, Béatrice Balcou, Jean-Baptiste Caron, Sarah Charlesworth, Raphaël Dallaporta, Edith Dekyndt, Justine Emard, Nicolas Gourault, Gilbert Hage, Noelle Kahanu,Violaine Lochu, Aurel Porté, Shooshie Sulaiman, Jeanne Susplugas, Francisco Tropa, Melvin Way

  • Poetics, Politics, Places, Timoteo Navarro Museum, Tucumán, Argentina, September–December 2017: In the frame of the International Biennale of Contemporary Art of South America (Curator)[8]

Artists: Saliba Douaihy, Etel Adnan, Mireille Kassar, Gilbert Hage, Cynthia Zaven, Nadim Asfar, Danièle Genadry, Saba Innab.

  • Habiter les interstices : Beyrouth, les artistes et la ville, Galerie Michel Journiac, Paris, France, January 2022 (co-curator)

Artists: Ali Cherri, Sirine Fattouh, Joana Hadjithomas et Khalil Joreige, Mireille Kassar, Marwan Moujaes, Thomas Van Reghem, Paola Yacoub, Maha Yammine

  • "Ways of Vanishing”, Sursock Museum, Beirut, November 2023, in the frame of the contemporary art biennial of South America (BienalSur) (co-curator)

Artists : Marwa Arsanios (LBN), Ecem Arslanay (TUR) and Yigit Tanel Kaçar (ITA/TUR), Louise Botkay (BRA), Ali Cherri (LBN), Özden Demir (TUR), Fouad Elkhoury (LBN), Sirine Fattouh (LBN), Ahmad Ghossein (LBN), Aylin Gökmen (CHE/TUR), Joana Hadjithomas (LBN) and Khalil Joreige (LBN), Ghassan Halwani (LBN), Rafael Hastings (PER), Laura Huertas Millán (COL/FRA), Lamia Joreige (LBN), Mireille K assar (LBN), Florencia Levy (ARG), Los Ingrávidos (MEX), Omar Mismar (LBN), Óscar Muñoz (COL), Dala Nasser (LBN), Nour Ouayda (LBN), Paul Rosero Contre-ras (ECU), Ana Vaz (BRA), Maya Watanabe (PER), Paola Yacoub (LBN) and Michel Lasserre (FRA), Müge YIldiz (TUR), Akram Zaatari (LBN), Cynthia Zaven (LBN).

  • "Journal of Times – Journal of Present Times”, Abroyan Factory, Beirut, march 2024 (curator)

Artist : Nadim Karam


  1. ^ a b "Nayla Tamraz : Biographie, Bibliographie, articles". Retrieved 13 February 2022.
  2. ^ Tamraz, Nayla (2004). L'Inscription du portrait-tableau dans À la recherche du temps perdu de Marcel Proust (1871-1922). (Thesis).
  3. ^ "[USJ - Formation] - Formations et cursus". Archived from the original on 2015-10-23. Retrieved 2017-08-18.
  4. ^ "Un colloque sur la littérature, l'art et le monde contemporain à l'USJ, Agenda Culturel". Archived from the original on 2017-08-16. Retrieved 2017-08-17.
  5. ^ "Tucumán será parte de la BienalSur".
  6. ^ Tamraz, Nayla (2014). "Le Roman Contemporain Libanais et la Guerre : Récit, Histoire, Mémoire". Contemporary French and Francophone Studies. 18 (5): 462–469. doi:10.1080/17409292.2014.976368. S2CID 192120661.
  7. ^ "Les 5 expos à ne pas rater cette semaine".
  8. ^ "Bienalsur". Archived from the original on 2017-04-03. Retrieved 2017-08-23.
  • USJ: Master Professionnel en critique d’art et curatoriat, Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines
  • Le Roman Contemporain Libanais et la Guerre : Récit, Histoire, Mémoire